research publications
- Ramanathan, S., Vinod, B., Narayanasamy, P., Anandajothi, M. Dry Sliding Wear Mechanism Maps of Al–7Si–0.3Mg Hybrid Composite: Novel Approach of Agro-Industrial Waste Particles to Reduce Cost of Material (2019) Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, 5 (2), art. no. 32, .
- Arun, C.A., Periasamy, P. Design of eight parallel 512-point MDF FFT/IFFT processor for WPAN applications (2019) Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 28 (5), art. no. 1950088, .
- Jayakumar, S., Poongkothai, J., Venkatesan, G.K.D.P., Sakthivel, P., Subramaniam, K. Thermal plasma processing of spherical ZnOnano powders (2019) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2100, art. no. 020035, .
- Arumugham, K., Chenniappan, V. Least Mobility High Power (LMHP) Dynamic Routing for QoS Development in Manet (2019) Wireless Personal Communications, 105 (1), pp. 355-368.
- Harish, R., Karthick, R.Optimized design and control of a stand-alone hybrid power system using modified cuckoo search algorithm (2019) International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8 (5s), pp. 642-651.
- Roopa Chandrika, R., Karthik, S., Karthikeyan, N. A study on image segmentation in curvelet domain using snakes and fractals for cancer detection in mammograms(2019) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 898, pp. 741-749.
- Vinod, B., Ramanathan, S., Anandajothi, M. Constitutive Equation and Processing Maps of Al-7Si-0.3 Mg Hybrid Composites: a Novel Approach to Reduce Cost of Material by Using Agro-Industrial Wastes (2019) Silicon, . Article in Press.
- Pichamuthu, R., Periasamy, P. High speed, high-reliability edge combiner frequency multiplier for silicon on chip (2019) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 521, pp. 311-316.
- Selvanayaki, K.S., Somasundaram, R., Shyamala Devi, J. Detection and recognition of vehicle using principal component analysis (2019) Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, 30, pp. 1003-1015.
- Arun, C. A.; Periasamy, Prakasam, Design of Eight Parallel 512-Point MDF FFT/IFFT Processor for WPAN Applications, JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Article Number: 1950088 Published: MAY 2019.
- Arumugham, Kowshika; Chenniappan, Vivekanandan, Least Mobility High Power (LMHP) Dynamic Routing for QoS Development in MANET, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 105 Issue: 1 Pages: 355-368 Published: MAR 2019
- Kala, I., Kalaiselvi, K., Manivannan, K. Reduced Geocast Overhead Using Max-Heap Geocast Gateway in MANET (2018) ICSNS 2018 - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security, art. no. 8573645.
- Budding Novel Applications in agriculture Victimization data processing (2018) ICSNS 2018 - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security, art. no. 8573617,
- Bala Anand, M., Karthikeyan, N., Karthick, S., Sivaparthipan, C.B. Demonetization: A Visual Exploration and Pattern Identification of People Opinion on Tweets (2018) ICSNS 2018 - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security, art. no. 8573616, . Cited 5 times.
- Kumar, K.A., Karthikeyan, N., Karthick, S. Statistical Analysis of Big Data to Improvise Health Care (2018) ICSNS 2018 - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security, art. no. 8573653.
- Saraswathi, P., Makeswari, M. Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange dye using chitosan alumina composite under sunlight irradiation (2018) Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 22 (12), pp. 49-53.
- Shanmuga Priya, S., Karthika, M., Selvasekarapandian, S., Manjuladevi, R. Preparation and characterization of polymer electrolyte based on biopolymer I-Carrageenan with magnesium nitrate (2018) Solid State Ionics, 327, pp. 136-149. Cited 2 times.
- Shanmuga Priya, S., Karthika, M., Selvasekarapandian, S., Manjuladevi, R., Monisha, S. Study of biopolymer I-carrageenan with magnesium perchlorate (2018) Ionics, 24 (12), pp. 3861-3875. Cited 3 times.
- Kumar, L.S., Selvin, P.C., Selvasekarapandian, S., Manjuladevi, R., Monisha, S., Perumal, P. Tamarind seed polysaccharide biopolymer membrane for lithium-ion conducting battery (2018) Ionics, 24 (12), pp. 3793-3803. Cited 5 times.
- Annamalai, S., Kumaresan, M., Venkatesan, G.K.D.P. A low profile higher band IOT antenna for security applications (2018) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2039, art. no. 020048.
