DEPARTMENT of electrical and electronics ENGINEERING
skill and career development
We are keen to shape our young minds through development of Technical Skills and Life Skills focusing their professional development. To achieve this, we have created a center for Skill and Career Development (SCD), which offers insightful Skills Development Programmes to groom students and make them corporate ready. The department achieves the enhancement of employability objectives by conducting intensive process oriented classroom training & by organizing Club of Excellence events related to both Soft and Hard Skills. These classes and events are managed by a well-groomed team from Academics. Students' get an opportunity to attend a wide range of interactive workshops, training sessions that help them to recognize, develop and articulate their employ-ability skills for their future success.
It’s all about you


entrepreneurship DEVELOPMENT
- Ms. Kamali,Monicka Jose, Kavya, Kaviya shree and Sarath participated in poster making organized by road safety program thulir foundation and won first place.
- Mr.Alagappan, Participated in Paper presentation and won first place , organized by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.Alagappan, Participated in Brain Teaser and won second place, organized by SNS college of Engineering on 29.09.2022.
- Mr.Nanthavishnuvardhan and Mr.Rahul Participated and won second place in Circuit Fix event, organized by SNS college of Engineering on 29.09.2022.
- Mr.Ajith Participated in Paper presentation and won Second place , organized by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022
- Mr.Ajith Participated and won first place in Problem Solving organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr. S.Ragul Participated and won First Place in Circuit Fix event organised by SNS college of Engineering on 29.09.2022.
- Ms Harini.P Participated and won second place in Problem Solving organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Ms Lalithasri and Ms.Mutharasi Participated and won second place in G K Quiz organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.S.Vignesh participated in the Quiz Mania of Yukti 2023, Organized by Thiyagarajar School of Management (TSM), Unstop.
- Mr.A.M.Santhosh participated in Day 2 Quiz of Online Quizzing Festival Season 8 powered by boAt , Organized by IIM, Unstop.
- Ms. Aparna Sri participated in peoples reflections writing competition, organized bt start up india.
- Ms. Jeyaswarooba participated in Code Hack 2023, Annual hackathon by Dev code community .
- Mr.Lakshmanan participated in “ Think like an Economist 4.O organized by symbiosis Institute of management Studies. Unstop.
- Mr.Rahul participated in the science quiz conducted by science club on 25.3.2023.
- Mr.A.M.Santhosh have participated in Quiz round of the case express - Case study competetion organized by Delhi Technological University , Unstop.
- Mr. Alagappan, Mr.V.S.Arunachalam, Mr.G.Naveen,Mr.Mohamed Nizar, participated in the Quiz –A –Thon organized by IIT Bhagalpur, Unstop.
- Mr. Syed Ali, participated in U – Spot (Treasure Hunt) of Ignite – A- Thon organized by IIT Bhagalpur, Unstop.
- Ms.Harini.R,Ms.Vinoja.S.M participated in MachineKnight organized by TechBrain, Unstop.
- Mr.Arulvarman.A, Participated in Data Challenge II organized by Henry Harvin Education, Unstop.
- Mr.Kavin.S Participated in Call for articles (Absolute advantage), organized by Aryabhata College, Delhi, Unstop.
- Mr.Racharla Naveen Kumar participated in “ Quants” organized by Daulet Ram college, Unstop.
- Mr.Ajith.S participated in Erode Marathon on 11th Sep 2022, Organized by ZOHO.
- Mr.NithisKumar.B participated in IPL Special organized by Daulat Ram college, Delhi,Unstop.
- Mr.Ajith.S participated in the Instaseed – 10 mins, 10 teams, Millons at shake Of E- Summit 22, organized by Netaji Subhas University of technology, Unstop.
- Mr.V.Udhaya participated in Data challenge II Organized by Henry Harvin Education, Unstop.
- Mr.Kavin participated in the Submit product deck, organized by The media ant, Unstop.
- Ms.RishiniSanawaz participated in festive Quiz organized by Daulat Ram College, Delhi university, Delhi, Unstop.
- Ms.L.Priyadharshini participated in banking quiz organized by Symbiosis school of Banking and finance, Maharashtra, Unstop.
- Mr.Udhaya participated in data challenge II organized by Henry Harvin Education, Unstop.
- Mr.Arulvarman, participated in data challenge II organized by Henry Harvin Education, Unstop.
- Ms.Harini.P and Ms.Lalithasri participated in banking quiz organized by Symbiosis school of Banking and finance, (Part 1 & 2)Maharashtra, Unstop.
- Mr.MithunYogesh participated in CBS Valuation challenge organised by shaheedSukhdev college of business studies, University of Delhi, Unstop.
- Mr.Ananth participated in Data challenge II organized by Henry Havin Education, Unstop
- Mr.Kavin participated in Hacks 7.oElicit, Unstop festive Quiz organized by Daulat Ram College, Delhi university, Delhi, Unstop.
