centre for creativity
CFC in Professional Practice is a unique collaboration between leading researchers and academics from all of City. This centre is undertaken interdisciplinary research, teaching and knowledge transfer in creativity and innovation. Its growing focus on enterprise and on leadership in creativity and innovation make SNS a natural new host. The centre also investigates the phenomenon of creativity and how to lead and support it in professional practice. We treat creative leadership and problem solving as critical skills that can be learned and supported with the cutting-edge frameworks, processes techniques and digital tools that are developed by the Centre and underpinned by interdisciplinary theories and models.
Student Industry Projects
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research fund GENERATION
- A Grant of Rs.15000 sanctioned by TNSCTC for Design and Fabrication of Used vegetable oil powered burner at SNSCE
- A Grant of Rs.1941000 sanctioned by AICTE for establishing the "CRDI VCR Engine Test Rig For Bio Fuel Applications" in Modernization of Thermal Engineering Laboratory. at SNSCE.
- A Grant of Rs.20000 sanctioned by DST - NIMAT for organizing a camp on "Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp". at SNSCE.
- A Grant of Rs.7500 sanctioned by TNSCTC for Design and Fabrication of Used vegetable oil powered burner at SNSCE.
- A Grant of Rs.7500 sanctioned by TNSCTC for Smart Water Guard at SNSCE.
- A Grant of Rs.488750 sanctioned by MSME for Start Up on "Design And Fabrication Of Pipeline Hydro Electricity Producing System" at SNSCE.
- AICTE MODROB proposal sanctioned for Rs. 19 Lakhs.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Design & fabrication of pipe line hydro electricity production system" for a sponsorship of Rs.5,88,750 from MSME.
- P.Sivakumar & S.Rajalingam from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Waste oil powered burner" for a sponsorship of Rs.2,50,000 from MSME.
- M.Vetrivelayudham from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Design & fabrication of pipe line hydro electricity production system" for a sponsorship of Rs.5,70,000 from MSME.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Dr.S.Nagaraj, & K.M.Eazhil from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Development of Hybrid welding process for welding nano particle oxide coated Chromium Manganese Stainless steel Plates" for a sponsorship of Rs. 25 Lakhs from DST – SERB.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Experimental & CFD Analysis on Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of PCM – Steatite (Soapstone) Composites at Different Orientations (Duration 3 years)" for a sponsorship of Rs.37.5 Lakhs from DST.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Design and development of a bio gas powered reversible molten carbonate fuel cell with carbon capture for co-generation application towards electrification of rural villages (Duration 3 years)" for a sponsorship of Rs.81.615 Lakhs from DST.
- Dr.M.Ananda Jothi & Mr.T.Prabhakaran from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Analyzing thermal behaviour of encapsulated nano particle-water mixture in LHTES system (Duration 3 years)" for a sponsorship of Rs.40 Lakhs from DST.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Cost Effective Thermo Chemical Conversion of Chicken Feather to Bio-fuel by Sequential Extraction using Green Technology – A Surrogate for Fossil Fuels" for a sponsorship of Rs.49.35 Lakhs from Department of Bio Technology.
- Mr.S.Narayanan, Mr.B.Balamurali, Mr.T.Prabhakaran, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Support for Entrepreneurial and Management Development of SMEs through incubators " for a sponsorship of Rs. 13.5 Lakhs from MSME.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Two Days workshop on Sustainable Development of Rural areas by achieving Net Zero Energy Agri Farms incorporating Biogas, Fuel Cell and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Technologies"for a sponsorship of Rs. 2 Lakhs from DST-SERB.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran & Mr.T.Prabhakaran from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC)" for a sponsorship of Rs.20,000 from DST NIMAT.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran & Mr.K.Thirumalai kannan from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)" for a sponsorship of Rs.2 Lakhs from DST NIMAT.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran & Mr.K.Thirumalai kannan from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP)" for a sponsorship of Rs.3 Lakhs from DST NIMAT.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.B.Balamurali & Mr.P.Sivakumar from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Faculty Development Programme (FDP)" for a sponsorship of Rs.2.5 Lakhs from DST NIMAT.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Modernization of Thermal Engineering laboratory with CRDI Variable Compression ratio engine test rig for bio fuel applications" for a sponsorship of Rs.19.81 Lakhs from AICTE.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Experimental & CFD Analysis on Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of PCM – Steatite (Soapstone) Composites at Different Orientations for Rural Electrification" for a sponsorship of Rs.18 Lakhs from AICTE.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran & Mr.K.Thirumalai kannan from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Induction/Refresher Program" for a sponsorship of Rs.3 Lakhs from AICTE.