- Manickam, P.S., Periasamy, P. Tracking the Maximum Wind Power Point using Neuro-Fuzzy Control with DFIG-BESS for Wind Energy System (2018) Proc. IEEE Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems, ICEDSS 2018, art. no. 8544358, pp. 16-20.
- Manjuladevi, R., Selvasekarapandian, S., Thamilselvan, M., Mangalam, R., Monisha, S., Selvin, P.C. A study on blend polymer electrolyte based on poly(vinyl alcohol)-poly (acrylonitrile) with magnesium nitrate for magnesium battery (2018) Ionics, 24 (11), pp. 3493-3506. Cited 4 times.
- Vinod, B., Ramanathan, S., Anandajothi, M. Effect of Organic and Inorganic Reinforcement on Tribological Behaviour of Aluminium A356 Matrix Hybrid Composite (2018) Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, 4 (3), art. no. 45, . Cited 2 times.
- Sivasankari, B., Ahilan, A., Jothin, R., Jasmine Gnana Malar, A. Reliable N sleep shuffled phase damping design for ground bouncing noise mitigation (2018) Microelectronics Reliability, 88-90, pp. 1316-1321. Cited 4 times.
- Govindaraj, B., Sarojadevi, M. Microwave-assisted synthesis of nanocomposites from polyimides chemically cross-linked with functionalized carbon nanotubes for aerospace applications (2018) Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 29 (6), pp. 1718-1726. Cited 1 time.
- Sivasakthivel, P.S., Sudhakaran, R. Modelling and optimisation of welding parameters for multiple objectives in pre-heated gas metal arc welding process using nature instigated algorithms (2018) Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, pp. 1-12. Article in Press.
- Manjuladevi, R., Selvin, P.C., Selvasekarapandian, S., Shilpa, R., Moniha, V. Lithium ion conducting biopolymer electrolyte based on pectin doped with Lithium nitrate (2018) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1942, art. no. 140075, .
- Manjuladevi, R., Thamilselvan, M., Selvasekarapandian, S., Christopher Selvin, P., Mangalam, R., Monisha, S. Preparation and characterization of blend polymer electrolyte film based on poly(vinyl alcohol)-poly(acrylonitrile)/MgCl 2 for energy storage devices (2018) Ionics, 24 (4), pp. 1083-1095. Cited 6 times.
- Pavithra, C.V., Vivekanandan, C. Bidirectional three port converter for power flow management of PV/battery-fed elevator system, (2018) Journal of Vibroengineering, 20 (1), pp. 732-747.
- Suresh, M., Narasimharaj, V., Arul Navalan, G.K., Chandra Bose, V. Effect of orientations of an irregular part in vibratory part feeders (2018) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94 (5-8), pp. 2689-2702. Cited 1 time.
- Baskaran, P., Anurag, E.G., Kaviyarasu, S., Eniyavan, A.V., Karthikeyan, M. Time slot based data sharing with time slot based password (2018) Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems, ICIIECS 2017, 2018-January, pp. 1-3.
- Saravana Kumar, C.S., Mohanapriya, M., Kalaiarasan, C. A new approach for information retrieval in semantic web mining involving weighted relationship (2018) Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems, ICIIECS 2017, 2018-January, pp. 1-4.
- Asha Priya, T., Jayasridevi, B. Integrating translation in classroom: Facilitating language skills (2018) Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 10 (1), pp. 118-127.
- Dhanabal, S., Amudhavalli, P., Prasanna Venkatesan, G.K.D. An energy efficient flexible delay tolerant network with adaptive secured framework (ASF-DTN) (2018) International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 7 (3), pp. 1299-1303.
- Kasthala, S., Venkatesan, G.K.D.P., Amudha, A. Statistical characterization of Indian residential networks for powerline communication (2018) International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 8 (6), pp. 2278-2285.
- Sivaparthipan, C.B., Karthikeyan, N., Karthik, S. Designing statistical assessment healthcare information system for diabetics analysis using big data (2018) Multimedia Tools and Applications, . Article in Press. Cited 2 times.
- Kasthala, S., Prasanna Venkatesan, G.K.D. Evaluation of channel modeling techniques for indoor power line communication (2018) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 564, pp. 577-587.
- Balaji, S., Sakthivel, M., Pasupathy, S.A., Sivakumar, P. Mitigation of nitrogen in the poultry litter to enhance biomethane production (2018) Thermal Science, 22 (6), pp. 3083-3090.
