patent Publications

department of mechanical engineering
Student Publications
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Faculty Publications
- Journal Publications
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student publications
- Mohan Kumar R.V, Sivakumar P , Govindaraj R, 2017, Thorium Energy and LTFR, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research., vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 306-316.
- Narayanan S, Muthukumar K , Nagaraj N, 2018, Emisssion Control in CI Engines using Biodiesel blend and Catalytic Converter, International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy, vol 5, no. 2, pp. 554-560.
- Sivakumar P, Mahendran S, Manikandan V, Kalaichevan A , Muralidharan G, 2018, Experimental Investigation of Updraft Gasifier using solid waste as Feedstock,International Journal of Research and Scientifiec Innovation, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 05-10.
- Sivakumar P, Monish M.P, Jayaram S , Sivakumar P, 2018, Waste Oil Powered Burner, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, vol. 4, no. 2.
- Gokulnath G, Govindaraj R, Eazhil K.M , Senthilkumar L, 2018, Enhancement of Turbulent Heat Transfer Using Copper Twisted Tape, Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 1, pp 1-5.
- Gokulnath G, Govindaraj R, Eazhil K.M , Mahendran S, 2018, Testing an FSW Welded Joint of AA2024 and AA6082 Aluminium Plate using Ultrasonic and Penetrant Testing Method, Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 1, pp 9-11.
- Navin Prasad A.T, Sanjay Thilak K, Sridhar C, Vijay K.B , Yuvaraj S, 2018, The Study of Desalination of Water using Solar Still An Overview, EPRA International Journal of Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 05-10.
- Senthil Kumar L, S. Arun Pandian P, Dhanush R, Hari PrakashR , Jaya Prakash, 2018, Experimental Investigation on Hybrid Bio-Polyurethane Foam Composites, International Journal of Research, Engineering, Science and Management, vol. 1, no. 4.
- Susila B, Balaji V, Dheenadhayalan R, Velan K , Jaswanth K.A, 2018, Design and Fabrication of Groundnut seperating Machine,Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp 10-11.
- Eazhil K.M, Surya S, Jayakumar M, Ganeshkumar P , Gokulnath G, Investigation of chromium manganese stainless steel using Taguchi method to analyze the mechanical properties, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 44-48.
- Surya S, Eazhil K.M, Rishikesh S, Satheesh Raj R , Venkatesh R, 2018, Comparative study on slurry erosion behavior on SS304 and SS202 in a slurry erosive test pot rig under different operating parameters, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 104-109.
- Eazhil K.M, Saravana Priyan G, Sathish S, Sugarn Rajapandi N , Sundara Rajan S Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Natural and Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites,EPRAInternational Journal of Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 7, 2018.
- Narashimaraj V, Aravinth C, Ashok Kumar R , Balamurugan K, 2018, Investigate the Wrinking of A16061 Sheet Metal forming process by neural network, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Special issue.
- Ramesh K, Gopalakrishnan P , Nagaraj N, 2018 , Radius Turner attachment for Metal Lathe, International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy., vol 4, no. 11.
- Franklin Manoah S.K, Abdul Kadar J, Hemanth V, Aravind Raj P , Muthukumaran M, 2018, Bevel Geared Mechanism for Portable 3600 Pedestal Air Coolrer,Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 2.
- Chandrasekar K, Melvin Richardson R, Nethaji G, Nirmalkumar A , Praveen B, 2018, Automatic Chapathi Making Machine, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 180-181.
- Rahul. M, Murali R, Ranjithkumar P, Yeswanth L, Thiyagu C, 2018, Analysis and Fabrication of Catalytic Converter Using Nano particles for Emission Control, International Journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology, vol. 5, no. 7.
- Ramesh K, Dinesh Kumar P , Franklin Raja C , Jose Nirmal Vasanth R , Muni Raji P, 2018, Pipe and Ring Fitting by Screw Mechanism, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 182-185.
- Santhana Krishnan N, Mohanraj S, Mohana Deepak S , Vinoth Kumar S , Prabu S, 2018, RF Based Automatic Speed Limiter for Vehicles, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 189-192.
- Sathishkumar M, Manikandan E, Prabhakaran V , Prabhakaran, 2018, Investigation in Deterioration of Automobile Parts due to Atmospheric Corrosion, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 260-262.
- Dinesh L, Elankathir B, Ajith kumar A , M.Muthukumaran, 2018, Automated Mechanism for Retrieval of Spectrocoin Sample from Copper Die,Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp 01-02.
- Muthukumar, N.Nagaraj “Emisssion Control in CI Engines using Biodiesel blend and Catalytic Converter,” International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy, Vol 5, no. 2, pp. 554-560, 2018.
- Narayanan, “Review on Influence of corrosion & Cavitation on various materials of Diesel Engine parts while using Biodiesel as Fuel,” International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer, Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 27-32, 2018.
- Mahendran S, Manikandan V, Kalaichevan A, Muralidharan G, “Experimental Investigation of Updraft Gasifier using solid waste as Feedstock,International Journal of Research and Scientifiec Innovation, Vol. 4, no. 6, pp.05-10, 2018.
- P Monish, S Jayaram, P.Sivakumar,”Waste Oil Powered Burner,” International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology”, Volumae 4, no. 2, 2018.
- Gokulnath, R. Govindaraj, K.M. Eazhil and L. Senthilkumar, “Enhancement of Turbulent Heat Transfer Using Copper Twisted Tape,”Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 1, pp 1-5, 2018.
- Govindaraj, S. Mahendran and K.M. Eazhil, “Testing an FSW Welded Joint of AA2024 and AA6082 Aluminium Plate using Ultrasonic and Penetrant Testing Method,” Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 1, pp 9-11, 2018.
- S, Jayakumar.M, Ganeshkumar.P, Gokulnath.G, “Investigation of chromium manganese stainless steel using Taguchi method to analyze the mechanical properties,” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 44-48,2018.
- Surya, K.M,Eazhil, S.Rishikesh, R.Satheesh Raj, R.Venkatesh, “Comparative study on slurry erosion behavior on SS304 and SS202 in a slurry erosive test pot rig under different operating parameters,” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 104-109, 2018.