- Rs. 15000/- fund sanctioned by TNSCST for 2 student project scheme.
- Dr.M.Muthukumaran, Mr.S.Balasubramanian & Mr.R.Saravanakumar from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " 3D Printing – Fourth Generation of Industrial Manufacturing " for a sponsorship of Rs. 98,000
- Dr.S.Nagaraja, Mr.M.SathishKumar & Mr.S.Jayachandran from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Emission Measuring Setup in C.I. Engines" for a sponsorship of Rs. 65,000.
- Ms.K.SivanandaDevi, Mr.S.Mahendran & Mr.A.Soundhar from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Paper Making Machine – Elimination of Waste in Institutions" for a sponsorship of Rs.76,000.
- Mr.R.Kumar, Mr.R.Rajvel & Mr.R.PradeepKumar from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Investigation of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites Through Stir Casting" for a sponsorship of Rs. 81,000.
- Mr.R.Pradeepkumar, Mr.R.Rajvel & Mr.S.Mahendran from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Production and Characterization of Carbide Ductile Cast Iron" for a sponsorship of Rs. 46,000.
- Mr.S.Narayanan, Mr.K.Chandrasekar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Experimental Setup For Machining Parameter Optimization During Facing & Turning Operations" for a sponsorship of Rs. 96,950.
- Mr.R.Govindraj, Mr.B.Balamurali, Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.S.Narayanan from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Biodiesel Production" for a sponsorship of Rs. 88,500.
- Mr.K.Chandrasekar & Mr.A.T.Navin Prasad from Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Automatic Vertical Storing device for domestic and Industrial usage" for a sponsorship of Rs.84,940.
- Nikhilesh V.S, Jagan.B, Aravind Prasad, Chanjeevi Raaj from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Linear Levitating Flight Takeoff" for a sponsorship of Rs. 87030 under the guidance of Mr.T.Prabhakaran.
- M.Praveen Kumar from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Designing an Ambulance Drone" for a sponsorship of Rs. 24896 under the guidance of Mr.M.Natesh.
- S.Surya, S.Sundararajan, G.Saravanapriyan, V.Sudharsan from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Hybrid Ecofriendly Vehicle" for a sponsorship of Rs.45700 under the guidance of Mr.K.M.Eazhil.
- T.Ramkumar, D.Vigneshkumar, G.Ragul Kumar & Santhoshkumar from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Power Generation of a Moving Hovercraft" for a sponsorship of Rs. 15500 under the guidance of Mr.R.Govindaraj.
- M.U.Shabarish V.R.Thiyagarajan, C.Sridhar & R.Venkatesh from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Automated Stand for Two Wheeler" for a sponsorship of Rs. 27200 under the guidance of Mr.K.M.Eazhil.
- T.Ramkumar, D.Vigneshkumar, G.Ragul Kumar & Santhoshkumar from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Power Generation of a Moving Hovercraft" for a sponsorship of Rs. 15500 under the guidance of Mr.R.Govindaraj.
- M.Dineshkumar, K.Boopathy Raja, N.Kishanthan & P.Dinesh from III Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Solar Powered Agro Trimmer" for a sponsorship of Rs.31500under the guidance of Dr.M.Muthukumaran.
- J.Hariharan, R.Rathinavel, P.K.Saravanan & S.Vigneshwaran from III Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Classical Source Vehicle" for a sponsorship of Rs.81000 under the guidance of Mr.S.Mahendran & Mr.S.Jayachandran.
- P.Manojkumar, E.M.Mohammed Fayis, P.Nishanth & K.pravinfrom III Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Generation of Electricity from Collimating Lens Using TEG" for a sponsorship of Rs.6100 under the guidance of Mr.R.Dinek.
