patent Publications

Department of Management Studies
Student Publications
- Journal Publications
- Patent
Faculty Publications
- Journal Publications
- Patent
- Book Publications
student publications
- Lavanya R. 2019, Published a research paper titled A study on Entrepreneurial orientation and Inclination among Management Students with reference to Tamil Nadu , IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL), UGC approved Journal-40893 , Impact factor:3.7985, ISSN (P) : 2347-4564: ISSN (O):2321-8878, Volume -07, Issue -3 ,February 2019, 286-292
- N. Ragavi & D. Anusha of I MBA published an article entitled “Marketing of Mango Juice – A study with reference to Hindustan Coco – Cola Beverages (P) Ltd”, in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume 7, Issue: 1, ISSN No: 0975 – 7627
- M. Sabarinathan of I MBA published an article entitled “A study on attitude of college students towards Green products in Coimbatore City” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume 7, Issue: 1, ISSN No: 0975 – 7627.
- M. Sabarinathan of I MBA published an article entitled “A study on attitude of college students towards Green products in Coimbatore City” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume 7, Issue: 1, ISSN No: 0975 – 7627.
- Santhiya.D of I MBA, presented a paper on “Online Marketing and Drawbacks”, in the International Conference on “Winningthe Marketing war Challenges and responses” organized by the Department of Commerce, St. Joseph’s College of Women, Tirupur on 19th January, 2019.
- Janani. R of I MBA presented a paper on “Supply Chain Management” in the National Conference on “ Future Scenario of Services Sectors in Indian Economy”, conducted by Department of Commerce, A.V.P College of Arts and Science, Tirupur on 29th January 2019.
- Nivetha and R. Lavanya of I MBA presented a paper on “Social Networking” in the National Conference on “ Future Scenario of Services Sectors in Indian Economy”, conducted by Department of Commerce, A.V.P College of Arts and Science, Tirupur on 29th January 2019.
- Abi of I MBA presented a paper on “Online Marketing” in the National Conference on “ Future Scenario of Services Sectors in Indian Economy”, conducted by Department of Commerce, A.V.P College of Arts and Science, Tirupur on 29th January 2019.
- Pavithraof I MBA presented a paper on “E-commerce” in the National Conference on “ Future Scenario of Services Sectors in Indian Economy”, conducted by Department of Commerce, A.V.P College of Arts and Science, Tirupur on 29th January 2019.
- Anusuya of I MBA presented a paper on “Supply Chain Management” in the National Conference on “ Future Scenario of Services Sectors in Indian Economy”, conducted by Department of Commerce, A.V.P College of Arts and Science, Tirupur on 29th January 2019.
- Dineshkumar.P & Ragul .G of I MBA, presented a paper on “Work Life Balance”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1st February, 2019.
- Ramakrishnan.R and Naveen Prasad.T of I MBA, presented a paper on “Stress Management”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1st February, 2019.
- Gokul Kannan.G of I MBA, presented a paper on “Supply Chain Management”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1stFebruary, 2019.
- Janani and S. Soniya of I MBA, presented a paper on “Retail Marketing”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1stFebruary, 2019.
- Nivetha and R. Lavanya of I MBA, presented a paper on “Social Networking”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1stFebruary, 2019.
- Arthi and B. Abi of I MBA, presented a paper on “Advertisement”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1stFebruary, 2019.
- P. Prabha, A.Josephine Mary and S.Vaishnavi of I MBA, presented a paper on “Online Marketing”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1stFebruary, 2019.
- V. Pavithra and K. Deebika of I MBA, presented a paper on “Advertisement”, in the National Conference on “Business and Technological Trends 2019” organized by the Department of Management Studies, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology on 1stFebruary, 2019.
- Vanisri, Ranjitha, of I MBA, “Self Help Groups – A Scenario”, National Conference on Cognitive Science Research in Computer Science and Management, Coimbatore Institute of Management & Technology, Coimbatore on 16th September 2016.
- Priyadarshini, Gayathri of I MBA, “Growth of Rural Entrepreneurs”, National Conference, Coimbatore Institute of Management & Technology, Coimbatore on 16th September 2016.
- Ranjitha, Narmatha, Kulanthaiyesu of I MBA, “Green Entrepreneurship”, National conference, Department of Business Administration, Dr. NGP College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 28th September 2016.
- Muniraj, Anusha of II MBA, “Women as an Entrepreneur”, National Conference, Department of Business Administration, Dr. NGP College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 28th September 2016.
- Gayathri, Ranjitha, Vanisri of I MBA, “Building of rural Economy with High growth Entrepreneurship”, Department of Commerce and Professional Accounting, Dr. NGP College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 8th September 2016.
faculty publications
- Dr. P.Saradhamani, Professor of MBA Department ,titled Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Pharmaceutical Industry, Published in GIS Business with ISSN no. 1430-3663 Vol. 15 Issue 4 Month April Year 2020, Impact Factor 5.60 indexed, peer reviewed and listed in UGC Care.