- Eazhil K.M, “Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Natural and Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites,”EPRAInternational Journal of Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 7, 2018.
- Nagaraj, “Investigate the Wrinking of A16061 Sheet Metal forming process by neural network,” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Special issue – April 2018.
- Gopalakrishnan P, “Radius Turner attachment for Metal Lathe,” International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy., Vol 4, no. 11, 2018.
- Franklin Manoah S K, Abdul Kadar J, Hemanth V, Aravind Raj P and Dr.M.Muthukumaran, “Bevel Geared Mechanism for Portable 3600 Pedestal Air Coolrer,”Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 2, 2018.
- Yeswanth L, “Automatic Chapathi Making Maachine,” International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 180-181, 2018.
- M, Murali.R, Ranjithkumar P, , Mr. C. Thiyagu, “Analysis and Fabrication of Catalytic Converter Using Nano particles for Emission Control,” International Journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, no. 7, pp.1-5, 2018.
- Mohan Kumar R.V, Sivakumar P & Govindaraj R, 2017, ‘Thorium Energy and LTFR,’ International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research., vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 306-316.
- Narayanan S, Muthukumar K & Nagaraj N, 2018, ‘Emisssion Control in CI Engines using Biodiesel blend and Catalytic Converter,’ International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy, vol 5, no. 2, pp. 554-560.
- Sivakumar P, Mahendran S, Manikandan V, Kalaichevan A & Muralidharan G, 2018, ‘Experimental Investigation of Updraft Gasifier using solid waste as Feedstock,International Journal of Research and Scientifiec Innovation, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 05-10.
- Sivakumar P, Monish M.P, Jayaram S & Sivakumar P, 2018, ’Waste Oil Powered Burner,’ International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology’, vol. 4, no. 2.
- Gokulnath G, Govindaraj R, Eazhil K.M & Senthilkumar L, 2018, ‘Enhancement of Turbulent Heat Transfer Using Copper Twisted Tape, ’Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 1, pp 1-5.
- Gokulnath G, Govindaraj R, Eazhil K.M & Mahendran S, 2018, ‘Testing an FSW Welded Joint of AA2024 and AA6082 Aluminium Plate using Ultrasonic and Penetrant Testing Method,’ Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 1, pp 9-11.
- Navin Prasad A.T, Sanjay Thilak K, Sridhar C, Vijay K.B & Yuvaraj S, 2018, ‘The Study of Desalination of Water using Solar Still – An Overview,’ EPRA International Journal of Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 05-10.
- Senthil Kumar L,S. Arun Pandian P, Dhanush R, Hari PrakashR & Jaya Prakash, 2018, ’Experimental Investigation on Hybrid Bio-Polyurethane Foam Composites,’ International Journal of Research, Engineering, Science and Management, vol. 1, no. 4.
- Susila B,Balaji V, Dheenadhayalan R, Velan K & Jaswanth K.A, 2018, ‘Design and Fabrication of Groundnut seperating Machine,’Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp 10-11.
- Eazhil K.M, Surya S, Jayakumar M, Ganeshkumar P & Gokulnath G, ‘Investigation of chromium manganese stainless steel using Taguchi method to analyze the mechanical properties,’ International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 44-48.
- Surya S, Eazhil K.M, Rishikesh S, Satheesh Raj R & Venkatesh R, 2018, ‘Comparative study on slurry erosion behavior on SS304 and SS202 in a slurry erosive test pot rig under different operating parameters,’ International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 104-109.
- Eazhil K.M, Saravana Priyan G, Sathish S, Sugarn Rajapandi N & Sundara Rajan S ‘Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Natural and Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites,’EPRAInternational Journal of Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 7, 2018.
- Narashimaraj V, Aravinth C, Ashok Kumar R & Balamurugan K, 2018, ‘Investigate the Wrinking of A16061 Sheet Metal forming process by neural network,’ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Special issue.
- Ramesh K, Gopalakrishnan P & Nagaraj N, 2018 , ‘Radius Turner attachment for Metal Lathe,’ International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy., vol 4, no. 11.
- Franklin Manoah S.K, Abdul Kadar J, Hemanth V, Aravind Raj P & Muthukumaran M, 2018, ‘Bevel Geared Mechanism for Portable 3600 Pedestal Air Coolrer,’Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 2.
- Chandrasekar K, Melvin Richardson R, Nethaji G, Nirmalkumar A & Praveen B, 2018, ‘Automatic Chapathi Making Machine,’ International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 180-181.
- M, Murali R, Ranjithkumar P, Yeswanth L, Thiyagu C, 2018, ‘Analysis and Fabrication of Catalytic Converter Using Nano particles for Emission Control,’ International Journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology, vol. 5, no. 7.
- Ramesh K, Dinesh Kumar P , Franklin Raja C , Jose Nirmal Vasanth R &Muni Raji P, 2018, ‘Pipe and Ring Fitting by Screw Mechanism,’ International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 182-185.
- Santhana Krishnan N, Mohanraj S, Mohana Deepak S , Vinoth Kumar S & Prabu S, 2018, ‘RF Based Automatic Speed Limiter for Vehicles,’ International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 189-192.
- Sathishkumar M, Manikandan E, Prabhakaran V &Prabhakaran, 2018, ‘Investigation in Deterioration of Automobile Parts due to Atmospheric Corrosion,’ International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 260-262.
- Dinesh L, Elankathir B, Ajith kumar A & M.Muthukumaran, 2018, ‘Automated Mechanism for Retrieval of Spectrocoin Sample from Copper Die,’Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp 01-02.
- Eazhil K.M, Surya S, Jayakumar M, Ganeshkumar.P & Gokulnath.G, 2018, ‘Investigation of chromium manganese stainless steel using Taguchi method to analyse the mechanical properties’, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology.
- Surya S, Eazhil K.M, Rishikesh S, Satheesh Raj R & Venkatesh R, 2018, ‘Comparative study on slurry erosion behavior on SS304 and SS202 in a slurry erosive test pot rig under different operating parameters’, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology.
