“Learn as if you were to live forever”


In the view of encouraging the readers and inculcate new readers to our society in future also in embarking the personality skills, “NDL I Club” has to be designed mainly

  • To encourage youth to read for pleasure
  • To develop attitude and
  • To promote library usage.
To motivate the club members become voracious readers.
To develop communication skills.
To develop their Personal skills in various environments.
To develop their attitude and make them optimists.
To promote the usage of Library resources.
To transform the community by reading inspiring books.
To channelize the human energies.

Club Activities

Membership Enrollments

All the students from the college who are determined with good reading skill, who factually run with the latest current affairs and interested in having an interdisciplinary knowledge on every aspects concerned with their department to be well focused and encouraged to enrol in their organization. No restricted number of the membership.


It has to be proposed that the members of the Readers Club can meet once in 2 months, during which presentation / Discussion based on the trends of different zones may be held in the inception level. Presentation may be on the information about the current and emerging trends in various technical levels, Inspiring books, articles read by the members can be shared among the club meeting. Interested students from various branches can attend and update their knowledge on all their fields.


Once in a month or once in 2 months one hour presentation has to be planned. Conducting events
  • Essay Writing
  • Jackpot with Cash Prizes
  • Motivational Guest Lecture 
Reading increases knowledge and rationality. Reading molds and hone the readers and thus inspire all. Reading makes a creative genius.


Club Members

S. No NDLI Club Members Designation Position
1 Dr.S.Charles Principal Ex- officio Chairman
2 Dr. Shynee Martin Librarian Ex- officio Secretary
3 Dr.K. Periyakaruppan HOD/CSE, Prof. I/C Member
4 Dr.R.SUDHAKARAN Hod.Mech Member
6 Dr.P.SUMATHY Hod. IT Member
7 Dr.B. ANURADHA Hod. CSD Member
8 Dr.S.JEBARANI Hod, EEE Member
9 Dr.R.ANITHA Hod,MBA Member
10 Mr.M.R.SHKTHIVEL Assist. Prof, Mech Faculty
11 Mr.S.RAMKUMAR Assist. Prof, MCT Faculty
12 Mr.R KAMALAKANNAN Assist. Prof,CSE(IOT) Faculty
13 Ms.V.VAISHNAVEE Assist. Prof, AI -DS Faculty
14 Mr.P. GANESH KUMAR Assist. Prof, S&H Faculty