- Venkatesh.K, Sylvester Selvanathan.P, Shobana.P & Ram Prabhu from III Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Advanced Traffic GPS to Redulf Idling In Automobile" for a sponsorship of Rs.15000 under the guidance of Dr.S.Balasubramanian.
- Mr.A.Udhaya Kumar, Mr.B.MuthuValliappan, Mr.R.SriramSanthosh from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Design and Analysis of I BOT" for a sponsorship of Rs. 63,000 under the guidance of Dr.M.Muthukumaran.
- Mr.M. Mohamed Shakil, Mr.A.Maheswaran, Mr.V.MuthuKumaran & Mr.J.Lexman Raj from III Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on " Fabrication of Automatic Hydraulic Jack" for a sponsorship of Rs.1.12,000 under the guidance of Mr.P.Sivakumar & Mr.T.Prabhakaran.
- Mr.G.ThanushNandan & Mr.K.Ragul from III Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Hybrid Tricycle" for a sponsorship of Rs. 1,08,600 under the guidance of Mr.T.Prabhakaran & Mr.B.Balamurali.
- Mr.K.S.Prajhwal, Mr.K.S.Sabarish & Mr.M.Saravana Kumar from II Mechanical department has submitted a research project proposal on "Helmet with Airbag" for a sponsorship of Rs. 1,00,000 under the guidance of Mr.Saravana Kumar.
- A Seed Money of Rs.170000 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Production of metal billets from metal waste and scraps - A recycle Approach at SNSCE.
- A Seed Money of Rs.96950 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Experimental Setup For Machining Parameter Optimization During Facing & Turning Operations at SNSCE.
- A Seed Money of Rs.95000 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Performance improvement on Electro deposited Ni Ti O2 Composite coatings on cutting tools at SNSCE.
- A Seed Money of Rs.100000 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Solid waste management using Gasifier at SNSCE.
- A Seed Money of Rs.84940 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Automatic Vertical Storing device for domestic and Industrial usage at SNSCE.
- A Seed Money of Rs.35000 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Mechanical Behaviour of Poultry feather reinforced polymer composites at SNSCE.
- A Seed Money of Rs.63000 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Design and Analysis of I BOT at SNSCE.
- A Seed Money of Rs.108600 sanctioned by SNS instituion for "Hybrid Tricycle at SNSCE.
- Harish.S.G.(L), Caleb Paul George, Arun Kumar .G, Diwakar.K IV Mech,collaborated together and developed a product for "Drill Jig for Pump body " with the guidance of Prof.M.Sathish kumar ,Ap/Mech, SNSCE during the time period from 15.12.2016 to 15.04.2017.
- Alex C L, Alagarsamy R, Arumuga perumal M, IV Mech,collaborated together and developed a product for "Screw Type 3D Printing Filament Extruder" with the guidance of Prof.B.Balamurali ,Ap/Mech, SNSCE during the time period from 24.12.2018 to 27.03.2019.
- Abenesh. T.V. Arjun. T.R. Kuralarasu. B. Shyam. M.R. IV Mech,collaborated together and developed a product for "Slurry Erosion test rig" with the guidance of Prof.K.M.Eazhil & Yoganand ,Ap/Mech, SNSCE during the time period from 03.07.2013 to 18.04.2014
- Nirmalkumar.A, Melvin Richardson.R IV Mech,collaborated together and developed a product for "Automatic ChapathiMaking Machine " with the guidance of Prof.K.Chandra sekar ,Ap/Mech, SNSCE during the time period from 05.01.2018 to 30.03.2018
- Bharathkumar.T , Deepan Suriyaa.M.P & Dineshbabu.S.S IV Mech,collaborated together and developed a product for "Salt Spray Test Rig" with the guidance of Prof.M.Sathish kumar ,Ap/Mech, SNSCE during the time period from 15.12.2017 to 18.04.2018.
- G.Murali IV Mech,developed a product for "Automation Unit for Spray Painting " with the guidance of Prof.S.Mahendran ,Ap/Mech, SNSCE during the time period from 15.12.2017 to 18.04.2018
- Gear shifters club was inaugurated by Mr.M.Chindabara Selvan, Product Development & Manufacturing Lead, Amphisoft Technologies on 30.04.2022.
