DEPARTMENT of information technology
skill and career development
We are keen to shape our young minds through development of Technical Skills and Life Skills focusing their professional development. To achieve this, we have created a center for Skill and Career Development (SCD), which offers insightful Skills Development Programmes to groom students and make them corporate ready. The department achieves the enhancement of employability objectives by conducting intensive process oriented classroom training & by organizing Club of Excellence events related to both Soft and Hard Skills. These classes and events are managed by a well-groomed team from Academics. Students' get an opportunity to attend a wide range of interactive workshops, training sessions that help them to recognize, develop and articulate their employ-ability skills for their future success.
It’s all about you
- Bharathraj V, IV IT student has secured 2nd place and Rs. 1500 cash award in Inter College Innovate Ideathon Contest (IIC-2K23) organized by IEEE Student Branch National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 19.08.2023.
- Adithya R of III IT secured IInd place in Dance Competition organized by Karpagam College of Engineering on 02.12.2023.
- Dinesh P and Latheesraja S of II IT won II prize in SNS Colors 2023 “Coding Bat” event on 14.09.2023 conducted by SNS College of Engineering
- Surya K S of I IT has secured 1stplace in the event “Clash of Logos”, Genio 2K23 conducted by Anna university Regional Campus, Coimbatore on 21st October 2023.
- Adithya and Abirammy G K of III IT won 2nd place in Dance competition conducted by SreeSakthi Engineering college on 14.10.2023
- Adithya R and Gowtham S of III IT won 4th place in Anna University Football Tournament on 8th October, 2023
- Adithya R and Gowtham S secured 3rd place in Nandhu Memorial Trophy , 5’s Football Tournament on 29.10.2023
- Sharron Thomas and Mohammed Siddiq of II IT got 3rd prize in Poster Festa organized by Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore on 31.10.2023
- Harini K and Keerthana of II IT won First prize in Quiz’ O Mania conducted by Dhruva -Karpagam College of Engineering on 17th and 18th February 2023
- Darshan S, Deepak and Avinash of II IT won second prize in Poster Presentation conducted by Fiestaa’23 KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 16th and 17th February 2023
- Adhithya and Subarth of II IT won Second prize in Quiz’ O Mania conducted by Dhruva -Karpagam College of Engineering on 17th and 18th February 2023
- Aravind and Bharathkumar of II IT won 1st Prize in Questionario organized by NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Gowtham and Rajagopal of II IT won 3rd Prize in Questionario organized by Dr. NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Bharathraj V and Divya S S of III IT won 1st prize in Paper presentation titled “smart Helmet” at Dhruva -Karpagam College of Engineering on 17th and 18th February 2023
- Bharathraj V of III IT won 1st prize in Paper presentation titled “AI Technology” at Dr. NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Kola Pravin and Dharanish of II IT won 1st prize in Wise Quacks in NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Barnika L T of I IT and Sandhiya R of I AI&DS won 3rd prize in Postexia in NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Sarumathi of I year IT won 2nd prize in Treasure hunt in NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Adhithya S, Latheesraja, Dhanuprasath and sakthivel S of I IT won 4th prize in Pitch it up – Idea presentation event conducted by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 25.02.2023
- Barathraj V of IV IT won II place in the event Lexicons conducted by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 08.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 750.
- Barathraj V of IV IT won II place in the event Projectron conducted by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 08.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won II place in the event Front2Back conducted by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 08.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won II place in the event Flash memory conducted by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 08.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won II place in the event Paper Presentation conducted by Dept of IT, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 01.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 2500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won II place in the event Paper Presentation conducted by Dept of IT, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 01.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 2500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won II place in the event Biznxt Quiz conducted by Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 08.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 2500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st place in Colloquium Paper Presentation conducted by Karpagam Institute of Technology on 21st and 22nd March 2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1750
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st place in Slide Deck Paper Presentation conducted by Karpagam Institute of Technology on 21st and 22nd March 2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 3000
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st place in the event Design Discover conducted by Karpagam Institute of Technology on 21st and 22nd March 2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 2500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st place in the event Startup Idea Presentation conducted by Karpagam Institute of Technology on 21st and 22nd March 2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 3000
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st place in the event Web Savvy’24 conducted by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 26.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs.1500 .
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 2nd place in the event Thesis Throwdown conducted by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 26.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs.500 .
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 2nd prize in the event Code Bug conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology on 28.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 750
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st prize in the event Web Master Challenge conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology on 28.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st prize in the event Poster Making conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology on 28.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st prize in the event Motif Making conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology on 28.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st prize in the Paper Presentation conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology on 28.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500 and received shield
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st prize in the Project Presentation conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology on 28.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500 and received shield
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 3rd prize in the Brain Teaser conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology on 28.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 500 and Medal
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st prize in the event Web Master conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering on 15.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500
- Barathraj V of IV IT won 1st prize in the event Poster Design conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering on 15.03.2024 and got cash prize of Rs. 1500
- Pooja S of II IT has won 1st place in Women’s Day 2024 event, an Idea Pitching event held on 07.03.2024 organized by Women Empowerment Cell, SNS College of Engineering
- Kaviya M of II IT has won 3rd place in Women’s Day 2024 event, an Idea Pitching event held on 07.03.2024 organized by Women Empowerment Cell, SNS College of Engineering
- Dinesh P, Niranjan N N, Visalachi N of II IT got first prize in paper presentation organized by PPG Institute of Technology on 16.04.2024
- Adithya R of III IT won first place in Solo and Group dance conducted by SNS College of Engineering for Annual Day on 18.04.2024
- Swathi S of II IT won the winner place in Kho Kho event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Varshini S of II IT won the runner place in Kho Kho event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Adithya R of III IT won the First place in 400mts event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Adithya R of III IT won the Third place in 5000m event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Adithya R of III IT won the Third place in 4x100mts event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Adithya R of III IT won the Runner place in Basketball event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Adithya R of III IT won the Winner place in Football event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Adithya R of III IT won the Third place in 4x400mts event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Mayavarman, Daniel Raj, Akash, Dhaswin I S, Dhanush S R, of II IT won the winner place in Cricket event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Maharaja K, Gokul Krishna of II IT won the runner place in Cricket event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Kaviya M of II IT won the runner place in Volley ball event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Charumathi S of II IT won in the Chess event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024
- Dinesh P, Niranjan N N, Visalachi N got 2nd prize in the Paper presentation event organized by PPG College of Technology on 16th April 2024
- Kaviya of II IT won the 1st place in 4 x 100mts event during the Annual Sports Day in SNS College of Engineering 2023-2024.
- Hariprasamth M of I IT participated in the event “The Bug Battle” in Genio 2K23 conducted at the Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore on 31st October 2023.
- Hariprasamth M of I IT participated in the event “Coders Unit” in Genio 2K23 conducted at the Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore on 31st October 2023.
- Hariprasamth M of I IT participated in the event “IPL Auction” in Genio 2K23 conducted at the KGISL Institute of Technology on 5th October 2023.
- Hariprasamth M of I IT participated in the event “CodeStream ” in Genio 2K23 conducted at the KGISL Institute of Technology on 5th October 2023.
- Hariprasamth M of I IT participated in the event “Connection” in Genio 2K23 conducted at the KGISL Institute of Technology on 5th October 2023.
- Barathraj V of IV IT won the “Leaders of Today” Award for IV year, for the academic year 2023-2024 in Annual Day Function conducted on 18.04.2024.
- All students of I Year IT and AI&DS Participated in Kovai Vizha Events organized by SNS College of Engineering on 05.01.2023.
- Jobin Marcelin J S of II Year IT won 4th place in Relay at Bannariamman College on 28.02.2023
- Harini K and Keerthana of II IT won First prize in Quiz’ O Mania conducted by Dhruva -Karpagam College of Engineering on 17th and 18th February 2023
- Darshan S, Deepak and Avinash of II IT won second prize in Poster Presentation conducted by Fiestaa’23 KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 16th and 17th February 2023
- Adhithya and Subarth of II IT won Second prize in Quiz’ O Mania conducted by Dhruva -Karpagam College of Engineering on 17th and 18th February 2023
- Aravind and Bharathkumar of II IT won 1st Prize in Questionario organized by NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Gowtham and Rajagopal of II IT won 3rd Prize in Questionario organized by Dr. NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Bharathraj V and Divya S S of III IT won 1st prize in Paper presentation titled “smart Helmet” at Dhruva -Karpagam College of Engineering on 17th and 18th February 2023
- Bharathraj V of III IT won 1st prize in Paper presentation titled “AI Technology” at Dr. NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Kola Pravin and Dharanish of II IT won 1st prize in Wise Quacks in NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Barnika L T of I IT and Sandhiya R of I AI&DS won 3rd prize in Postexia in NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Sarumathi of I year IT won 2nd prize in Treasure hunt in NGP Institute of Technology on 25.02.2023
- Adhithya S, Latheesraja, Dhanuprasath and sakthivel S of I IT won 4th prize in Pitch it up – Idea presentation event conducted by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 25.02.2023
- Anandavarshini J and Shreenithi G of I Year IT won 1st Prize in the Event “Code the Mugshot” organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science in Intesa 23 Event on 01.03.2023 and got Rs. 2000 as cash prize.
- Bharath R and Karmega Gopi A of III IT won 1st place in the event “Connection” organized by Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology on 24.03.2023
- Jovitha S and Rasika R of III IT won 3rd Prize in the “Code Hunters” Event and receive cash prize of Rs. 1000 organized by the by Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology on 24.03.2023
- K.K. Pranesh of III IT got 2nd prize in “Best Pilot” Event organized by the by Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology on 24.03.2023
- Divya S S, Neha J A, Nisha C and Pavithra M of III IT got 2nd Prize in Paper Presentation organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 24.03.2023
- Kolaa Pravin II IT got 3rd place in Carro quiz organized by National Institute of Technology Karaikal, Puducherry on 01.03.2023
- Sri Varun N S , Ranjith S, Lakshmi Narayanan C, II IT got 4th place in Ideathon organized by Nehru college of engineering Coimbatore on 09.03.2023
- Sri Varun N S II IT got 1st place in Poster Designing organized by Nehru college of engineering Coimbatore on 09.03.2023
- Sri Varun N S II IT won 1st place in Poster Presentation organized by PPG Institute of Technology on 10.03.2023
- Kaaviya Sri D, II IT won 1st place in Shark tank organized by Nehru college of engineering on 09.03.2023
- Kaaviya Sri D, II IT won 1st place in Teaser creation organized by Nehru college of engineering on 09.03.2023
- Lavanya K and Krishnapriya S K of III Year IT students won 2nd place in Project Presentation, National Level Technical Symposium, MIN ENTHRA’2K23 at Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 12th April, 2023
- Bharathraj V of III Year IT got 1st Place in Coding Event in Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 13.04.2023
- Bharathraj V of III Year IT got 1st Place in Poster Design Event in Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 13.04.2023
- Bharathraj Vof III IT secured 1st place in Paper Presentation at United Institute of Technology on 06.04.2023
- Bharathraj V of III IT secured 1st place in Code Debugging Event at United Institute of Technology on 06.04.2023
- Bharathraj V of III IT won 1st place in Photography event at Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 11.04.2023
- Adithya, Gowtham, Darshan, Abirammy, Krishna, Srivarun of II IT and Jayapratha, Kaviya, Navaneeth, Deepthi,Sivapprakash and Surya of II Year AI&DS got 2nd place for group dance Competition at Sparkz 2K23, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education on April 20th and 21st, 2023
- Adithya, Gowtham, Darshan, Abirammy, Krishna, Srivarun of II IT won Ist place in group dance in Convergence’23 in NEHRU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY on 18th Arpil 2023.