- BalaAnand, M., Karthikeyan, N., Karthik, S. Designing a Framework for Communal Software: Based on the Assessment Using Relation Modelling (2018) International Journal of Parallel Programming, . Article in Press. Cited 14 times.
- Enhanced biogas production from poultry litter by improving the carbon nitrogen ratio (2018) International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 24 (4), pp. 520-530.
- Bhavadharini, R.M., Karthik, S., Karthikeyan, N., Paul, A. Wireless Networking Performance in IoT Using Adaptive Contention Window (2018) Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018, art. no. 7248040, .
- Sathyaprakash Palaniappan, Prakasam Periasamy, Enhanced approach for wireless sensor network based on localization, time synchronization and quality of service routing, Cluster Computing, page no. 1-10, 2017.
- Sridevi.A, G.K.D. Prasanna Venkatesan, Tuberculosis Malady Recognition in Chest Radiographs via Artificial Neural Networks, IEEE international Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering (ICEICE2017), 2017.
- J Kirubakaran, GKD Prasanna Venkatesan, Performance Analysis of MIMO based ASTM-OFDM System for Indoor Communication, IEEE international Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering (ICEICE2017), 2017.
- Sathyaprakash Palaniappan, Prakasam Periasamy, Proposed Energy Efficient Multi Attribute Time Slot Scheduling Algorithm for Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 97 Issue 4, Page No 5951-5968, 2017.
- A C Sumathi, R Vidhyapriya, C Vivekanandan, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Enhancing 4G Co-existence with Wi-Fi/IoT using cognitive radio,Springer US- Cluster Computing, Page No 1-11, 2017.
- Vivekanandan Chenniappan, Prabakaran Balakrishnan , Container wind energy for wind turbines, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2017.
- M. Narendran, PeriyasamyPrakasam, An energy aware competition based clustering for cluster head selection in wireless sensor network with mobility, Cluster Computing, Page No. 1-10, 2017.
- R Manjuladevi, M Thamilselvan, S Selvasekarapandian, R Mangalam, M Premalatha, S Monisha, Mg-ion conducting blend polymer electrolyte based on poly (vinyl alcohol)-poly (acrylonitrile) with magnesium perchlorate, Elsevier-Solid State Ionics, Volume 308 Pages 90-100, 2017.
- N Thillaiarasu, S ChenthurPandian, A novel scheme for safeguarding confidentiality in public clouds for service users of cloud computing, Cluster Computing, Page No. 1-10, 2017.
- Annamalai Selvarajan, Prasanna Venkatesan G K D, Novel cloud based biomedical IOT application for future generation Wireless Networks, Research journal of biotechnology, Page no. 146-156, 2017.
- C. Latha, K. Venkatachalam, Structural, vibrational, thermal, electrical properties of PVP–PVC blend NH4SCN, Polymer Bulletin, Issue 8, 2017.
- Sridevi.A, G.K.D.Prasanna Venkatesan, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Certain Investigations on High Energy and Spectral Efficient CRAHN Based Spectrum Aggregation, Volume 14 Issue 8 Pages 3861–3866, 2017.
- PS Sivasakthivel, R Sudhakaran, S Rajeswari,Optimization and sensitivity analysis of geometrical and process parameters to reduce vibration during end milling process, Machining Science and Technology, Volume 21 Issue 3 Pages 452-473, 2017.
- M Santhana krishnan, PS Sivasakthivel, R Sudhakaran, Modeling of geometrical and machining parameters on temperature rise while machining Al 6351 using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Volume 39 Issue 2 Pages 487-496, 2017.
- Dr. J. Raja Murugadoss, K. Saranya,A. Ram Prasanth , SOIL STABILISATION USING RUBBER WASTE AND CEMENT (STANDARD PROCTOR TEST AND CBR) , International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) olume 8, Issue 6, pp. 630–639, June 2017.
- V. Vaneetha, C. Vivekanandan, Efficient Interference Prediction Using Bivariate Moment Generating Function in Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 14 Issue 1 Page No.314-320 , January 2017.
- S. Poornachandra B. Sumathy, Association of Diabetic Retinopathy with systemic organ diseases: a review (cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases), International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Volume 24 Issue 4, 2017.
- Shashidhar Kasthala, G.K.D.Prasanna Venkatesan, "Estimation of MIMO power line communication Channel capacity using multi-conductor transmission line theory", International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT), 2017.