- Ms. Jeyaswarooba participated in paper presentation organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology on 09.2.2023.
- Mr.B.Karthick Partcipated in The Centies Chess Tournamnet 2023, at Arjun College of Engineering on 09.02.2023.
- Mr.G.Sandeep Krishna and Mr. E.R.Sarath is proudly awarded , who solemnly resolves to promote fair play and uphold the nobility of a true sports person in every situation, organized by Asian sports and physical fitness board.
- Ms.K.Sneka and Mr.S.N.Vinoja participated in Paper presentation event of CYNOSURE 2K23, A National level Technical Symposium held on Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, on 09.2.2023.
- Mr.Sandeep krishnan and Mr.Sanjay has participated in “QUIZ TRACK” organized by PSG College of arts and science.
- Mr.Raja, M.Abishek, Mr.Ajith, Mr.Anand, Mr.MithunYogesh and Mr.Anbazhagan participated in Dr.Kalam young achiever award on 26.09.2022.
- Ms.S.Sujitha participated in a paper presentation event in KRIZEN”22 organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 15.09.2022.
- Mr.Rajkamal participated in Electrio quiz event in KRIZEN”22 organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 15.09.2022.
- Mr.Racharla Naveen Kumar Participated in National Level E- Quiz on principles of management, organized by Matrix School Of management studies on 26.10.2022.
- Mr.MithunYogesh and Ms.Sujitha participated in Praudyog Paper writing competition Organized by the IEEE Student branch of BIT Deoghar.
- Mr.Rajkamal participated in KRIZEN’22 in the event of electrioquiz on 15th september.
- Mr.K.Alagappan, Mr.R.Rahul and Mr.Karthick.M participated in the National Level Technical Symposium at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 2.11.2022.
- Mr.Rajkamal Participated in National level technical symposium organised by PSG college of Technology on 29.10.2022
- Ms. Trisha participated in Virtual Webinar on “ Masterclasses on Group discussion and Extempore” on 3.12.2022 organized by Tech brain.
Workshop Attended:
- Madhumitha, Kaviyashree, Kishore, Monicka jose, Prabha pushparaj, Sandeep krishnan, Sarath, Saravana kumar, Suthiksha, Vignesh, Kamali and Gobika attended workshop on 18.01.2023 by National intellectual property awareness mission organized by Intellectual property office, Ministry of commerce and industry , Govt of India.
- Mr.M.Mathiarasu, Mr.K.Mukesh Kanna, Mr.S.Vignesh and Mr.S.Vigneshwaran participated in Workshop on Communication protocols for E-Vehicles of Dhruva 2023 organized by Karpagam College of Engineering on 17.2.2023 and 18.02.2023.
- Ms.S.Sujitha, attended “Free Human Resource Skills” Workshop at Tareeqa Global Solution Pvt.Ltd.
- Mr.Sarath, Mr.Saravana Kumar and Mr. Sriram has participated in webinar on “ Advanced materials for fifth generation wireless communication technology” organized by Centre for research and education in social integration and HR development and Indian ceramic society Hyderabad chapter on 25.2.23.
- Mr.A.Natarajan and Rahul.R have participated in a one day workshop on “ Machine learning with python organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology Coimbatore.
- Ms.S. Lalitha Sri, Harini.P, Mutharasi, Priyadharshini, Ragul, Ratheesh, Sneka, Sujitha, Udhaya, Vinoja and Aparna Sri participated in a hackathon on CHATGPT organized by MINFULAI in collaboration with i - hub , SNS College of engineering on 20th and 21st April 2023
- Mr.Alagappan, Mr.Karthick, Mr.Rahul, Mr.Manikandan and Mr.Vimal Kumar Participated in Best out of scrap , organized by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.Arunachalam, Mr.Mohammed Nizar, Mr.G. Naveen and Mr. S.Vignesh Participated in Brain Teaser, organized by SNS college of Engineering on 29.09.2022.
- Mr.Arunachalam Participated in Make a Smiley, organized by SNS college of Engineering on 27.09.2022.
- Mr.Karthik, Mr.Rahul, Participated in Talk With Industrialist, organized by SNS college of Engineering on 27.09.2022.
- Mr.Mohammed Nizar Participated in Robo Race, organized by SNS college of Engineering on 27.09.2022.
- Mr.Shahul Hameed, Mr.Syed Ali and Ms.Lalitha Sri Participated in Intellethon, organized by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.Rahul Participated in Stand Up comedy organized by SNS college of Engineering on 29.09.2022.
- Mr.B.Nithiskumar Participated in Lock & Key organized by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.Mohammed Nizar Participated in Automotive Style organized by SNS college of Engineering on 27.09.2022.
- Mr.G. Naveen and Mr.S.Vignesh Participated in GK Quiz organized by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.Vimal Kumar and Mr.Gokul Participated in Mind Bender Event organised by SNS college of Engineering on 27.09.2022.
