Programmes Available
Under Graduate Programme
B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering
4 Years Course
Course Description
This course is the application of science and mathematics to practical problems in the field of electronics and communications.
Post Graduate Programme
M.E Embedded System Technologies
2 Years Course
Course Description
A Post Graduate course enabling the optimized design and verification of complex super-systems in embedded system technologies.
We are design thinkers
- Ms.S.Kavibarathi,IV ECE A, participated in Ideation process Level-1& 2 in Tamil Nadu state innovation (TNSI) competition 2018.
- Mr.E.Sivanandham and Team - won III Prize in Project contest by NASSCOM.
- Ms.Anupriya won the II Prize in RC BOAT at GCE
- Ms.Preetha and team won –II Prize Robotics League Competition
- Mr.G.Aravinthkumar II Prize in National round of Indo- US Robo League Level
- Mr.G.Aravinthkumar won the III Prize in State level technical project exhibition – AICTE IPS
- Ms. Y.Divya got internship in NITI Aayog, MHRD
- Mr.Surveswaran got Internship at Seatronics Pte Limited Singapore
- V.S.Sangeetha won I Prize in International level yoga competition
- Ms.S.Yazhini, Mr.V.Santhosh & B.Sivaranjani won prizes Athlete at Zonal level
- Mr. Arivunidhi cleared the exam in Tamilnadu state Basketball association for Referee on 07.12.2017
- Ms.Poornima won HICOMMODATION - MUN award at SOA university, Odissa
- Mr.R.Sathish and Team- II Prize in Short Film competition- Robert Bosch Ms.S.Yazhini
- Ms.S.Yazhini won II Prize in National level Athlete
- Ms. Shanthini & Team have received the Fund from TNSCST-2019
- Ms.Yuvapriya & Team have received “ Best paper Award” world Journal of Technology Engineering and Research 2018 on 12.03.2018
- Industry sponsored laboratory 1. SNS-TI Innovation lab(4.8 Lakhs) 2. e Yantra lab(1.87 Lakhs) 3.AICTE-AQIS MODROB 2 Lakhs
- Fund's received by department 1. Fund sanctioned from MHRD-UBA : 5 Lakhs 2. Fund from AICTE -QIS-FDP :6.6 Lakhs
- Students and faculties participated in technical events at various states like kerala, Odisa, Delhi, West Bengal and Bombay "KOVAI WONDER WOMAN AWARD (2018-19)-The New Indian Express FIRSTPRENUER ( 2018-19) – Media works"
- NPTEL Courses by faculty : 5
- Mr.Jeevanathan & team participated won best project Institute of Engineering Research conference 2018
- Mr.Jeevanathan & team have received the Fund from TNSCST 2018
- Mr.Barathwaj, Mr.Chandru, Mr.Boopati and Mr.Sabari has completed eYIC 1st Level conducted by IIT Bombay
- Mr.Deepan, Ms.Devamanjula, Ms.Gethasri and Mr.Logeshwaren has completed eYIC 1st Level conducted by IIT Bombay
- Ms.Nivethika IV ECE and team got selected to quarter finals at TI –IICDC in the title of “Snazzy display” under the guidance of Mr.G.Sathya, AP/ECE.
- Ms. Mithra received Queen of Handloom Award in Coimbatore at PSG college on 24 Augest 2019
- Mr.R.Arunprasath, Ms.M.Ashika and Ms.A.Mohanapriya have participated in semi final Chhatra Vishwakarma Award project competition conducted by AICTE at Hindusthan Institute of Technology and Science , Chennai on 18.12.2019.
- DT team have won the cash prize and received Innovation thinker award
- Design thinking team have got Best Money maker award
- "4 Students from ECE visited the leading universities National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technical University, Curtin University and Singapore University of Technology and Design in June 2018"
- International Conference - Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized “ICCCNT'12 " 26th to 28th July 2012.
- National Conference- Communication & Advanced Research in Electronics , Embedded System & Robotics. Resource Person :Dr.U.S.Raupathy (HOD/EI, Kongu Engineering College), Dr.Christoper Asir (Professor,Pondicerry Engg College), Dr.C.Ramesh (Igate Patni,Bangalore), Dr.S.Suresh Kumar (Dean/ECE-Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology), Dr.S.Chandramathi(Dean.ECE-Hindusthan College of Engg), Dr.H.Mangalam(HOD/ECE, SKCET)
university ranks
students placed
industry projects
CLUB activities
mous signed
Land in your dream JOb
placement highlights
We inherit a rich legacy of meeting student aspirations and providing them with the best of Placements by finest recruiters in our core discipline. Here is our few prospective students who got placed in highly reputed companies with decent package.
S. No | Company Name | Salary Package LPA |
No. of Offers | Company Type | Drive Date |
1 | Aaris Cadd Technology | 1.64 | 4 | core | 15.10.2018 |
2 | Alpha Associate | 1.86 | 29 | core | 12.10.2018 |
3 | Amazon | 1.87 | 4 | ITS | 08.02.2019 |
4 | Exide Life Insurance | 1.4 | 5 | INSURANCE | 19.12.2018 |
5 | Focus Edumatic | 1.4 | 11 | IT | 26.10.2018 |
6 | Future General India | 0.96 | 3 | INSURANCE | 16.10.2018 |
7 | Idbi | 1.8 | 12 | INSURANCE | 25.09.2018 |
8 | Info Design | 2.32 | 2 | IT | 19.09.2018 |
9 | Infosys | 3.5 | 3 | IT | 10.11.2018 |
10 | Kgisl | 1.44 | 2 | ITS | 08.02.2019 |
11 | M/S Caliber Interconnect Solutions P Ltd | 2.16 | 3 | CORE | 29.09.2018 |
12 | Max Bupa Health Insurance | 1.44 | 2 | INSURANCE | 08.02.2019 |
13 | Prematix | 2.5 | 1 | IT | 28.12.2019 |
14 | Robert Bosch | 5 | 2 | CORE | 27.09.2018 |
15 | Starberry | 2.5 | 1 | IT | 24.01.2019 |
16 | Tiyan Info Tech | 1.96 | 5 | ITS | 15.10.2018 |
17 | Verticurl | 3.25 | 1 | ITS | 1.12.2018 |
18 | Vvdn | 3.5 | 1 | CORE | 22.12.2018 |