- S. Arul Mozhi, P. Ramya, Efficient bit-parallel systolic multiplier over GF (2 m ), International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), March 2016.
- N Shyamambika, N Thillaiarasu, A survey on acquiring integrity of shared data with effective user termination in the cloud, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), July 2016.
- N. Thillaiarasu., S. ChenthurPandian, Enforcing security and privacy over multi-cloud framework using assessment techniques, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), July 2016.
- T. Thenmozhi, R.M.Somasundaram, Towards Modelling a Trusted and Secured Centralised Reputation System for VANET's, Journal Wireless Personal Communications,Volume 88 Issue 2, Page No.357-370, 2016.
- V Akshaya, T Purusothaman, Business Intelligence as a Service in Analysis of Academic Courses, Volume 11, Issue 4, Page No.2458-2467, 2016.
- K Aravindhan, B Evangeline Prasanna, A Cluster Approach in Vanet Using Collaborative Learning Automata-Based Routing,Asian Journal of Information Technology, Volume 11, Issue 4, Page No.4269-4275, 2016.
- S Jegadeesan, GKD Prasanna Venkatesan, Distant biometry in cattle farm using wireless sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), Page No.1-5, 2016.
- N. Chidambaram, P. Vikkraman, Does the propensity of overconfidence bias hinge on demographics and personality traits?, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page No. 1515-1529, 2016.
- Bhavadharini, R. M.; Karthik, S.; Karthikeyan, N., Cross-layer congestion control with efficient bandwidth allocation and dynamic window adaptation in mobile ad hoc network, Asian Journal of Information Technology Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Pages: 455-466, 2016.
- B. R. Senthil Kumar, M. Thiagarajan,and K. Chandrasekaran, Investigation of Mechanical and Wear Properties of LM24/Silicate/Fly Ash Hybrid Composite Using Vortex Technique, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016.
- N.Rajeswaran, S.Karpagaabirami, C.Gokilavani, R.Rajendran,FPGA Based Denoising Method with T-Model Mask Architecture Design for Removal of Noises in Images, Procedia Computer Science Volume 85, Pages 519-526, 2016.
- Shashidhar Kasthala, GKD Prasanna Venkatesan,Estimation of MIMO power line communication Channel capacity using multi-conductor transmission line theory,2nd International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT), 2016.
- Divya S., Ananda Kumar H., Vishalakshi A., "An improved Spectral Efficiency of WiMAX using 802.16G based Technology," ICACCS 2015 - Proceedings of then Second International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, 2015.
- Roshini A., Ananda Kumar H., Vishalakshi A., "Hierarchical cost effective leach for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks," ICACCS 2015 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, 2015.
- Gnanasundari, P., "Scheduling and routing algorithm for co-operative wireless networks," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security, ICSNS 2015.
- Sasikala, V., Lakshmiprabha, V., "A comparative study on the swarm intelligence based feature selection approaches for fake and real fingerprint classification,"Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security,ICSNS 2015.
- Dhivya, V., Anandakumar, H., Sivakumar, M., "An effective group formation in the cloud based on Ring signature,"Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control,ISCO 2015.
- Sumathi, A.C., Vidhyapriya, R., Kiruthika, C., "A proactive elimination of Primary User Emulation Attack in cognitive radio networks using Intense Explore algorithm," International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2015.
- Elango, C., Gunasekaran, N., Sampathkumar, K., "Thermal models of solar still - A comprehensive review,' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 47, (2015) pp. 856-911.
- Thenmozhi, T., Somasundaram, R.M., "Pseudonyms Based Blind Signature Approach for an Improved Secured Communication at Social Spots in VANETs," Wireless Personal Communications, 82 (1), pp. 643-658.
- Chellaprabha, B., Saranya, S., "Energy aware mobile sensors deployment scheme in a hybrid wireless sensor networks – a survey,"(2015) International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (1), pp. 545-562.
- Francis, T., Gokulakrishnan, P., "Embedded based PFC converter for an air conditioner with BLDC motor, "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 631-641
- Surendran, S., Selvakumar R.B., "Cascaded dual buck inverter with sensorless current control method for grid connected photovoltaic systems, "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 1047-1056.
- Aysha, S., Selvakumar P., "Photovoltaic power system application using energy stored quasi Z source inverter, "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 643-651.