- Adhithya of II IT won 1st place in Solo Dance in Convergence’23 in NEHRU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY on 18th Arpil 2023
- Divyadharshini won 1st place in Code Debugging Event conducted by CSI College of Engineering, Ketti on 06.05.2023
- Adhitya, Darshan of II IT won First Prize in Group dance with Rs. 10,000 cash award at Sona College of Technology on 8th and 9th May, 2023
- Department of IT organized an Alumni Talk titled “Impact of 5G Networks” on 23.05.2023 by Mr. R. Elavarasan, Programmer Analyst Trainee, Cognizant Techology Solutions. Aound 65 students got benifitted from the session
- Siva Ganesh R.K of III IT attended and got selected for internship with 100% scholarship at Forge Accelerator, Coimbatore from 03.02.2020 to 06.02.2020.
- R.K.Sivaganesh of II IT has Developed website named “SNS Badminton Academy” for 1st District Level Sub Junior Badminton Tournament and coordinated the event conducted at SNS College of Engineering on 27th and 28th October 2018.
- Devadharshini.D of IV IT has hosted the 1st District Level Sub Junior Badminton Tournament conducted at SNS College of Engineering on 27th and 28th October 2018.
- K.Praksah, A.Nagulan of III IT are the Brand ambassador to collect online feedback from our students for ISTE students chapter with Govt of India at SNS College of Engineering on January 2019.
- Ms. A.Sowmiya received ISTE TN Section Best Student Award.
- Ms. A.Sowmiya and Ms. D. Devadharshini received Special Mention Award in International MUN.
- A.Sowmiya, has received Oustanding student Award for the Department IT.
- Sowmiya A, Kowshick C, Aswini S, Monisha D of III Year received All Rounder Performance Award.
- Mukilan A , Venkatesh P M of III Year received All Rounder Performance Award.
- Vansika D of II Year received All Rounder Performance Award.
- A.Sowmiya IV IT – CEO of Futura SNS Startup Accelerator is an active participant to encourage the Entrepreneur.
- Chatti app developed by Ms. A.Sowmiya and Mr. G. Aharshraj.
- Ashwanth Raj, R.Jithendran of I IT won First Prize of Rs.1000/- for their presentation on “IoT“ during National Level Technical symposium 2k19 – Techno Fiesta ‘ 19 at J.K.K.Nattraja College of Engineering & Technology on 20.03.2019.
- Elavarasan of I IT won First Prize in Technical Quiz during National Level Technical symposium 2k19 – Techno Fiesta ‘ 19 at J.K.K.Nattraja College of Engineering & Technology on 20.03.2019.
- Jithendran.R, Aakash Ramesh and Ashwanth Raj.T of I IT presented and won III Prize with Cash Prize of Rs.800/- for their paper on “5G Technology” in National Level Technical Symposium -INCEPTO ‘ 18 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 12.09.2018.
- Aharshraj.G of IV IT participated in TIE HACKATHON ’18 and presented a project idea in Block chain at GRD Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 29.08.2018.
- Mohamed Fareedh.A, Nitish Kumar.C, Najma Begum.M.U of II IT participated in TIE HACKATHON ’18 and presented a project at GRD Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 29.08.2018.
- G.Aharshraj of IV IT participated and awarded as Honor DoraHacker in DoraHacks Global Hack series 2018 – Blockchain Hackathon at Bangalore on 6th and 7th October 2018.
- K.S.Sandra of I IT, Kiruthika.G, Najma Begum.M.U of II IT, A.Mukilan, P.M.Venkatesh of III IT, A.Sowmiya, A.Yuvasri of IV IT selected for getting the management scholarship under ARP Round Performer Development Scholarship Scheme (ARP DSS).
- B.Priyadharsini, A.Yuvasri, M.Yamuna, IV IT, “Fuel Level Indication and Mileage calculator using IoT” got Best Paper Award in the International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems – ICACCS 2019 at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Monisha.D of III IT secured I rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Gold Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Aiswarya Sequeria.J of III IT secured II rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Silver Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Kowshick.C of III IT secured III rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Mukilan.A of II IT secured I rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Gold Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Preetha.D of II IT secured II rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Silver Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Keerthana.C II IT secured III rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Vansika.D of I IT secured I rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Gold Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Kiruthika.G of I IT secured II rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Silver Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Kirtika.B of I IT secured III rank in the academic year 2017-2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Monisha.D of III IT secured I rank in April/May 2018 and received Gold Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Kowshick.C and Yuvasri.A of III IT secured II rank in April/May 2018 and received Silver Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Aiswarya Sequeria.J of III IT secured III rank in April/May 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Mukilan.A, Preetha.D of II IT secured I rank in April/May 2018 and received Gold Medal for each during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Karthick Srinivasan.B of II IT secured II rank in April/May 2018 and received Silver Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Sowndarya.M and Keerthana.C of II IT secured III rank in April/May 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Vansika.D of I IT secured I rank in April/May 2018 and received Gold Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Kiruthika.G of I IT secured II rank in April/May 2018 and received Silver Medal during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Ashwin.S.T of I IT secured III rank in April/May 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Sowmiya.A and Jeevadharshini.G of IV IT secured I rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Kowshick.C of IV IT secured II rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Yuvasri.A, Rajeshwari.S and S.Banupiya of IV IT secured III rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Preetha.D of III IT secured I rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Keerthana.C of III IT secured II rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Mukilan.A of III IT secured III rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Kirthika.G and Najma Begum.M.U of II IT secured I rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and Rs.100/- each during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Vansika.D of of II IT secured II rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Jeevitha.T and Vaishnavi.N of II IT secured III rank in Nov/Dec 2018 and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Suryaprabha.S, Vansika.D of I IT achieved 100% attendance during the academic year 2017-2018 (Even Sem) and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Haripriya. R, Keerthana.C of II IT achieved 100% attendance during the academic year 2017-2018 (Even Sem) and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Vansika.D of II IT achieved 100% attendance during the academic year 2018-2019 (Odd Sem) and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Gokulakrishnan.P and Preetha.D of III IT achieved 100% attendance during the academic year 2018-2019 (Odd Sem) and received Appreciation Certificate during the Annual Day on 22.03.2019.
- Aswini S has received Super Fan Award for Best Innovative Questionnaire Preparation
- Pavithra, D.Devadharshini of III IT got II Prize in Technical Event named Technical Dumbcharades at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 27.09.2017.
- Devadharshini of III IT got I Prize in Technical Event named Ms.Praeliator at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 27.09.2017.
- Devadharshini, C.Kowshick and D.Monisha of III IT got III Prize in ZAVTRA BOT – Robotics Project Exhibition at SNS College of Engineering on 27.09.2017.
- Banupriya, R.Rija of III IT presented a paper on “Blockchain Technology” and won I prize at Sasurie Engineering College on 26.02.2018.
- Nivedhya of III IT presented a paper on “IOT based on smart waste management” and won II Prize at Sasurie Engineering College on 26.02.2018.
- Aswini of III IT got II prize in Quiz Competition conducted by Government College of Technology on 22.03.2018.
- Aharshraj and C. Kowshikck of III IT got 5th place in Hackathon event conducted by HCL Technologies, Madurai on 17.03.2018.
- S.Aswini of III IT & P.M.Venkatesh of II IT got Innovation Questionnaire Award – Super Fan Award during the National Level Technical Symposium – Kalinga’18 on 31.01.2018.
- Kowshick, D.Monisha, S.Aswini, A.Sowmiya of III IT and P.M.Venkatesh, A.Mukilan of II IT have been the applicant for the award of III year and II year All Round Performer during the year 2017-2018.
- A.Sowmiya of III IT was awarded ISTE TN Section Best Student Award for the year 2017 for her overall performance in academic and extracurricular activities during 17th ISTE TN Section Annual Convention of Engineering Students 2017 at Tagore Engineering College, Chennai on 10th April 2018.
- Nivethika J M, has received Oustanding student Award for the Department IT.
- Ms. Kaviya S. participated in Jodi No.1 season 7 – a reality Dance show in Vijay TV (Her team won the title winner)
- Rajeshwari. S, Aiswarya Sequeira.J, of II –IT, Nivethika.J.M, Kumaresan.M, Thamayandhi.G, Ishwairya. K of IV-IT students got Academic Excellence award.
- M.Nevithika of IV-IT, D.Monisha of II-IT students got Academic Scholarship award of 35000RS/-
- Sowmiya, II-IT won Cash Award of Rs. 3000/- in International MUN organized by SOA Bhuvaneshwar
- Devadharshini, II IT won Special Mention award in International MUN organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Monisha, C.Kowshick, A.Sowmiya, Priyadharsini.B of II-IT won cash awards for paper presentations in KCT and Bannari amman institute of technology.
- Students got various prizes in the Technical Events conducted at premier Institutions.
- Priscilla Florence persis. S, ranked 28th position with CGPA 8.76 in Anna University ranking list
- Priscilla Florence persis. S, has received Oustanding student Award for the Department IT.
- Sasikumar III-IT, awarded with Best Project for the event Project Expo at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 19th September 2015
- Priscilla Florence persis.S IV-IT awarded with Best Entrepreneurship Trophy for the event HR Summit at Sri Easwhar college of Engineering, Coimbatore on 9th July 2015
- G. Kiruthika, Surya Prabha S, Kritika, Najma Begum M U of III IT presented a paper on "IOT" during A National level Technical Symposium - HASHTAG 2.0 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 28.8.2019.
- Kritika, Najma Begum M U of III IT presented a paper on “Data Analytics” "during A National level Technical Symposium - HASHTAG 2.0 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 28.8.2019.
