patent Publications

department of electronics and communication engineering
Student Publications
- Journal Publications
- Patent
Faculty Publications
- Journal Publications
- Patent
- Book Publications
student publications
- M. Karan, S. Rajaganapathi, Santhosh, “Spatial Nearest Group Query with Redundancy Reduction Optimization” in International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), ISSN: 2455-2631 during March 2020.
- C.Keerthana, D.Preetha, P.Dinesh Kumar "Twitter Sentimental Analysis with Enhanced Reduction Optimization Studies in Indian PLace Name" (UGC Care Journal), Vol-40-Issue-50-March-2020, ISSN: 2394-3114, Pg. NO.4383-4391.
- M.Dinesh Kumar, R.Haripriya "Data Analytics with Efficient Mining of Frequent Mining on Decision Making International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field", Vol-6-ISSN:2455-0620, April 2020
- Vijaylakshni, A.U.Vimala, G.Akilandeswari, M.Priyadharshni “High level protected cash withdrawal through GSM”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp. 1593-1598, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Mousika Mani, J.Lawanya Cristy, D.Sivaranjani, P.Jothi “Intelligent traffic monitoring system” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp. 1789-1793, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Manojkumar, G.L Sivanesh, S.Vinothkumar. Sheldon Shannan Houlder “Design and analysis of miniature yagi uda antenna” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp. 1590-1592, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Swarna, K.S.Shyama, T.Thenmozhi “Design and analysis of single ended dynamic feedback 12T SRAM cell” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1436-1441, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Ashok Kumar, M.Thangapandi, Saran Kumar.G, “Coastal border monitoring system for fisherman using GPS” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1765-1768, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Sudharsun, S.Naveen Kumar, S.Manoj Kumar, P.Suresh Kumar “Setting up a LAN connection with port security” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1579-1583, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Subathra, K.R.Sushmeetha, K.R.Valarmathi M.Steji “Bus navigation system using GSM and GPS module” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1760-1764, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016
- Bhuvaneswari, V.Hemalatha, R.kasthuri “New High performance 4-Bit parallel adder” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1603-1609, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Gowtham Karan, A.Arokiyadass, Vijay Ganesh, “A flawless passport verification system and e-tracking of luccage using Biometric and RFID” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1557-1561, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Sowndariya, S. Sowbarnika S. Shanthini, S.Yazhini, “Watermonitor using portable sensor” International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1794-1801, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016.
- Muthuselvi, P.Monisha, K.Poorani, A.Ramya, “Borewell rescue system” International Journal of engineering science and computing, Volume 6, Number 3, pp.3396-3401, ISSN: 2321-3361, April 2016
- M.Anitha, P. Loganayaki, N.Jeevhan Prithiv, “Vehicle theft detection using ARM7” International Journal of advances in engineering and technology, Volume 8, Number 1, ISSN: 2231-1963, April 2016.
- Prabhuram “IoT on Raspberry Pi” International Journal of engineering and Computer Science, Volume 4, Number 3, ISSN: 2231-1963, December 2016.
- Karthiga “Online Traffic light Control System” International Journal of engineering and Computer Science, Volume 6, Number 2, ISSN: 2319-7242,February 2017.
- Prabhuram “Online Traffic light Control System” International Journal of engineering and Computer Science, Volume 6, Number 2, ISSN: 2319-7242, February 2017.
- Ms.Pavithra from IV ECE,Mr.Rajesh Kanna from III ECE Department has published a patent on "Clamp on flow meter" on 20.03.2020. Patent No.:202041010490A
faculty publications
- Ms. K.Sangeetha., AP/ECE has published a paper, on title of “Doctors Assisting with Augmented Reality Glass using Internet of Things” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 1, January-2023, Impact Factor: 7.429.
- Ms.Aishwarya,AP/ECE has communicated a journal titled, “IOT Based Water Monitoring system” to ICTACT Journal of Soft Computing.
- Dr.P.Gnanasundari, HoD/ECE has published a journal titled, “Electric meter using sensors and BLYNK” in Industrial Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0970-2555, Volume : 52, Issue 5, No. 1, May : 2023.
- Ms.Sangeetha, AP/ECE has published a journal titled, “Smart Driver monitoring system to Avoid Accident using Arduino” in Industrial Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0970-2555, Volume : 52, Issue 5, No. 2, May : 2023
- Ms.E.Divya, AP/ECEhas published a journal titled, “Face Recognition Based New Generation ATM Machine” in Science and Engineering JournalThe Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0103-944X, Volume 11 Issue 1, 2023, pp: 1241 - 1250
- Ms.Vishnupriya, AP/ECE has published a journal titled, “Smart Car Parking System Using IoT” in The Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0103-944X, Volume 11 Issue 1, 2023, pp: 1210 – 1215.
- Dr.A.Vaniprabha, ASP/ECE has published a journal titled, “IOT Based Emission Monitoring system in vehicles using NodeMCU” for publishing in Industrial Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0970-2555, Volume : 52, Issue 5, May : 2023.
- Ms.Manohari, AP/ECE has published a journal titled, “Remote Monitoring of Knee Rehabilitation” Industrial Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0970-2555, Volume : 52, Issue 5, May : 2023.
- Ms.Manohari, AP/ECE has published a journal titled, “AUTOMATION OF OFFICE USING IOT” in Industrial Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0970-2555, Volume : 52, Issue 5, No. 3, May : 2023.
- Mr.K.Jagadeesh, AP/ECE has published a journal titled, “Smart Wi-Fi Doorbell Using Esp32cam with IoT”, in The Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0103-944X, Volume 11 Issue 1, 2023, pp: 1346 – 1351.
- Ms.Ramabharathi, AP/ECE has received acceptance for the journal titled, “IOT based Health monitoring System”, The Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering Journal.
- Ms.V.Aishwarya,AP/ECEhas published a journal titled, “IOT Based Water Monitoring system”.Industrial Engineering Journal, ISSN: 0970-2555, Volume : 52, Issue 5, No. 3, May : 2023.
- Mrs. V. Pavithra, AP/ECE has received acceptance for the journal titled, “Dangerous Detection using IoT” The Ciência & Engenharia - Science & Engineering Journal.
- P.Ramya,2019, ‘Automatic Patch Adhension Teating using Arduino’,Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology,ISSN 0974-3618
- "C.Jeevanantham,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on ""Design and Development of Close Observation System for Secured Places
- Using LBPH "",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114."