- Sri lakshmanan N, Ragunathan C, Rahul R, Venkatesh R Vigneshkumar D, 2018, ‘Design and Fabrication of Electrostatic Filter on a Muffler’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology, SNS College of Technology.
- Muneeswaran M, Narayanan S & Navin Prssad A.T, Prasanth S , 2018, ‘Review on Influence of corrosion & Cavitataion on various materials of Diesel Engine parts while using Biodiesel as Fuel’, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology.
- Sudharson N, 2018, ‘Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Natural and synthetic Fibre Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Sivakumar P, Kalaichelvan A, Mahendran S, Muralidharan G & Manikandan V, 2018, ‘Experimental Investigation of Updraft Gasifier using solid waste as Feedstock’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Sivakumar P, Monish M.P, Jayaram S & Sivakumar P, 2018, ‘Waste Oil Powered Burner’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology, SNS College of Technology.
- Vignesh S, 2018, ‘CFD Analysis of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger with different Inner sections’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering, Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology.
- Mahendran, M.Muhammad Thameez, R.Prasanna, D.Neelakandan, 2018, ‘Overall Equipment Efficiency Improvement in Engine Assembly and Gearbox Assembly’ National Conference on Ideas and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (NCIIME)’, TRP Engineering College.
- Senthil Kumar K, Ragulkumar G, Ramkumar T, Santhoshkumar V & Umapathy U 2018, ‘Analysis of Speed and Turning effect of a Hovercraft with and without Rudders’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electroniocs, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Ananada Jothi M & Balaji V.M, 2018, ‘Wear Behavior of Al/TiB2 Composite by Powder Metallurgy Method’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering, Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology.
- Navin Prasad A.T & Johns M P, 2018, ‘Review on Influence of corrosion & Cavitataion on various materials of Diesel Engine parts while using Biodiesel as Fuel’, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology.
- Navin Prasad A.T, Sanjay Thilak K, Vijay K.B, Sridhar C & Yuvaraj S, 2018, ‘A Review Paper on Desalination using Solar Still’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electroniocs, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Balaji T, Mithun A, Prakash R, Rathnavel S.A & Sharath Venkatesh K, ‘Reduction of wastage of oil in Gear Hobbing Machine’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology(NCGVT 18), SNS College of Technology.
- Muneeswaran M, Lakshmi A.G, Liyakath Ali, Nishanth K & Naveen Kumar K, 2018, ‘Experimental Analysis of EDM Machining Characterization of Aluminum Alloy Metal Matrix with Si’, Proceedings of the Second National Level Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Nandha College of Technology.
- Saravanakumar R, Lakshmana Prasad S, Krishnara M, Manikandan M & Prasanna T, 2018, ‘Structural and Thermal Analysis of Disk Brake using CREO and ANSYS’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology (NCGVT 18), SNS College of Technology.
- Chandrasekar K, Mervin Richardson R, Nethaji G, Nirmal Kumar A & Praveen B, 2018, ‘Automatic Chapathi Making Machine’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Management, Kalaignar karunanidhi Institute of Technology.
- Narayanan N, Muthukumar K, Nagaraj N, Naveen S & Navaneethan C, 2018, ‘Emission Control in CI Engine using Bio-Diesel Fuel Blend and Catalytic Converter’, 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology(NCGVT 18), SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, 06-07 April-2018.
- Santhana Krishnan N, Mohan Raj S, Prabhu S, Mohana Deepak S & Vinoth Kumar S 2018 ,‘RF Based Automatic Speed Limits for Vehicles’, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology.
- Srikausigaraman N, Paramaguru S, Prabhakaran S & Santhosh Kumar S, 2018, ‘Automatic Pneumatic Clutch and Braking System’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology, SNS College of Technology.
- Thiyagu C, Praveen R, Nagendran N, Rahul R D & Naveen I, 2018, ‘Static Deformation Analysis of Leaf Spring Used in Heavy Load Vehicles’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electroniocs, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Gopala Krishnan V, Mouleeswaran B, Kathirvel S, Pradeep Kumar S & Kiran Kumar S, 2018, ‘Analysis of Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of Passenger Vehicle’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology(NCGVT 18), SNS College of Technology.
- Srikausigaraman N, Manikandan R, Manoj J, Manoj Prabhakaran S & Navee T, 2018, ‘Slurry Erosion Testing on SS409 Coated on TiO2 & Al2O3’, Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology.
- Balamurali B, Lignesh R, Parthipan P, Praveen Kumar M, Prasanth Y, 2018, ‘Electric Line Fixer Drone’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology(NCGVT 18), SNS College of Technology.
- Sathish Kumar M, Prabhakaran K, Manikandan E & Prabhakaran V, 2018, ‘Deterioration of Automobile Parts due to Atmospheric Corrosion’, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Green Vehicle Technology(NCGVT 18), SNS College of Technology.
- Muneeswaran M, Krishna Prakash S, Navin Jay Krishna, Manikandan V & Nirmal S, 2018, Proceedings of the ‘ Design and Analysis of an Automobile Wheel Rim with Radial and Spiral Flexures’, International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering.