- Elavarasan R, Veereshkumar R, Kaviraj A of II IT presented a paper on “Cyber Security” during A National level Technical Symposium - HASHTAG 2.0 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 29.8.2019.
- Ashwanth Raj.T of II IT presented a paper on “IOT in Digital Health Care” during A National level Technical Symposium - HASHTAG 2.0 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 29.8.2019.
- Kritika, Najma Begum M U of III IT participated in Connections Events during A National level Technical Symposium - HASHTAG 2.0 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 28.8.2019.
- Elavarasan R, Veereshkumar R, Kaviraj A, Ashwanth Raj.T Jithendran.R, Aakash Ramesh of II IT participated in Coding Contest, Googler, Connections events during A National level Technical Symposium - HASHTAG 2.0 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 28.8.2019.
- Veereshkumar R, Ashwanth Raj.T of II IT participated in Code-O-Fiesta during A National level Technical Symposium - HASHTAG 2.0 at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 28.8.2019.
- Vaishnavi.N, Vansika.D of III IT presented a paper on “Online Women Care“ at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 15.02.2020.
- Akshaya J, Sandra.K.S of II IT presented a paper on “Artificial Intelligence” at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 15.02.2020.
- Elavarasan R, Radhakrishnan P, Saravana Rajan B of II IT presented a paper on “Digital and Health Care using IoT” at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 15.02.2020.
- Jithendran.R, Aakash Ramesh and Ashwanth Raj.T of I IT “5G Technology” in National Level Technical Symposium -INCEPTO ' 18 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 12.09.2018.
- B.Saravana Rajan, A.Santhosh Kumar and J.Stevan of I IT “Virtual Personal Assistant” in National Level Technical Symposium -INCEPTO ' 18 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 12.09.2018.
- Santhosh.R, Sunanth.D of III IT “IOT“at National level Technical Symposium (HENOSIS '19 ) organized by NGP Institute of Technology on 02.02.2019.
- V.S.Santhosh kumar, R.Santhosh, of III IT “IOT“ during National level Technical Symposium organized by Info Institute of Engineering on 14.2.2019.
- Karan, Naveen.R.K of III IT “Cloud Computing“ during National level Technical Symposium organized by Info Institute of Engineering on 14.2.2019.
- Renganathan, Aarthi.G of III IT “Web service“ during National level Technical Symposium organized by Info Institute of Engineering on 14.2.2019.
- Akshaya.J, Sandra.K.S of I IT “IOT“ during National level Technical Symposium organized by Info Institute of Engineering on 19.2.2019 & 15.02.2019.
- M.Sujipriya, N.Ragavipriya, S.Sathish Kumar of III IT “Cloud Computing“during National level Technical Symposium (#TECHMAGNETS '19) at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 19.02.2019.
- M.Sowndarya, P.Gokula Krishnan of III IT “IOT“during National level Technical Symposium (#TECHMAGNETS '19) at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 19.02.2019.
- B.Karthick Srinivasan, Prakash.K “Mobile computing“during National level Technical Symposium (#TECHMAGNETS '19) at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 19.02.2019.
- Nagulan.A, Gayathri.S.L of III IT “Artificial Intelligence“ organized by Kumaraguru Institutions on 08.2.2019 & 09.2.2019.
- Ramya.P, Jeevitha.T, Ijaz Ahamed.H of II IT presented a paper on “BlockChain” organized by Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 19.02.2019.
- Karthikeyan.S, Manojprabhakar of II IT presented a paper on “Big Data” organized by Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 19.02.2019.
- Ashwin.S.T, Kritika.B, Najma Begum.M.U of II IT presented a paper on “Mobile Application” organized by Government College of Technology on 07.03.2019.
- A.Sowmiya and B. Priyadharshini of II IT presented a paper at Jansons Institute of Technology and won second prize with cash award of Rs. 500/- on 14.03.2017
- Kowshik of II IT presented a paper at Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 22.03.2017 and won second prize.
- J. Aiswarya Sequeria, S. Akshayaa, D. Monisha, C. Kowshick, A. Yuvasri, M. Yamuna presented a paper at UIT College of Engineering on 15.03.2017
- R. Nivedhya, R. Rija, M. Sangeetha, P. Nithya Santhoshini, S. Banupriya and M. Susmitha of II IT presented a paper at Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher education for Women- Faculty of Engineering on 16.03.2017.
- D.Monisha, C.Kowshick, III-IT presented a paper on “IOT Irrigation Monitoring” organized by NASSCOM for Pitch Day through Skype at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 10.08.2017.
- S.Aswini, S.Banupriya, P.NithyaSanthoshini and M.Sangeetha, III IT presented the paper entitled “Virtual Assistant” at Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 22.09.2017.
- R.Nivedhya of III IT presented a paper on “IOT based on smart waste management” at Sri Ranganathur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on24.02.2018.
- M.Sangeetha, P.Nithya Santhoshini of III IT presented a paper on “Augmented Reality” at Sasurie Engineering College on 26.02.2018.
- S.Banupriya, R.Rija of III IT presented a paper on “Blockchain Technology” at Sasurie Engineering College on 26.02.2018.
- R.Nivedhya of III IT presented a paper on “IOT based on smart waste management” at Sasurie Engineering College on 26.02.2018.
- M.Yamuna, R.Rija of III IT presented a paper at Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 10.03.2018.
- S.Aravindhan, S.Gokulnath of II IT presented a paper “VoLTE in Mobile Phones” at SNS College of Technology on 15.03.2018 & 16.03.2018.
- B.Viswa, D.Sunanth of II IT presented a paper “4G Wireless Technology” at SNS College of Technology on 15.03.2018 & 16.03.2018.
- M.Indhuja, M.Priya of II IT presented a paper “Health Bank” at SNS College of Technology on 15.03.2018 & 16.03.2018.
- S.Banupriya, M.Susmitha of III IT presented a paper “Artificail Intelligence & Machine Learning” at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 21.03.2018.
- P.Nithya Santhoshini, M.Sangeetha of III IT presented a paper “5G Wireless Technology” at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 21.03.2018.
- M.Susmitha and S.Banupriya of III IT presented a paper “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence” at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 21.03.2018.
- Pavithra, D.Devadharshini of (III IT) have participated in the National Level Technical Symposium at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 27th September 2017 won II Prize for Technical Dumbcharades
- D.Devadharshini of (III IT) have participated in the National Level Technical Symposium Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 27th September 2017 won I Prize for Ms.Praeliator
- R.Rija, S.Banupriya of III IT have participated in the National Level Technical Symposium at Sasurie Engineering College, 26th February 2018 won I Prize for Paper presentation
- R.Nivedhya of III IT have participated in the National Level Technical Symposium at Sasurie Engineering College, 26th February 2018 won Ii Prize for Paper presentation
- S.Aswini (III IT) have participated in the National Level Technical Symposium at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 21st march 2018 won II Prize for Technical quiz
- C. Kowshick, D. Monisha, II IT, has presented a paper titled “Blue Eye Technology“ in INFEST 2K17- Technical Symposium held at INFO Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore on 27th & 28th Feb 2017.
- C. Kowshick, D. Monisha, II IT, has presented a paper titled “ Blue Eye Technollogy“ in Virtuoso-2K17- Technical Symposium held at Bannai Amman Institute of Technology,on 3rd & 4th March 2017
- S. Aswini, II IT, has presented a paper titled “Radio Protection of AEGLE Marmelos“ in Virtuoso-2K17- Technical Symposium held at Bannai Amman Institute of Technology,on 3rd & 4th March 2017
- A.Sowmiya - II IT has participated in National Level Technical Symposium at, MUN SOA University, Bhubaneswar on 21th September 2016 and won cash prize Rs/ 3000
- S. Suresh, R. Tamilarasan of II IT has participated in National Level Technical Symposium at SNS College of Technology Coimbatore, Logotron on 01st & 02nd February 2016 and won First Prize.
- D. Devadharshini of II IT has participated in National Level Technical Symposium at KCT, Coimbatore, “VARTHAI VILAYATTU on 09th to 11th February 2016 and won cash prize of 1500
- D. Monisha , C. Kowshick of II IT has participated in National Level Technical Symposium at Info Institute of Engineering, on 27th February 2017 won First Prize for Paper Presentation
- D. Monisha ,C. Kowshick of II IT has participated in National Level Technical Symposium at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, on 03rd and 04th march 2017, and won Second Prize in Paper Presentation
- K.Sowndarya, K.Sarayu venkata Lakshmi IV B.Tech IT, has presented a paper titled "Internet of Things" in National Level Technical symposium on 25th & 26th September 2015 in Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering & Technology.
- Kavitha, S.Priscilla Florence Persis IV B.Tech IT has presented a paper titled "Accident avoidance using Embedded systems" in National Level Technical symposium on 23rd September 2015 in JKKN College of Engineering.
- J.M.Nivethika, III-IT, has presented a paper titled "Reinforcement in Energy consumption" in National Level Technical symposium on 26th September 2015 in Hindustan college of Engineering and Technology.
- S.Sowndarya, III-IT, has presented a paper titled "Cloud computing" in National Level Technical symposium on 26th September 2015 in Hindustan college of Engineering and Technology.
- N.Ramya, S.Poornima, III-IT ,has presented a paper titles “Internet of Things” in National Level Technical Symposium on 28th January,2016 in Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology.
- J.M.Nivethika,K.Ishwariya, III-IT ,has presented a paper titles “Blue Brain” in National Level Technical Symposium on 28th January,2016 in Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology.
- J.M.Nivethika,K.Ishwariya, III-IT ,has presented a paper titles “Red Tackton” in YUGAM’16-Annual Inter College Techno Cultural Fest conducted by Kumaraguru college of Technology on 13th February,2016.
- C.Jenifer, IV-IT, has presented a paper titles “Global Positioning Accuracy towards mobile phone localization for emergency system” in NEXUS’16 –Technical symposium held at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 18th March, 2016.
- S.PriyaNancy, “Performance Evaluation of Data Transparent Authentication based Transmission Using QOD for Hybrid Networks”, KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER) ,Volume No.: III,
- G.Sowmiya. Abirami, S.Saranya, “Dehazing Using Local Feature Descriptor For Robust Image Matching”, KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER), Volume No.: III, ISSN : 2393-994X, May 2015.
- Vaishnavi, “Automation System For Color Sorting Industry”, KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER), Volume No.: III, ISSN : 2393-994X, May 2015.
- Ms.M.Malarmathi, R.Gokulnath, S.Yuvaraj, R.Karthikeyan, “Early warning system from threat of wild animals using Rashberrypi”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES), e-ISSN: 2455-2585, Vol 5, Special Issue, March 2019.
