To ensure proper performance of the various duties in conducting examinations

About us
SNS College of Engineering, established in the year 2007 by SNS Charitable Trust, has been granted Autonomous status by UGC, New Delhi and Anna University, Chennai effect from the academic year 2019-20 for 10 years. The activities of the Office of Controller of Examinations (CoE) became vibrant thereafter in a confidential manner. The CoE office has state of art infrastructure facilities including Confidential Room, Strong Room, Dummy Numbering Room, Valuation Hall and Exam Conduction Center. The office is powered with latest CoE software to support all the activities in its versatility.
To ensure confidentiality in the process of the examination / evaluation among students, Faculty, Parent and other stakeholders of the Institute.
To increase transparent policies in assessments with the use of latest technologies
To declare results in the shortest possible time
Recent Circulars
Nov / Dec 2021
Nov / Dec 2021
Nov / Dec 2021
Team members
Controller of examination
Design thinking CURRICULUM
Regulation (2019) & DT – Curriculum (Autonomous)
UG Regulations – Revised – 2019:
B.E.-Computer Science & Engineering
B.E.-Computer Science & Technology
B.E.-Mechanical Engineering
B.E.-Electronics & Communication Engineerng
B.E.-Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E.-Computer Science & Design
B.Tech.-Information Technology
B. Tech.-Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
B.E CSE (IOT & CS including BCT)
board of studies
The Board of Studies is constituted as per the UGC guidelines with the following members
*as per the UGC Guidelines
Functions of the Board of Studies:
- Prepare curriculum & syllabi for various courses keeping in view the objectives of the college, interest of the stakeholders and national requirement for consideration and approval of the Academic Council;
- Suggest methodologies for innovative teaching and evaluation techniques;
- Suggest panel of names to the Academic Council for appointment of examiners;
- Coordinate research, teaching, extension and other academic activities in the college

board members
Mechanical Engineering Board
# | Composition of Board of Studies | Name and Designation |
1 | Head of the Department (Chairman) | Dr.R.Sudhakaran , Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Engineering |
2 | Two Subject Experts from outside the Parent University | 1. Dr.T.Venugopal, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical & Building Science, VIT- Chennai Campus, Chennai 600048 2. Dr.K.M.Mini, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore 641112 |
3 | One expert | Dr.M.Palanikumar, Professor, PSG College of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore 641004. |
4 | Representative from Industry | Dr.A.Sudhakar, Chief Consultant Dimensions, 57 Krishnasamy Mudhiliyar Street, Brook Bond Road, R.S.Puram, Coimbatore-641002 |
5 | Meritorious Alumni | Mrs.S.Briundha Devi, M.E., Assistant Engineer (Industries), District Industries Centre, Annuparpalayampudhur, Tiruppur:641652 |
Science & Humanities
# | Composition of Board of Studies | Name and Designation |
1 | Head of the Department (Chairman) | Prof.P.GaneshKumar, Department of Chenmistry, Assistant Professor, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore. |
2 | Two Subject Experts from outside the Parent University | 1. Dr. P. T. Hemamalini, Professor and Head, Faculty of Engineering, Karpagam academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore. 2. Dr. M. G. Priya, Professor & Head, Department of English, Amrita Visva Peedam, Ettimadai, Coimbatore - 641112. |
3 | One expert | Dr.S. Marshal Anthoni, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics, Anna University Regional Centre, Coimbatore. |
4 | Representative from Industry | Mr. Prasanth Mithran, Head of Operations, PST Info Solutions, 94A, 115, Valluvar St, Sivananda Colony, Tatabad, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641012. |
5 | Meritorious Alumni | Mr. Gowtham Chakravarthi M.E., Director, Dhanvee Info Tech Private Limited, G. N. Mills, Coimbatore – 641029. |
Master of business administration
# | Composition of Board of Studies | Name and Designation |
1 | Head of the Department (Chairman) | Dr.R.Anitha, Associate Professor & HOD, Master of Business Administration, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore 641107 |
2 | Two Subject Experts from outside the Parent University | 1. Dr. A. Ravi, Director, Academics, Koshys Group of Institution, Bangalore University, Bangalore 562149 2. Dr.K.T.Vijaykarthigeyan, Associate Professor, School of Management, SRM University, Chennai 603203 |
3 | One expert | Dr. D. Sudharani Ravindran, Professor, PSGIM, Coimbatore. 641004. |
4 | Representative from Industry | Mr. Mothilal Sivasubramaniam, Director – Operations, Spero Mobility & Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore |
5 | Meritorious Alumni | Mr.B.Sabari Rajan, Senior Business Analyst, Ford Motors Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore |
CSE,CST,CSD, AI &DS, IT,ECE , CSE (IoT & Cybersecurity including Blockchain Technology), EEE
# | Composition of Board of Studies | Name and Designation |
1 | Head of the Department (Chairman) | Dr. P. Gnanasundari, Professor, Department of ECE, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore. |
2 | Two Subject Experts from outside the Parent University | 1. Dr. B. Surendiran, Associate Dean, National Institute of Technology 2. Dr. Nandhakumar, ME, PhD, Associate Professor / ECE, School of Electronics Engineering , VIT University, Vellore |
3 | One expert | Dr. A. Rajeswari, Professor & Head, Coimbatore Institute of Technology |
4 | Representative from Industry | Ms. Jothi Sekaran, Senior Project Manager, HP Inc, Pritech Park , Eco Space, Bangalore. |
5 | Meritorious Alumni | Mr.P.Gowtham, JRF, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |

Academic council
framed as per the UGC Guidelines
The Academic Council is governing body of the Institute and subjected to Interconnect the standards of education, teaching, learning, training, collaboration, research and examinations with in the Institute. We exercise and perform duties imposed by UGC guidelines and Policies.
- Scrutinize and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures relevant thereto etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on any proposal, it shall have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
- Make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of study in the college keeping in view the policy of the Government.
- Make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
- Recommend to the Governing Body proposals for institution of new programmes of study.
- Recommend to the Governing Body institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
- Advise the Governing Body on suggestions(s) pertaining to academic affairs made by it.
- Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing body
council members
# | Composition of Board of Studies | Name and Designation |
1 | The Principal (Chairman) | Dr. S. Charles, Professor and Principal, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore. |
2 | All the Heads of Departments in the college | 1. Dr. K.Periyakaruppan, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2. Dr. P.Gnanasundari, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 3. Dr. Jebarani, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4. Dr. R.Sudhakaran, Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering 5. Prof. P.Sumathi, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology 6. Dr. R. Anitha, Associate Professor & HOD, Master of Business Administration 7. Prof.P.GaneshKumar, Department of Chenmistry, Assistant Professor, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore |
3 | Three nominees of the university | 1. Dr. K.Palanivelu, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai 2. Dr.M.Chandra Sekar, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Anna University, Chennai. 3. Dr.G.Kalpana, Professor, Department of Physics, Anna University, Chennai. |
4 | Teachers of the college representing different categories | 1. Dr.A.Kowshika, Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology & Controller of Examinations 2. Mr.K.M. Eazhil, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
5 | Experts/academicians from outside the college | 1. Dr.B.Sampathkumar, Former Principal & Secretary, PSG INSTITUTION, Coimbatore. 2. Mr.R.Rajendran, Assistant Manager, Pricol Ltd., Coimbatore. |
6 | Member Secretary | Dr. R.Sudhakaran, Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore |