Department of Management Studies
faculty development
To strengthen the horizon of teaching learning process by mutual transformation of thoughts, ideas and experiences and to update teachers about the advancements in teaching-learning process including latest approaches, tools and techniques. Our Faculty members are continuously encouraged to upgrade their skills by taking up online courses or involving faculty development programmes.
NPtel/mooc courses
faculty development programme

- Dr. R. Anitha, Associate Professor, HoD of MBA Department has completed Udemy course on " Leadership: Pracitical Leadership Sills" on 8th Apil 2020.
- Dr. R. Anitha, Associate Professor, HoD of MBA Department has completed Udemy course on " Emotional Intelligence(EQ) on 23rd May 2020.
- Dr. S. Thilaga, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "E- Content Development" from from Kamalam College of Arts and Science, Anthiyur - Udumalpet on 16th April 2020.
- Dr. S. Thilaga, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Virtual Teaching" from CIT-TLC on 20th & 21st, April 2020.
- Dr. S. Thilaga, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Engendering the next Generation Educators" by Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore from 23rd to 28th April 2020.
- Dr. S. Thilaga, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Industry 4.0: The New Normal" from VET Institute of Arts and Science Erode on 1st May 2020.
- Dr. S. Thilaga, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "How to Write Effective Case Study?" from Atmiya University, Rajkot, Gujarat on 2nd May 2020.
- Mrs. K. Deepa, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "E- Content Development" from from Kamalam College of Arts and Science, Anthiyur - Udumalpet on 16th April 2020.
- Mrs. K. Deepa, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Recent trends in Artificial Intelligence and impact on teaching professionals" by Rathnavel Subramaniam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore from 22nd to 24th April 2020.
- Mrs. K. Deepa, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Outcome Based Education & Importance of Accreditation to Enhance The Quality of Technical Education" by Global Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana from 4th to 6th May 2020.
- Mrs. K. Deepa, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "‘Navigating the currents of change in HEIs’ IQAC" from Erode Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Erode on 7th May 2020.
- Mrs. K. Deepa, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Examinations in wake of COVID-19" from Department of Commerce - Shift II, Patrician College, Chennai in Association with DigitalEdu IT Solution on 8th May 2020.
- Mrs. K. Deepa, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on ""Insights into quality research and innovation” by Research & Development Cell and Institution’s Innovation Council of Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women from 13th to 20th May 2020.
- Mrs. K. Deepa, Assistant Professor of MBA Deparrtment attended a Faculty Development Programme on ""Virtual Teaching - Learning Moodle the efficient way” from Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Tiruvallur Local Centre on 29th and 30th May 2020.
- Webinar on "Which comes first in the corporate business world-employees or customers?" By Dr. Souji Gopalakrishnan PIllai, Post Doctoral Scientist, Florida State University, USA was conducted on 11.07.2019. Around 98 students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Train the Trainers programme" by Mr.Eswar Balasubramanian, Head – Outreach, Avatar Human Capital Trust, Chennai was conducted on 13.08.2019. Around 25 female students benefited from the session.
- International Seminar on "Data the catalyst for change " by Dr. Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, USA was conducted on 14.08.2019. Around 97 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "India First Leadership Talk series " by Mr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank Minister of HRD was conducted on 22.8.2019. Around 96 students benefited from the session.
- International seminar on "Global Research in Business Management" by Dr. A. Tamilarasu, Professor in Cooperative Accounting Ambo University, Ethiopia was conducted on 12.09. 2019. Around 100 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Managing Career - Post COVID'19" by Dr. P. K. Sundaramoorthy, Vice President (Asia) Director (India), Hunter Douglas Asia was conducted on 30.04.2020. Around 35 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Emotional and Mental Well-Being Post COVID 19" by Ms.Arthi Bala-Psychotherapist & Yoga Trainer, The Soul Talk, Canada was conducted on 07.05.2020. Around 32 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "People Management Skills" by JFM Kumaravelan Kaadai from People & Process Consultant, Viyash Holistic Learning Consultancy was conducted on 09.05.2020. Around 34 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Financial Market" by Dr. K Prabharan from SEBI Financial Analyst was conducted on 09.05.2020. Around 36 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Career Path Way & Skills for 21st Century" by Dr.S.Dayanithi, Professor from Shinas Vocatiopnal College, Shinas,Sultanate of Oman was conducted on 11.05.2020. Around 30 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Covid 19: Opportunities for Operations Management in Crisis" by Dr.Ch'ng Lay Kee, Senior digital Learning Manager from Kydon Learning Systems Sdn Bhd, Malaysia was conducted on 12.05.2020. Around 32 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Youth & Nation Building" by Mr.Annamalai, Former IPS Officer from Founder - We the Leaders, Karur was conducted on 15.05.2020. Around 65 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "HR Technologies" by Mr.Raghu Kaimal, VP&HEAD- Sales from WeCP, Bengaluru was conducted on 16.05.2020. Around 37 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Upskilling in the times of COVID 19" by Mr. Bharani Kumar Depuru, Director from INNODATATICS & 360DIGITMG was conducted on 20.05.2020. Around 110 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Failure is the crucial ingredient for success" by Ms.Lakshmi Radhakrishnan, Operations Head from Singapore Saizeriya Pvt Ltd,Singapore was conducted on 21.05.2020. Around 36 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Skills for Career" by Mr. Arun Arjunan, HR Manager from Caresoft Global Pvt Ltd was conducted on 22.05.2020. Around 25 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Organisational Interventions" by JFM Kumaravelan Kaadai People & Process Consultant from Viyash Holistic Learning Consultancy, Coimbatore was conducted on 22.05.2020. Around 35 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Mind your mind - self awareness programme" by Ms. A. Sowmiya ,Founder from ThoughtX was conducted on 26.05.2020. Around 30 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Trends and Opportunities in Logistics" by Mr.Paniraj Murthy, CEO & Director from Nextstep Logistics, Bengaluru was conducted on 27.05.2020. Around 35 students benefited from the session.
- Webinar on "Career and Innovation" by Dr.Ravichandran Krishnamoorthy, Professor from Newyork Insitute of Technology, Abu Dhabi was conducted on 28.05.2020. Around 37students benefited from the session.