- S.Natarajan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " Smart Road Safety and Accident Monitoring System ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- M.Bhagavathi Priya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " Automatic Fine Generating System ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020,ISSN: 2394-3114.
- G.Sathya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Message conveyer device forParalysis Patient ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- G.Sathya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Microcontroller Based Digital Electronic Control Manager ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- M.sathiapriya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Waste water Management for Small Villages ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- P.Gnanasundari,HOD from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Prevention of Borewell Accident ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- S.Siddharthan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Under Water Visible Light Communication using Light Fidelity ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- K.Sangeetha,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Traffic Controller using Image Processing ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- P.Ramya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " Life Saving Ambulance Monitoring using Image Processing" in International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub,on March 2020, ISSN: 2582-4376.
- K.Sangeetha,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Automatic Fine Generating System ",in UGC care Journal on March 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114.
- Ms.S.Prabhavathi, “Spatial Nearest Group Query with Redundancy Reduction Optimization” in International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), ISSN: 2455-2631 during March 2020.
- S. Rijutha, "Twitter Sentimental Analysis with Enhanced Reduction Optimization" in Studies in Indian Place Names" (UGC Care Journal), Vol-40-Issue-50-March-2020
- S. Rijutha "Data Analytics with Efficient Mining of Frequent Mining on Decision Making" in International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field", Vol-6-ISSN:2455-0620, April 2020
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “Implementation of an efficient hybrid light weight encryption algorithm for IoT based embedded applications”in Journal of web Engineering on 12 Feb2018 ,ISSN No:1971-1979.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “Estimating the impact of drought on crop yield using principal component analysis ”in Journal of web Engineering on 12 Feb2018 ,ISSN No:1980-1922.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE department has published a Research paper on “ Design of eight parallel 512 point MDF FFT/IFFT processor for WPAN Applications”in Journal of circuits, System and computers on 15 March2019.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “High performance with reduced area 4096 point feed forward FFT architecture for VDSL applications ”in Journal of Electrical Engineering on 20 Feb2018.
- P.Gnanasundari,HOD from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Smart factory using IoT ",in International journal for research in applied science and engineering technologyl on March 2019, ISSN: 2321-9653.
- P.Gnanasundari,HOD from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Solar energy management using IoT ",in International journal for research in applied science and engineering technologyl on March 2019, ISSN: 2321-9653.
- K.Nandhini,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " FPGA Implementation of LSB-MR Based Steganography Algorithms" in ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2395-1680.
- M.Bhagavathi Priya & B.Gomathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " Utilization of Region Based Algorithm for an Image Application" in International Journal for research & Development in technology ,on March 2018, ISSN: 2349-3585.
- K.Sangeetha,P.Ramya & V.Venmathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " Sparse Based Biometric Collateral System" in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,on Dec 2018.
- T.Gayathri,M.SathiaPriya,S.Saranya & C.Jeevanantham,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " Intellectual Haulage System for Smart Cities" in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,on Dec 2018.
- S.Siddharthan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "RSSI based Wi-Fi location tracker for android application" in International journal of information and computing science,on Dec 2018,ISSN No:0972-1347
- P.Ramya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on " Smart shopping for visually impaired using RFID" in International journal of information and computing science ,on March 2019, ISSN: 0972-1347.
- K.Sangeetha,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Paddy monitoring and management system" in International journal of applied engineering research ,on March 2019, ISSN: 0973-4562.
- M.Sathiapriya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "IOT based advanced global industrial process industrial process monitoring system with feedback control" in International journal of innovative research in computer and communication engineering ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2320-9798.
- T.Gayathri,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Gesichert fingerprint verification in deux roués" in International Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2349-5162.
- B.Gomathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Implementation of black box in vehicle" in International journal of scientific research and review ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2279-543X.
- K.Sangeetha,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Traffic controller using image processing" in Mediterranean journal of basic and applied sciences ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2581-5059.
- G.Sathya,K.Sangeetha & S.Siddharthan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Smart way toll collection system" in Suraj journal for multidisciplinary research ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2394-2886.
- G.Sathya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Rescue drone with drop box in medical field" in International journal of scientific research and review ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2279-543X.
- B.Gomathi,K.Nandhini & S.Vaseela,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Intelligent things on camera surveillance" in International journal of scientific research and review ,on March 2019, ISSN: 2279-543X.
- P.Gnanasundari,HOD from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Solar energy management using IoT ",in International journal of research on March 2019, ISSN: 2236-6124.
- P.Gnanasundari,HOD from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Smart factory using IoT",in International journal of information and computing science on March 2019, ISSN: 0972-1347.
- Bhagavathi Priya,B.Gomathi,”Utilization of Region Based Algorithm for an Image Application”, International Journal for research & Development in technology,Vol10,Issue4,ISSN No:2349-3585 on 4th Oct 2018.
- Nandhini,” FPGA Implementation of LSB-MR Based Steganography Algorithms”, ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics ,Vol2,Issue2,ISSN No:2395-1680 on 11th sep 2018.
- Prakasam,”High performance with reduced area 4096 ponit feed forward FFT architecture for VDSL applications” Journal of Electrical Engineering on Sep2018.
- Prakasam,”Implementation of an efficient hybrid light weight encryption algorithm for IoT based embedded applications”Journal of web engineering on Sep2018.
- Prakasam,”Estimating the impact of drought on crop yield using principal component analysis” Journal of web engineering on Sep2018.
- Prakasam,”Design of eight parallel 512 point MDF FFT/IFFT processor for WPAN Applications”,Journal of circuits,System and computers on Sep2018.
- Sangeetha,P.Ramya,V.Venmathi, “ Sparse Based Biometric Collateral System” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,Vol 13,pp 16234-16237,Nov 2018.
- Gayathri,M.SathiaPriya,S.Saranya,S.Jeeva,“ Intellectual Haulage System for Smart Cities”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,Vol 13,pp 16494-16497,Nov 2018.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “An energy aware competition based clustering for cluster head selection in wireless sensor network with mobility”in Cluster Computer on 12 Nov2017.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “Proposed Energy Efficient Multi Attribute Time Slot Scheduling Algorithm for Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network”in Wireless Personal Communications on 12 Dec 2017.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “Energy Efficient Data Assembly in Gateways with Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network”in International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography on 12 Dec2017.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE department has published a Research paper on “An Energy Aware Invasive Weed Optimization Based Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network and Its Application in Agriculture”in Research Journal of Biotechnology on 12 Dec 2017.
