department of electrical and electronics engineering
A place of light, of liberty and of learning. Its a culture in SNS to celebrate the important festivals together, creating a sweet, positive, happy and hopeful atmosphere.
Festival Seasons
- Pongal
- Onam
- Christmas
- Teacher's Day
- Women's Day

- Inaugural Fuction of ""Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Trikotronics ‘19"" in presence of Dr. Sathya Narayanan, Associate Project Manager Robert Bosch, Coimbatore was happened on 5.07.2019"
- Inaugural Fuction of ""Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Trikotronics ‘18 & IE Students chapter"" in presence of Dr. M. Senthilkumar Associate Professor, PSGCT Secretary, Coimbatore Local Chapter Coimbatore was happened on 07.07.2018"
- Inaugural Fuction of "Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Trikotronics ‘17" in presence of Er. D. Devarajan, Managing Director, M/s.DEV SOLAR Coimbatore was happened on 1.08.2017
- Inaugural Fuction of "Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering" in presence of Er. G. N. Sudhakar, Superintending Engineer/Coimbatore Electricity Distribution Circle/ North, Tamil Nadu, Generation & Distribution Corporation Limited, Coimbatore was happened on 18.07.2016
- INAUGURAL FUNCTION of POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES happened on 9th Sep, 2017 in the presence of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & VP, Mr. R. B. Selvakumar, AP/EEE and Mr. R. Venkatesh, AP/EEE from event.
- INAUGURAL FUNCTION of TRICOTRONICS’17 happened on 1st Aug, 2017 in the presence of Er. D. Devarajan, Managing Director from M/s.DEV SOLAR, Coimbatore. Around 80 members from students community joined the event.
- Department Annual INAUGURAL FUNCTION happened on 18th July, 2016 in the presence of Er. G. N. Sudhakar, Superintending Engineer/Coimbatore Electricity Distribution Circle/ North, Tamil Nadu, Generation & Distribution Corporation Limited, Coimbatore. Around 120 members from students community joined the event.
- An ORIENTATION PROGRAM organized from 19th to 20th June, 2017 in the presence of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & VP, Mr. R. B. Selvakumar, AP/EEE, Mr. R. Venkatesh, AP/EEE and Ms. V. Preetha, AP/EEE from SNSCE. Around 36 members from students community joined the session.
- An ORIENTATION PROGRAM organized on 1st July, 2017 in the presence of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & VP, Mr. R. B. Selvakumar, AP/EEE, Mr. R. Venkatesh, AP/EEE and Ms. V. Preetha, AP/EEE from SNSCE. Around 36 members from students community joined the session.
- An ORIENTATION PROGRAM organized on 4th July, 2016 in the presence of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & VP, Mr. R. B. Selvakumar, AP/EEE, Mr. R. Venkatesh, AP/EEE and Ms. V. Preetha, AP/EEE from SNSCE. Around 36 members from students community joined the session.
- Celebrated ENGINEERS Day on 15th september 2019 . Students from II, III and IV year utilized this opportunity to Engineering who is the pillars of their success. Few students expressed their gratitude.
- Celebrated Teachers Day on 3rd september 2016 . Students from II, III and IV year utilized this opportunity to Engineering who is the pillars of their success. Few students expressed their gratitude.
- Departement of ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING celebrated Enginers day on 15th Sep, 2017 in th epresence of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & VP. Around 80 members from students community joined the event.
- Departement of ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING celebrated TEACHERS DAY on 9th Sep, 2017 in the presence of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & VP. Around 80 members from students community joined the celebration.
- Departement of ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING celebrated TEACHERS DAY on 9th Sep, 2017 in the presence of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & VP of SNSCE. Around 120 members from students community joined the celebration.
- CREATIONS WONDERS, an event organized by our departemnt on 15th Aug, 2017 in the presence of Mr. C. K. Gobu, AP/EEE from SNSCE. Around 80 members from students community joined the event.