Department of Management Studies
international relations
The Institute works meticulously on linking with foreign universities and industries. We believe having such international affairs will help our community to get exposure of relevant work experience, International experiences, Language skills, Organization skills, Analytical and Interpersonal skills.
Student/faculty Exchange programmes
- Department of Management Studies had organised Studnet Exchange Program with Koshy Institute of Mnagament , Bangalore from 17.11.2019 to 18.11.2019. Totally 148 members benefitted.
- Department of Management Studies, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore and Koshys Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore jointly organized “VIZRUTAVAT” a Student Exchange Programme between 22nd and 24th November 2018.
- Expert Talk on Which comes first in the corporate business world-employees or customers? by Dr. Souji Gopalakrishnan PIllai, Post Doctoral Scientist, Florida State University, USA was organised on 11th July 2019at MBA Seminar Hall. Around 100 members from the students stream benefitted from this session.
- "Expert Talk on Data the catalyst for change Dr. Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan,Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, USA was organised on 14th August 2019 at RM Hall. Around 150 members from the student stream benefitted out of this session.
- "Expert Talk on Global Research in Business Management by Prof.A.Tamilarasu,Professor, AMBO University, Ethiopia was organised on 12th September 2019 at Seminar Hall . Around 100 members from the student stream benefitted from this session. "
- International Seminar on Data the catalyst for change by Dr. Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, USA
- Power of Networking: Dr.Valarmathi Srinivasan, Head, Protons Academy, Chennai, was the facilitator of the session on “Power of Networking”. The facilitator explained the way to expand their network by building the relationships with known people like family, friends, classmates, colleagues and acquaintance’s. The session helped the students to understand the importance of networking in their personal life as well as in their career and augment it to their advantage.
- Business Plan: Post Lunch session was started by Dr. R. Chandrasekhar – Dean, Kalasalingam School of Business, Krishnankoil on Business Plan. He outlined the contents of the business plan and purpose of writing the business plan. The session enlightened the students to get an integrated view of all the business related issues
- Management Games: Faculty of Management Studies, SNS College of Engineering organized Management Games for the students. Students enjoyed the activities, at the same time learned the management concepts in a lively environment.
- Design Thinking for Product Development: Design Thinking session was conducted by Mr.Nikylkumar Ananthakrishnan, Creative Director, The Perfect Circle. He focused on the process of design thinking for product development. The programme helped the students to understand how to develop an idea by using applied creativity and prototyping the product /concept. Students were highly satisfied with the content and interaction. They shall be implementing these concepts throughout their study and career.
- Career Stages: Ms. Chellam Nariendran, Srijan Consultants encouraged and motivated the students to prepare them for their Career Stages. The facilitator facilitated the students with a vast knowledge about the jobs available in this current scenario and how to prepare themselves for those job profiles. The students updated the concept of SWOT analysis and implementation to their professional life. Participants were able to get a brief counseling from the facilitator regarding their career prospects.
- Case Study Methodology: Dr. Nanjan Balu, Rocheston, USA intensively prepared the students for Case Study Methodology. The facilitator briefed about the case study contents and the steps for analyzing the problem. He trained the students by giving live cases and the students were able to analyze the cases and identify the problem in nutshell.
- Team Building through activities: Post Lunch session, Mr. M. K. Kumaravelan, freelance trainer, and faculty of Department of Management Studies, engaged the students with Team Building Activities. The trainer involved all the students by various team building activities which made the students more enthusiastic and imbibed more team spirit.
- CXO Talk: CXO Talk delivered by Mr. K. Krishna Kumar, CEO, ARMC, Group of Healthcare. The speaker addressed the students about the opportunities in Healthcare Industry. He motivated the students by encouraging them to pick up a career in medical tourism.
- Department of Management Studies from SNS College of Engineering visited Koshys Institute of Management Studies for a Student Exchange Programme during the year 2019.
- Department of Management Studies, SNS College of Engineering and Koshys Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore jointly organized “VIZRUTAVAT” a Student Exchange Programme between 22nd and 24th November 2018.