ICT Enabled Classroom
Department Library
sponsored laboratories
The Department is equipped with 13 diversified laboratories including a dedicated laboratory for the PG students installed with required Hardware & Software for the needs of the students covering the curriculum.
Analog & Digital Laboratory
Optical and Microwave Laboratory

Digital Laboratory

VLSI Laboratory

Microprocessor & Micro controller Laboratory

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

Communication System Laboratory

Embedded Systems Laboratory
Digital Laboratory
Optical and Microwave Laboratory
Microprocessor & Microcontroller Laboratory
Analog & Digital Laboratory
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Computer Networking Laboratory
VLSI Laboratory
Circuits & Devices Laboratory
Communication System Laboratory
Research & Development Laboratory
Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory
Embedded Systems Laboratory
e-Yantra Laboratory
Texas Instruments
ICT Enabled Classroom
News Paper Table
Wifi Enabled
Library within a department is essential for day-to-day. For this reason, management provides a framework in which students can access the books from department library. Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering library contains 589 volumes of books in various streams like Communication System, Embedded System, Computer Networks, VLSI, Computer Architecture, Image processing, Signals & System etc.,