S.No | Name | Position |
1 | Dr. P. Gnanasundari Professor & HoD, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Presiding Officer |
2 | Dr. R. Anitha HoD, Dept. of Master of Business Administration |
Faculty Member |
3 | Mr. K. Nandakumar Asst. Prof., Dept. of Information Technology |
Faculty Member |
4 | Ms. K. Srimathi Lab Technician, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Non-Teaching |
5 | Ms. R. Jayanthi Lab Technician, Dept. of Information Technology |
Non-Teaching |
6 | Ms. R. Saikrupa B.E.-CSE (IOT&CS), III Year |
UG Student |
7 | Mr. N. Pranish B.E.-Mech., IV Year |
UG Student |
8 | Mr. G.Shaik Usmansha Student (Ph.D),Dept of Mechanical Engineering |
Research Scholar |
9 | Mr. R. Chellimuthu Advocate - Official of NGO |
External Member |
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