- Rahul M, Murali R, Ranjith Kumar P &Yeswanth L, 2018, ‘Design and analysis of catalytic convertor using nanoparticles’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Sudarsan K,Venu Prasad S, Vinoth C &Yokesh V, 2018, ‘Quality Control Instrument’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Sudharsan V, Ramprasath R, Sathiyanarayanalingam M & Soundharrajan R, 2018, ‘Underwater Friction Stir Welding for Dissimilar Alloys’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Rithun C.S, Sivakumar P , Sriram O.S &, Surendran D 2018, ‘Experimental Investigation of certain Performance Characteristics of Neem oil Blend in CI Engine’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Ragul C, Raveendhar M, Samynathaprabhu P &Suryaprabhakaran G.T, 2018, ‘Sprinkler Irrigation Vehicle’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Rajakumar R, Yasarali A, Raaghavendar S &Sathees R, 2018, ‘Processing of Aluminium Metal Matrix (Al6063+Al2O3+Gr) using Stir Casting Route’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Sarankumar S Suryamoorthy N, Vimal kumar S &Vigneshkumar N, 2018, ‘Improvement of Mechanical Properties in SS2507 using steelite as filler through TIG welding process’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Shabarish M.U, Subash S.R, Sricharan A &VIGNESH S, 2018, ‘Performance Analysis on Brake Drum by Model vibration’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Saravanagopi C, Suresh M, Venkatachalapathy K & Revanth P, 2018, ‘Fabrication of Particle Board using Natural Fibres and Testing’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Ravikumar V, Sivakumar M, Vijay K, &Vishnu R, 2018, ‘Geometric analysis of Vortex Generator in automobiles’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Tamilarasan K , Thirumoorthy M, Thiruviknesh N &Thiyagarajan VR , 2018, ‘Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Fibre Reinforced Composites Using Flax, Sisal, Bamboo and Fibres’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Lignesh R, Parthiban P, Prasanth Y, & Praveenkumar M, 2018, ‘Electric Line Fixer Drone’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Lakshmanaprasath S, Prasanna T, Krishnaraj M & Manikandan M, 2018, ‘Design of Disc Brake using 3D Modeling and Analysis of Metal Matrix Composite’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Ramesh Kumar K & Rajesh Kumar M, 2018, ‘An Experimental Investigation of Aluminium coating over the Piston in SI Engine’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ranganathan Engineering College.
- Sylvester Selvanathan P, Sudhakaran R, Venkatesh K Samuvel Tites C, 2017, CFD analysis of IC engine exhaust manifold with respect to the performance of a turbocharger, Adv. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 242249.
- Maharajan B Balasubramanian S, 2016, Design Tapping Fixtures for Aluminium Die Casting Body in Petrol Pump, Int. J. Innov. Res. Comput. Sci. Technol., no. 6, pp. 167174.
- Javid alaf Abdulla C.P, Balasubramanian S Kumar R, 2016, Effect of Nickel Addition in Al-Si-Ni(2-2.6%)-Cu Piston Alloy And Analysis of its Characteristics, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, vol. 2, no.3.
- Pradeep Kumar T, Raj Kumar S, Tharnish T Bala Murugan P, 2016, A study of thermal hydraulic performance of louver fin at various, Int. J. Res. Dev. Technol., no. 4, pp. 8693.
- Eazhil K.M Kalees Prabhakaran A, 2016, Investigate on Mechanical Properties of Cr-Mn Stainless Steel Welded by GTAW Process, IJRME International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, vol.3, no 4.
- Renjith kumar K, Sivananda devi C . Kumar R, 2016, A Perspective Approach for Effective Scheduling in Reconfigurable Manufacturing System with Java Based Model, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education , no. 3, pp. 35803586.
- Naveen prasanth C, Prabhuram V, Ragul S .Saravanakumar R, 2016, Power Generation from natural waste using IC Engine, IJRDT, no. 4, pp. 272277.
- Karthigai bala M, Muthuraman M, Poornachandran S, Deepan K N.Sri Kausigaraman, 2016, Design and Fabrication of ploughing machine, IJRDT, vol. 7,no. 4, pp. 141-146.
- Mohammed Fayis E.M, Naveen A, Prabhakaran T Balamurali B, 2016, Elimination of Headlamp Gap and Flush Concern in LCV Vehicles, IJRDT, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 462464.\
- Balamurali B, Renukananthan N SankarR, 2016, Design and analysis of scraper for slag (Iron Oxides) removal in CNC gas cutting machine, IJRDT, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 206209.
- Karthik B, Marimuthu A, Pradap K, Premkumar P Soundhar A, 2016, Kinametic Energy Recovery System on Bicycles, IJRDT, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 155160.
- Gopalakrishan D, Pradeep A, Suhail S, Tamil Selva N Soundhar A, 2016, Prediction of Process Parameters in FSP on Aluminium Alloys-6082, IJRDT, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 161168.
- Dhilipkumar T Santhoshkumar.K,Improving the Concentricity of the Machining Component, IJRDT, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 152154.
- Sejzu.M, Govindaraj.R 2015 SemiAutomatic Tool Changer for Small and Medium Scale Industries ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973456 vol.10 no.71.
- Santhoshkumar.G 2015 Reheater Failure Analysis Using ANSYS, Journal Of Engineering and Technology, (JET), vol .5, no. 1.
- Sejzu.M, Govindaraj.R 2015,AutomaticVerticalStoringDeviceforDomesticandIndustrialUsage,InternationalJournalofAdvancesinEngineeringResearch,(IJAER),eISSN:22315152/pISSN:24541796,vol.10,no.6.
- Santhoshkumar.G, Ramanichandran.R 2015, Evaporative AirCooler Using Sponge Pads, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, vol .3, no. 1.
- Jegan J Muthukumaran M, 2014, Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance to Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness in Cylinder Head Bay, vol. 1, no. 12, pp. 372-77-385.
- Divagar S R Muthu Kumaran M, 2015, Joining the Different Materials Using Friction Welding—A Review, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 282-290.
- Nagaraja S Bala Murali B, 2014, A Review Report on Productivity Improvement in Pumping UNAtional Institute of Technology Manufacturing Line by Using Value Stream Mapping, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 447-449.
- Sivanandadevi Vinothkumar P, 2014, A Literature Review on Manufacturing Process Control Improvement using Quality system Basics, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering., vol.2, no. 11, pp. 443-446.
- Raj Kumar Govindaraj R, 2014, A Review on Friction Stir Weldment of AA6061and AA1100 Aluminium Alloys International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology, vol.29, no.29.
- INAtional Institute of Technologyha L, Jegan J Kumar R, 2015, Analysis and Improvement of quality in Wet Grinder Manufacturing industry through customer complaint investigation, IJIREST, vol.4, no.1.
- Kumar R, Jegan J INAtional Institute of Technologyha L, 2014, Processing of Aluminum Metal Matrix composites through stir casting route, IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol.2, no. 12.