- Sathish, P.S., Chellaprabha, B., "Monitoring the plant growth using sensor network," ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (7), pp. 3232-3236.
- Ram Kumar, C., Punitha, R., Raghunath, R., Sathishkumar, K., "Enhancing code aware routing by idling methods to improve energy efficiency in wireless networks," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (4), pp. 10731-10742.
- Moosa Irshad, K.P., Meenakumari, M., Sharmila, S., "VLSI implementation of optimized carry select adder,"International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (9), pp. 24125-24134.
- Gokilapriya, D., Barvin Banu, S.,"MPPT measurement of photovoltaic system under partial shading condition using DPSO algorithm," Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 1037-1046.
- Kavitha, D., Vivekanandan, C., "An adjustable speed PFC buck-boost converter fed sensorless BLDC motor, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 17749-17754.
- Kalaiarasi, S., Shivaraj, G., "Performance enhancement of an integrated offshore wind farm, marine current farm and PV system with flywheel energy storage system, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 17522-17527.
- Midhun, P.M., "Single stage high voltage gain boost converter for battery charging using PV panels,"Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 601-609.
- Govind, G., Suresh Kumar, R., Maheswari, M., 'Performance assessment of photovoltaic predicated dynamic voltage restorer using PI and fuzzy logic controller,"Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 611-619.
- Antony, N., Karthikeyan, K.,"Multiple winding linear transformer for interleaved step-up ZVT converter,"(2015) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 621-630.
- Jaiganesh, R., Sharmila, S.,"Hybrid power system based load sharing and maintaining the DC voltage in UPS system,"Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 699-707.
- Suriya, N., Kamalakannan, S., Siva Shankari, A., "Concatenation of RS and hamming code for memory storage applications,"International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 16773-16777.
- Dhivya, V., Sivakumar, M., Anandakumar, H.,"An effective group formation in the cloud based on ring signature,"International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 17981-17984.
- Namitha, V., Shivaraj, G.,"VLSI realization of reversible data hiding scheme based on two-dimensional difference histogram modification, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 16232-16237.
- Divya, S., Ananda Kumar, H., Vishalakshi, A.,"An improved energy level of wimax using 802.16g based technology,"International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 17985-17988.
- Meenakumari, M., Sharmila, S., "Content addressable memory of reordering overlapped mechanism with efficient power in asynchronous transfer mode, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (11), pp. 28305-28316.
- Ashiqah, P.K.M., Maheswari, M., "Modified MPPT controlled PV with fly back converter for AC load applications," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 18826-18830.
- Anandakumar, H., Nisha, K., "Enhanced multicast cluster-based routing protocol for delay tolerant mobile networks,"International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 7 (6), pp. 676-686.
- Samyuktha, N., Sudharsini, R., Sakthidharsini, K., Baskaran, P., "Implementation of mobile application for medication using android," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 19338-19340.
- Nishanth, J.R., Kamalakannan, S., "Enhanced built-in self-test for MSP 430,"International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (7), pp. 17849-17856.
- Subhashini, N., Aravindhan, K., "Healthcare monitoring system for elderly person using smart devices," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 17913-17917.
- Aswathi, R., Venkatesh, R., "An interleaved self-oscillating SEPIC with anti-windup PI controller, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 18849-18853.
- Kannuppaiyan, S., Chenniappan, V, "Numerical inverse definite minimum time overcurrent relay for microgrid power system protection, "IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 10 (1), pp. 50-54.
- Begum, A.S., Poornachandra, S., "Curvelet based image de-noising using beta-trim shrinkage for magnetic resonance images, "Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 12 (1), pp. 705-716.
- Begum, A.S., Poornachandra, S., "Curvelet based image de-noising using beta-trim shrinkage for magnetic resonance images, "Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 12 (1), pp. 705-716.
- Sasikala, V., Lakshmi Prabha, V., "Bee swarm based feature selection for fake and real fingerprint classification using neural network classifiers, "IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 42 (4), pp. 389-403.
- Vivekanandan, C., Prabakaran, B.,"A novel method for regulation of wind speed of wind turbines,"International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (12), pp. 31319-31328.
- Sumathi, A.C., Vidhyapriya, R.,"Intense explore algorithm – A Proactive Way to Eliminate PUE attacks in cognitive radio networks, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (2), pp. 3827-3842.
- Maheswari, M., Thangavel, S., Suresh Kumar, R., Vivekanandan, C., "Power quality improvement using multilevel inverter based dynamic voltage restorer with PI controller, "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 721-729.