- Ms.A.Kowshika, S.suresh, R.Tamilarasan, K.Karthik, “IoT based smart gas monitoring system with Automatic Gas Leakage Controller”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES), e-ISSN: 2455-2585, Vol 5, Special Issue, March 2019.
- Ms.S.Rijutha, G.Aharshraj, R.Rija, S.Monisha, “ Serverless Social Media using Ethereum Network”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES), e-ISSN: 2455-2585, Vol 5, Special Issue, March 2019.
- Mr.K.Nandakumar, G.Sowmiya, G.Jeevadharshini, K.Hariprasath, “Air Velocity Detection and Boat Distance measuring using IoT”, International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES), e-ISSN: 2455-2585, Vol 5, Special Issue, March 2019.
- B.Anuradha, B.Priyadharsini, A.Yuvasri, M.Yamuna, “Fuel Level Indication and Mileage calculator using IoT”, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ppg.no 771-774, E-ISBN: 9781538695333, June 2019.
- T.R.Lekhaa, J.Aiswarya Sequeira, Akshayaa.S, Rajeshwari.S, “Intelligent Shopping Cart using Bolt ESP8266 based on Internet of Things IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ppg.no 758-761, E-ISBN: 9781538695333, June 2019.
- N.Thillaiarasu, D.Devadharshini, T.Anantharaj, M.Susmitha, “Solar Powered Fire Extirpation Robot with Night Vision Camera“, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ppg.no 741-744, E-ISBN: 9781538695333, June 2019.
- M. Karan, S. Rajaganapathi, Santhosh of IV IT and S.Prabhavathi, AP/IT published a paper, “Spatial Nearest Group Query with Redundancy Reduction Optimization” in International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), ISSN: 2455-2631 during March 2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT Published paper in "Twitter Sentimental Analysis with Enhanced Reduction Optimization Studies in Indian PLace Name" (UGC Care Journal), Vol-40-Issue-50-March-2020, ISSN: 2394-3114, Pg. NO.4383-4391.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT Published paper in "Data Analytics with Efficient Mining of Frequent Mining on Decision Making International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field", Vol-6-ISSN:2455-0620, April 2020
- S.L.Gayathri, III IT, “M-LEARNING ANDROID APPLICATION FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 8th & 9th February 2019.
- Mr. N. Adhithyaa, E. Poovarasan, S. Pravin, B. Thanpadmagananam, “Opinion analysis on Twitter” presented paper in International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Sri Subramania College of Engineering and Technology on 25th March 2017.
- Mr.K. Nandakumar, P. Arun kumar, “Disease Detection based on Data Classification Approach”, presented paper in International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Sri Subramania College of Engineering and Technology, on 25th March 2017.
- Ms. A. Aruna, N. Ramya, S. Saisri, S. Poornima, “Enhancing Data Security using Video Steganography”, presented paper in International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Sri Subramania College of Engineering and Technology 25th March 2017.
- Ms. A Kowshika, S.B. Naveen Prasad, K.S Srihari, L. Suresh Mano, “E-Tutorial for Students”, presented paper in International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Sri Subramanya College of Engineering and Technology, Palani, Mar. 25, 2017.
- A.Sowmiya of III IT presented in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering & Technology - IOT based on smart waste management organized by AKJ College of Arts and Science on 28.02.2018.
- P.Greeshma,M.Hariprasath ,S.Sivaganesh,K.Keerthana, Remotely Monitoring and controlling a stolen car using android application”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-1 2016.
- S.Mohana priya,S.Bindiya, “Adaptive Stegnalysis of Least significant Bit in Wrl images”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-1 2016.
- V.Vijay kumar,T.Surendhar,S.Vengadesh , “Automated Vechicle identification system”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-2 2016.
- Sabitha Jenifer.A,Sakthi MahaaLaxmi.M,”Dynamic Spectrum access and sharing using 5G in Cognitive Radio”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-2 2016.
- Manju.P, Vismaya.U, Sathiya.K.K,”Tracking context of smart Handheld Devices”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-2 2016.
- P.Gowtham Prabhu, S.U.Nathan, S.Sathish Kumar,”Data Hiding in encrypted H.264/AVC video stream”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-3 2016.
- K.Sowndarya, N.S.Kiruthika, N.Kavitha,”Alert system for accident avoidance based driver’s behavior”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-3 2016.
- J.Dhivya Mercy Immaculate, M.Vidhya, S.Gayathri, ”Secure data storage in decentralized cloud with data forwarding”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-3 2016.
- S.Nivedha, S.Manivarma, “ A Survey on load balancing during Handover in cognitive radio networks using data mining”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-4 2016.
- N.Sathya Priya,M.Srinithi,V.Yesodha, ”Survey on real time sign language recognition : An LDA approach”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-4 2016.
- J.Vaishnavi , M.Sugandhanaa, P.Dhivya Bharathy, ”A survey on IEEE 802.16G protocol convergence between the terrestrial and satellite segments”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-4 2016.
- K.Sarayu Venkatalakshmi, S.Bhagyalakshmi, R.Manikandan, B.Ashwin Bharathi, ”Conditional method dependencies without high complexity for data retrieval using mining approach”, SSRG-IJCSE-ICEIET Part-4 2016.
- N. Preethi, M. Sindhu, R. Manju, T.R. Lekhaa “ Efficient Crop Yield and Pesticide Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques”, presented paper in International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and Technology ICCTET 2016, Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 06 April 2016.
- S.Priscilla Florence Persis, N.Preethi, IV-IT, presented a paper titled ”A efficient crop yield and pesticide prediction using Data Mining Techniques”, in International conference, held at Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore, on 11th March,2016.
- B.Dhanya, P.Ramya, P.Usha, IV-IT presented a paper titled ”Neural sensing with Electroencephalographic signal system for surgical deriver drowsiness detection”, in International conference held at Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore, on 11th March,2016.
- N.Sathya Priya,M.Srinithi,V.Yesodha, IV-IT presented a paper titled ”Survey on real time sign language recognition : An LDA approach”, in International conference held at Hindustan College of Technology Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- J.Dhivya Mercy Immaculate, M.Vidhya, S.Gayathri , IV-IT presented a paper titled ”Secure data storage in decentralized cloud with data forwarding”, in International conference held at Hindustan Institute of Technology Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- Manju.P, Vismaya.U, Sathiya.K.K, IV-IT, presented a paper titled ”Tracking context of smart Handheld Devices”, in International conference held at Hindustan Institute of Technology Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- Sabitha Jenifer.A,Sakthi MahaaLaxmi.M, IV-IT, presented a paper titled ”Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Energy detection in Cognitive Radio for 5G Networks”, in International conference held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, on 17th March,2016.
- Sabitha Jenifer.A,Sakthi MahaaLaxmi.M, IV-IT, presented a paper titled ”Dynamic Spectrum access and sharing using 5G in Cognitive Radio”, in International conference held at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 17th March,2016.
- C.Jenifer, R.Balaguru, Y.Syed Ahamed Abraar,IV-IT, has presented a paper titled ”Global Positioning Accuracy towards Mobile phone Localization for Emergency system”, in International conference held at Ranganathan Engineering College,Coimbatore, on 11th March,2016.
- P.Greeshma,M.Hariprasath ,S.Sivaganesh,K.Keerthana, IV-IT, has presented a paper titled ”Remotely Monitoring and controlling a stolen car using android application”, in International conference held at Hindustan Engineering College, Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- P.Gowtham Prabhu, S.U.Nathan, S.Sathish Kumar, IV-IT, has presented a paper titled ”Data Hiding in encrypted H.264/AVC video stream”, in International conference held at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- K.Sarayu Venkatalakshmi, S.Bhagyalakshmi, R.Manikandan, B.Ashwin Bharathi, IV-IT, has presented a paper titled ”Conditional method dependencies without high complexity for data retrieval using mining approach”, in International conference held at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- K.Sowndarya, N.S.Kiruthika, N.Kavitha, IV-IT, has presented a paper titled ”Alert system for accident avoidance based driver’s behavior”, in International conference held at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- P.Dhivya Bharathy, M.Sugandhanaa, J.Vaishnavi, IV-IT, has presented a paper titled ”A survey on Cognitive Handover between the terrestrial and satellite segments”, in International conference held at Ranganathan Engineering college, Coimbatore, on 11th March,2016.
- J.Vaishnavi , M.Sugandhanaa, P.Dhivya Bharathy, IV-IT, has presented a paper titled ”A survey on IEEE 802.16G protocol convergence between the terrestrial and satellite segments”, in International conference held at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 18th March,2016.
- S.Deepak, “Secure Cloud Using Intrusion Detection and Counter measure Selection”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(IJAREEIE), Volume 6, Issue 4, May 2015, ISSN(Online): 2278-8875, ISSN(Print):2320-3765.
- C.Manjula,”Attribute Based Security and Privacy Aware Data Sharing in Cloud-A Survey”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 , pp.15604-15606 ,Vol. 10 No.20 (2015)."
- S.Dhivya,"An improved spectral efficiency of WiMAX using 802.16G based technology," published in IEEE Digital Library, vol., no., pp.1-4, 5-7 Jan. 2015 doi: 10.1109/ICACCS.2015.7324098.
- V.Dhivya, “An Effective Group Formation In The Cloud Based On Ring Signature”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Special Issue, Volume 10, No.20(2015), pp. pp.17981-17984, ISSN 0973-4562.
- S.Dhivya, “An Improved Energy Level Of Wimax Using 802.16g Based Technology ”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Special Issue, Volume 10, No.20(2015), pp. pp.17985-17888, ISSN 0973-4562.
- T.Ashwin, III-IT acted as A-Lister of the College for Orientation Training held in Automation Anywhere, Bangalore from 19.12.2019 to 2012.2019.
- Vansika.D of III IT received management scholarship of Rs.5000 for the category Deserving Student, for her performance in the academic year 2018-19, during September 2019.
- Najma Begum M U of III IT received management scholarship of Rs.10,000 for the category Deserving Student, for her performance in the academic year 2018-19, during September 2019.
- Sowmiya.A of (2015-19 batch) of IT received management scholarship of Rs.15000 for the category Deserving Student, for her performance in the academic year 2018-19, during September 2019.
- Yuvasri.A of (2015-19 batch) of IT received management scholarship of Rs.5000 for the category Single Parent, for her performance in the academic year 2018-19, during September 2019.
- Najma Begum M U of III IT coordinated the Internshala Classroom- Internship Talk on How to gain experience and pocket money while in college to the III IT students on 18.10.19 and got Certificate of Appreciation from Internshala.
- Najma Begum M U, Arun Kumar K of III IT acted as one of the Coordinator for the organization of TEDX at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 19.10.2019.
- Najma Begum M.U, of III IT participated in Regional Pre-finals – Coimbatore of ICT Academy Youth Talk’19 organized by ICT Academy on 14.9.19.
