Department of Electronics and COMMUNICATION engineering
CLT offers unique and intensive professional development opportunities for faculty members to enhance culturally responsive teaching strategies and incorporate intercultural perspectives in curriculum. CLT also takes an evidence-based approach in advocating effective learning and teaching practices, curriculum planning, services to support the use of technology in education, and institutional policies and infrastructure to enhance the learning environment.
The Learning alley

faculty development activities
ph.d holders
graduation rate
university ranks
ph.D. Holders
faculty awards
fdp programmes
book published
faculty achievements
- Dr.P.GNANASUNDARI, Professor &HoD of ECE received “Lead Helping Hand” Award for the leadership ability carried during the “CTS SPRINT Program” in the academic year 2021-2022
- Dr.P.GNANASUNDARI, Professor &HoD of ECE received “Most Caring” Award for the leadership ability carried during the “CTS SPRINT Program” in the academic year 2021-2022
- Mr.K.K RAJKUMAR received Sprited Award for the leadership ability carried during the “Passion chasers Training Program” in the academic year 2021-2022his contribution in the field of Placement.
- Ms.J.Jasmine Kavitha received IGNITER Award for the leadership ability carried during the “Passion chasers Training Program” in the academic year 2021-2022
- Dr. P. Prakasam, Professor from ECE department has won the Ad Hoc Networks outstanding contribution in reviewing award from Elsevier
- Dr. G.K.D.Prasanna Venkatesan, Professor from ECE department has participated as Guest Speaker in Southern Mythologist University, Dallas & Kyushu Institute of Technology,Japan
- Ms.G.Sathya, Ms.Saranya & Ms.Venmathi, Assistant Professors from ECE department has won the appreciation for fostering an ecosystem bridging government,Industry and Academia from Texas Instruments
- Mr.C.Jeevanantham, Assistant Professor from ECE department has won the Best paper award for ‘Solar powered electric service delivery vehicle’, in the International conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and technology
- Dr.P.Gnanasundari, Professor & HoD of ECE department has won the Certificate of Appreciation from Texas Instruments
- Ms.G.Sathya, Assistant Professor from ECE department has won the Certificate of Appreciation from Texas Instruments
- Mr.C.Jeevanantham, Assistant Professor from ECE department has won the Best Paper Award for the title ‘Spider Wiper’ In International Conference of Recent researchers in Engineering and Technology, Ooty
- Ms.S.Saranya, Assistant Professor from ECE department has won the Certificate of Appreciation from Texas Instruments , Best Paper Award ‘Realization of Vehicle license verification system using IOT’ in World Journal of Technology Engineering and Research
- Dr.N.Suma, Associate Professor from ECE department has won the Certificate of appreciation from propulsion Technologies for Consultancy work
- Dr. P. Prakasam, Professor from ECE department has won the Best IACSIT Outstanding Award from ICMEE
- Dr.P.Prakasam selected for best Director/Principal/Dean award for DK international research foundation faculty award 2018
- Dr.P.Prakasam selected for Distinguished Faculty in Engineering for exceptional academics records on 9 th January 2018
- Mr. M. Arumugaraja received Young Educator Award for his contribution in the field of Engineering by NFED 2014.
- Mr. M. Arumugaraja received Amateur Station Operator certificate in the Year 2016 by Government of India
- Ms. M. Bhagavathi Priya received Amateur Station Operator certificate in the Year 2018 by Government of India
STUDENTS achievements
- Ms.Rasitha B of II ECE has participated in has participated in the Moisture Minds of the PARSEC: A Paradigm Shift organised by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Dharwadin in the month of August.
- Ms.Thayilasree P of ECE III year has has participated in the DST Sponsored Three Weeks Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme on “Empowering Entrepreneurship for Health, Food and Technology Innovation” from 28 Aug-15 Sep 2023 Organized by Academy of Maritime Education and Training Deemed to be University, Chennai.