- Narendran. B, Mohankumar. M, Jawahar. P, Prabhakaran. T of IV Year Mechcanial department has filed a Design Patent on FRAME DESIGN OF E-KART SPORT VEHICLEon 12.09.2019 under Application Number: 321576-001
- Madhan M published a Product Patent on PROLONGED ENERGY TRACK ONE on 08.01.2014 under Application Number: 80/CHE/2014.
- Mohan Raj D, Jeeson P J, Jayabalaji K and Deepak R filed a Poduct Patent on HORIZONTAL OSCILLATING SUSPENSION SYSTEM USING CAM AND FOLLOWER MECHANISM WITH SPIRAL SPRING DAMPING under Application Number: 201641013313
- R Anand filed a product Patent on INTERNAL COMBUSTION ROTARY MULTI-CYLINDER RADIAL ENGINE under Application Number: 201741013520
- Muralitharan R, Navaneethan R A, Maneesh H, Ragul D, Chandrasekar K, Sudhakaran R, Mahendran S and Sathish Kumar M filed a Design Patent on DESIGN OF INJECTION MOLDING DIE FOR GASKETS USED IN PUMPS under Application Number: 315608-001
- Alex C L, Alagarsamy R, Arumuga perumal M, Balamurali B, Sudhakaran R and Sivakumar P filed a Design Patent on PORTABLE RECYCLER FOR WASTE 3D PRINTER FILAMENT under Application Number: 316283-001
- Cruz Antony Wisdom C, Govardhan T, Sanjay S, Desin Anand V, Eazhil K M and Govindaraj R filed a Design Patent on FLOAT TYPE SUSPENSION SYSTEM under Application Number: 316392-001
- Gokul M, Harihara Subramanian S, Navin Prasad A T, Mahendran S and Sudhakaran R filed a Design Patent on MULTIPURPOSE CAM OPERATED VISE under Application Number: 317484-001
faculty publications
Publication of research papers in SCI Journals:
- J.Yokesh Kumar, S.Gopi and K.S. Amirthagadeswaran, “Redesigning and numerical simulation of gating system to reduce cold shut defect in submersible pump part castings”, Part E:Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering,vol.237(3), 2023, pp. 971-981. DOI: 10.1177/09544089221142185
- K.M.Eazhil, R.Sudhakaran, P.V. Elumalai, Abdul Abid and Muneer Beigh “Prediction of angular distortion in GMAW of structural steel plates using artificial neural networks”, in Metals, Vol. 436 (13), 2023, pp 1-31.
Publications of research papers in Scopus journals:
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.K.M.Eazhil, Mr.B.Balamurali and Dr.S.Narayanan“Sensitivity analysis of GTAW process variables for angular distortion in chromium manganese stainless steel using design thinking approach” in Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 941, 2023, pp 47-64.
- Rathinasuriyan Chandran, S.Udhayaraj and K.M.Eazhil, “Effect of the Heat-Treatment Processon the Mechanical and MicrostructureProperties of EN8 Steel”, International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science, Vol. 10 (1), 2022, pp 01-12.
- R. Joseph Paul and U. Mary, “Edge Geo Chromatic Number of a Graph”, Multidisciplinary Science Journal, Vol.6, Dec – 2023,
Presentation in Conferenceswith publication in Scopus journal:
- Mr.S.Ramkumarand Mr.M.R.Shakthivelwas presented paper entitled “Comparative study on the influence of the tool path variation in fusion deposition modeling machine” in Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023. Online article published.
Publication of papers in other journals:
- K.M.Eazhiland S.Rajaganapathi, “Design and fabrication of automatic universal three axis rotating trailor mechanism”, International journal of science and research, Vol.11 (7) 2022 pp1495-1496.
- R. Govindaraj, R. Sudhakaran, K. M. Eazhil, S. Mahendran and L. SenthilkumarInfluence of High-Frequency Mechanical Peening on the Fatigue Life of Stainless Steel Joints in Corrosive Environment,Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals,2019.
- Narayanan. S, Ramesh. K and Sakthivel. R, Optimization of nozzle hole number for a diesel engine fueled with kapok methyl ester blend,Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2019.
- M Anandajothi and B Vinod, Mechanical and Tribological properties of abaca-roselle/cardanol formaldehyde hybrid composites, Materials Research Express, Vol 6, pp No 12, pp 125363- 125382, 2020.
- Sudhakaran, R., P. S. Sivasakthivel, M. Subramanian, and S. Mahendran, Prediction of angular distortion in gas tungsten arc welded 202 grade stainless steel plates using artificial neural networksAn experimental approach,AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2161, no. 1, p. 020050,2019.
- Sivakumar, P., Sathish Kumar M and Susila, B., Investigations on performance and emission characteristics of single cylinder four stroke CI engine fueled with diesel-Azadirachtaindica oil blends, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2128, No. 1, p. 050006, 2019.
- A.Sasikumar, S.Gopi, M.Sathish Kumar and L.Selvarajan, Predicting tensile strength of filler added friction stir welded AA6082 and AA5052 dissimilar joint,Materials Today Proceedings, , 2020.
- M.Sathish Kumar A.Sasikumar, S.Gopi, and N.Sivashanmugam, A Study on Corrosion behavior of stainless steel dissimilar alloy weld joints (321 347), Materials Today Proceedings,, 2020.
- P. S. Sivasakthivel, R. Sudhakaran,Modelling and optimisation of welding parameters for multiple objectives in pre-heated gas metal arc welding process using nature instigated algorithms,Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering,:10.1080/14484846.2018.1472721, 2018.
- B Vinod, S Ramanathan, M Anandajothi, Effect of organic and inorganic reinforced particulates for fatigue behaviour of AlSi7Mg0.3 hybrid composite: V-notched and un-notched specimen experiments with microstructural constituents, SN Applied Sciences, Available:, 2019.
