Department of Information Technology
faculty development
To strengthen the horizon of teaching learning process by mutual transformation of thoughts, ideas and experiences and to update teachers about the advancements in teaching-learning process including latest approaches, tools and techniques. Our Faculty members are continuously encouraged to upgrade their skills by taking up online courses or involving faculty development programmes.
NPtel/mooc courses
faculty development programme

- Ms. T. R. Lekhaa, AP/IT completed the 8 weeks NPTEL course on “IOT”, December 2019.
- Ms. T. R. Lekhaa, Ms. S. Rijutha, Mr. K. Nandakumar, AP/IT participated in COVID-19 Pandemic General Awareness Quiz organised by Department of RISE, Chandigarh group of Colleges, Mohali on 25.04.2020 and completed the course "Google Analytics for Beginners.
- Ms. S. Prabhavathi, AP/ IT completed the Udemy course on "Machine Learning, NLP and Python-Cut to the Chase" on 27.04.2020.
- Mr. R. Ashok kumar, AP/IT Completed online course on "Big data for beginners" on 07.05.2020 and " Ethical hacking for beginners" on 05.05.2020, "Network Security and Management" on 06.05.2020 by Sri Krishna Adithya college of arts and science
- Ms. S. Prabhavathi, AP/IT completed an online course " Responsive Web Design: HTML5 + CSS3 for Entrepreneurs 2018" in udemy on 10.05.2020
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT completed the Google Analytics Academy online course on Google Analytics for Beginners on April 2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT Participated in Python 3.4.3 training organized at Sona college of Technology with IIT Bombay on may 22.05.2020
- Ms.T.R.Lekhaa completed the course on “Python for Data Science” by GREYATOM on 11.05.2020.
- Mr. R. Ashok kumar, AP/IT Completed online course on "Digital Manufacturing and Design" on 12.05.2020," Digital Thread Components " on 24.05.2020 by State University of Newyork and completed online course " Python for Data Science" by IBM on 03.05.2020, " Introduction to IOT" by Stanford University on 28.05.2020.
- Ms.T. R. Lekhaa, AP/IT completed the online course "Introduction to Data Analytics for Business" organized by University of Colorado on 25.05.2020
- Ms. P. Sumathi, HOD/IT completed the online course on “Python” organized by Michigan University, Coursera on 30.05.2020
- A.Kowshika completed the 4 weeks NPTEL course on Design Thinking – A Primer with a consolidated score of 89% and awarded Elite + Silver, Topper Rank ( Top 5%).
- P.Poovizhi completed the 4 weeks NPTEL course on Design Thinking – A Primer with a consolidated score of 75% and awarded Elite + Silver.
- S.Rijutha, Assistant Professor, Department of IT, successfully completed the course on “Introduction to Introduction to Internet of Things” with Elite a consolidated score of 77% in NPTEL Online Certification Course.
- Ms. S. Prabhavath and Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT attended an International FDP "How to write Effective Case Study" by Dr. Vishal Khasgiwala, Dean-Faculty of Businesses and Commerce, Atmiya University on 02.05.2020
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in 3-days Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology” conducted by Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur from 29.04.2020 to 01.05.2020.
- Mr. . K. Nandakumar, AP/IT participated in ATAL online FDP on "Augumented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Reality (VR) from 11.05.2020 to 15.05.2020 and from 25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020 organized by National Institute of Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh
- Mr. K. Nandakumar, AP/IT attended Five days FDP on "Covid-19 Pandemic:Strategies for Effective work life balance of Academicians" organized by Karpagam College of Engineering on 04.05.2020 to 08.05.2020 and FDP on "Agent based Intelligent systems" by Sathyama Institute of Science and Technology on 06.05.2020
- Mr. K. Nandakumar, AP/IT attended one day International FDP on "AI based proctoring in Next generation Education" organized by Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for women on 23.05.2020 and participating online super session on "Change is the essence of life" on 25.05.2020 organized by ICT academy
- Mr. K. Nandakumar, AP/IT participated in National level 5 days FDP on "Effective use of Digital Technology to Enhance Teaching-Learning" from 19.05.2020 to 23.05.2020 organized by Avinashilingam School of Engineering and Shiksha Sankriti Utthan Niyas
- Mr. K. Nandakumar, AP/IT participated in FDP on "An Approach for Technical skill Enhancement" organized by Toshniwal Arts, Commerce and Science college on 10.05.2020
- Mr. R. Ashok kumar, AP/IT Completed one week Atal FDP on IOT conducted by NIT JAMSHEDPUR from 07.05.2020 to 11.05.2020 and completed Atal FDP on "Data science" by NITTTR Chandigarh from 25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020
- Ms. P.Poovizhi, AP/IT completed 5 days Hands on FDP on Data Science using Python organized by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology from 18.05.2020 to 22.05.2020.