- G K D Prasanna Venkatesan ,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “MIMO PLC Channel Modelling on Indian Residential Networks”in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research on 20 Feb 2018.
- Dr.G K D Prasanna Venkatesan ,Professor from ECE department has published a Research paper on “Design and Development of Protective Coupling Interface for Characterizing the Residential Broadband PLC Channel”in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems on 20 Dec 2017.
- G K D Prasanna Venkatesan ,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “Evaluation of Channel Modeling Techniques for Indoor Power Line Communication”in Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering on 20 Dec 2017.
- G.Sathya,C Jeevanantham, K Sangeetha, V Venmathi & P Ramya ,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "’Bio Metric Authentication system based on Aadhar card" in International Journal of pure and applied mathematics ,on March 2018, ISSN: 1311-8080.
- K.K.Rajkumar,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Smart Switch using NFC" in International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research,on March 2018, ISSN: 2455-1457.
- T.Gayathri,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "The Power of Illusion into Immersion using Artificial Intelligence- Virtual reality" in World Journal of Technology, Engineering & Research,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2455-1457.
- T.Gayathri,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "CRAM of the prospect transportation" in International Journal of Research in Electronics,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2349-252x.
- T.Gayathri,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "VOCROID- Voice Controlled Robot Using Android" in International Journal of Science & Advance Research in Technology,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2395-1052.
- G.Sathya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Rescue Copter" in International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2395-1052.
- S.Sharmila,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Automated Road Control System using Arduino" in International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2455-1485.
- S.Saranya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Realisation of Vehicle License Verification System using IOT" in World Journal of Technology, Engineering & Research,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2456-1485.
- T.Gayathri,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Intelligent Transport System for Smart cities" in Asian Journal of Science & Technology,on Mar2018, ISSN: 0976-3376.
- P.Kalaivani,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Patient Monitoring System using Wi-Fi technology" in International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2455-1457.
- V.Venmathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "’Fiddle with Stratum Pattern based Personal identification system" in International Journal of science & Engineering,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2455-1457.
- T.Gayathri & M.Sathiapriya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "’An Efficient FIR Filter Design Using Dual-Mode Multiplier & Single Phase Logic Adder" in Adder’ International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer ,on Mar2018, ISSN: 2347-6060.
- P.Gnanasundari,HOD from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Intelligent Traffic Routing &Collision avoidance systems in smart vehicle applications in Wireless sensor networks",in International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied sciences on Dec 2016, ISSN: 2320-4387.
- P.Prakasam,Professor from ECE Department has published a Research paper on “Mote as an Innovative Approach in Precision Agriculture Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network”in International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences on 12 Nov2016, ISSN No:1234-1345.
- R. Jamuna Ramasamy,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Approximate Carry Select Adder Based Multiplier less Multiplication (AMLM)" in Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research ,on dec2016, ISSN: 1990-9233.
- P. Ramya, K. Sangeetha & V.Venmathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Prediction Algorithms for Improving Network Lifetime in WSNs" in Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research,on dec2016, ISSN: 1990-9233.
- M. Meenakumari,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Performance analysis of water marking approach for VLSI design intellectual property protection" in Journal of Advances in chemistry,on dec2016, ISSN: 2321-807X.
- R. Jamuna,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Hybrid Segment approximate multiplication for image processing applications" in Circuits and systems,on dec2016, ISSN: 1701-1708.
- S. Nikitha Paulin, S.Saranya & G.Sathya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Pick and place robot using accelerometer sensor" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,on dec2016, ISSN: 2395-1990.
- G. Sathya, Nikitha.S.Paulin & S.Saranya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Glass Climbing Robot for Glass wall cleaning" in International Educational Scientific Research Journal,on dec2016, ISSN: 2455- 295X.
- B. Gomathi, G. Nithyadevi & K.K. Rajkumar,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Robotic Irrigation Scheme by using ARM Processor" in International journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,on dec2016, ISSN: 2321-2055.
- N. Saranya, S. Sharmila & C. Jeevanantham,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "A routing optimization & data aggregation scheme based on RF TARANG Module in WSN" in International journal of innovative research in science and engineering,on dec2016, ISSN: 2454-9665.
- P. Kalaivani, N. Suma,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "In-Situ water monitoring using portable sensor" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,on dec2016, ISSN: 2395-1990.
- N. Suma,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "IOT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System" in International journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in computing and communication,on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-8169.
- S. Nikitha Paulin,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Safety for school children transport enhancement system" in Asian journal of Applied Science and Technology,on Feb2017.
- P .Ramya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Internet based smart garbage monitoring system" in International journal for Scientific research and development,on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- P .Ramya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Energy cost calculator" inInternational journal for Scientific research and development,on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- M. Sathiapriya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "IOT Based Trooper Monitoring system" in Asian journal of Applied Science and Technology,on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- M. Shunmugalakshmi & N.Suriya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Performance analysis of coherent modulation schemes in free-space optical communication links" in International journal of wireless communication,on Feb2017, ISSN: 0974–9691.
- G.Nithiya Devi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Dynamic Overdriving current mode signaling for on chip interconnects to reduce power delay and area" in International Journal of research in electronics,on Feb2017, ISSN: 2349-252X.
- G. Sathya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Smart voting system using Aadhar card" inAsian journal of Applied Science and Technology on Feb2017, ISSN: 2349-252X.
- K.Sangeetha,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Smart Agro Industrial Automation" in International Journal of Inventions in Computer science and Engineering on Feb2017, ISSN: 2349-252X.
- G. Nithiya Devi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Railway track crack detection autonomous vehicle" inInternational journal of infinite innovations in engineering and technology on Feb2017, ISSN: 2249-2279.
- V.S.Kamalakkannan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Enhancing Security of Wireless Sensor Network in Group Communication by Secure and Effective Key Management System" in International journal for science and advance research and development on Feb2017, ISSN: 2249-2279.
- S.Siddharthan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Rovo Soft – A Development of Software Platform for Autonomous Object Detection " in International Journal of Computer Science and Engineeringon Feb2017, ISSN: 2249-2279.
- K.K.Rajkumar,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Palliation of Byzantine attack in MANET using CBDPS " in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing on Feb2017, ISSN: 2249-2279.
- C.Jeevanantham & S.Sharmila,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Implementation of Book Digitizer using Raspberry Pi " in International Journal of scientific research and development on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- V.S.Kamalakkannan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Optimizing Delay and Enhancing Energy Bypass-Adder using Quantum Dots Logic" in Journal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology on Feb2017, ISSN: 2249-2279.