- Organized the Pillion Rider awareness rallyon16.06.2022 in collaboration with the Rotract club of Coimbatore.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Engineering in Association with MECHNIDO and Coimbatore CAD Solutions Pvt Ltd, organized National Level Karting Championship Rush Hour 2K22 during 28th September 2022 to 29th September 2022. 12 Karting Teams from all over India Participated in the Event and Cash Prizes worth 1.5 lakhs were given to the winners.
- CRUZ ANTONY WISDOM C, GOVARDHAN, SANJAY S, DESINANAND V, ALEX C L , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF FLOAT TYPE SUSPENSION CHAIR" in asssociation with M/s IMECH Componentsduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- ALEX C L, ALAGARSAMY R, ARUMUGA PERUMAL M, , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "PORTABLE RECYCLER FOR WASTE 3D PRINTER FILAMENT" in asssociation with M/s Sri Laxmi Engineersduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- GOKUL M, BARATH KUMAR P, BALAJI R, BHARATH P K, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "FABRICATION OF PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR BY USING SCOTCH YOKE MECHANISM" in asssociation with M/s Mervin High Techduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- BARATHKUMAR A, ARUNPRAKASH A, AKASH PRABHU R M, , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "ALL WHEEL STEERING FOR TRICYCLE" in asssociation with M/s Nagalakshmi Oil Refining Pvt.Ltdduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- GOKULA KANNAN B, HARIHARASUBRAMANIAN S, SRI GOWRI SANKAR B, GOKUL KUMAR M R, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "A STUDY ON DISSIMILAR ALUMINIUM ALLOYS (AL 5052 & AL 6082) WELDED USING FRICTION STIR PROCESS" in asssociation with M/s Sri Ram Industriesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- GANAPARTHI THANUSH NANDAN, RAGUL K, ANANTHARAJIV K, , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on ""ANALYSING THE EFFECT OF INCREASING EXPANSION RATIO WITH EXTENDED EXPANSION IN FIVE STROKE ENGINE in asssociation with M/s Micro Maticduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019."
- HARIEASH K R, AJITH P, DHANUSH KUMAR S M, , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on ""INVESTIGATION AND FABRICATION OF OIL SPILL EQUIPMENT"" in asssociation with M/s Majestic Machine Works during the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- ELVIN WILLIAM R M, GOKUL M, BENN NATHANAEL S, BALAJI A, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "FABRICATION AND INVESTIGATION OF PAPER RECYCLING MACHINE" in asssociation with M/s United Machines Companyduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- AJAY P V, ARULKUMAR P, ARAVINTH M, HARI HARAN N, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "AN INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF MICROWAVE SINTERING MODE ON VARIOUS PROPERTIES OF CU-SIN METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE " in asssociation with M/s Ramdevs Motors during the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- GOKULA KRISHNAN M, KARUPPAIAH S, KARTHIK K, , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "AN INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF MICROWAVE SINTERING MODE ON VARIOUS PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-TITANIUM NITRIDE METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE" in asssociation with M/s Om Muruga Engineering Workduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- ARAVINTH S, DINESHKUMAR S, GOWTHAMRAJ S, JEEVA M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DUPLEX STAINLES STEEL WITH GRAY CAST IRON FOR AUTOMOTIVE DISC BRAKES" in asssociation with M/s Lakshmi Gearsduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- BALAKUMAR V, DHAKSHINA MOORTHY M, AVINASH R, , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING OF NATURAL FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES" in asssociation with M/s Tekno Plast during the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- ARIKRISHNAN M, HARI BALAJI V, GOWTHAM L, ASWIN P, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on ""DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM FOR LATHE"" in asssociation with M/s M .S.Engineering & Agenciesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- GOKUL S (10-03-1998), BALAJI S, HAFILUR RAHMAN A, ARUNKUMAR T, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "PERFORMANCE CHARCTERISTICS OF SINGLE CYLINDER CI ENGINE INTEGRATED WITH COMPRESSOR" in asssociation with M/s Tooling India Enterprisesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- ALEX GEORGE PAUL, CHANTHU V, IBRAHIM SHERIFF S, AMUDHAN A, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF AUTOMATED SEED SOWING AND GRASS CUTTER" in asssociation with M/s Sri Krish Automationduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- BALAMURUGAN P, DHANUSH VIGNESH T, GOHULAKRISHNAN A, HARI HARAN N, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "PLC BASED SORTING OPERATION USING CONVEYOR SYSTEM" in asssociation with M/s Gvan Techduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- DHIVAKAR S, DHARMARAJ S, GOKUL E, , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "AUTOMATIC MULTI POINT GREASE GUN" in asssociation with M/s Maestro Engineers Coimbatoreduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- AATHRESH M, ASHWIN SATHYA, GOKUL S (10-03-1998), ANILKUMAR V, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "DECENTRALIZED CONTROL OF MULTI- AGV SYSTEMS IN AUTONOMOUS WAREHOUSING APPLICATIONS " in asssociation with M/s KR Technologiesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- DINESH P from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF PNEUMATIC HAMMER" in asssociation with M/s Shree Ram-Pranesh Industriesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- PREM.S, NISHANTH.S, PRAKASH.T, SIVA.J, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Performance studies of dissimilar metal joints of SS321 & SS347 under MIG welding process " in asssociation with M/s Shree Ram-Pranesh Industriesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- MURALITHARAN.R, MANEESH.H, NAVANEETHAN.R.A , RAGUL.D, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Design of Injection moulding die for gaskets used in pumps." in asssociation with M/s Gvan Techduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- MURUGADAS.M, NALEN PRAJAN.N.P, MOHAN KUMAR.R.V, MANIKANDAN.M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Hardfacing of stainless steel by copper and aluminium " in asssociation with M/s Maestro Engineersduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- KABILAN.G, KALUVAN.S, MUKUND.M.B, PRAKASH.M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "corrosion test on two dissimilar metal joints of SS321 and SS347 by robotic MIG welding process " in asssociation with M/s Tooling India Enterprisesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- MUNIRAJ.M , KEERTHANA.M.B, LEONAL FRANCIS.A, RAMABHARATHI.K, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Tribological Behaviour of modified vegetable oil using PIN ON DISC" in asssociation with M/s Nagalakshmi Oil Refining Pvt.Ltdduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- LEXMANRAJ.J , MUTHUKUMARAN.V , MOHAMED SHAKIL.M , MAHESWARAN.A, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Waste water treatment using Air stripper and natural adsorbent " in asssociation with M/s Mervin High Techduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- KIRAN KUMAR.K , KARTHIKRAJ.P, NIJO MARHEN.M, NANDHAKUMAR.B , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Investigation on emission testing and engine performance using JOJOBA oil as bio fuel " in asssociation with M/s Nagalakshmi Oil Refining Pvt.Ltdduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- HARISH KUMAR.M, MADHUSOOTHANAN.S, JAIGANESH, MANIKANDAN.S, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Automatic towing Vehicle" in asssociation with M/s Sri Ram Industriesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- MAHARAJA.A , PREMNATH.S, PRAVEEN.K , SARAVANAPANDI.M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Determining the natural resiting orientation of irregular shaped components and comparison with thoeretical methods " in asssociation with M/s Majestic Machine Worksduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- KARTHICK.S , MOHAMMED SALMAAN, B.GOKULAKRISHNAN.B, KARIKALAN.M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Preventing wildlife entry using UAV" in asssociation with M/s Sri Krish Automationduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- RAJESH.K, RANGEESHWARAN, NITHIMARAN , JAYAHARISH, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "A study on dissimilar Aluminium alloys (AL 5052 & AL 6082) welded using Friction stir welding." in asssociation with M/s Maestro Engineers Coimbatoreduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- PRITHIVIRAJ , SREENIVASAN , MATHANKUMAR, KARTHIKEYAN.G, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Fabrication of intelligent foot board accident prevention system " in asssociation with M/s Shree Ram-Pranesh Industriesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- MOHAMMED SHANFAR , MOHAMMED SHAHIN , PRADEEP.S , SABAREESH, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Optimization of process parameters and material property testing on 3D printed ABS and PLA filaments using Fused Deposition modelling(FDM)" in asssociation with M/s Sri Krish Automationduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SAIDINESH.V, GOPINATH.S , MANOJ KUMAR.B , PRAVIN KUMAR.P, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Braking system using three caliper disc" in asssociation with M/s Press Tech Engg Pvt Ltdduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- JOWIN ANDREW.P , NAVEEN JOSEPH.C , NAVEEN.S , MANIMARAN.M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Automated paralysis treatment for Hand" in asssociation with M/s NIDEFE Engineering Pvt Ltdduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SAKTHI. P, SETHURAM. S, SUBRASANTH J.A, VINITHRAJ R, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on ""Effects of Antioxidant additive on Performance and Emission of CI engine fuelled with Moringa methyl ester"" in asssociation with M/s M .S.Engineering & Agenciesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SAKTHI. S, SUBHASH R, VARATHARAJAN. G , VINOTH KUMAR. L, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Optimisation of Proess parameters for gas tungsten arc welding of SS410 plate uisng taguchi method" in asssociation with M/s. Adithya Mechatroniksduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SANGEETHAKUMAR. M , SANTHANAMAHALINGAM. S. , VINOD KUMAR S, VIVEK.G, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Design and fabrication of LPG based engine" in asssociation with M/s Mervin High Techduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SANJAI BHARATHI B, VIGNESH S, VIGNESHWARAN K, SANJEEV V, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Inspection gauges using SSL" in asssociation with M/s Sri Ram Industriesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SARAVANAKUMAR. R. , VIKRAMAVENKAT. M. , ARAVINDRAJ.M, SURYA.M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Effect of various pin profiles on friction stir welded dissimilar alloys" in asssociation with M/s Micro Maticduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SARAVANAN N, VIGNESH.S, SIDDHARTH T, SRI NANDHAN. T.P, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Design and fabrication of Automated Vertical Storing Device" in asssociation with M/s Majestic Machine Worksduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- THIRUMALAI RAJ, SHANKAR S S, SIVA. A, SRI BATHY. S. , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Optimisation of Process parameters for gas tungsten arc welding of SS304 Seamless pipe using taguchi method" in asssociation with M/s Lakshmi Gearsduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SHAHIL HUSAIN. A.W., ZULFIKAR RAZACK. A. , VIGNESH.P, THIAGARAJAN R, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Effects of Hydrogen Enrichment on Performance and emission of 4 Stroke SI engine" in asssociation with M/s Tekno Plast during the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SHIBI. E. , SOMESWARAN. S. , YAMUNAI PRIYAN. M., SRI DEEPAN. V.S. , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on ""Comparision of strength and hardness on friction stir welded AA6082 plates thrugh Circular and Square tool pin profile"" in asssociation with M/s M .S.Engineering & Agenciesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SHANKAR. T, SATHEES KUMAR S , VIGNESH G, VIJAIDIT. J. , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Multiple angle gearless power transmission using Rods" in asssociation with M/s Lakshmi Gearsduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- P.SURYA, VIGNESH S, VIGNESHWARAN.K, S.ZABIULLAKHAN, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Desalination of Saltwater using Solar energy" in asssociation with M/s Tekno Plast during the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SRIKRISHNAN G, SUDHARSAN. S, THILAKVEL. K., VIGNESH. S (19.06.1997), from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Design and fabrication of shear rod cutting machine" in asssociation with M/s Sri Ram Industriesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- VENGATESHWARAN. R., VIGNESH ASHWIN. N. , VIGNESH. B, VISHNU RAM. A. , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Design and fabrication of radio frequency controlled drainage cleaning machine" in asssociation with M/s Micro Maticduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SENTHIL KARTHIKEYAN R, SITHURAJ P, , , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Gear shift lever with knob fixture for sunshine bus" in asssociation with M/s Tooling India Enterprisesduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- VIJAY S, VISHWANATH S, , , from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Elimination of spare wheel carrier fitment difficulty in lift axle and boss model chassis" in asssociation with during the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SIVAKUMAR J, SIVA K, VIJESH K, VIGNESHWARAN K, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Manufacturing and analysis of bricks using waste polymers and M Sand" in asssociation with M/s Sri Krish Automationduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- SANTHOSH R, SURYA S, VIGNESH P, VIJAY M, from IV MECH collaborated to engage in a industry project on "Fabrication of tyre pressure Inflation in Automobile." in asssociation with M/s Gvan Techduring the time period from 17.12.2018 to 12.04.2019.