- Ms. P.Poovizhi, AP/IT attended ATAL FDP on Data Science organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur from 25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT attended an ATAL Online FDP on Data Science - Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh from 04.05.2020 to 08.05.2020 and Two Days Faculty Development Program on “Online FDTP: Web Applications Security” by Jeppiar Institute of Technology, on 27th may to 28.05.2020
- Ms. S. Rijutha attended an FDP on " Artificial Intelligence" organized by AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy Online FDP, Indian Institute of Info. Tech.(IIIT) Nagpur from 16.05.2020 to 20.05.2020
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT attended an Faculty Awareness Programme on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and NBA Accreditation – Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Narhe, Pune from 08.05.2020, attended ATAL Training Programme on ARVR - NITTTR Chandigarh, 11.05.2020 to15.05.2020, attended Two day Demonstration session on A Scope for Bug Bounty and Web Penetration Testing, Dr. NGP Institute of Technology, 27.05.2020 to 28.05.2020, Participated in IEEE Xplore Digital Library Training, Nanda Engineering College on 27.05.2020.
- Ms.M.Malarmathi, AP/IT, Mr.K.Nandakumar, AP/IT, has successfully completed intensive corporate training on various technologies like Web Applications, API, Android & Firebase Programming, Machine Learning & Digital Marketing & SharePoint Intranet with M/s.Impiger Technologies from 12th November 2018 to 12th December 2018
- Guest lecture on “Development of Websites using PHP” by Mr. S. Ranjith Kumar, Assistant Professor, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 02-02-2020. Around 49 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Guest Lecture on “Job Opportunities in Digital design space with specific emphasis on AR/VR and gaming”, by Dr. Samjith Dhanarajan’s, CEO, D J Education & Training on 04-03-2020. Around 39 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized an webinar on "Being a Software Engineer" by Mr. Manoj Chandran, Senior Associate, CTS, Bangalore on 30-04-2020. Around 20 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized an webinar on "Recent trends in Automation Industry" by Mr. T. Subramani, Test Development vision Engineer, Pentamaster Technology, Malaysia on 30-04-2020. Around 16 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized an webinar on "Modern Web Application using AI" by Mr. Arun Pushpavalli Sivasamy, Senior Associate, Cognizant, Canada on 27-04-2020. Around 15 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on " Applications of AI in Networking- A Glimpse" by Mr. Sherry Vargheesh, Network Engineer, Logistics, UAE on 01.05.2020. Around 49 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Data Analytics- An Introduction and Applications" by Mr. Praveen Kumar, Senior Data Analyst, BNO Paribas, Raffles, Singapore on 02.05.2020. Around 37 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Data Analytics in Digital Marketing" by Mr. Saravanan Thiyagarajan, COO & Head, Digital Marketing, Yardstick Digital Solutions, Coimbatore on 07.05.2020. Around 55 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar titled "Involuntary Neural Networks(INN)" by Mr. Anand Paul, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, South Korea on 08.05.2020. Around 40 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar titled " Artificial Intelligence: What? Where? And How?' by Mr. Mohan Kumar, Associate Project Manager, Tavant Inc, Bangalore on 09.05.2020. Around 20 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Role of AI and Data Analytics in Banking" by Mr. Kirupakaran Devarajan, Senior Architect, Advanced Analytics Enhancement, National Australia Bank, Melbourne on 12.05.2020. Around 20 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Artificial Intelligence-Applications and its Future Scope" by Dr. N.Yuvaraj, Post Doctoral Researcher, Kjungil University, South Korea on 12.05.2020. Around 16 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on " Essence of IOT and AI in today's World" by Mr. Harish kumar N G, Software Engineer, HCL Technologies, Chennai on 14.05.2020. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a alumni webinar on " How to meet corporates expectation as a fresher" by Mr. Yuvaraj S, Junior Software Developer, Circular Edge, Chennai on 14.05.2020. Around 33 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "An insight into expectations and reality in IT industries" by Mr. Arun, Programmer Analyst, CTS, Coimbatore on 15.05.2020. Around 23 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on " IOT Application and its Trends" by Mr. U. M. Prakash, Software Architect, Taipei, Taiwan on 16.05.2020. Around 32 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Department of IT Organized a webinar "College to Corporate" by Mr. R. Sivasubramaniyam, Project Manager, ITC Infotech, Bangalore on 16.05.2020. Around 15 