- Dr.P.Saradhamani Professor of MBA Department ,titled A study on digital marketing with special reference to product placements in movies, published in the journal of xi'an university of architecture & technologyVolume xii, issue v, 2020 ISSN No : 1006-7930, volume xii, page no: 1227-1230.
- Bamini.J & Deepa.K 2019, Retail Marketing Approaches and Innovations Practices in a Retail Chain, IJAMR, ISSN: 09748709, Vol.11, Jan-June 2019, pp. 66-67.
- Saradhamani P. 2019, Investors’ Preferences of Mutual Fund and their perception towards AMC Services –A Study with special references to Coimbatore City, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL), UGC approved Journal-40893 , Impact factor:3.7985, ISSN (P) : 2347-4564: ISSN (O):2321-8878, Volume -07, Issue -1 January 2019, 95-98.
- Thilaga.S & Deepa.K 2019, Role of Social Media Advertising in Consumer Buying Behaviour, IJAMR, ISSN: 09748709, Vol.11, Jan-June 2019, pp. 68-70.
- Saradhamani P. 2019, A study on Entrepreneurial orientation and Inclination among Management Students with reference to Tamil Nadu , IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL), UGC approved Journal-40893 , Impact factor:3.7985, ISSN (P) : 2347-4564: ISSN (O):2321-8878, Volume -07, Issue -3 ,February 2019, 286-292.
- Ms. Lakshmipriya S, Saradhamani R & Ganesan R 2016, Professor from MBA department has published a paper titled ‘Inter-Relationship of Factors in Configuring Emotional Intelligence Amongst Teaching Community - A Sociological Perspective’ Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Asian Research Consortium, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 368 - 385.
- Mr. N. Chidambaram and Dr. P. Vikkraman, Asst professor Professor from MBA department has published a paper titled “Nationalized Banks and Private Banks. How do they stack up?” Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 2016, pp. 982-992.ISSN 2249-7315, DOI NUMBER:10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01245.4.
- Dr. G. Maheswaran, Associate Professor from MBA department has published a paper titled “A Cognitive Brand Positioning Exploration with Data Mining”. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 2016, ISSN 2249-7315, DOI NUMBER:10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01245.4.
- Dr. V.Ramadevi,Assitant Professor from MBA department has published a paper titled “Factors influencing perception and satisfaction level among shoppers and their purchasing outcomes in malls”, International Journal of Applied Research, December 2016; 2(12): 217-222 – ISSN: 2394-7500, DOI: 10.15373/2249555X
- Dr. V. Ramadevi, Assistant Professor, published a research paper titled “Structural Equational Modelling on shoppers purchasing outcomes in shopping Malls, Coimbatore City” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IJMRD) ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72, Volume 3; Issue 11; November 2016; Page No. 94-98.
- Dr. G. Maheswaran & M. Sabarinathan of I MBA published an article entitled “A study on attitude of college students towards Green products in Coimbatore City” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume 7, Issue: 1, ISSN No: 0975 – 7627
- Dr. V. Ramadevi, AP & N.M. Usha of I MBA &, published an article entitled “A Conceptual study on the factors influencing shoppers’ behavior at Malls with reference to Bangalore in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume 7, Issue: 1, ISSN No: 0975 – 7627.
- Bamini.J & Deepa.K 2019, Retail Marketing Approaches and Innovations Practices in a Retail Chain, IJAMR, ISSN: 09748709, Vol.11, Jan-June 2019, pp. 66-67.
- Saradhamani P. 2019, Investors’ Preferences of Mutual Fund and their perception towards AMC Services –A Study with special references to Coimbatore City, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL), UGC approved Journal-40893 , Impact factor:3.7985, ISSN (P) : 2347-4564: ISSN (O):2321-8878, Volume -07, Issue -1 January 2019, 95-98.
- Thilaga.S & Deepa.K 2019, Role of Social Media Advertising in Consumer Buying Behaviour, IJAMR, ISSN: 09748709, Vol.11, Jan-June 2019, pp. 68-70.
- Saradhamani P. 2019, A study on Entrepreneurial orientation and Inclination among Management Students with reference to Tamil Nadu , IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL), UGC approved Journal-40893 , Impact factor:3.7985, ISSN (P) : 2347-4564: ISSN (O):2321-8878, Volume -07, Issue -3 ,February 2019, 286-292.
- Dr.G.Maheswaran and R.Lavanya published an article entitled “Strategies & Its Impact of Social Media Marketing in India” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Vol 10, Issue 1, ISSN No: 0975-7627, 2019.
- Dr,S.Thilaga and D.Abinaya published an article entitled “Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Nestle Maggi” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Vol 10, Issue 1 , ISSN No: 0975-7627,2019.
- Mrs.K.Deepa and J.Sobha published an article entitled “A Study on Factors Influencing the Buying behavior of Customers in the Chennai silks – Coimbatore” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Vol 10, Issue 1 , ISSN No: 0975-7627,2019.