- Anandajothi M, Effect of organic and inorganic reinforcement on tribological behaviour of aluminium A356 matrix hybrid composite, Journal of Bio and Tribo Corrosion.[Online]. Available:
- B Vinod, S Ramanathan, M Anandajothi, A novel approach for utilization of agro-industrial waste materials as reinforcement with Al7Si0.3 Mg matrix hybrid composite on tribological behaviour, SN Applied Sciences, Available:, 2018
- Selvaraj Balaji, M. Sakthivel, S.A. Pasupathy, P.Sivakumar, K.K.Arun, Enhanced Biogas Production from poultry Litter By Improving Carbon Nitrogen Ratio, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management., Volume 24, Issue 4, 2018, doi:, Print ISSN: 1746-6474 Online ISSN: 1746-6482
- Santhana Krishnan N, Advancement in Automated Driving License Test using LABVIEW, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical Control Systems, vol. 10, no 13, pp. 2052-2056, 2018.
- Lexman Raj J, Sivakumar P, Lawrence Justin A, Muthu Kumarn V, Mohammed Shakil M, Maheshwaran A and Kalaiselvan SWaste Water Treatement Using Air Stripper and Natural adsorbent,International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, vol.6, no. 1, 2019.
- Sabareesh A, Pradeep S, Mohammed Shanfar M.Aand Mohammed Shahin S Fabrication of ABS Filaments and its Printable Performance, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, vol.6, no. 1, 2019.
- P. S. Sivasakthivel, R. Sudhakaran , S. Rajeswari, Optimization and sensitivity analysis of geometrical and process parameters to reduce vibration during end milling process, Machining Science and Technology, vol. 21, no 3, pp. 452-473, 2017.
- M. Suresh, V. Narasimharaj, G. K. ArulNavalan V. Chandra Bose, Effect of orientations of an irregular parrt in vibratory part feeders, The International Journal ofAdvanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 94, no 5-8, pp. 2689-2702, 2017.
- Anandajothi M, Effect of organic and inorganic reinforcement on tribological behaviour of aluminium A356 matrix hybrid composite, Journal of Bio and Tribo Corrosion.[Online]. Available:
- R.Rajvel, S.Mahendran, R.Pradeep Kumar, Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Carbidic Ductile Cast Iron, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, Vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 43-46, 2017.
- Mohan Kumar RV, Sivakumar P,Govindaraj R Thorium Energy and LTFR, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research., vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 306-316, 2017.
- S.Narayanan, K.Muthukumar, N.Nagaraj Emisssion Control in CI Engines using Biodiesel blend and Catalytic Converter, International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy, Vol 5, no. 2, pp. 554-560, 2018.
- S.Narayanan, Review on Influence of corrosion Cavitation on various materials of Diesel Engine parts while using Biodiesel as Fuel, International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer, Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 27-32, 2018.
- S.Narayanan, Performance Analysis of Oxygen Enriched Diesel Engine for various compression Ratios, International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer, Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 33-38, 2018.
- Sivakumar P,Mahendran S, Manikandan V, Kalaichevan A, Muralidharan G, Experimental Investigation of Updraft Gasifier using solid waste as Feedstock,International Journal of Research and Scientifiec Innovation, Vol. 4, no. 6, pp.05-10, 2018.
- P.Sivakumar, M.P Monish, S Jayaram, P.Sivakumar,Waste Oil Powered Burner, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Volumae 4, no. 2, 2018.
- G. Gokulnath, R. Govindaraj, K.M. Eazhil and L. Senthilkumar, Enhancement of Turbulent Heat Transfer Using Copper Twisted Tape,Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 1, pp 1-5, 2018.
- G. Gokulnath, R. Govindaraj, S. Mahendran and K.M. Eazhil, Testing an FSW Welded Joint of AA2024 and AA6082 Aluminium Plate using Ultrasonic and Penetrant Testing Method, Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 1, pp 9-11, 2018.
- A.T.Navin Prasad, The Study of Desalination of Water using Solar Still An Overview, EPRAInternational Journal of Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 6, pp.05-10, 2018.
- L.Senthil Kumar,Experimental Investigation on Hybrid Bio-Polyurethane Foam Composites, International Journal of Research, Engineering, Science and Management, vol. 1, no. 4, 2018.
- Susila B, Design and Fabrication of Groundnut seperating Machine,Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 2, pp 10-11, 2018.
- Eazhil.K.M, Surya.S, Jayakumar.M, Ganeshkumar.P, Gokulnath.G, Investigation of chromium manganese stainless steel using Taguchi method to analyze the mechanical properties, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 44-48,2018.
- S.Surya, K.M,Eazhil, S.Rishikesh, R.Satheesh Raj, R.Venkatesh, Comparative study on slurry erosion behavior on SS304 and SS202 in a slurry erosive test pot rig under different operating parameters, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 104-109, 2018.
- Eazhil K.M, Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Natural and Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites,EPRAInternational Journal of Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 7, 2018.
- Narashimaraj V, Investigate the Wrinking of A16061 Sheet Metal forming process by neural network, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Special issue April 2018.
- Ramesh k, Gopalakrishnan P, N.Nagaraj Radius Turner attachment for Metal Lathe, International Journal of Innovative Research and Technilogy., Vol 4, no. 11, 2018.
- Franklin Manoah S K, Abdul Kadar J, Hemanth V, Aravind Raj P and Dr.M.Muthukumaran, Bevel Geared Mechanism for Portable 3600 Pedestal Air Coolrer,Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 8, no. 2, 2018.
- Chandrasekar K, Automatic Chapathi Making Maachine, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 180-181, 2018.
- Rahul. M, Murali.R, Ranjithkumar P, Yeswanth L, Mr. C. Thiyagu, Analysis and Fabrication of Catalytic Converter Using Nano particles for Emission Control, International Journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, no. 7, pp.1-5, 2018.
- S. Nagaraja, K. Soorya Prakash, R. Sudhakaran, and M. Sathish Kumar, Investigation on the emission quality, performance and combustion characteristics of the compression ignition engine fueled with environmental friendly corn oil methyl ester Diesel blends, Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., vol. 134, pp. 455461, 2016.
- Selvaraj Balaji,Munirajan Shakthivel,Sangareddy Alagarsamy Pasupathy,Palanisamy Sivakumar, Mitigation of Nitrogen in the poultry litter to Enhance Biomethane production, doi:
- D. R. P Sylvester Selvanathan, R. Sudhakaran, K Venkatesh, C Samuvel Tites, CFD analysis of IC engine exhaust manifold with respect to the performance of a turbocharger, Adv. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 242249, 2017.