- M Jagadeesh and K N Parikshith of III IT received Letter of Appreciation from the management for acted as Photographer to SNS SPINE Activity Block on 29.08.2019.
- Prakash. K, Santhoshkumar. V.S, Sharma. N, Dinesh Kumar. P, Naveenkumar. R.K, Dinesh Kumar M, Pavithra R, Raveena. R, Indhuja. M, Ragavipriya. N, Hema. M, Suji Priya M, Haripriya. R, Santhosh. R, Karan. M, Sivananth. K of IV IT attended the International Seminar on “Data- The New Catalyst for Change” organized by Dept. of MBA on 14.8.2019.
- Sunanth D, Karan. M, Dhanush varthan. S, Gokulakrishnan. P of IV IT and Ashok kumar R, Murugan K of III IT participated in 2 day National level Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Micro-Grid and Smart-Grid Systems for Energy Conversion and Storage Appliances for Future needs 2019 at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 8.8.2019 to 9.8.2019.
- G. Kiruthika, Surya Prabha S of III IT attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security at Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 28.8.2019.
- K.S.Sandra, Nandhini.V, Abarna Jone.J, Akshaya.J, C.Sindhu of II IT attended the Workshop on One day Hands on practical Google Analytics Workshop organized by Spectrum Digital Infocom, Coimbatore on 15.9.2019.
- Gokulakrishnan. P, Viswa. B, Nagulan. A, of IV IT, Saran .S, Siva Ganesh R.K, of III IT Kaviraj A, of II IT, Akshaya K.M, Aravind C, Bhuvaneshwari P, Chandru P, Karthick M, Mehesh P, Prabha.C, Ramya S, Sridhar T, Vishaal J of I IT participated in IoT Workshop and Smart City Challenge organized by Department of IT, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore from 26.9.19 to 27.9.19.
- Karthikeyan K, of I IT participated in Workshop on Advanced Framework in Web Application Development organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 26.09.19.
- Chandra Hari S, Vishaal J of I IT and R.Elavarasan, B.Saravana Rajan, Ashwanth raj.T, Surya Vikas.N, Radhakrishnan.P, Aakash Ramesh, R.Jithendran, K.S.Sandra of II IT attended the Awareness Programme on Higher Studies at SNSCE on 3.9.2019.
- Sneha R, Sriragavi R, Aravind. C, Vishaal J, Sridhar T, Rachel fabiana A, Ajithkumar. R, Akshaya. K.M, Chaamundeswarar. J, Karthick. M, Pooja rani. M, Subash. M, Udhaya kumar. M, Yuvaranjini. D of I IT, Ashwanth Raj.T, Kaviraj.A, Jaganathan.P.V of II IT and Vansika D of III IT participated in TEDX SNSCE organized in SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 19.10.2019.
- Chaamundeswarar. J, Subash. M of I IT participated in Workshop on Python organized by Pantech Solutions on 27.10.19.
- A Kaviraj of II IT workshop on Ethical Hacking Kyrion Technologies Pvt. Ltd. @NIT Trichy from 19.10.19 to 20.10.19.
- Nekha Sree S L and Aakash Ramesh of II IT participated in Hands on Workshop on Practical Python App Development conducted by Spectrum Digital Infocom on 13.10.19.
- Vishal J, Karthick M and Sneha T of I IT attended “Hands on Workshop Android App Development” organized by Spectrum Digital Infocom on 03.11.2019.
- Vishaal J, Sneha T, Sri Ram, Sri Ragavi S, Bhuvaneshwari P, Rani. J, Subash M, Nivetha. L, Pooja rani M, Ushabala R, Jeyashri S, Padmachandini P of I IT, Saravana Rajan.B, Gunasekar.M, Akshaya.J, Sindhu.C of II IT, A.Mohamed Fareedh, M U Najma Begum, Ashwin S T, Vansika D, Kritika and Arun Kumar K of III IT completed the “Enterpreneurship Quiz -2019” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Vishaal J, Sneha T, Sri Ram, Sridhar T of I IT, Akshaya.J, Sindhu.C of II IT and M U Najma Begum of III IT completed the “Moniya Se Mahatma Tak” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Vishaal J, Sneha T, Sri Ram, Sridhar T of I IT, Saravana Rajan.B, Kaviraj.A, Akshaya.J, Sindhu.C and Nandhini.V of II IT completed the “Olympics of Skills or the WorldSkills competition” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Sridhar T, Subash M of I IT, Sindhu.C, Akshaya.J of II IT completed the “ISRO Space Quiz” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Sri Ragavi S, Bhuvaneshwari P, Subash M, Rani. J of I IT completed the “Hindi” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Sri Ragavi S, Bhuvaneshwari P, Subash M of I IT completed the “Gandhi Smrti and Darshan Smrti” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Vishaal J of I IT completed the “Paryatan Parv 2019 Quiz” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Sridhar T, Vishaal J of I IT completed the “Science Quiz” organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Vishaal J of I IT completed the “Deciper North East Quiz organized by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during August 2019.
- Subramani N, Ramya, Prabha, Sri ragavi.S, Sriram A of I IT attended “Decipher North East Quiz” conducted by North Eastern Council & MyGov during November 2019.
- Sri ragavi.S of I IT attended “Paryatan Parv 2019 Quiz” conducted by Ministry of Tourism & MyGov during November 2019.
- Sri ragavi.S of I IT attended “Science Quiz” conducted by Department of Science and Technology & MyGov during November 2019.
- Ramya of I IT attended “Quiz on - How much do you know about the Olympics of Skills or the Worldskills competition?” conducted by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Quiz during November 2019.
- Mehesh P of I IT attended “Science Quiz” conducted by mygov & DST Quiz during November 2019.
- Subash M of I IT attended “Entrepreneurship Quiz-2019” conducted by MyGov and Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship during November 2019.
- Prabha of I IT attended “Paryatan Parv 2019 Quiz” conducted by MyGov & Ministry of Tourism Quiz during November 2019.
- Prabha of I IT attended “Science Quiz” conducted by mygov & DST Quiz during November 2019.
- Sri ragavi.S, Ushabala, Nivetha, Gowthaman C, Sneha R(19IT033) of I IT attended “Constitution Quiz” conducted by Dept. of Justice & MyGov Quiz during November 2019.
- Ushabala of I IT attended “Paryatan Parv 2019 Quiz” conducted by Ministry of Tourism & MyGov during November 2019.
- Dinesh Kumar K, Sriram A, Sneha T of I IT participated in Constitution Quiz organized by Dept. of Justice & MyGov Quiz during December 2019.
- Dinesh Kumar K of I IT participated in Decipher North East Quiz organized by North East Council & MyGov Quiz during December 2019.
- Ramya.S, Bhuvaneshwari.P, Akshaya.K.M of I IT participated in Workshop on “Embedded Automation” at Sri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore from 06.02.2020 to 07.02.2020.
- Arunkumar. R, Pawana Prudhvi.T.S.V, Aravind.C of I IT participated in Workshop on “Industry 4.0” at Sri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore from 07.02.2020 to 08.02.2020.
- Gunasekar M, Sadhakrishnan. M, Sakthi Murugan.A, Sanjay Kumar S of II IT and Prakash. R, Boopathi.T, Suryanaryanan.S, Soorya.M, Rajkumar.S, Vignesh.B, Karthikeyan .S, Saran.S of III IT participated in National Level Seminar on Augumented Analytics - The Next generation Data Analytics Using Machine Learning at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 07.02.2020.
- Veereshkumar R, Kaviraj.A of II IT participated in Global Power Bootcamp 2020 organized by Microsoft Corporation India Pvt Ltd at Bangalore on 15.02.2020.
- Veeresh kumar , Sanjay Kumar and Akshaya of III IT successfully participated the Online Quiz “ Cyber Security” conducted at KSR College of Arts and Science for Women on 09.05.2020
- Tamilselvan of II IT successfully participated Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Quiz conducted by Department of Tourism and Mygovt, participated the Online Science Quiz conducted by Department of Science and Technology and Mygovt, participated the Online EAT Right Quiz conducted by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India of Justice and Mygovt, Tamilselvan participated the Online Decipher North East Quiz conducted by North Eastern Council and Mygovt participated the Online Quiz by Mygovt Initiatives, Leadership Talk Series and Secured ALL India Rank 10 and participated the Online Quiz competition on Covid 19 by Mygovt Initiatives, Leadership Talk Series and Secured ALL India Rank 10
- T. Sneha and C. Gowthaman of II IT participated in National level quiz on "GST" organized by Idhaya College for Women, Sivagangai on 27.05.2020
- Tamilselvan of II IT successfully participated the Online Constitution Quiz conducted by Department of Justice and Mygovt
- R. Sneha of II IT attended the Nation level online quiz on "Quality Management" on 17.05.2020
- S.Sri Ragavi of II IT and C. Sindhu of III IT and R.Prakash completed the Online Data Science Quiz organized by Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune on 29.05.2020.
- R. Sneha of II IT and Akshaya of III IT successfully participated the Online Quiz Personal Hygiene and Prevention of Covid 19 and secured 100%, conducted at Selvam Arts and Science College on 13.05.2020
- Kiruthika G of IV IT and Tamilselvan of II IT and Akshaya of, III IT successfully participated the Online Quiz on Padma Awards 2020 conducted by Mygovt
- R.Ajith Kumar, M.Pooja Rani, R. Sneha, Rani and Tamilselvan of II IT and Akshaya of III IT Parikshith.K.N of IV IT participated the Online Quiz competition the International Day of Light conducted at Sathyabama Institute of science and Technology on 16.05.2020
- R.Ajith Kumar, R. Sneha , M.Pooja Rani , S.Sri Ragavi of II IT, M.Sadhakrishnan, J.Abarna Jone, C. Sindhu of III IT and Boopathy and R.Prakash, Parikshith.K.N of IV ITattended the E-Quiz on higher education system on 18.05.2020 organized by Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli
- Sneha.R, Rani of II IT and Veeresh kumar Akshaya of III IT successfully participated the Online Quiz on Covid – 19 Awareness Programmeconducted at SNS College of Engineering with Unnat Bharat Abhiyan – MHRD Government of INDIA on 16.05.2020
- Akshaya of II IT successfully participated the Online Quiz on Covid 19 conducted by Mygovt
- T. Sneha, R. Arunkumar, L. Nivetha and C. Gowthaman of II IT participated in " COVID-19 Awareness Quiz" organized by Hindusthan College of Arts and Science on 12.05.2020
- M.Pooja Rani, S.Sri Ragavi of II IT and Parikshith.K.N of IV IT and J.Abarna Jone, C. Sindhu, S.Akshaya, A.Kaviraj, III IT successfully completed online quiz on Personal Hygiene and Prevention of COVID’19 conducted by Selvam Arts and Science College, Namakkal on 13.05.2020.