- Selvanayaki, K.S., SomaSundaram, R.,"Hybrid approach for detection and recognition of vehicles,"Journal of Computer Science, 11 (2), pp. 304-314.
- Karthikeyan, V.V., Thangavel, S., Sreedendu, Sasikala, R.,"Design and analysis of three phase four wire shunt active filter with neural network controller for different loading conditions, "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 326, pp. 1027-1035.
- Balasubramanian, S., Manonmani, K., "Laser heat treatment of the steel bottom rollers of textile machines used for producing quality yarns," Lasers in Engineering, 32 (5-6), pp. 343-373.
- Malathy, G., Kiruthika, V., Soma Sundaram, R., "Exploiting mobile dynamic tasks by recoursing cloud storage and virtualization," International Journal of Applied Engineering,"ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (10), pp. 4690-4700. Research, 10 (20), pp. 19758-19763.
- Selvanayaki, K.S., Somasundaram, R.M., "An improved approach for detection and classification of vehicles in video using support vector machines”,
- Madanan, A., Subashini, V.J., Poornachandra, S., "Real time android app using watermarking and image encryption for secure communication," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (20), pp. 16256-16260.
- Sumathy, B., Poornachandra, S., "Exudates detection- A potential marker for diabetic retinopathy and its complications," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (55), pp. 555-562.
- Parimala, M., Sathiyabama, S., Karthikeyan, N.,"STM: A general model for mining long and closed sequence in time series databases, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (12), pp. 32399-32414.
- Gunapriya, B., Sabrigiriraj, M., Pavithra, C.V., Vivekanandan, C., "Performance enhancement of Bldc drives in electric vehicles by using fuzzy gain scheduling pi controller, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (2), pp. 3993-4006.
- Nandhakumar, S., Muthukumaran, V., Prakash, K.S., Shunmughanaathan, V.K.,"Position control of industrial robotic manipulator using variable structure control system with single term Haar wavelet series method,"JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control, 21 (12), pp. 2465-2483.
- Subramanian, M., Sakthivel, M., Sudhakaran, R. Modeling and Analysis of Surface Roughness of AL7075-T6 in End Milling Process Using Response Surface Methodology. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2014. 39 (10). p. 7299-7313.
- Karthikeyan, N., Periyakaruppan, K., Karthik, S., Srihari, K. Flooding reduced-destination sequenced distance vector routing protocol. Information (Japan), 2014. 17 (8), p. 3901-3908.
- Lavanya, S., Anuradha, B. Reduction of energy consumption using SPM and optimal code layout in embedded systems. 2014 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control: Green Challenges and Smart Solutions, ISCO 2014 - Proceedings, art. no. 7103961, p. 286-290.
- Poorani, A., Anuradha, B., Vivekanadhan, C, An effectual elucidation of task scheduling and memory partitioning for MPSoC. 2014 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control: Green Challenges. 2014.
- Begum, A.S., Poornachandra, S “Curvelet based image de-noising using beta-trim shrinkage for magnetic resonance images” 2014 International Conference on Science Engineering and Management Research, ICSEMR 2014, art. no. 7043674.
- Surendran, S., Selvakumar, R.B. Cascaded dual buck inverter with sensorless current control method for grid connected photo voltaic systems. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering, ICGCCEE 2014, art. no. 6922354.
- Sandra, M., Venkatesh, R. Detection of fault and implementation of resistor based protection scheme by controlling the flying capacitor voltage in a three-level DC-DC converter. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering, ICGCCEE 2014
- Sasikala, R., Sreedendu, Karthikeyan, V.V., “Design and analysis of shunt active filter with fuzzy logic controller under different loading conditions”, Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering, ICGCCEE 2014.
- Kalpana, V., Palaniswamy, K.A., “An improved control scheme for grid connected voltage source inverter”, Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering, ICGCCEE 2014.
- Karthigayini, R., Gokilapriya, D. A bridgeless power factor correction using Cuk converter. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering, ICGCCEE 2014.
- Parkavi, B., Malathy, G., Somasundaram, Rm., “Abstraction based K-tier partitioning scheme for parallel job scheduling in multiple cloud centers”, 2014 International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems, ICECS 2014.
- Meenakumari, M., Athisha, G, “A new approach to protect FPGA based sequential IP cores”, 2014 International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems, ICECS 2014.
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