DEPARTMENT of CSE ( IoT and Cyber Security including Blockchain Technology)
CLT offers unique and intensive professional development opportunities for faculty members to enhance culturally responsive teaching strategies and incorporate intercultural perspectives in curriculum. CLT also takes an evidence-based approach in advocating effective learning and teaching practices, curriculum planning, services to support the use of technology in education, and institutional policies and infrastructure to enhance the learning environment.
The Learning alley

faculty development activities
a. MOOC Course
- IOT, II IOT, III IOT IV IOT completed Product Management MBA course on January 2024.
- Mr.Saravanamari kumar of I IOT has completed the AWS course on PrepInsta platform in February 2024.
- Mr.Sivabalan J, Mr.Shree Harish and Mr.Sri ram of I IOT have completed the cloud computing course on PrepInsta platform in February 2024.
- Ms.Sherlin nisha I IOT completed Product Management MBA course in February 2024.
- Ms.Nandhana S of I IOT has completed the cloud computing course on PrepInsta platform in February 2024.
- Mr.Saravanamari kumar of I IOT has completed the AWS course on PrepInsta platform in February 2024.
- Mr.Sivabalan J, Mr.Shree Harish and Mr.Sri ram of I IOT have completed the cloud computing course on PrepInsta platform in February 2024.
- Ms.Sherlin nisha I IOT completed Product Management MBA course in February 2024.
- Ms.Nandhana S of I IOT has completed the cloud computing course on PrepInsta platform in February 2024.
- Mr.Harikrishnasai of I IOT has completed the AWS course on PrepInsta platform in March 2024.
- Mr.Kanthimathinathan of I IOT have completed the cloud computing course on PrepInsta platform in March 2024.
- Ms.Lochana, Mr.Hari Maniesh , Mr.Prajith of I IOT have completed the CPP course on prepinsta platform in March 2024.
- Mr.Mohanakarthikeyan ,Mr.Mohammed Riyaz , Ms.Sameera of I IOT have completed the Ethical hacking course on PrepInsta platform in March 2024.
- Ms.Karishmapriyadharshini of I IoT has completed the HTML course on PrepInsta platform in March 2024.
- Ms.Subhari P I IOT has completed the AWS course on PrepInsta in Aril 2024.
- Ms. Gowtham S of I IOT has completed the Machine Learning course on PrepInsta platform in April 2024.
- Ms. Sabarinathan V II IOT has completed the Intermediate in Java coding course on PrepInsta platform in April 2024.
- Mr.Rohith.M of II IOT completed the Microsoft course on PrepInsta platform in April 2024.
- Mr.Yogeshwaran.G of III IOT completed the DSA in python on PrepInsta platform in April 2024.
- Mr.Kirubakaran of III IOT has completed the Quantitative analysis course on PrepInsta platform in April 2024.
- Mr.Subhaan Khan of IV IOT have completed the cloud computing course on PrepInsta platform in April 2024.
- Mr.Karan.P. Of IV IOT have completed the Data interpretation course on PrepInsta platform in April 2024.
- Ms. Ajuvaitha K, Ms. Lochana B, Mr. Naveen kumar of I IOT has completed the Ethical Hacking course on PrepInsta platform in May 2024.
- Ms. Sathyasr, Mr. Vibin sundar Sk of I IOT has completed the Data science course onPrepInsta platform in May 2024.
- Mr. Praveen Kumar P of II IOT has completed the computer Networks course on prepInsta platform in May 2024.
- Mr. Adhithyan R, Mr. Sabarithana of III IOT has completed the python course on preInsta platform in May 2024.
- Mr. Sriram CG of III IOT has completed the AWS course in prepInsta platform in May 2024.
- Mr.Hari Prasanth of II IOT has completed the Fundamentals of digital marketing Course on Coursera on 24-05-2023.
- Mr.Hari Prasanth of II IOT has completed the Fundamentals of Project management Course on Coursera on 26-05-2023.