- R.Ajith Kumar, R. Sneha, M.Pooja Rani , S.Sri Ragavi of II IT, M.Sadhakrishnan, J.Abarna Jone, C. Sindhu, T. Boopathy of III IT and R.Prakash of IV IT of I IT attended an E-Quiz on Teaching aptitude on 16.05.2020
- M.Pooja Rani , S.Sri Ragavi of II IT, R. Elavarasan, Akshaya, Veeresh kumar , Sanjay Kumar ,.Sadhakrishnan, J.Abarna Jone, C. Sindhu of III IT and T. Boopathy and R.Prakash, IV IT successfully participated the IPR Day Online Quiz conducted at Karpagam Institute of Technology.
- R.Ajith Kumar of II IT and C. Sindhu, Akshaya of III IT, R. prakash, Parikshith.K.N of IV IT successfully participated in the Quality Management Quiz conducted , at AISSMS Engineering College on 18.05.2020.
- R.Ajith Kumar of II IT C. Sindhu of IIII IT and R.Prakash, IV IT participated in Online Sports quiz conducted by Mohamed Sathak A.J College of Engineering, Chennai on 24.05.2020
- Yuvaraj.S, Gokulnath R, Ajith Kumar K.M of IV IT, S.Gokulnath, P.Gokulakrishnan, B.Karthick, rinivasan, K.Prakash of III IT, A.Mohamed Fareedh, M.Kalaiyarasan, K.Arun Kumar of II IT have partipated in One day National Level Workshop on Privacy Data Security in Online Social Media at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 21st august 2018.
- D.Vansika, N.Vaishnavi, P.Ramya of II IT have participated in Two days National Level Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Physical Systems at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 30th august 2018.
- Gokulnath R, Ajith Kumar K.M, Suresh. S, Karthick. K of IV IT have participated in Two days National Level Workshop - Sensors in Healthcare Application at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 30th and 31st august 2018.
- S. Eialarasan, M Shafeequr Rahman, R. Karthikeyan, P. Naveen of IV IT have participated in One day International Level Workshop - Arduino in Robotics at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 31st august 2018.
- K.Renganathan, Karan.M of III IT have participated in One day National level workshop on Internet of Things at Arreis Automation, Coimbatore on 01st September 2018.
- Sivaganesh.R.K, Uthayasandeep.Y, Ramanadhan.R of II IT , KarthickSrinivasan.B, Santhosh.R, Gokulakrishnan.P of IV IT have participated in Workshop on “Vmware at KGISL on 28th December 2018
- Indhuja.M of IV IT , Saran.S, Parkshith.R, Ramya.P of II IT have participated in Workshop on “Data Security in Internet of Things” at Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology on 28th and 29th December 2018.
- Aravindhan.S, Dhanush Varthan.S, Gokula Krishnan.P, Karthick Srinivasan.B, Viswa.B of III IT have participated in National Level Workshop on AI in CS - Modern Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cyber Security at Jansons Institute of Technology on 3rd and 4th January 2019.
- Radha Krishnan. P, Veeresh Kumar R of I IT have participated in National Level Workshop on Ethical Hacking (NLWEH '19) at Rathinam College of Arts and Science on 31st January 2019.
- Mukilan.A, Venkatesh.P.M of III IT have participated in National level Workshop (Vortex '19- National level Technical Symposium) on “Web Development” at NIT, Trichy on 1st to 3rd February 2019.
- N.Ragavipriya, M.Sujipriya of III IT have participated in Workshop on Android Application Development with Kotlin” Sponsored by Cosmos – Yugam at Kumaraguru Institutions on 06th February 2019.
- Veeresh Kumar.R, Abarna Jone.J, Nandhini.V of I IT have participated in Workshop on “Internet of Things” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 9th February 2019.
- S. Rajeshwari, B. Priyadharshini, R. Pavithra, A. Sowmiya, G. Jeevadharshini of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Smart Systems with IOT using Raspberry PI at Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 17th March 2017
- S. Rajeshwari(II-B.Tech-IT), have participated in the workshop Social Network Hacking at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology 23rd March 2017
- Nikesh.K, Venkatesh.P.M, Mukilan.A of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Smart Grid, Smart City an Indian Perspective at Kongu Engineering College, Erode, 21st July 2017
- A.Nagulan, B.Viswa, N.Sharma of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Data Analytics and Manipulation using R programming at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, 20th and 21st July 2017
- V.S.Santhosh Kumar, M.Karan, K.Renganathan of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Internet of Things at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, 18th and 19th August 2017
- G.Aarthi(II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Internet of Things at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 27th August 2017
- V.S.Santhosh Kumar, K.Renganathan, M.Dinesh Kumar, R.K.Naveen Kumar, Karan of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Raspberrry - Pi with python in Engineering Applications at Karunya University, Coimbatore, 20th September 2017
- P.M.Venkatesh, A.Mukilan of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Next Generation Networks: 4G and Beyond at SRM University, Chennai, 14th & 15th September 2017
- S.Aravindhan, S.DhanushVardhan, P.GokulKrishnan, S.Gokulnath of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop 3D-Printing at Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, 15th September 2017
- S.Priyadharshini(III-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Bigdata Analytics using R Tool at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, 07th September 2017
- Dinesh kumar.P, Dinesh kumar.M, Keerthana.C, Naveenkumar.R.K, Preetha.D of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop Internet of Things at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 22nd September 2017
- R.Raveena, A.Mukilan, P.M.Venkatesh of (II-B.Tech-IT) have participated in the workshop National Level Hands on training on python programming at Kongu Engineering College, 20th January 2018
- D.Devadharshinini of III IT have participated in the workshop Management 2.0 at College of Engineering, Guindy, 02nd February 2018
- N.Sharma, A.Nagulan, B.Viswa, of II IT have participated in the workshop Multimedia at Alpha6 Institution on 12th February 2018
- K.Prakash, S.Gokulnath, S.Aravindhan, P.Gokulkrishnan of II IT have participated in the workshop Ethical Hacking at KGISL, Coimbatore, 15th February 2018
- K.Sivananth, S.Dhanush Varadhan, P.Dinesh Kumar, B.Karthick Srinivasan of II IT have participated in the workshop Ethical Hacking at NIIT Institution, Coimbatore, 17th February 2018
- S.L.Gayathri, R.K.Naveen Kumar, P.Gokulakrishnan, S.Gokulnath of II IT have participated in the workshop Agile Scrum at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, 23rd February 2018
- A.Mukilan, P.M.Venkatesh of II IT have participated in the workshop Artificial Intelligence Vellore Institute of Technology, 19th March 2018
- R.Pavithra, A.Sowmiya, B.Priyadharsini, G.Jeevadharsini, M.Susmitha, J.Aiswarya Sequeria, S.Rajeshwari, D.Monisha, D.Devadharsini, A.Yuvasri, K.Hari Prasath, R.Rija, S.Banuriya, M.Sangeetha, P.Nithya Santhosini, Tamilarasan.R, S.Akshayaa, Gokulnath.R, Ajith Kumar.K.M, S.Ashwini, M.Yamuna, K.J.Jelix, Kathirvelan, Nivedhya.R, K.Karthick, S.Monisha, T.Anantharaj, Senthoor of II-B.TECH-IT have participated in .NET Framework & Java Technology at Sri Kara Training Institute, Coimbatore, 25th & 28th August 2016
- Aharsraj and Gokulnath of (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Network Security Workshop at IIT, Chennai, 23rd September 2016
- Anush and Thanpadmagnanam of (IV-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Workshop-Internet of Things at SRM University, 23rd & 24th September 2016
- A.Yuvasri (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Ethical Hacking at Microsoft Research Community Group, Chennai, on 15th October 2016
- S.Rajeshwari, D.Monisha, of (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Phython workshop at Kumaraguru College OF Technology, 22nd October 2016
- Akshya, J. Aishwarya SEQUERIA, D.Monisha, S. Yuvasri of (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Web Development workshop at Kumaraguru College of Technology, 9th February 2017
- D.Devadharshini, M.Susmitha, Nevidhya of (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Phython workshop at Kumaraguru College OF Technology, , 10th February 2017
- R. Nevidhya, R. Pavithra, M. Susmitha, A. Sowmiya of (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Android workshop at PSG Institute of Technology on 17th February 2017
- A. Sowmiya, R. Pavithra of (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Web Designing workshop at Sriguru Institute of Technology on 24th February 2017
- M. Shafeequr Rahman of (II-B.TECH-IT) has participated in Cyber Security workshop at BITS Pilani , Hyderabad From 17th TO 18th February 2017
- S. Yuvaraj, G. Aharshraj of (II-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Open Source seminar at CSI Coimbatore Chapter, CoimbatorE, 18th July 2016
- K.M.Ajithkumar, M. Shafeequr Rahman of (II-B.TECH-IT) has participated in Defence Summit at Anna University, Chennai, 30th September 2017
- Aharsraj, Gokulnath of (II-B.TECH-IT) has participated in Seminar on Network Security at IIT, Chennai, 23rd September 2016
- D.Devadharshini, of (II-B.TECH-IT) has participated in Seminar on Defence Programme For Women at Government College of Technology, from 1st to 2nd February 2017
- Priscilla Florence persis.S,IV IT have participated in the Workshop at IIT,Chennai, on 30th July 2015
- Kumerasen.S, III-IT have participated in the workshop at Kumaraguru college of Technology, Coimbatore, on 2nd August 2015
- Manikandan,IV-IT have participated in the Workshop-Hadoop Bigdata at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 11th September 2015
- Kavitha,IV-IT, Nathan,IV-IT, Sowndharya,III-IT have participated in the Workshop- Thin client at JKKN College of Engineering, Salem, on 18th September, 2015
- R. Balaguru,IV-IT, J. Dhivya mercy immaculate,IV-IT have participated in the Workshop- Building Amazon webservices at KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, 24th & 25th September, 2015
- K. Ishwariya, J.M.Nivethika, Sai Sri.S, Soundharya.S have participated in the Workshop on Data Analytics.at Kumaraguru College of Technology, 11th February,2016
- I IT students was the Overall Championship of Finesse 2020 conducted by Department of Skill and Career Development at SNSCE on 15.02.2020
- Vasanthi.N of I IT was the Winner in the event Chess during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Vasanthi.N of I IT was the Winner in the event Carrom during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Sakthi Murugan.A of I IT was the Winner in the event Carrom during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Surya Vikas.N of I IT was the Runner in the event Badminton (Doubles) during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- S.Rajeshwari of IV IT was the Winner in the event Tennikoit during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- D.Devadharshini of IV IT, S.L.Gayathri, Raveena.R of III IT, Sindhu.C, Abarna Jone.J, Akshaya.J of I IT was the Winner in the event Volley Ball during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- R.Rija of IV IT,Indhuja.M, A.Soundarya of III IT, Nandhini.V, Vasanthi.N, Sandhiya.S of I IT was the Runner in the event Volley Ball during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Dhamodharan.S, of II IT, Dhanush Varthan.S, Sharma.N of III IT was the Winner in the event Volley Ball during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Dhinesh Kumar.P of III IT, Radhakrishnan.P of I IT was the Runner in the event Volley Ball during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Radhakrishnan.P of I IT was Winner in the event Kabbadi during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Soorya.M of II IT was Runner in the event Kabbadi during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- R.K.Sivaganesh of II IT was Winner in the event BaketBall during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Baveesh.C.S of II IT was Runner in the event Hockey during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Sharma.N of III IT, Santhosh.R of III IT, Saravana Rajan.B of I IT was the Winner in the event Football during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Jagadeesh.M, Parikshith.K.N of II IT, Ashwanth Raj.T of I IT was the Runner in the event Football during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Divya.R of III IT was the Runner in the event Kho Kho during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Nishanth.T of III IT, Jagadeesh.M of II IT was the Winner in the event Kho Kho during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Indhuja.M of III IT secured II place in the event 200meters during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Indhuja.M of III IT secured I place in the event long jump during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Indhuja.M of III IT secured III place in the event Triple Jump during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Sharma.N of III IT secured I place in the event 200meters during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Sharma.N of III IT secured I place in the event 400meters during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Arunkumar.K of I IT secured II place in the event 400meters during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- K.Sivaganesh of II IT participated and won III place in Badminton sponsored by Sports India Trophy and 6 feathers Badminton Academy organized at 6 Feathers Badminton Academy, Coimbatore on 02.09.2018.
