international relations
The Institute works meticulously on linking with foreign universities and industries. We believe having such international affairs will help our community to get exposure of relevant work experience, International experiences, Language skills, Organization skills, Analytical and Interpersonal skills.
Student/faculty Exchange programmes
International Seminars
- An International MOU was exchanged between SNS College of Engineering and Automation Anywhere University, and established a Centre of Excellence on Robotics Process Automation (BOT Lab) on 06-02-2019. The Chief Guest Mr. S. Krishna Raju, Manager Business Development, University Alliance at Automation Anywhere, Bangalore singed the MOU document.
- An International MOU was signed with Kyungpook National University, South Korea during the year 2014-15.
Student/Faculty Exchange
- Ms. G. Gokila Deepa visited Kyungpook Nationa University, South Korea as a part of Faculty Research Development Activity.
- Organized a seminar on " CMS TO DESIGN A WEB APPLICATION" by Mr. Nirmal Prince, Founder & CEO, Lyceum' Networks, Coimbatore on 19-07-2014.
- Organized a seminar on " Data Processing Mechanism on Big Data” by Mr.M. Sabarinathan from Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore on 13-07-2018. Around 74 members from student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a Seminar on “Applications of Artificial Intelligence” by V.Rajalakshmi, HR from Prematix Software Solutions Pvt Ltd, Hosur on 28-12-2018. Around 27 members from student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a seminar on " Software Testing based on core Java with Selenium" by Mr.Ramesh Ayyanar, M/s. Cognizant Technology Solution on 01.07.2017 at Srikara Institute. Around 34 members from student community benefited from this session.
- Organized a seminar on " Career Opportunity in MNCs" by Ms. K. Sowndarya, Process Associate, Just Dial, Coimbatore on 17-07-2017.III Year students benefited from this session.
- Organized a seminar on "Machhine Learning" by Mr. J.Gokul Kumar, Head, Training and Placement, Pantech ProEd Pvt Ltd on 21-07-2017.
- Organized a seminar on "E-COMMERCE IN MNC’s " by Mr.R.Thiluk, Technical Account Manager, AMAZON, Bengaluru on 11-03-2017
- Organized a seminar on "Hybrid Mobile Application Development" by Mr.C.Raja Guru, Associate Programmer, Logimax Technologies,Coimbatore on 13-03-2017.
- Organized a seminar on "Placement & Career Opportunity in IT ” by Ms. Preethika Devi, HR, UDI Global, Coimbatore on 05-04-2017.
- Organized a seminar on " Essentials of Java Certification" by Mr. P. SathyaPrakash, Java Developer, JSpiders, Bangalore on 17-04-2017.
- Organized a Research seminar on “ Elaborated on “Software Engineering -A Research Perspective” by Dr. Preethi Harris, Associate Professor, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 1st Sep 2016
- Organized a seminar on " Network Framework using PHP" by Mr.R.Prabhu, Technical Trainer, Arris Infotech, Coimbatore on 17-07-2015
- Organized a Research seminar on " Automatic Data Movement and Computation Mapping for Multi-Level Parallel Architectures with Explicitly Managed Memories" by Ms. B. Anuradha, Head of the Department of Information Technology, SNS College of Engineering on 15-10-2016.
- Organized a seminar on “Network Framework on PHP” by Mr. R. Prabhu, Technical Manager, Arris InfoTech, Coimbatore on 17-07-2015
- Organized an International Seminar on “Enhancement in Research & Scientific Writing” by Dr. Anand Paul, Kyungpook National University, South Korea on 17-07-2015.
- Organized ISRO sponsored Two Days National Seminar on “Cognitive Space Communication and Sensing: Advances, Developments and Engineering Challenges” on 17th &18thSeptember, 2015. and chief guest Dr. A. Rajeswari, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology. Keynote speakers from various reputed Institutions like Kumaraguru College of Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology and Vellore Institute of Technology shared their Innovative ideas and research challenges in Cognitive Modelling
- Organized a seminar on " Apache Struts" by guest Mrs P.Suganya, Associate-Projects, CTS on 07-03-2015.
- Organized a seminar on " Oracle 10G DBA" by Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Oracle Certified Trainer, Sri Krishna I-Tech and Management Solutions, Coimbatore on 24-01-2015.
- Organized a seminar on " GRID COMPUTING" by Mr.C.A.Sreeram, HEAD TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT, NCPIR, NGI., Coimbatore on 26-07-2014.
- Organized a seminar on " JAVA TECHNOLOGIES" by Mr.Saravanan from Vaanam Technologies, Coimbatore on 14-08-2014.
industry enabled
lab establishments