- Dr.P.Saradhamani and B. Kowsalya published an article entitled “Marketing Constraints of Women Entrepreneurs” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Vol 9, Issue 1 , ISSN No: 0975-7627,2018.
- Dr. J. Bamini & M. Raichal Monalisha published an article entitled “A Study on Customer’s Perception Towards Brand Loyalty for Detergent Powders in Coimbatore” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Vol 9, Issue 1, ISSN No: 0975-7627, 2018.
- Dr,V.Ramadevi published an article entitled “A Study On Customer Preference Of LG Laptop” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Vol 8, Issue 1 , ISSN No: 0975-7627, 2017.
- Dr.G.Maheswaran published an article entitled “Event Marketing And Human Resources Management In India” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Vol 8, Issue 1 , ISSN No: 0975-7627, 2017.G. Maheswaran & M. Sabarinathan of I MBA published an article entitled “A study on attitude of college students towards Green products in Coimbatore City” in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume 7, Issue: 1, ISSN No: 0975 – 7627.
- V. Ramadevi, AP & N.M. Usha of I MBA &, published an article entitled “A Conceptual study on the factors influencing shoppers’ behavior at Malls with reference to Bangalore in the SNS Journal of Marketing, Volume 7, Issue: 1, ISSN No: 0975 – 7627.
- Dr.P.Saradhamani Professor from MBA department has published a paper titled “Building Emotional Intelligence: Hands on Strategies for Inner Strength and Cognitive Enhancement amongst Youngsters”, Perspectives of Entrepreneurship &Management Research, July 2015, ISBN 978-93-847-82-6.
- Dr. A. Mohamed Riyazh khan, “A Conceptual Framework of Ethical Practices in Public Health care Sector” Intercontinental Journal of Human Research Management, Vol 2, Issue 8, August 2015, ISSN- 2350-0859, Impact factor- 0.414.
- Mr. N. Chidambaram, Assitant Professor from MBA department has published a paper titled “A cross-sectional analysis of personality differences between Arts & Science and Engineering Students” International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol. 1 Issue.11, July - Sep, 2015. Page 269, Impact Factor: 3.072 (SJIF).
- Prof. P. Rajendran & Dr. P. Saradhamani, “Effects of R&D metrics on firm’s profitability of Indian Textile-cum-Chemical based companies: A Review”, in the International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol 13, Issue 1, 2015 - Annexure
- Prof. P. Rajendran & Dr. P. Saradhamani Associate Professors from MBA department have published a paper titled “Most Common R& D Measures: A survey of R& D parameters in Industrial Sector in India”, in the International journal of Applied Engineering Research – Accepted in Annexure ii.
- Lakshmipriya S, Saradhamani R & Ganesan R 2016, ‘Inter-Relationship of Factors in Configuring Emotional Intelligence Amongst Teaching Community – A Sociological Perspective’ Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Asian Research Consortium, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 368 – 385.
- N. Chidambaram and Dr. P. Vikkraman, “Nationalized Banks and Private Banks. How do they stack up?”. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 2016, pp. 982-992.ISSN 2249-7315, DOI NUMBER:10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01245.4.
- G. Maheswaran, “A Cognitive Brand Positioning Exploration with Data Mining”. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 2016, ISSN 2249-7315, DOI NUMBER:10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01245.4.
- V.Ramadevi, Dr. M. Meenakshi Saratha, “Factors influencing perception and satisfaction level among shoppers and their purchasing outcomes in malls”, International Journal of Applied Research, December 2016; 2(12): 217-222 – ISSN: 2394-7500, DOI: 10.15373/2249555X.
- V. Ramadevi “Situational Factors and changes on Shoppers’ Purchasing Outcomes in Bangalore Shopping Malls” International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 7 Issue 1, January 2017, ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor: 7.081.
- V. Ramadevi, “Structural Equational Modelling on shoppers purchasing outcomes in shopping Malls, Coimbatore City” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (IJMRD) ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72, Volume 3; Issue 11; November 2016; Page No. 94-98.
- Dr.J.Bamini published a patent on A Question Paper Generation System and method for enhancing student thinking ability. Patent no: 201941003359
- Dr.J.Bamini published a patent on A Leadership Board for Students skill evaluation and a method for learning enhancement.Patent no: 20184104260A
- Dr. J.Bamini published a book entitled on “Consumer Behavior”, Thakur Publications Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, ISBN:978-93-87880-58-0, in year 2018.
- Dr. P.Saradhamani, published a book entitled on “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, in Thakur Publications Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-87880-65-8, in year 2018.
- Dr.J.Bamini Published a book entitled "Applied Operations Research", Himalaya Publishing House
- Dr.P.Saradhamani ,Professor of MBA Department had published a book titled, "Savings and Investment Management "- NCRC Publications,Coimbatore, ISBN: 978-93-81537-08-4 2016