- K.M . Eazhil, R. Sudhakaran, R. Govinadaraj, and L. Senthilkumar, Optimization of the Process Parameter to Maximize the Tensile Strength in 6063 Aluminum Alloy Using Grey Based Taguchi Method, Adv. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 235241, 2017.
- K. Soorya Prakash, P. Balasundar, S. Nagaraja, P. M. Gopal, and V. Kavimani, Mechanical and wear behaviour of Mg-SiC-Gr hybrid composites, J. Magnes. Alloy., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 197206, 2016.
- K.Chandrasekar, B.Balamurali, T.Prabhakaran, S.Jayachandran CFD analysis of Shell and tube Heat Exchanger, Adv. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 72-78, 2016.
- Balasubramanian S; Thirumalai R; Manonmani K, A Study on Laser Surface Hardening of Cylindrical Components in Manufacturing Process, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities., Vol. 6, No. 10, October 2016, pp. 421-432.
- B. Maharajan and D. S. Balasubramanian, Design Tapping Fixtures for Aluminium Die Casting Body in Petrol Pump, Int. J. Innov. Res. Comput. Sci. Technol., no. 6, pp. 167174, 2016.
- Javid alaf Abdulla C.P,S.Balasubramanian,R.Kumar, Effect of Nickel Addition in Al-Si-Ni(2-2.6%)-Cu Piston Alloy And Analysis of its Characteristics, -IJARIIE vol.2,No.3, 2016
- T.Pradeep Kumar, S.Raj Kumar, T.Tharnish, P.Bala Murugan, A STUDY OF THERMAL HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE OF LOUVER FIN AT VARIOUS, Int. J. Res. Dev. Technol., no. 4, pp. 8693.
- K.M.Eazhil, A.Kalees Prabhakaran,Investigate on Mechanical Properties of Cr-Mn Stainless Steel Welded by GTAW Process, IJRME vol.3,No 4,2016
- K. Renjith kumar, Sivananda, J. A. A. C. Sivananda devi, and P. R. K. Kumar, A Perspective Approach for Effective Scheduling in Reconfigurable Manufacturing System with Java Based Model, IJARIIE, no. 3, pp. 35803586, 2016.
- C.Naveen prasanth,V.Prabhuram,S.Ragul, R.Saravanakumar, Power Generation from natural waste using IC Engine, IJRDT, no. 4, pp. 272277, 2016.
- M.Karthigai bala, M.Muthuraman, S.Poornachandran,K.Deepan,N.Sri Kausigaraman Design and Fabrication of ploughing machine, IJRDT, vol.7,no. 4, pp. 141-146, 2016.
- E.M.Mohammed Fayis,A.Naveen,T.Prabhakaran,B.Balamurali, ELIMINATION OF HEADLAMP GAP AND FLUSH CONCERN IN LCV VEHICLES, IJRDT, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 462464, 2016.
- B.Balamurali, Renukananthan.N,Sankar.R,, Design and analysis of scraper for slag ( Iron Oxides ) removal in CNC gas cutting machine, IJRDT, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 206209.
- B.Karthik, A.Marimuthu,K.Pradap,P.Premkumar,A.Soundhar, KINAMETIC ENERGY RECOVERY SYSTEM ON BICYCLES, IJRDT, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 155160.
- D.Gopalakrishan,A.Pradeep,S.Suhail, N.Tamil Selva, A.Soundhar, PREDICTION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS IN FSP ON ALUMINIUM ALLOYS-6082, IJRDT, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 161168.
- Dhilipkumar.T, Santhoshkumar.K,,, IMPROVING THE CONCENTRICITY OF THE MACHINING COMPONENT, IJRDT, vol.7, no. 4, pp. 152154.
- M. Santhanakrishnan, P. S. Sivasakthivel, and R. Sudhakaran, Modeling of geometrical and machining parameters on temperature rise while machining Al 6351 using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, J. Brazilian Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 487496, 2017.
- S. Nagaraja, K. Sooryaprakash, and R. Sudhakaran, Investigate the Effect of Compression Ratio Over the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Fueled with Preheated Palm Oil - Diesel Blends,Procedia Earth Planet. Sci., vol. 11, pp. 393401, 2015.
- C. Elango, N. Gunasekaran, and K. Sampathkumar, Thermal models of solar still - A comprehensive review,Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 47, pp. 856911, 2015.
- BALASUBRAMANIAN, S.; MANONMANI, K., Laser Heat Treatment of the Steel Bottom Rollers of Textile Machines Used for Producing Quality Yarns,Lasers in Engineering (Old City Publishing) , Vol. 32 Issue 5/6, PP.343-373. 31, 2015.
- K Elango, C., Gunasekaran, N., Sridhar, S. and Sampathkumar, An Experimental Study On Utilization Of Parabolic Solar Cooker With Single Basin Solar Still For Water Desalination, International journal of applied engineering research vol. 10 (5), 13179-13196
- T.P.Jayakumar,N.Gunasekaran, Multipath Routing mechanism for energy Preservation in Wireless Sensor Networks, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , vol. 9, no. August, pp. 348356, 2015.
- Sejzu, R.Govindaraj, ‘ Automatic Vertical Storing Device for Domestic and Industrial Usage, International Journal Of Advances In Engineering Research, (IJAER) Vol 10, Issue 6, December, 2015
- Sejzu and R.Govindaraj, ‘ Semi-Automatic Tool Changer for Small and Medium Scale Industries, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.71 (2015).
- Elango, N.Gunasekaran, K. Sampathkumar, “Thermal models of solar still—A comprehensive review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 47 JULY(2015) 856-911.
- Nagaraja, K. Sooryaprakash, R. Sudhakaran, “Investigate the Effect of Compression Ratio over the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Variable Compression Ratio Engine Fueled with Preheated Palm Oil – Diesel Blends”, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11 JUNE 30( 2015 ) 393 – 401.