- R.K.Sivaganesh of II IT developed website named SNS Badminton Academy for 1st District Level Sub Junior Badminton Tournament and coordinated the event from 27th October 2018 to 28th October 2018.
- Devadharshini.D of IV IT hosted the 1st District Level Sub Junior Badminton Tournament from 27th October 2018 to 28th October 2018.
- Prakash. K, Nagulan.A of III IT and Nithish Kumar. C attended Orientation Program on Swach Bharath at Hotel Sree Annapoorna, R.S.Puram, Coimbatore on 5.01.2019.
- Venkatesh.P.M, Mukiilan.A, Prakash.K, Dinesh Kumar.M actively participated in the Survey on Government Scheme Utilized and Public Requirements – Unnat Bharath Abhiyan Survey PILLAYAMPALAYAM VILLAGE from 10.1.2019 &11.1.2019.
- K.Praksah and A.Nagulan III year IT were two among the nominated person as a brand ambassador to collect online feedback from our students for ISTE students chapter in coordination with Govt of India, for organising events about swachh Bharat in our campus.
- Ms.D.Devadharshini of final IT acted as one of the Coordinator for organizing the Inter Media Badminton Tournament for the media person on 15th July 2018. This event was sponsored by Media1 – Sports1 channel, Coimbatore. Ms.D.Devadharshini of final IT, hosted the event.
- Participation in Civil Trophy: Suresh.S, R.Tamilarasan, R.Karthikeyan, K.M.Ajith Kumar, R.Gokulnath, S.Yuvaraj, Naveen.P, P.Gokhul of IV IT participated and secured first place in the Civil Trophy conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore. Totally, the team played with three other teams. Match started by playing with II Mechanical Engineering students and won the match and moved to Quarter Final. During the Quarter final, they played with IV ECE students and won the match. At Semi final, they played with IV Year Mechanical Students. At last, they played with IV MBA students and won the Civil Trophy.
- Rajeshwari, & Rija, II IT participated in “University Volley Ball Match” organized by Adthiya College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 9th September, 2016.
- Ramachandran, Karthikeyan, IV & II ITE participated in “Anna university Zonal cricket tournament” in KCT, Coimbatore from 6th to 9th September,2016.
- S.Rajeshwari, II-IT participated in Zonal Athletic meet organized by KCT, Coimbatore from 6th to 8th October 2016.
- S. Yuvaraj, R. Karthikeyan of II IT students and G. Ramachandran of IV IT students participated in 3 levels of CDCA Cricket trophy from 11th to 16th Feb 2017.
- S. Senthoor of II IT won in CBET Table tennis and CENTIES Foot ball Tournaments held in Kumaraguru College of Technology from 13th to 14th Feb 2017.
- S.Banupriya of III IT participated and won III Prize in Javelin Throw during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- S.Akshayaa of III IT participated and won II Prize in Shotput during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- R.Rija of III IT participated and bagged Winner in Volley Ball during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- R.Tamilarasan of III IT participated and bagged Runner in Cricket during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- P.Gokhul, S.Senthoor of III IT participated and bagged Winner in Football during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- P.Dinesh Kumar of II IT participated and bagged Winner in Volley Ball during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- Indhuja M of II IT participated and bagged Runner in Kho Kho Match during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- A.Nagulan, N.Sharma, R.Santhosh of II IT participated and bagged Runner in Football during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- N.Sharma of II IT participated and bagged I Prize in Athelete – 800m during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- N.Sharma of II IT participated and bagged III Prize in Athelete – 1500m during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- Sowndarya M, G.Aarthi of II IT participated and bagged Runner in during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- Santhosh of II IT bagged I prize with State Level Football Trophy for Football Tournament conducted at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10th April 2018.
- Aarthi G and Mukilan A of II IT won I prize in Face painting during the 11th Annual day of SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 06.04.2018.
- Rajeshwari, Aiswarya Sequeria, A.Sowmiya and D.Jeevadharshini of III IT won II prize in Rangoli during the 11th Annual day of SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 06.04.2018.
- T.R.Lekhaa and Ms.P.Poovizhi was the Runner in the event Badminton during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- T.R.Lekhaa, Ms.P.Poovizhi was the Winner in the event Throw Ball during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- B.Anuradha, Ms.M.Malarmathi, S.Rijutha was the Runner in the event Throw Ball during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- T.R.Lekhaa was the Runner in the event Chess during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- P.Poovizhi, Ms.M.Malarmathi was the Winner in the event Tennikoit during the Annual Sports Day held at SNS College of Engineering on 26th February 2019 for the academic year 2018-2019.
- Dhanush, Maharaja, Dinesh K K, Dhasvin from II IT participated in the Cricket Zonal X1 Tournament held at Anna university Regional Campus from 13.10.2023 to 17.10.2023
- Logeshwaran of II IT participated in the Badminton tournament on 25.09.2023 to 26.09.2023 held at SNS College of Tech nology
- Shree Nithi G, Ananthavarshini J,Dhanushya and Shanmugapriya B S of II IT participated in the event “Electrohunt” EKNA’23 conducted by Anna University Regional Campus on November 01, 2023.
- Ms. K. Revathi, AP/IT and Lakshmi Narayanan, Lekhasr8, Kolaa Pravin, harini, Abbirami and Prasanth of III IT has participated in the regional meet held on 4th December, 2023 at Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, organized by Institution’s Innovation Council & MoE’s Innovation cell.
- Gopala Krishna K. V., Dhanushya T, Balaji S, Pradeep .G, Manojkumar S , Dhasvin I.S, Mohankumar S, Musthafa Samsudeen, Dinesh K K, Dinesh P, Niranjan N.N, Pooja .S, Visalachi .N, Varshini S, Barnika L T, Kaviya M of II IT and Rithika, Santhiya R of II AI&DS participated in the 48 hours Hackathon Mythonova at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sricity, Andra Pradesh on 1st and 2nd March, 2024
- Aravind A and Sarojini B of I IT participated in the Event Quiz organized by Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 26.03.2024
- Aneesh John, Ahamed Kabir, Nikitha, Ashwini, Mohana Sri, Gowslaya, Kalairasi, Sruthi, Rithiksha, Mahisri, Manjusri, Kaviarasi, Tharanikrishna, Sandhiya, Abinaya, Piolena, indhu, Nasrin Begum, Nivetha, Preethi, Sivasakthi, Sona, Sowthanya, Swetha of I IT participated in the Technical Event UI/UX Scape, Henosis, Organized by Dr. NGP Institute of Technology on 04.03.2024 and 05.03.2024
- Adithya R of III IT has successfully completed the 3 hours Boot camp in Artificial Intelligence from 7th April , 2024 conducted by Novi Tech R&D Pvt Ltd.
- Gnana Vignesh K, Siddharth Sai, Thurgesh S, Karthick raja K, Sathish G of II IT participated in the event “Unlocking the Power of AI, The Practical Approach to Project Management”, Vugha’24 event organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 24.04.2024
- Visalachi N of II IT participated in Vision Potrait event organized by PPG Institute of Technology on 16th April 2024
- Visalachi N, Dinesh P and Niranjan N N of II IT participated in the Blind Coding event organized by PPG Institute of Technology on 16th April, 2024
- B. Saravana Rajan of II IT is the Runner of Maran Memorial Trophy conducted by Mithran Sports Academy on 14.07.2019.
- M. Jagadeesh of III IT and Jithendran.R of II IT participated in National Level Football Championship 2019 at Kanpur from 27.07.2019 to 29.07.2019.
- Santhosh. R, Sharma.N, of IV IT, Parikshith. K.N, Jagadeesh. M, of III IT, Ashwanth. Raj. T, Jithendran.R of II IT participated in Anna University Football tournament at UIT, Coimbatore from 24.9.19 to 26.9.19.
- P.Radhakrishnan of II IT participated in Centies Trophy on Kabaddi organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 28.01.2020.
- T.Ashwanth Raj, Aakash Ramesh of II IT and M.Jagadeesh, K.Parikshith of III IT participated in Football Tournament organized by Sri Eshwar College on 29.01.2020 to 30.01.2020.
- Mehesh.P of I IT, Aakash Ramesh, Ashwanth Raj .T, Jithendran.R of II IT and Jagadeesh.M, Parikshith. K.N of III IT participated in FootBall match organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 15.02.2020.
- Radhakrishnan P of II IT participated in Kabaddi organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore from 28.02.2020.
- Santhosh.R of III IT participated in Football Trophy at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 27th July 2018 & 28th July 2018.
- Jagadesh of II IT and Sowndarya M, Aarthi G, Indhuja M, R.Santhosh of III IT participated in Throwball - KPR Throwball Trophy at KPR College of Engineering from 13.08.2018 & 14.08.2018.