- S.Saranya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "IoT Based Energy Conservation of Home Appliances " in Indian Journal of Emerging Electronics in Computer Communications on Feb2017, ISSN: 2249-2279.
- P.Kalaivani,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Recapture Detection Algorithm Based on Edge Profiles " inInternational Journal for Scientific Reasearch and Development on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- V.Venmathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Leukemia Detection Using Image Processing " inInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Development on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- S.Sharmila,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Flexible Technology for smart campus " inInternational Journal of Scientific research and development on Feb2017, ISSN: 2321-0613.
- N.Suma ,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Design and development of reliable energy based efficient protocol for improving fault tolerance in MANET " in Asian journal of research in social sciences and humanities on Feb2017, ISSN: 2249 7315.
- Nikitha.S.Paulin ,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Pisciculture Environment Control using automated monitoring system " in Asian journal of Applied Science and Technology on Feb2017, ISSN: 0249 7315.
- Jamuna Ramasamy ,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Approximate Multiplier Techniques- A Survey " in International Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology on Feb2017, ISSN: 0249 7315.
- Sathyaprakash and P Prakasam, “Enhanced approach for wireless sensor network based on localization, time synchronization and quality of service routing” Cluster Computing, Dec2017.
- M Narendran and P Prakasam, “An energy aware competition based clustering for cluster head selection in wireless sensor network with mobility”, Cluster Computing , pp. 1-10,2017,November 2017.
- P Sathyaprakash and P Prakasam, “Proposed Energy Efficient Multi Attribute Time Slot Scheduling Algorithm for Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network”, Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 1-18, 97(4) , December 2017.
- M Narendran and P Prakasam, “An Energy Aware Invasive Weed Optimization Based Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network and Its Application in Agriculture”, Research Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 2017, pp. 187-192
- S Kasthala, G K D Prasanna Venkatesan, A Amudha, “MIMO PLC Channel Modelling on Indian Residential Networks”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12 (14), p.p. 4145-4151, 2017.
- S Kasthala, G K D Prasanna Venkatesan, A Amudha, “Design and Development of Protective Coupling Interface for Characterizing the Residential Broadband PLC Channel”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 9 (2), 2017.
- S Kasthala, G K D Prasanna Venkatesan, “Evaluation of Channel Modeling Techniques for Indoor Power Line Communication”, Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Vol 564, p.p. 577-587, December 2017.
- G Sathya, C Jeevanantham, K Sangeetha, V Venmathi & P Ramya ,“Bio Metric Authentication system based on Aadhar card” International Journal of pure and applied mathematics, 117(9), p.p. 7-11,ISSN No:1311-8080, November 2017.
- K.Rajkumar,”Smart Switch using NFC”,International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research, ISSN No:2455-1457,March 2018.
- Gayathri, “The Power of Illusion into Immersion using Artificial Intelligence- Virtual reality” World Journal of Technology, Engineering & Research,Vol3,Issue1, March2018.
- Gayathri, “CRAM of the prospect transportation” International Journal of Research in Electronics, Vol5, Issue1,ISSN NO:2349-252x, March2018.
- Gayathri, “VOCROID- Voice Controlled Robot Using Android” International Journal of Science & Advance Research in Technology,Vol4, Issue2,ISSN No:2395-1052, Feb 2018.
- Sathya,”Rescue Copter”,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,vol9,issue2,Feb2018.
- Sharmila,”Automated Road Control System using Arduino”,International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research,ISSN No:2455-1485,March2018.
- Saranya,”Realisation of Vehicle License Verification System using IOT”, World Journal of Technology, Engineering & Research,Vol2,Issue1, March2018.
- Gayathri,”Intelligent Transport System for Smart cities”,Asian Journal of Science & Technology,ISSN NO:0976-3376,March 2018.
- Gnanasundari,”Wireless E-notice board using Raspberry Pi3”,International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research,ISSN NO:2455-1457,March 2018.
- Kalaivani,’Patient Monitoring System using Wi-Fi technology”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research,ISSN NO:2455-1457,March 2018.
- Venmathi,”Fiddle with Stratum Pattern based Personal identification system”,International Journal of science & Engineering,Vol9,Issue3,march2018.
- Gayathri, M.Sathia Priya, “An Efficient FIR Filter Design Using Dual-Mode Multiplier & Single Phase Logic Adder” International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer Vol5, Issue3,ISSN No:2347-6060, March2018.
- S.Poornachandra,Professor from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Sub band adaptive shrinkage function using fuzzy logic " in Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal on Dec2015
- M.Meenakumari ,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "VLSI implementation Optimized Carry Select Adder " in International Journal Applied Engineering Research on Dec2015, ISSN: 0973-4562.
- M.Meenakumari, M.Shunmugalakshmi, S.Karpagaabirami&B.Gomathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Performance Analysis decision based medium filter for removing impulse noise " in Middle East journal scientific Research on Dec2015, ISSN: 1990-9233.
- P.Kalaivani, G.Sathya, Nikitha.S.Paulin,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Performance improvement distributed island multicasting with overlaydata distribution " in Australian Journal Basic and Applied sciences on Dec2015, ISSN: 1991-8178 .
- G.K.D.PrasannaVenkatesan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Analysis and Design Cylindrical Shaped Conformal UWB Antenna" in International Journal Advances in Engineering & Technologyon Mar2016, ISSN: 22311963 .
- R.Jamuna,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Hybrid segment approximate multiplication for image processing applications " in International journal circuits and systems on Mar2016, ISSN: 1701-1708 .
- S.Poornachandra,Professor from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Exudates Detection- A Potential Marker for Diabetic Retinopathy and its Complications " in International Journal Applied Engineering Research on Mar2016, ISSN: 0973-4562 .
- M.Meenakumari,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Content Addressable Memory overlapped mechanism with efficient power in ATM " in International Journal Applied Engineering Research on Mar2016, ISSN: 2419-9354 .
- M.Shunmugalakshmi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "A Comparative study on edge detection techniques in digital image processing using MATLAB" in International Journal advanced research in engineering and management on Mar2016, ISSN: 2419-9353 .
- N.Surya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "High level protected cash withdrawal through GSM" in International Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x .
- G.Sathya,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Intelligent traffic route monitoring and security safeguard in vehicle automation" in International Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x .