- Ms.Nithesh K of I IOT has Completed HTML Essential training course Provided by LinkedIn learning on APRIL 2023.
- Ms.Nithesh K of I IOT has Completed Design Thinking: Understanding the process course Provided by LinkedIn learning on APRIL 2023.
- Ms.Nithesh K of I IOT has Completed Time Management Fundamentals course Provided by LinkedIn learning on APRIL 2023.
- Ms. Nithya. J of I IOT has completed Ai and ml nano degree course Provided by Prepinsta on APRIL 2023.
- Ms.Alfia Sherly R.C of I IOT has completed Intermediate coding course Provided by Prepinsta on APRIL 2023.
- Mr.Nithesh . K of I IOT has completed BLOCKCHAIN BASICS provided by great learning on FEB 2023.
- Mr.Hariharan V S of I IoT has completed the Introduction to Firewall provided by Great Learning on January 2023.
- Ms.Nithya J of I IoT has completed the PHP crash Course in JAVA,PYTHON and C++ provided by Udemy on January 2023.
- Ms.Nithya J of I IoT has completed the 2D and Game developer provided by Udemy on January 2023.
- Mr.Praneet R of I IoT has completed the JAVA Programming provided by Udemy on January 2023.
- 11 students from I IoT has completed the Block chain basics course provided by Great Learning on January 2023.
- Ms.Nethra V of II IoT has completed the Front end development course provided by great learning on December 2022.
- Mr.Kishore J R of III IoT has completed the Introduction to UI/UX course provided by great learning on December 2022.
- Mr.Yeshwanthkumar ,Mr.Dinesh of III IoT has completed the Java programing language provided by solo learn on October 2022.
faculty achievements
- Mr. R.Kamalakannan, AP/CSE(IoT) has published a paper titled, ”Design thinking based asset tracking system using IoT” in “ International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR)”, E-ISSN: 2348-1269, P-ISSN: 2349-5138
- Ms. G.S.Deepika, AP/CSE(IoT) has published a paper titled,” AI based Smart Mining Helmets” in the Scopus indexed UGC care Journal YMER: Volume 23, Issue 01, ISSN: 0044-0477
- Mr. Mubaraali L, AP/CSE(IoT) has successfully completed “International Faculty Development Program on Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design in Higher Education" Organized by: Eudoxia Research Centre and Eudoxia Research University – USA
- Ms. K.Ranjani, AP/CSE(IoT) has participated in One week FDP on ,” Deep drive into Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” at Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology during 8.01.2024 to 12.01.2024
- Mr. M. Naveenraj &Mr. R.Kamalakannan, AP/CSE(IoT) has participated in One week FDP on ,” Empowering Educators: Navigating Cutting Edge Technologies in Industry 4.0” at Sree Sakthi Engineering College during 01.01.2024 to 06.01.2024
- Mr. M. Naveenraj, AP/CSE(IoT) has successfully completed One week MSM Internship programme in “ Exploring the Power in NODEMCU:IoT Development” from 17.01.2024 to 23.01.2024.
- Mr. R.Kamalakannan, AP/CSE(IoT) has successfully completed Microsoft certified course,” Build a natural language processing solution with Azure AI Language on Jan’2024
- Mr. M. Naveenraj &Ms. K.Ranjani, AP/CSE(IoT) has participated in 8days FDP on,”ICT integrated evaluation in Outcome based Education” at AMET University from 05.01.2024 to 12.01.2024
- Mr. L. Mubaraali, AP/CSE(IoT) has participated in a FDP on, ”Innovative Teaching and Learning Pedagogy” conducted by Research foundation of India, Mumbai from 09.01.2024 to 13.01.2024
- 6 faculty members and their mentees registered their startup Idea in MSME- Udhayam
- Ms. K.Ranjani, AP/CSE(IoT) has published a UK design Patent titled, “ULTRA PROBE SONICATOR EQUIPMENT FOR NANOPARTICLES” Design number: 6344040, Grant date: 22 February 2024, Registration date: 02 February 2024
- Ms. G.S.Deepika, Ms.K.Ranjani and Ms. S. Jayashree, published a design patent titled,” ADAPTIVE WRITING TOOL FOR SPECIAL KIDS “Application Number: 409178-001 , on 29.02.2024.