- Santhanakrishnan, P.S.Sakthivel, R.Sudhakaran, “Modeling of geometrical and machining parameters on temperature rise while machining Al 6351 using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering ISSN: 1678-5878, pp 1-10 16 June 2015.
- Sejzu, R.Govindaraj, ‘’ Automatic Vertical Storing Device for Domestic and Industrial Usage’’, International Journal Of Advances In Engineering Research, (IJAER) e-ISSN: 2231 5152/ p-ISSN:2454-1796, Vol 10, Issue 6, December, 2015
- Sejzu and R.Govindaraj, ‘’ Semi-Automatic Tool Changer for Small and Medium Scale Industries’’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.10 No.71 (2015).
- Sudhakaran, and P.S. Sivasakthivel, “Prediction of ferrite number in stainless steel gas tungsten arc welded plates using artificial neural networks”, International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, Vol 18 Nov (2014) 211–227, ISSN 1327-2314/14/.
- Arun, S. Shankar Balaji, P. Selvan. “Experimental Studies on Drying Characteristics of Coconuts in a Solar Tunnel Greenhouse Dryer Coupled with Biomass Backup Heater” ,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-4 Issue-5, October 2014
- B, R.Rajasekaran, K.Kanagaraj, P.Selvan, “Heat Transfer Enhancement of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (I JRASET) Vol. 2 Issue VIII, August 2014, ISSN: 2321-9653.
- Raj Kumar, R.Govindaraj “A Review on Friction Stir Weldment of AA6061and AA1100 Aluminium Alloys” International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST) ISSN: 2319:2682, Vol.29, No.29, September 2014.
- M.Eazhil and S.Ganesh Kumar “A Review Report For Study Of Cutting Parameters For Different Materials In CNC Turning”,International Journal Of Innovative Research & Studies,ISSN:2319-9725.
- Mahendran,K.M.Eazhil,L.Senthil Kumar, “Design and Analysis of Composite Spur Gear”, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation(IJRSI) ISSN: 2321 – 2705Vol I, Issue VI, Nov 2014.
- M.Eazhil and S.Mahendran published a paper on topic “Optimization of Tungsten Inert Gas Welding On 6063 Aluminum Alloy On Taguchi Method” ,International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation(IJRSI), ISSN: 2321 –2705″ Volume I, Issue III, August 2014
- S, Vijayakumar.K ,Dinek.R, “ERP implemented in Fabtech industry using SAP”,International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-8753
- Santhana Krishnan N,S.Sabinesh .S,Prabhakaran. T “Development Of Linear Vibratory System For Handling Asymmetric Part And Compare Using Stability Method” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-8753
- Ramesh , G.Terence Anto , S.Maheswaran, S.Birundha Devi “Design and Fabrication Of Weed Removing Machine”, International Journal for Research in Science & Advanced Technologies (2014).
- Balasubramanian, K.Manonmani,R.M. Hemalatha,“Lasers in Green Manufacturing” Applied Mechanics and Materials July,2014 Vol.592-594 Pp473-478,ISSN:1662-7482
- Manonmani S.Balasubramanian “Industrial Lasers in heat treatment for producing Quality Textile Yarns” Lasers in Engineering, ISSN: 0898-1507.
- Mahendran S, Sudhakaran R, Pravin T, Subramanian M, Sathiyanarayanalingam M, Nandhakumar N, Murugan P and Ruthuraraj R filed a Design Patent on "WORK HOLDING COMPONENT FOR SUBMERGED FRICTION STIR WELDING PROCESSES" under Application Number: 312201
- Madhan M published a Product Patent on "PROLONGED ENERGY TRACK ONE" under Application Number: 80/CHE/2014.
- Mohan Raj D, Jeeson P J, Jayabalaji K and Deepak R filed a Poduct Patent on "HORIZONTAL OSCILLATING SUSPENSION SYSTEM USING CAM AND FOLLOWER MECHANISM WITH SPIRAL SPRING DAMPING" under Application Number: 201641013313
- R Anand filed a product Patent on "INTERNAL COMBUSTION ROTARY MULTI-CYLINDER RADIAL ENGINE" under Application Number: 201741013520
- Mahendran S, Sudhakaran R, Pravin T, Subramanian M, Sathiyanarayanalingam M, Nandhakumar N, Murugan P and Ruthuraraj R filed a Design Patent on "WORK HOLDING COMPONENT FOR SUBMERGED FRICTION STIR WELDING PROCESSES" under Application Number: 312201
- Muralitharan R, Navaneethan R A, Maneesh H, Ragul D, Chandrasekar K, Sudhakaran R, Mahendran S and Sathish Kumar M filed a Design Patent on "DESIGN IF INJECTION MOLDING DIE FOR GASKETS USED IN PUMPS" under Application Number: 315608-001
- Alex C L, Alagarsamy R, Arumuga perumal M, Balamurali B, Sudhakaran R and Sivakumar P filed a Design Patent on "PORTABLE RECYCLER FOR WASTE 3D PRINTER FILAMENT" under Application Number: 316283-001
- Cruz Antony Wisdom C, Govardhan T, Sanjay S, Desin Anand V, Eazhil K M and Govindaraj R filed a Design Patent on "FLOAT TYPE SUSPENSION SYSTEM" under Application Number: 316392-001
- Gokul M, Harihara Subramanian S, Navin Prasad A T, Mahendran S and Sudhakaran R filed a Design Patent on "MULTIPURPOSE CAM OPERATED VISE" under Application Number: 317484-001
- Book titled “Engineering Graphics”, R.Sudhakaran & S.Balasubramanian, Krishna Publications Edition, 2014.
- Book titled “A Primer on Engineering Mechanics ”, R.Govindaraj, K.M.Eazhil, K.L.Senthilkuamr, Rajavel and N.Veerabathran, Bonfring Publications Edition 2014.
- Book titled “A Primer on Heat and Mass Transfer”, S.Nagaraja and R.Dinek, Bonfring Publications Edition 2014.
- Book titled ” Engineering Graphics” , R.Govindaraj, K.M.Eazhil , Shanlax publications, Ist Edition 2019, ISBN: 978-93-88398-69-5