course description
Under Graduate Programme
B.E Civil Engineering
4 Years Course
Note: Soon we are converting Department of Civil Engineering to School of Architecture.
We are design thinkers
- 1. Mr.K. Aravinda Raj and Mr.E.Gnanasekar secured First Prize with Cash Award of Rs.15000 for presenting a paper titled “Smart city Challenge” organized by IIT, Madras - "Shaastra 2018"
- 2. Mr.S. Krishna Kanth received the award "Dr GKD Memorial Student Award" for Civil Engineering organized by The Institution for Engineers(India) on 16th September 2019 at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- 3. Mr.S. Krishna Kanth and Ms.P.Santhiya received the award "Best Student Project Award" for Civil Engineering organized by Indian Society of Technical Education on 18th December 2019 at PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore.
- 4. Mr.M.Dinesh received the award "Best Student Award" for Civil Engineering organized by Indian Society of Technical Education at 19th TN Section Annual Convention of Engineering Studentson 18th December 2019 at PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore.
- 5. Mr. S. Krishna Kanth received the award "Best Student Award" for Civil Engineering organized by Indian Society of Technical Education at 18th TN Section Annual Convention of Engineering Studentson 1st March 2019 at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
- 6. Mr.K. Aravinda Raj received the award "Best Student Award" for Civil Engineering organized by Indian Society of Technical Education at 17th TN Section Annual Convention of Engineering Students on 10th April 2018 at Tagore Engineering College, Chennai.
- 7. Mr. M.Ganesh, Mr. N.Chandrunath & Mr. R.Siddharthan received the award "Overall Championship" for Civil Engineering organized by SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore at "INNOWAR" National level Technical Symposium on 09th March 2018.
- 8. Dr.A.Velumani received the award "Innovative Scientific Researrch Professional & Dedicated Professor Award" by The Society of Innovative & Scientific Research Professional Accredited with Innovative Scientific Research Professional, Malaysia on 25th March 2018.
- 9. Dr. A. Velumani received the award ”Excellent Women Professional Achievement Award" by Innovative Scientific Research Professional, Malaysia on 21th October 2018.
- 10.Dr. A. Velumani received the award “Outstanding Engineer Award " by The Institution of Engineers (India) , Coimbatore on September 2018.
- 11. Dr. A. Velumani received the award "Best Women Researcher Award" by Society for Aerospace and Mechanical Professionals on 25th January 2020.
- 12.Dr.A.Velumani received the award "Connectivity Booster Award" by SNS Institutions , Coimbatore on 14th March 2020
- 13.N.Shanmugasundaram received the award "Placement - Salary Maxer Award" by SNS Institutions, Coimbatore on 13th June 2019
- SNS College of Engineering & Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia had research collaboaration and Ms.D.Geetha, S.Krishnakanth, R. Vijay Karthikeyan and C. Vinith kumar completed the project on "Micobial Concreting" at Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia from 10.01.2020 to 19.01.2020.
- SNS College of Engineering & University of Mallaya, Malaysia had collaborated and 14 students and 1 faculty member attended Training program on “ Advanced construction techniques and testing methods” at University of Mallaya, Malaysia from 18.01.20 to 27.01.20.
International visits
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Department of Civil Engineering has signed a MoU with Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia which opened up an opportunity for our students and faculty to work in a collaborative research project on "Antimicrobial concreting" for 10 days at their university.
Department of Civil Engineering has signed a MoU with Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia in the year 2018-19.
student/faculty exchange
In continuation of MoU with Universiti Teknologi MARA, our students and faculty worked in a collaborative research project with them on "Antimicrobial concreting" for 10 days from 10/1/2020 to 19/1/2020 at their university.

University of Malaya
Our students and faculty have also got exposure to latest technology by attending a short term training program on "Advances in Construction Technology and it's Techniques" in collaboration with the University of Malaya.
S. No | Company Name | Salary Package LPA |
No. of Offers | Company Type | Drive Date |
1 | BLOSSOMS ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS | 1.2 LPA (During internship) | 2 | Core | 08.12.2019 |
2 | CAUVERY CONSTRUCTION | 1.2 LPA (During internship) | 1 | Core | 23.01.2020 |
3 | DK Constructions | 1.44LPA (During Internship) | 1 | Core | 09.03.2020 |
4 | ECONTRACTZ | 1.5 LPA | 1 | General | 27.11.2019 |
5 | JARO EDUCATION | 12 LPA | 1 | Education | 22.10.2019 |
6 | KCP ENGINEERING PVT LTD | 0.78LPA (During Internship) | 2 | core | 06.03.2020 |
7 | MODERN INDUSTRIES | 1.5 LPA | 2 | Management and core | 26.09.2019 |
8 | METRO STRUCTURES | 1.62 LPA | 1 | core | 09.02.2020 |
9 | KS ASSOCIATES | 2.16 LPA | 1 | core | 01.02.2020 |
10 | SIX SIGMA RMC | 2.4 LPA | 5 | core | 11.02.2020 |
11 | NetSol Computers | 1.2 LPA | 1 | IT | 13.02.2020 |
12 | SWARNAM & CO | 1.5 LPA | 1 | core | 1.11.2019 |
13 | SRI KRISHNA ASSOCIATES | 3 LPA | 1 | core | 26.12.2019 |
Computer Science and Engineering
career opportunities
Private Job
- site Engineer
- Engineer (Architect or Planner)
- Surveyor / Plan Maker
- design Engineer
- Manager/Engineer in Material Testing Laboratory
Government Job
- Central Government
- Public Sector Undertaking
- State Government
- Local Authority
- Contractor/Engineer under private and government sector
- Structural Consultant
- Site Supervisor Valuer
Business / Entrepreneur / proprietor
- Builder / Developer
- Private Contractor
- Government Contractor