- Ms. S.Jayashree, Ms. K. Ranjani and Ms.G.S.Deepika submitted a Seminar proposal to ICSSR under the topic” ROLE OF EMERGING IOT TECHNOLOGY IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT “Application Number: ICSSR-NIS-2024-8470,
- Ms. K.Ranjani, AP/CSE(IoT) has participated in a FDP in “ Innovative Teaching Pedagogy and Tools in Digital Era” from 12.2.24 to 16.2.24 at Ramakrishna Engineering College.
- Ms.K.Ranjani, Ms. S. Jayashree and Ms. G.S.Deepika published a design patent titled,”AI based smart CROCS for Kids using IoT “, Application Number: 412045-001 , on 30.03.2024.
- Ms. K.Ranjani, AP/CSE(IoT) has attended a FDP titled Future Challenges in 6G organised by SIMATS Engineering from 4/3/2024 to 8/3/2024
- Ms. K. Ranjani ,Ms. S.Jayashree and Ms.G.S.Deepika submitted a Seminar proposal to ISROunder the topic” Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning For Remote Sensing Data “requesting a grant of Rs. 2,02,500.
- Mr. Mubaraali L, Mr. R.Kamalakannan and Mr. M. Naveenraj submitted a Seminar proposal to ISRO under the topic” Quantum Communication and Cryptography “ requesting a grant of Rs. 1,00,000
- Mr. Naveenraj M, AP/CSE(IoT) has attended a FDP titled Exploring Dynamics of National Education Policy 2020” from 18/3/2024 to 26/3/2024
- Ms.K.Ranjani, Mr. R.Kamalakannan, Mr. M. Naveenraj, Ms. S. Jayashree and Mr. Mubaraali L published a Book titled,” Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning “, ISBN:978-93-6048-570-2
- Ms. S.Jayashree ,Ms. K. Ranjani , Mr. R.Kamalakannan, Mr. M. Naveenraj and Mr. Mubaraali L submitted a Seminar proposal to TNSCST under the topic” Generative AI in Virtual Reality “ requesting a grant of Rs. 1,22,000
- Dr. S.Jayashree AP/CSE-IoT successfully completed Ph.D Programme, Thesis titled,” Meta Heuristic Approach based on Multi-objective Optimization of Battery size and DG installation in Microgrid Systems “on 20.05.2024.
- Ms. S.Jayashree ,Ms. K. Ranjani , Mr. R.Kamalakannan, Mr. M. Naveenraj and Mr. Mubaraali L submitted a Seminar proposal to ISRO under the topic” Wireless sensor Interfacing and Smart Sensors “ requesting a grant of Rs. 50,000
- Ms.K.Ranjani, Mr. R.Kamalakannan and Dr. S. Jayashree published a Book titled,” Data mining and Data warehousing Manual “, Mambert Publications.
- Mr.K.Kamalakkannan completed IBM Practitioner and co creator badge.
graduation rate
university ranks
ph.D. Holders
faculty awards
fdp programmes
book published
our curriculum
design thinking
based educational framework
Institutional courses
dt courses
- design thinking
- life skill development
- communicative english
- professional communication
- personality development
- foreign languages
- global business ethics and law
- verbal/quantitative aptitude/reasoning
- essence of global culture
dt courses
- emerging mooc courses
- 2 coding languages
- 2 department specific tools
- basic s&h courses
- program specific engineering/ arts/ science/ core/ elective courses
- 5 innovative technologies
dt courses
- mini projects
- internships
- industrial training
- industrial projects
- students exchange programme
- capstone project
- 4 career tracks
dt courses
- weekend online practice
- coding
- subject domain specific
- vqar
- innovative technologies/tools
- extra curricular activities
- yoga/ meditation/ reading/ club activities/ sports/ top contest PARTICIPATION


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