- K.Narasimhan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Design and analysis miniature yagiuda antenna" in International Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- B.Kalaimathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Design and analysis single ended dynamic feedback 12T SRAM cell" in International Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- M.Arumugaraja,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Coastal border monitoring system for fisherman using GPS" in International Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- N.Suma,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Setting up a LAN connection with port security" in International Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- Nikitha.S.Paulin,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "New High performance 4-Bit parallel adder" in International Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- P.Kalaivani,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "IN-SITU Water monitor using portable sensor" inInternational Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- K.Narasimhan,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Analysis and Design LPDA for monitoring solar burst" inInternational Journal Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- R.Jamuna,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Area efficient carry select adder using Brent Kung Adder" in International Journal engineering science and computing on Mar2016, ISSN: 2321-3361.
- V.Venmathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Borewell rescue system" in International Journal engineering science and computing on Mar2016, ISSN: 2321-3361.
- B.Gomathi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Power optimization in L1 Cache embedded processor using CBF based TOB architecture" in International Research Journal engineering and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-0072.
- B.Gomathi ,S.Karpagaabirami&K.K.Rajkumar,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Optimization flexible divider" in Journal emerging technologies and innovative research on Mar2016, ISSN: 2349-5162.
- C.Jeevanantham,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "A low power nonvolatile logic gate using swapped CMOS technology" in International Journal advanced research in biology engineering science and technology on Mar2016, ISSN: 2395-695x.
- K.Sangeetha,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Current comparison on domino with clamped Bitline current amplifier for wide fan-in gates" in International Journal computer applications on Mar2016, ISSN: 0975-8887.
- G.Nithyadevi,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Dynamic overdriving current mode signalling for on-chip interconnects to reduce power delay and area" in International Journal Research in electronics on Mar2016, ISSN: 2349-252x.
- K.K.Rajkumar,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Enhancement QoS for MANET Using LWQ" in International Journal Engineering science and computing on Mar2016, ISSN: 2321-3361.
- K.Sangeetha ,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Robust Low Leakage and Area Efficient Current Controlled Domino for Wide Fan in Equality Comparator" in International Journal Engineering science and computing on Mar2016, ISSN: 2321-3361.
- G.Sathya&P.Kalaivani ,AP from ECE Depatrment has published a Research paper on "Balance in the energy consumption and data integrity in MANET" in International Journal Computer Science and Research on Mar2016, ISSN: 2277-9655.
- M.Sathia priya,”IoT based trooper monitoring system” in Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology,Volume.1,Issue 2,Pages 165-168,March 2017.
- S.Saranya, “IoT Based Energy Conservation of Home Appliances “, in Indian Journal of Emerging Electronics in Computer Communications , Vol.9,No.5(2017).
- M.Shunmugalakshmi, “VLSI Architecture For Montgomery Modular Multiplication Using Riple Carry Adder”, in International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol.5,issue 01(2017).
- V.S.Kamalakkannan, ”Enhancing Security Of Wireless Sensor Network In Group Communication By Secure And Effective Key Management System” in international journal for science and advance research and development.vol 3,issue 3(2017)
- P.Kalaivani, “Real Time Ecg & Saline Lavel Monitoring System Using Arduino Processor” in Asian journal of applied science and technology(AJAST) Vol.1,Issue 2(2017)
- G.Sathya, “Smart Voting System Using Aadhar Card” in Asian journal of applied science and technology,Vol.1, Issue 1(2017).
- Nikitha S Paulin, “Safety For School Children Transport Enhancement System” Asian channel of applied science and technology vol1,Issue 1(2017).
- T.Gayathri, “Wireless Moving Camera Based Surveillance System” in IJCESR & Technical Research Organization India Vol.4 March &2017
- Nithiya Devi G, “Railway Track Crack Detection Autonomous Vehicle” in International journal of infinite innovations in engineering and technology ISSN(online): 2349-2287, ISSN (print): 2249-2279, Volume 4, Issue 2, Feb 2017.
- M Shunmugalakshmi, “Advanced Quadcopter Security For Spotlight Projection” in Journal of recent research in engineering and technology ISSN (online): 2349-2260, ISSN (print): 2349-2252, Volume 4, Issue1, Jan 2017
- V.Venmathi, “Leukemia Detection Using Image Processing” in International Journal of Scientific Research and Development ISBN (online): 2321-0613.
- Armugaraja, “Cost Effective Wheel Chair For Disabled Persons” in Journal of recent research in engineering and technology ISSN(online):2349-2252,ISSN (print):2349-22608,4(2),2017.
- P.Ramya , “Internet Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System”in IJSRD ” in International Journal for Scientific Research and Developement”, Vol.1, Issue 11(2017).
- K.Sangeetha , “Smart Agro Industrial Automation” in International Journal of Inventions in Computer science and Engineering Vol.11, Issue 12(2017).
- R.Jamuna “Bist Implemented UART Using VHDL” in International Journal for Scientific Reasearch and Development, Volume 5 ,Issue 1, March 2017, ISSN (online):2321-0613
- Kalaivani.P, “Recapture Detection Algorithm Based On Edge Profiles” in International Journal for Scientific Reasearch and Development,Volume 5 ,Issue 1, March 2017, ISSN (online):2321-0613.
- Jeevanantham, “An Efficient Architecture Of Carry Select Adder Using Brent Kung Adder” in International Journal For Science And Advance Research In Technology, Volume 3 Issue 3 Issn(Online): 2395-1052
- Kamalakkannan V.S,”Optimizing Delay And Enhancing Energy Bypass-Adder Using Quantum Dots Logic” in Journal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology , vol. 4, 2017.
- Siddharthan S, “Rovo Soft – A Development Of Software Platforam For Autonomous Object Detection” in International Journal Of Computer Science And Engineering ,vol.4, 2017.
- K.K.Rajkumar, “Palliation of Byzantine Attack in MANET Using CBDPS”, in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing,volume7, issue no.4,2017.
- Gnanasundari.P ”Automatic Soil Analyzer and Controller” in International Journal For Scientific Research and Development,Vol-5,Issue 01,2017,ISSN(online):2321-0613.
- M.Meenakumari, “Performance analysis of watermarking approach for VLSI design intellectual property protection” in Journal of advances in Chemistry , Volume: 12, Issue: 20,Feb2017,Page(s):5209-5212, ISSN: 2321-807x.(AI)
- N.Suma, “Design and Development of Network Reliability based Secure Multicast Routing Protocol for MANET” in Journal of advances in chemistry, Volume: 13, Issue: 10,Feb2017,Page(s):6563-6569, ISSN: 2321-807x(AI)
- N.Suma , “IOT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System” in International journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in computing and communication,vol.5,issue.2, Pages:177-181,ISSN:2321-8169 , March 2017.