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Chase your Dream" by Mr. Akshay GS, Software Analyst, MPC Film- Technicolor, Bangalore on 20.05.2020. Around 20 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar "IT Services - Perspective from Experience" by Mr. D. Santhanakrishnan, Tech Lead, Bharath Automation, Coimbatore on 21.05.2020. Around 22 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar "Informatica tool for Business'" by Ms. Sindhuja, IT Analyst -ETL Developer, TCS, Bangalore on 22.05.2020. Around 16 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Turn your Dreams!! Track your Future!!" by Mr. Rajagopal Pandiarajan, Senior Software Engineer, Dell Technologies, Bangalore on 22.05.2020. Around 21 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar "Data Evolution in IT" by Ms. Deepika Gokulkannan, Senior Data Engineeer & Assistance Vice President, DBS, Singapore on 23.05.2020. Around 18 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar "Robotic Process Automation with UI Path" by Mr. Lalith kumar,Senior developer, Cognizant technology solutions, Coimbatore on 23.05.2020. Around 49 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Data Analytics and Business Intelligence - Importance of Data" by Mr. Vyshak Palanisamy, Business Intelligence Specialist, Thumbay Group , UAE on 24.05.2020. Around 33 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Python Testing" by Ms S Suganya, Software Test Engineer, Indra Institute of Education, Coimbatore on 27.05.2020. Around 20 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Digital and Trending Technologies in IT Industry" by Mr. Ragupathy, Senior Software Developer, CTS, Coimbatore on 30.05.2020. Around 16 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Cyber Security" by Ms. Vidhya V, Technical Engineer, Indra Institute of Education, Coimbatore on 30.05.2020. Around 26 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a webinar on "Overview of Angular" by Mr. Vardharaju MK, Technical lead, Indocomm, Bangalore on 30.05.2020. Around 23 members from the student community benefited from this session.
- Mr.K.Nandakumar, AP/IT, attended the NHRD programme on “HR from the perspective of Entrepreneurs” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 16.02.2019.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT, attended the “Azure Day 2019”by Mr.Kuppurasu Nagaraj, Software Engineer, M/s. BitTalk360 on 16.02.2019.
- Mr.K.Nandakumar, AP/IT, attended “NIPM Coimbatore Chapter – Special Lecture on Personal-Lecture Session on Personal Relational Professional (PRP) effectiveness with Emotional Literacy” by Mrs. Sashi Chandran, CEO, Nitya Gurukula on 22.02.2019.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT, attended the “UiPath Academic Leaders Meet for Robotic Process Automation (RPA )” at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, on 26.04.2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/ IT participated in National level webinar on "Rethinking IOT" organised by Progressio Alas on 26.04.2020
- Ms. S. Prabhavathi, AP/ IT completed the webinar on "Being a Software Engineer" by Mr. Manoj Chandran, Senior Associate, CTS, Bangalore on 30.04.2020
- Mr. R. Ashokkumar, AP/IT attended the webinar on "Home Automatin using IOT" and attended Leadership talk with Mr. Gautam Bambeale Ex India ambassador to China and also completed the Hadoop 101certification course and completed the webinar on "Changing shape of higher education in covid 19 era", attended the webinar on "Hangout with emerging innovative entrepreneur supported through MIC and AICTE" on 30.04.2020
- Ms. T. R. Lekhha, AP/IT attended webinar on “Data Visualization using Tableau” by Mr. R. Dinesh babu, Brain Swing Edutech Pvt Ltd, Chennai on 30.04.2020
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in Webinar on "Levers of Digital Industry" organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 01.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in online Webinar on “Basics of Machine Learning” conducted by St.Peter’s College of Engineering and Technology on 05.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in Webinar on "Scope of IoT in Industries" in association with ONEYES Technologies Chennai by Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology on 09.05.2020
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in the Webinar on “Tips and Tricks for Effective Research” organized by Idhaya College for Women, Thanjavur on 15.05.2020
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in Webinar on Block chain Technology organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 20.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in Webinar on “E-Resources for Digital Learning” organized by Institution's Innovation Council, RMK College of Engineering and Technology on 27.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in Webinar on “Online Learning Tools Post Covid-19” organized by Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya in association with Codegnan IT Solutions, Vijayawada on 29.05.2020.
