DEPARTMENT of Computer Science and Engineering ( IOT and Cyber Security including Blockchain Technology)
social responsibility initiative
At all our institutions, through Social Responsibility Initiatives (SRI) is taking responsibility for one’s own actions. It is a promise everyone should make for the society while working for the social, cultural and, ecological causes. These responsibilities are ethically binding and propose that each person acts in such a way that minimizes the adverse effect to those immediately around them. SNS-SRI believes that something more than simply imparting of knowledge and skills to the students. As an active agent of social change, SNS takes on voluntary actions in the creation of a culture of social responsibility in society through a myriad of activities that address both our own competitive interests & welfare of the society. Some of the activities are the benchmark of SNS SRI such as SANTA 365, Neighborhood school program, A smart kid program, Performance Evaluation Test, Talent Hunt & Talent Competition for identifying and recognizing the young talents from all over Tamil Nadu.

We rise by lifting others!
- Our Department organized awareness program on “Uniting for a World without Cancer” on 04.02.2023.
- Student Organising DT Boot Camp - 16.02.23 at Sai Vidhya Nikethan MHSS, Bilichi, Coimbatore.
- Our Department organized Old Age Home Visit – 09.02.2023 / Periyanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore
- Our Department organized Tree Planting – 10.02.2023 / SS Kulam Municipality, Coimbatore
- Our Department organized Traffic Awareness Programme - 09.02.23 / Gandhipuram, Coimbatore
- Our Department organized Cancer Awareness Programme - 06.02.23 / SNSCE Campus.
- Our Department organized program on “Engineers Day Celebration” on 15.09.2022.
- Our Department organized program on “Fathers Day Celebration” on 18.06.2022.
- Our Department organized program on “Inauguration of Robotics Club” Celebration” on 13.04.2022.
- Our Department organized outbound Training for First years on 03.12.2022.
- Our Departmentconducted project preview on 05.12.2022.
- Our Department organized program on “Wisdom Center Inauguration” on 14.12.2022.