- Ms.Rasitha B has participated in the Moisture Minds of the PARSEC: A Paradigm Shift organised by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Dharwad through Unstop.
- Mr.Cibiraj K of II ECE Introduction to Artificial Intelligence from Infosys Springboard on 03.09.2023.
- Ms.Roshini S of II ECE has completed “SEO[Search Engine Optimization]Quiz” with a score of 40% dated 09.09.2023.
- Ms.Rasitha B SNSCE of II ECE for successfully completing a free online course Introduction to Data Science in the month of September.
- Ms.Rasitha B of II ECE has completed a course on Quantitative Aptitude Basics on November 2023 from Great Learning platform.
- Mr.Sivakumar S, Mr.Vidhyaa Sagar C A, Ms.Dhanyaa Shree M, Ms.Kaviya V, Ms.Thayilasree P of III ECE were certified for completing Cloud computing by NPTEL in the month of November 2023(8 Week course).
- Mr.Alwin Jerom Sandalin D , Mr.Azeem Biju Sainudeen , Mr.Chandru M , Mr.Gowtham S , Mr.Mahesh M ,Ms. Metha R , Mr.Prabhakar S , Mr.Sabarinath C , Mr.Siva Hari prasath S , Mr.Vasanth S ,Mr. Venkatesh R , Mr.Vinith A of final ECE were certified for completing Google Cloud computing foundations by NPTEL in the month of November 2023 (8 Week course).
- Mr.Hariharan P G of III ECE was certified for completing Learning analytics Tools by NPTEL.
- Mr.Siva K of III ECE was certified for completing Programming in Java by NPTEL.
- Ms.Deepika of I ECE has completed an online course on Analytics in Transportation course, Types of Cyber Security in Great Learning platform during December 2023.
- Ms. Rasitha B from II ECE has participated in the Webinar on IBM Hack Challenge 2023 Launch – Boot camp 1 conducted by Smart Internz on 07.07.2023.
- Mr Kalaiselvan S has II ECE participated in the W0rkshop in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality which is conducted by NoviTech R and D Private Limited on 12.10.2023.
- Mr.Faris Rahman S of II ECE has completed live workshop on ChatGPT & AI Tools on 02.11.2023.
- Ms.Dhatchana S J , Ms.Priyadharshini S, Ms.Ranjani Sugashini D of II ECE has attended 2 days Workshop on AI/ML conducted by Mindful AI on 24.11.2023 & 25.11.2023.
- Mr.Kabilesh M, Mr.Ragul M of I ECE has participated in the workshop on Explore the technologies in IoT Connected Devices organized by Firechip Academy on 09.12.2023.
- Mr.Harihaan P G of III ECE successfully passed Microsoft Certified:Azure AI Fundamentals Certification provided by Microsoft on 23.06.2024.
- Mr.Harihaan P G of III ECE successfully passed all the requirements for Microsoft copilot for security Ninja Training on 27.04.2024.
- Mr.Mohamed Ashfaq S, Mr.Vinusanjay P G , Mr.Siva K ,Ms.Jeevanyaa R and Ms.Thayilasree P of III ECE successfully unlocked Gold level during the Go for Gold contest in iAspire from Accenture and certified on 10.05.2024.
- III ECE students completed GitHub Foundations and issued the badge for GitHub Foundations in the month of June, 2024 by GitHub.
our curriculum
design thinking
based educational framework
Institutional courses
dt courses
- design thinking
- life skill development
- communicative english
- professional communication
- personality development
- foreign languages
- global business ethics and law
- verbal/quantitative aptitude/reasoning
- essence of global culture
dt courses
- emerging mooc courses
- 2 coding languages
- 2 department specific tools
- basic s&h courses
- program specific engineering/ arts/ science/ core/ elective courses
- 5 innovative technologies
dt courses
- mini projects
- internships
- industrial training
- industrial projects
- students exchange programme
- capstone project
- 4 career tracks
dt courses
- weekend online practice
- coding
- subject domain specific
- vqar
- innovative technologies/tools
- extra curricular activities
- yoga/ meditation/ reading/ club activities/ sports/ top contest PARTICIPATION


Activity BasedLearning


Think Pair Share

Technology EnabledTeaching - Kahoot