- Mr. K. Nandakumar, AP/IT participating online National webinar on "MSME Perspective post Covid - 19 with respect to Supply chain, markets & Government Stimulus" by G.S. College of Commerce and Economics on 22.05.2020
- Mr. R. Ashok kumar and Ms.S. Prabhavathi attended a webinar "A Journey of Thinking Idea to start up A RoadMap" by Mr. S Haresh, Managing Head, ThinkInk organized by SNS College of Engineering on 23.05.2020
- Mr.K. Nandakumar, AP/IT attended a webinar on "Deep Learning on Computer vision" organized by Venkateshwara college of Technology on 27.05.2020.
- Mr. R. Ashok kumar, AP/IT attended a webinar on "Future of AI" by IETE Mumbai and PANTECH on 20.05.2020, " IOT based solar power supply for rural India" by Cambridge Institute of Technology Jamshedpur on 31.05.2020, "Conversational BOT design" by IETE Mumbai and PANTECH on 30.05.2020 and attended 17 sessions webinar series by IIC in association with MHRD from 28.04.2020 to 23.05.2020
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT Participated in "Research Challenges in Wind Energy Systems" in Chennai Institute of Technology, on 22.05.2020 and . Participated in "Importance of Software Skills" in Vels Institute of Science and Advanced Studies, Chennai, on 22.05.2020 and Participated in 6 days webinar series Industrial Revolution IT, Dr. NGP Institute of Technology, from 18.05.2020 to 23.05.2020
- Ms. S. Rijutha attended an webinar on"Stepping into Software Testing with Emerging trends" in National College of Engineering on 29.05.2020
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT attended an webinar on "Recent Trends in Cryptography with Applications In Healthcare", on 30.05.2020 and Participated in "Mobile Technology for Business" in National College of Engineering on 31.05.2020
- Ms. P.Poovizhi, AP/IT completed online workshop on "Data Science and Visualization using Python" organized by CSI Gwalior Chapter and The Institution of Engineers (India) on 24.05.2020
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT Participated in 3 days International workshop on Big Data Analytics by SSN College of Engineering on 28th may to 30th may 2020
- Mr. . K. Nandakumar, AP/IT participated in Session 7 Skycampus on the theme "Accelerating industry 4.0 - A Post Covid Paradigm" on 27.05.2020 by ICT Academy
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT Participated in IACTACT – Season 4 Skycampus Digital Knowledge Series, on 04th to 08th May 2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in online training program on “Web-based Training on Virtual Classroom” organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 02.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in two days Webinar Series on How to write a Research Proposal and How to convert a Project to Patent? conducted by Excel Engineering College from 04.05.2020 and 05.05.2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT attended Leadership Talk with Dr.Pramod Chaudhari, Founder, Chairman, Praj Industries Limited and Dr.Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer MHRD Innovation cell on 16.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in Seven DaysLiveWebinar on “Quality Article Writing – Tips and Tricks” conducted by Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai from 22.05.2020 to 28.05.2020
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT successfully completed Online Aptitude Test on Teaching Ability of the Successful Teachers” organized by Sree Muthukumaraswamy College, Chennai on 06.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT successfully completed online quiz on Personal Hygiene and Prevention of COVID’19 with 95% percentage conducted by Selvam Arts and Science College, Namakkal on 13.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT successfully completed Online Quiz Programme marks the International Day of Light (IDL-May 2020) conducted by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 16.05.2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT participated inOnline Quiz, International Day of Light (IDL – May 2020), Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, on 17th may 202, Online Data Science Quiz, in Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune on 28th may 2020 and Online Quiz, Research Methodology in J.V.Jain College , Saharanpur, on 29th May 2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in E-Quiz on Teaching Aptitude and secured 96% organized by Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli on 16.05.2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT participated in E-Quiz on Teaching Aptitude – Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Thiruchirapalli, on 17th may 2020
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT successfully completed and passed in the quiz on Quality Management conducted by AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune on 17.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT participated in E-Quiz on Higher Education System and secured 76% organized by Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli on 18.05.2020.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, AP/IT successfully completed the Online Data Science Quiz organized by Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune on 29.05.2020.
- Ms. S. Rijutha, AP/IT attended Online Quiz on Cyber Security – KSR College of Arts and Science for Women, on 09.05.2020, Covid 19 Awareness Quiz, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan – MHRD, Government of India, on 14.05.2020, IFS Forensic Science Quiz, on IFS Pune, 17.05.2020