- Nikitha.S.Paulin ,“Pisciculture Environment Control Using Automated Monitoring System” in Asian journal of pplied Science and Technology,vol.1,issue.2, Pages:60-65 , March 2017.
- P.Ramya , “Energy Cost Calculator” in International journal for Scientific research and development,vol.5,issue.1, ISSN:2321-0613, March 2017.
- P.Gnanasundari & G.Nithyadevi, “Intelligent Traffic Routing &Collision Avoidance Systems In Smart Vehicle Applications In Wireless Sensor Networks” in International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied sciences, vol.4, issue 2, ISSN: 2320-4387, December 2016.(AI)
- P.Ramya,K.Sangeetha & V.Venmathi , “Prediction Algorithms For Improving Network Lifetime In WSN” in Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research ,vol.24,issue 11,ISSN:1990-9233, December 2016.(AII)
- G.Sathya, Nikitha.S.Paulin & S.Saranya, “Glass Climbing Robot for Glass wall cleaning” in International Educational Scientific Research Journal, vol.2, issue 12,ISSN:2455- 295X,December 2016.
- B.Gomathi, G.Nithyadevi, K.K.Rajkumar ,“Robotic Irrigation Scheme by using ARM Processor” in International journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, vol.8, issue 2,ISSN:2321-2055,December 2016.
- Saranya.N, Sharmila.S, Jeevanantham.C,“A Routing Optimization & Data Aggregation Scheme Based On RF TARANG Module In WSN” in International journal of innovative research in science and engineering, vol.2, issue 12,ISSN:2454-9665,December 2016.
- P.Kalaivani, N.Suma,“In-Situ water monitoring using portable sensor” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol.2, issue 6,ISSN:2395-1990,December 2016.
- N.Suma, “Design and development of reliable energy based efficient protocol for improving fault tolerance in MANET” in Asian journal of research in social sciences and humanities,vol.6,No.11,pp.15-25,ISSN:2249 7315,November 2016.
- Nikitha.S.Paulin,S.Saranya,G.Sathya , “Pick and place robot using accelerometer sensor” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,vol.2,issue 6,ISSN:2395-1990,November 2016.
- Jamuna Ramasam, “Approximate Carry Select Adder Based Multiplierless Multiplication (AMLM)” in Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 24 (9): 2772-2777, 2016,ISSN 1990-9233.(AII)
- R.Jamuna , “Hybrid Segment Approximate Multiplication for Image Processing Applications” in International Journal of Scientific Research 26(7):2345-2349,2016,ISSN 1220-4536(AI)
- G.Sathya , “Intelligent control for detection of hazardous event in mining industry through helmet” in International journal of engineering research in Electronics and communication engineering,vol12,Issue6,ISSN:2045-2367.
- S. Poornachandra, “Sub band adaptive shrinkage function using fuzzy logic”, Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal Annexure II, Vol. 8(1), 445-451 , July 2015.(ANN –II) Impact Factor 0.17
- M. Meenakumari, “Content Addressable Memory of overlapped mechanism with efficient power in ATM”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 9 pp. 24125-24134, ISSN: 2419-9354, August 2015. (ANN –II) Impact Factor 0.14
- M. Meenakumari, “VLSI implementation of Optimized Carry Select Adder” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 9 (2015) pp. 24125-24134, ISSN 0973-4562,July 2015 (ANN –II). Impact Factor 0.14
- G. Sathya & P.Kalaivani, “Balance in the energy consumption and data integrity in MANET”, International Journal of Computer Science and Research, vol 2(1), pp.237-242, ISSN: 2277-9655 August 2015. Impact Factor 2.5
- M. Meenakumari, M.Shunmugalakshmi, S.Karpagaabirami & B.Gomathi,“Performance Analysis of decision based medium filter for removing impulse noise” in Middle East journal of scientific Research, Volume 2, ISSN: 1990-9233, pp. 432-436, July 2015 (ANN –II). Impact Factor 0.49
- M. Shunmugalakshmi, “A Comparative study on edge detection techniques in digital image processing using MATLAB”, International Journal of advanced research in engineering and management, vol 1, Issue 8, Nov 2015.Impact factor 3
- S. Poornachandra, “Exudates Detection- A Potential Marker for Diabetic Retinopathy and its Complications”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.55 (2015) (ANN –II) Impact factor 0.14
- G. K.D.Prasanna Venkatesan, “Performance Analysis of MIMO Based ASTM-OFDM System For Indoor Communication”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, vol.7, no.2, pp. 662-666, Apr 2016.Impact factor 1.779
- P. Kalaivani, G.Sathya, Nikitha.S.Paulin, “Performance improvement of distributed island multicasting with overlaydata distribution”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied sciences,ISSN 1991-8178 Vol.9(ANN –II)Impact factor:0.786
- R. Jamuna, “Hybrid segment approximate multiplication for image processing applications”, International journal of Circuits and Systems, ISSN 1701-1708 Vol.7 (ANN –I)Impact factor 1.01
- B. Surya, “High level protected cash withdrawal through GSM”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp. 1593-1598, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- G. Sathya, “Intelligent traffic route monitoring and security safeguard in vehicle automation”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp. 1789-1793, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- Narasimhan, “Design and analysis of miniature yagi uda antenna”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp. 1590-1592, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- B. Kalaimathi, “Design and analysis of single ended dynamic feedback 12T SRAM cell”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1436-1441, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- M. Meenakumari, “Design and implementation of BZ-FAD using Johnson counter”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1663-1667, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- N. Suma, “Setting up a LAN connection with port security”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1579-1583, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- P. Gnanasundari, “Bus navigation system using GSM and GPS module”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1760-1764, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- Nikitha.S.Paulin, Sathiapriya.M “New High performance 4-Bit parallel adder”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1603-1609, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- P. Gnanasundari, “A flawless passport verification system and e-tracking of luccage using Biometric and RFID”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1557-1561, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- P. Kalaivani, “ IN-SITU Water monitor using portable sensor”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1794-1801, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- Narasimhan, “Analysis and Design of LPDA for monitoring solar burst”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10 pp.1599-1602, ISSN: 2395-695x, March 2016. Impact factor5.023