- Mr.B.Balamurali & Mr.P.Sivakumar, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project on 20.04.2018 and created a Prototype for Lock assembly for Astrix Engineering products pvt ltd. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 2, 340.00 for the prototype development.
- Mr.B.Balamurali & Mr.P.Sivakumar, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project on 11.05.2018 and created a Prototype for printer cover for Janani Mould & Dies. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 2000 for the prototype development.
- Mr.B.Balamurali & Mr.P.Sivakumar, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project on 18.05.2018 and created a Prototype for printer cover for Janani Mould & Dies. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 2000 for the prototype development.
- Mr.B.Balamurali & Mr.P.Sivakumar, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project on 28.01.2019 and created a Prototype for temple for INSTA 3D TECHNOLOGIES LLP, Coimbatore. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 5000 for the prototype development.
- Mr.B.Balamurali & Mr.P.Sivakumar, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project on 18.09.2019 and created a Prototype of Robot arm parts for JB TECHNOLOGIES. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 10000 for the prototype development.
- Mr.S.Mahendran & Mr.M.Sathish kumar, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project on 01.10.2019 and created a Prototype of Pump Immpeller for BKN Industries. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 5250 for the prototype development.
- Mr.K.Thirumali Kannan , AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project on 16.10.2019 and created a 3D design for Fixture for Microtec Automations. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 3200 for the design developed.
- Mr.S.Narayanan & Mr.T.prabhakaran, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Waste heat recovery from boiler for Arasi cottage Industries. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 100000 for the work completed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Analysis of manifold block components for Sudarshan fluid tech. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 40000 for the work completed.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, HoD/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Performance and combustion analysis of DI diesel engine fueled with III generation biofuel for TMN Biofuels ltd. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 65000 for the work completed.
- K.M.Eazhil R.Govindaraj, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Stress Analysis of impeller for M/s BKN Industries. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 35000 for the work completed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Design of special die for runner and riser components for M/s Ramya Engineering Products. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 50000 for the work completed.
- Dr.S.Balasubramanium, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Optimization of performance of Textile components for M/s Spin Draft Group of Companies. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 30000 for the work completed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Surface polish of compressor plates for M/s Murugan Industries. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 18000 for the work completed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Analysis of structural components in power press for Sudarshan fluid tech. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 30000 for the work completed.
- Dr.R.Sudhakaran, HoD/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Performance and Combustion Analysis ofpetrol Engine for M/s Tmn Bio Fuel. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 55000 for the work completed.
- K.M.Eazhil R.Govindaraj, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Analysis of Pump Components for M/s BKN Industries. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 30000 for the work completed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Runner and riser design for complicated shapes for M/s Ramya Engineering Products. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 50000 for the design developed.
- Dr.S.Balasubramanium, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Modification of textile machineries to improve the productivity for M/s Spin Draft Group of Companies. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 27000 for the work completed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Surface polish of compressor plates for M/s Murugan Industries. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 16000 for the work completed.
- K.M.Eazhil R.Govindaraj, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Design and analysis of pump components to reduce the friction for M/s BKN Industries. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 32000 for the design developed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Development of special type of die design for M/s Ramya Engineering Products. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 45000 for the work completed.
- Mr.K.Ramesh, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Development of special type patterns and preparation of part drawings, runner and riser design for M/s Ramya Engineering Products. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 53000 for the work completed.
- Dr.S.Balasubramanium, AP/MECH, worked for a consultancy project and created a Modification of textile machineries to improve the performance for M/s Spin Draft Group of. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 28000 for the work completed.