- Ms.D.Devadharshini of final IT acted as one of the Coordinator for organizing the Inter Media Badminton Tournament for the media person on 15th July 2018. This event was sponsored by Media1 – Sports1 channel, Coimbatore. Ms.D.Devadharshini of final IT, hosted the event.
- Nishanth.T of III IT participated in Kho-Kho University Zonal Match at Sri Sakthi College of Engineering, Karamadai from 10.9.2018-11.9.2018.
- Ashwanthraj.T, Aakash Ramesh, Saravana rajan.R & Jithendran.R of I IT participated in Football Match - Kovai Ties at CIT from 05.02.2019 to 07.02.2019.
- Ashwanthraj.T, Aakash Ramesh, Saravana rajan.R & Jithendran.R of I IT participated in Football Match - Adithya Tournament at Adhithya Institute of Technology from 13.02.2019 to 14.02.2019.
- Ashwanthraj.T, Aakash Ramesh, Saravana rajan.R of I IT participated in Football Match - Centies Tournament at CIT from 18.02.2019 to 20.02.2019.
- R.Santhosh of III IT has participated in State Level Football Trophy for Football Tournament at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10th march 2018 and won first Prize.
- R.K.Sivaganesh of II IT has participated in Badminton sponsored by Sports India Trophy and 6 feathers Badminton Academy at 6 Feathers Badminton Academy, Coimbatoreon 02nd September 2019 and won Third Prize.
- S.Rajeshwari, III-IT participated in Participated in Open Tournament Throw Ball Match held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology during 04.08.2017 & 05.08.2017.
- S.Senthoor, P.Gokhul, III-IT, participated in KPR Trophy - Five’s Football Match held at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 10.08.2017.
- M.Priya, II IT participated in Zonal Match on “Chess” held at Sasuri College of Engineering on 18.09.2017.
- T.Nishanth, II IT participated in Zonal Match on “Kho-Kho” held at Sasurie College of Engineering during 18.09.2017 and 19.09.2017.
- P.Dinesh Kumar, II IT participated in Zonal Match on “Volley Ball” held at KGISL during 31.08.2017 and 01.09.2017.
- R.Santosh, N.Sharma, II IT participated in Zonal Match on “Football” held at United Institute of Technology during 12.09.2017 and 13.09.2017.
- S. Rajeswari, III IT, participated in Zonal Match on Javelin Throw at Sri Ramakrishna College of Engineering during 10.10.2017 and 11.10.2017.
- R.Karthikeyan, III-IT, participated in Anna University Zonal Cricket Match held at United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during 21.08.2017 and 24.08.2017.
- P.Dinesh Kumar, II IT & R.Karthikeyan, III IT participated in Anna University Zonal Match -Cricket Tournament at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College during 19.01.2018 & 20.01.2018.
- N.Sharma, R.Santhoshof II IT participated in Football Match - SENTAISE - University Match at Sri Krishna College of Technology from 01.02.2018 to 02.02.2018.
- R.Karthikeyan of III IT participated in Cricket Match – CDCA at PSG Medical College from 08.02.2018 to 12.08.2018.
- T.Nishanth of II IT participated in Kho Kho – House Match for the 11th Sports Day on 15.02.2018.
- Indhuja M, Priya M of II IT participated in Throw Ball - Team Match for the 11th Sports Day on 16.02.2018.
- S.Banupriya of III IT participated and won III Prize in Javelin Throw during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- S.Akshayaa of III IT participated and won II Prize in Shotput during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- R.Rija of III IT participated and bagged Winner in Volley Ball during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- R.Tamilarasan of III IT participated and bagged Runner in Cricket during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- P.Gokhul, S.Senthoor of III IT participated and bagged Winner in Football during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- P.Dinesh Kumar of II IT participated and bagged Winner in Volley Ball during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- Indhuja M of II IT participated and bagged Runner in Kho Kho Match during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- A.Nagu8lan, N.Sharma, R.Santhosh of II IT participated and bagged Runner in Football during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- N.Sharma of II IT participated and bagged I Prize in Athelete - 800m during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- N.Sharma of II IT participated and bagged III Prize in Athelete - 1500m during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- Sowndarya M, G.Aarthi of II IT participated and bagged Runner in during the 11th Sports Day on 28.02.2018.
- Rajeshwari, & Rija, II IT participated in “University Volley Ball Match” organized by Adthiya College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 9th September, 2016.
- Ramachandran, Karthikeyan, IV & II ITE participated in “Anna university Zonal cricket tournament” in KCT, Coimbatore from 6th to 9th September,2016.
- S.Rajeshwari, II-IT participated in Zonal Athletic meet organized by KCT, Coimbatore from 6th to 8th October 2016.
- S. Yuvaraj, R. Karthikeyan of II IT students and G. Ramachandran of IV IT students participated in 3 levels of CDCA Cricket trophy from 11th to 16th Feb 2017.
- S. Senthoor of II IT participated in CBET Table tennis and CENTIES Foot ball Tournaments held in Kumaraguru College of Technology from 13th to 14th Feb 2017.
- G.S.Akshay, III IT participated in “volley ball practice match” organized by Kongunadu arts and science college,Coimbatore on 20th August,2015.
- G.S.Akshay, III IT participated in “University volley ball match” organized by PPG Institute of technology,Coimbatore on 25th & 26th August,2015.
- Ramachandran.G, III IT participated in “University cricket tournament” organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore on 12th to 15th September,2015.TA
- S.Sarayu vankatalakshmi, IV-IT participated in “Hepathlon,Highjump” organized by SreeSakthi Engineering college held at Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore,on 10th &11th October,2015.
- S.Priscilla Florence Persis, IV-IT participated in “5000 metres” organized by Sree Sakthi Engineering college held at Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore,on 10th &11th October,2015.
- G.S.Akshay, III IT participated in “volley ball” organized by Park College of Technology, Coimbatore on 3rd February,2016.
- G.Ramachandran, III IT participated in “CDCA Cricket Match” organized by SNR College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore from 9th to 11th February, 2016
- Kalaiarasan.M,Dhamodharan.S, Najma Begum M.U,Arun Kumar.K, of III IT, Santhosh.R, Rajaganapathi.S, of IV IT, Ashwanth Raj.T,Gunasekar.M,Jaganathan P.V, Aakash Ramesh, Radhakrishnan.P, Elavarasan R, Sakthi Murugan. A, Veereshkumar.R of II IT participated in College Level National Handloom Fashion Show-Season 3 organized by Dept. of IT, SNSCE on 2.8.2019.
- M Jagadeesh and K N Parikshith of III IT received Letter of Appreciation from the management for acted as Photographer to SNS SPINE Activity Block on 29.08.2019.
- Nagulan. A, Santhosh. R, of IV IT, Dhamodharan. S, Najma Begum. M.U, Kalaiarasan. M, Siva Ganesh R.K, Vansika. D, of III IT, Gokul krishnan.R, Gunasekar M, Radhakrishnan. P, Veereshkumar R, SuryaVikash. N, Sindhu.C, Sandhiya. .S, Nithya Sri. S of II IT participated in Debate சிரிக்கலாம் சிந்திக்கலாம் by Lotus TV channel on the title “சிந்திக்கலாம் 1. இந்தியாவின் வளர்ச்சிக்கு உதவுவது விஞ்ஞானமா விவசாயமா 2. தமிழ் பூமி ஆன்மிக மிகுந்த பூமியா அல்லது சமுதாய நீதி உள்ள பூமியா சிரிக்கலாம் அழகாக இருப்பது ஆண்களா பெண்களா” on 12.9.19.
- Najma Begum M.U, of III IT participated in Regional Pre-finals - Coimbatore of ICT Academy Youth Talk’19 organized by ICT Academy on 14.9.19.
- Akshaya J of I IT participated in U- Create - Yugam 2019 at Kumaraguru Institutions.
- C. Aravind, V.Naveen, Sridhar Thirupathi of I IT participated in Photo Walk Event conducted by Photography Club, SNSCE on 12.09.2019.
- S Ranjith, J Vishaal, T Sridhar, S Chandra Hari, M Subash of I IT participated in “Photo Edit” event conducted by photography club on 29.11.2019.
- Sri Ragavi.S, Pooja Rani.M, Sneha.R, Sneha.T, Yuvaranjani.D, JaiShri.S Nivetha.L, Ushabala. R of I IT went to trekking to “Oodhimalai” through Eco and Trekking Club on 30.11.2019.
- Arunkumar. R, Pawana Prudhvi.T.S.V, Aravind.C of I IT participated in Code Swapping at Sri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore from 06.02.2020.
- Surya Vikash N, Gunasekar M, Gokulakrishnan. R, Dhinesh Kumar S, Kandha Krishnan N of II IT participated in Coding and Debugging and Technical Quiz at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 12.02.2020.
- Parikshith.K.N, Narendra Prasanth.M of III IT participated in Photography and Debugging at Hindusthan Arts and Science College on 08.02.2020.
- Surya Vikash N and Dhinesh Kumar S of II IT secured III Prize with cash of Rs.250/- in Technical Quiz at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 12.02.2020.
- Gunasekar M of II IT secured III Prize with cash of Rs.250/- in Coding and Debugging at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 12.02.2020.
- M. Najma Begum of IV IT was the winner in individual debate titled " Is Lockdown Effective in Combating COVID-19" organized by SNS College of Technology from 07.05.2020 to 08.05.2020.
- D.Devadharshini of IV IT has participated in the event You Think – How Fair and Neat is NEET organized by The New Indian Express on 25th july 2018.
- Najma Begum. M.U of II IT has participated in Quiz competition - India Quiz -2018 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 14th October 2018.
- Sivaganesh R.K, Dhamodharan.S of II IT and Priya of IV IT have has participated in Industrial visit to Barani Hydralics at Kongu Engineering, Coimbatore on 06th October 2018.
- R.Veeresh Kumar of I IT has participated in Solo Dance at Fantabulous, an Intercollegiate Cultural Fiesta held at Nehru Arts Science and College, Coimbatore on 06th October 2018.
- Steven.J, Akshaya.J, Sandhiya.S , Sandra.K.S, Nithyasri.S of I IT have participated U-create event Yugam 2019 - presented by Cosmos enhanced by Unispotter at Kumaraguru Institutions on 09th February 2019.
- M.Priya, D.Devadharshini of (III-B.Tech-IT) have participated in Literature named “Tamil Lits” at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore , 01st September 2017
- K.J.Jelix, Thanpadmagnanam of (IV-B.TECH-IT) have participated in Dr Kalam Young aAchiever’s Audition at PPG Institute of Technology, 30th September 2016
- Priscilla Florence persis.S IV-IT has participated in the Debate, at Sri Easwhar college of Engineering, Coimbatore on 9th July 2015.