- R. Jamuna, “Area efficient carry select adder using Brent Kung Adder”, International Journal of engineering science and computing, Volume 6, Number 3, pp.2578-2582, ISSN: 2321-3361, March 2016. Impact factor5.611
- V. Venmathi, “Borewell rescue system”, International Journal of engineering science and computing, Volume 6, Number 3, pp.3396-3401, ISSN: 2321-3361, April 2016. Impact factor5.611
- S. Sharmila, “Vehicle theft detection using ARM7”, International Journal of advances in engineering and technology, Volume 8, Number 1, ISSN: 2231-1963, Feb 2015. Impact factor1.779
- B.Gomathi, “Power optimization in L1 Cache of embedded processor using CBF based TOB architecture”, International Research Journal of engineering and technology, Volume 2, Number 7, ISSN: 2395-0072, Oct 2015. Impact factor 2.3128
- B. Gomathi ,S.Karpagaabirami & K.K.Rajkumar, “Optimization of flexible divider”, Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Volume 2, Number 12, ISSN: 2349-5162, Dec 2015. Impact factor 4.14
- C. Jeevanantham, “A low power nonvolatile logic gate using swapped CMOS technology”, International Journal of advanced research in biology engineering science and technology, Volume 2, Number 10, ISSN: 2395-695x, Mar 2016. Impact factor 5.023
- S. Sangeetha, V.Venmathi, P.Ramya & B.Kalaimathi, “Current comparison on domino with clamped Bitline current amplifier for wide fan-in gates”, International Journal of computer applications, Volume 137, Number 5, ISSN: 0975-8887, Mar 2016. Impact factor3.1524
- K.K.Rajkumar, “Enhancement of QoS for MANET Using LWQ”, International Journal of Engineering science and computing, Volume 6, Number 4, ISSN: 2321-3361, Apr 2016. Impact factor 5.611
- G.K.D.Prasanna Venkatesan, “Analysis and Design of Cylindrical Shaped Conformal UWB Antenna”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Volume 6, Number 4, ISSN: 22311963, Apr 2016. Impact factor 1.779
- Nithyadevi, “Dynamic overdriving current mode signalling for on-chip interconnects to reduce power delay and area”, International Journal of Research in electronics, Volume 3, Number 2, ISSN: 2349-252x, Apr 2016. Impact factor3.689
- S. Sangeetha ,“ Robust Low Leakage and Area Efficient Current Controlled Domino for Wide Fan in Equality Comparator”, International Journal of Engineering science and computing, Volume 6, Number 4, ISSN: 2321-3361, Apr 2016. Impact factor5.611
- Dr.P.Gnanasundari, Ms.K.Sangeetha has published a patent “IoT based weather monitoring system using Node MCU and Blynk App” Application No.No.202341009655 A dated 24/02/2023
- Dr.P.Gnanasundari,Mrs. K. Sangeetha has published a patent “Design Thinking based Smart portable Inverter”Application No.202341007269 A dated 10/02/2023.
- Dr.A.Vaniprabha, Mr. B. Vijayakumar has filed a patent “Smart wet grinder”Application No.: 202341010472 dated 24/02/2023
- Dr.A. Vaniprabha, Mr. K. Jagadeshhas filed a patent “IoT based smart trash” Application No.: 202341012248 dated 22.02.2023.
- Mrs. E. Divya, Mrs. D. Vishnupriya has filed a patent “IoT enabled smart curtain system” Application No.: 202341012351 dated 23.02.2023.
- Dr.Jamuna,Mr.Kamalakannan and Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "Controlling system for ground water consumption using real time monitoring of rain water conservation" on 16.06.2019.Patent No.:201941020033A
- Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "Fire Extirpation Robot with night vision camera using solar power" on 15.07.2019.Patent No.:201941050657A
- Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "Design to detect underground water leakage detection" on 22.08.2019.Patent No.:201941006972A
- Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "IOT Based Electric Vehicle Automation" on 12.09.2019.Patent No.:201941019273A
- Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "Systematic model for constant water quality monitoring using IOT" on 15.09.2019.Patent No.:202041006184A
- Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "Cost effective robotic based segregation of home waste to reduce work time of blue-collar workers" on 20.09.2019.Patent No.:202011014619A
- Ms.Sangeetha,Ms.Sathya,Ms.P.Kalaivani and Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "Clamp on flow meter" on 20.03.2020.Patent No.:202041010490A
- Mr.Rajkumar.K.K from ECE Department has published a patent on "A smart fish to detect and monitor contamination in aquatic ecosystem using micro-controller" on 20.02.2020.Patent No.:202041013698A
- Ms.Rajkumar.K.K,Ms.Bhagavathi Priya and Ms.Jasmine Kavitha from ECE Department has published a patent on "Smart vibrating Pot" on 29.03.2020.Patent No.:327496-001
- Dr.P.Prakasam Published a Patent on title "Question paper generation system and a method for enhancing students thinking ability" under Application No: 201941003359A.
- Dr.S.Nalin vimal Kumar, P.Prakasam and A.Kowshika Published a Patent on title "Leadership Board for Student Skill Evaluation and a Method For Learning Enhancement" under Application No: 20184104260A on 13.11.2018.
- G.Sathya, P.Kalaivani, K.Sangeetha and Bhagavathipriya Published a Patent on title "Food supplying drone with human identification" under Application No: 20184104712A on 21.12.2018.
- Dr.S.Nalin vimal Kumar, Dr.P.Prakasam and Dr.R.Bamini Published a Patent on title "A System for Students Management And A Method There for" under Application No: 20184103432A on 28.09.2018.
- A.Jothimurugan and Dr.P.Prakasam Published a Patent on title "Headlamp beam shifting apparatus and a method to operate the same" under Application No: 20184101299A on 14.05.2018.
- Dr.P.Pakasam and C.Arun Published a Patent on title "An apparatus for tracking the vehicle and a method for monitoring the same" under Application No: 20184102551A on 13.07.2018.
- P.Ramya, M.Arumugaraja, Dr.S.Poornachandra, B.Padmapriya, M.Samba siva Rao, S.Jagadhish, P.arun Kumar, B.Sumathy, J.Subhashini and J.Nirmaladevi Published a Patent on title "System and method for autoimmune disease diagnosis" under Application No: 20184104463A on 07.12.2018.
- Dr.P.Pakasam and M.Narendran Published a Patent on title "Intelligent video surveillance system and a method thereof" under Application No: 20184100752A on 09.03.2018.
- Dr.P.Pakasam and P.Sathyaprakash Published a Patent on title "Relocatable wireless sensor network for precision agriculture and a method to control the same" under Application No: 20174104702A on 05.01.2018.
- Dr.N.Suma, M.meenakumari, S.Gopinath, N.Sakthipriya, E.Sivanandham and N.Shobana Published a Patent on title "Eye protection devices for smart television" under Application No: 20174101994A on 16.06.2017.
- Dr.Prasanna Venkatesan, J.Surveswaran, T.Vignesh, M.Suresh, R.senthilkumar, M.Santhakumar, G.Vishvam and R.Suresh Published a Patent on title "Marine surveying apparatus and a method to operate the same" under Application No: 20174101238A on 21.04.2017.
- Dr.Prasanna Venkatesan, M.Arumugaraja, P.Ramya, R.Vivek and M.Arjun Published a Patent on title "Intelligent Electronic safety apparatus for two wheeled vehicles" under Application No: 20174100370A on 10.02.2017.
- Dr.N.Suma, E.Sivanandham, P.Ramya, Dr.P.Gnanasundari, M.Santhakumar, R.Jamuna, M.Arumugaraja, P.Kalaivani, G.Sathya and S.Kannan Published a Patent on title "An apparatus to deter birds and a method thereof" under Application No: 20174100369A on 10.02.2017.
- Dr. P. Gnanasundari, HoD/ECE has published a BOOK CHAPTER on “Emerging Environmental Problems and Solutions.”
- Mrs. V. Pavithra, AP/ECE has published a book titled “Electromagnetic Theory – an illustration approach for a better understanding” in RAALTECH PUBLICATION
- Dr.N.Sureshkumar published a book entitled“Electronic Circuits-I” in Mc Graw Hill Publication,ISBNNo:978-93-53161-179-8 in the year 2018.
- Dr.P.Prakasam published a book entitled “Electric power transmission and distribution” in Krish Publication, ISBN NO:978-81-939209-0-9 in the year 2018
- Dr.P.Prakasam published a book entitled “Monogram” in Krish Publication,ISBN NO : 978-81-939209-2-3 in the year 2018.
- Dr.N.Sureshkumar published a book entitled “Electronic Circuits-II” in Mc Graw Hill Publication,ISBN NO:978-94-5326-179-9 in the year 2019.
- Dr.P.Prakasam published a book entitled “High Speed,High reliability edge combiner frequency multiplier for silicon on Chip”-one chapter published in Springer link in the year 2019.
- Ms.P.Ramya and Mr.K.Shajudeen published a chapter in book entitled “Innovative Teaching Practices for 4G Students” in IOR International Publication,ISBN NO:978-93-88413-40-4 in the year 2019.
- Dr.P.Prakasam published a book entitled "Optimal Power Distribution Strategy for Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks using Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Algorithm, Environmental Engineering: Current Perspective" in Research India Publications,ISBN: 978-93-86138-95-8 in the year 2017.
- Mr.M.Arumugaraja,Mr.V.S.Kamalakannan,S.Siddharthan & K.KRajkumar published a book entitled " Cooja Simulator",ISBN-13:9781545175637 in the year 2017.
- Dr.M.Meenakumari published a book entitled " VLSI Design"in Bonfring Publication, ISBN:978-93-86638-60-1 in the year 2017
- Dr.M.Meenakumari and Ms.S.Sharmila published a book entitled "Content Addressable memory of reordering overlapped mechanism with efficient power in asynchronous transfer mode, Environmental Engineering: Current Perspective " in Research India Publications,ISBN: 978-93-84443-42-9 in the year 2017.
- N.Sureshkumar published “Electronic Circuits-I” book in McGraw Hill Publication.ISBN No:978-93-5316-179-8
- Dr.N.Suma published a book entitled " A Detailed study on Electronic Devices"in ACES publishers, ISBN:978-93-86638-60-1 in the year 2017
- Ms.P.Ramya published a book entitled " Digitalelectronics lab manual" ,ISBN:9781304588395 in the year 2016
- Dr. N. Suma, N. Saranya and K. K. Rajkumar published a book entitled " Computer network lab manual ", ISBN:978-93-5258-923-4 in the year 2016
- Dr.M.Meenakumari published a book entitled " Linear Integrated Circuits lab manual ", ISBN:978-93-846559-87-5 in the year 2016
- P.Prakasam published “Electric power transmission and distribution” book in krish publication-ISBN NO:978-81-939209-0-9
- P.Prakasam published “ Monogram” book in krish publication- ISBN : 978-81-939209-2-3
- N.Sureshkumar published “Electronic Circuits-II” book in Mc Graw Hill Publication.ISBN No:978-93-5416-149-8
- Dr.S.Poornachandra published a book entitled " Signals and Systems ", ISBN:978-93-846559-87-5 in the year 2015
- Dr.S.Poornachandra published a book entitled " Digital Signal Processing ", ISBN:634-83-896559-87-9 in the year 2015
- Dr.S.Poornachandra published a book entitled " Signals and Systems ", ISBN:976-93-846589-87-7 in the year 2015
- Dr.S.Poornachandra published a book entitled " Experiments in Electronics and Communication Engineering ", ISBN:876-47-786534-87-2 in the year 2015
- M.Meenakumari,S.Sharmila published a book on Advanced Engineering Research & Applications(21st Chapter):Content Addressable Memory of Reordering Overlapped Mechanism with Efficient Power in Asynchronous transfer Mode(Research India Publications)(ISBN No:978-93-84443-42-9)
- P.Prakasam published a book on Environmental Engineering current Perspective(21st Chapter):Optimal Power Distribution Strategy for Energy harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks using Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Algorithm(Research India Publications)(ISBN No:978-93-86138-95-8)
- M.Meenakumari, published a book on VLSI Design(Bonfring Publication)(ISBN No:978-93-86638-60-1)
- S. Poornachandra published a book on “Electronic Circuits-II” for Anna University syllabus, SciTech publication, Third edition, 2013, Chennai, India (ISBN 978-81-8371-506-5)
- S. Poornachandra published a book on “Electronic Circuits – I”, SciTech publication, 2013, Chennai, India
- S. Poornachandra published a book on “Electronic Devices”, SciTech publication, 2014, Chennai, India ( ISBN 978-81-8371-518-8)
- N.Suma published a book on “Electronic Devices”, ACES publishers, ISBN No: 978-81- 910-747- 8-9, 2017
- M.Meenakumari published a book on “Linear integrated circuits lab manual” in International e-publication,ISBN:978-93-84659-87-5,2017