- Mr.Manikandan Participated in Social Entrepreneur organised by SNS college of Engineering on 27.09.2022.
- Mr. Dhanush and Mr.KavinSathish Participated in Fox hunt event organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.A.Manikandan, Mr.A.Monson Mathew, Mr.MohamedAzeemS.M,Mr. S.I.MohammedAnas , Mr.MohammedJassir, Mr.P.Muthu, Mr.A.Natarajan,, Mr.Rahul.R , Mr.B.Vikas, Mr.A.M.Santhosh, Ms.K.Sneka, Ms.S.B.Suriya, Ms.Trisha, Mr.K.Vasan, Mr.Somesh.S.K, Ms. Jeyaswarooba, Mr.Manoj, Mr.Mithun, Mr.Mohanpriyan, Mr.Lakshmanan and Mr.M.Abishek Participated in Problem Solving organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr. S.Ragul and Mr.MithunYogesh Participated in Circuit Fix event organised by SNS college of Engineering on 29.09.2022.
- Mr. S.Shankaran Participated in Vivathamedai event organised by SNS college of Engineering on 27.09.2022.
- Mr.Racharla Naveen Kumar, Mr.Anbazhagan and Mr.ArulvarmanParticipated in Circuit Fix event, organised by SNS college of Engineering on 29.09.2022.
- Ms.L.Priyadharshini, Participated in Intellethon, organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Ms.Aparnasri and Ms.Harini.R Participated in 360 degrees , organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Ms.Lalitha Sri Participated in Brain Teaser , organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Ms.Lalitha Sri Participated in Technidebud , organised by SNS college of Engineering on 28.09.2022.
- Mr.Rahul participated in Science Quiz at SNS College of Engineering.
- Mr.K.Alagappan, Mr.R.Rahul and Mr.Karthick.M participated in Photography event at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 2.11.2022.
- Ms. Lalithasri participated in Solo dance organized by Vijay takkar, SNS College of Engineering.
- Mr.Sandeep krishnan participated in football AKSHATHRA 2023 organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.B.Karthick participated in chess at Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Mr.Sarath,B.Karthick, Madhumitha, Prabhapushparaj participated in pot hitting in kovai vizha .
- Mr.B.Karthick and Madhumitha participated in painting event in kovai vizha .
- Ms. Kamali, Dharani, Gobika, Beni, E.Karthick, Dharani, Sandheep krishnan, Vigneshwaran, Prasana rajan, Sanjay, Monicka jose and Nandha participated in Rangoli event in kovai vizha .
- Ms. Kamali, Dharani, Gobika, Beni , Aakash participated in sugarcane eating event in kovai vizha.
- Mr.K.Alagappan, Mr.R.Rahul and Mr.Karthick.M participated in Photography event at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 2.11.2022.
- Ms. Lalithasri participated in Solo dance organized by Vijay takkar, SNS College of Engineering.
- Mr.Sachin participated in Kabadi event in kovai vizha and won first place.
- Mr.Sandheep krishnan presented a short film in kovai vizha and won first place.
- Mr.Sandheep krishnan participated in pot hitting in kovai vizha and won first place.
- Mr.Hariharan participated in Kabadi event in kovai vizha and won Second place.
- Ms.Kavya, Mr.B.Karthick, Madhumitha and sriram participated in clay modeling in kovai vizha and won first place.
- Mr.Gokul, Sarath, Sriram, Hariharan, Sachin and Saravana kumar participated in tug war in kovai vizha and won second place.
- Mr.Aruvarman has won second place in Hockey organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Ms. Lalitha sri has won third place in 4*100 mts Relay organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.Prasanna Rajan has won first place in cricket organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.B.Karthick has won second place in chess organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.B.Karthick has won first place in football organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.Sandeep krishnan has won second place in football organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.Sandeep krishnan has won first place in 5000 mts running organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.Sandeep krishnan has won second place in 1500 mts running organized by SNS College of engineering.
- Mr.Sandeep krishnan and Mr.Sanjay has participated in “QUIZ TRACK” organized by PSG College of arts and science.
- Mr.B.Nanthavishnuvardhanand Mr.Vasan won third place in Intercoliogate Kabadi Tournament conducted by Angel college of Engineering held on 24-22-2022.
- Mr. Manoj.B participated in “Stroke Awareness Run 2022, 10 Kms, Organized by Kumaran medical centre with SNS Institutions.
- Ms. Lalithasri Semi-Finalist in south India level open Badminton Tournament held at Coimbatore at sns institution on 26th and 27th November 2022 organised by Theesmasport30 and sns spine.
- V. Pushparani ,J. Jonah Stefilla and R.Anishkrishna of third EEE has participated event AICTE - VISHWAKARMA award upto semi final
- A.Mohan Raj of IV EEE, “Smart Monitoring and Control of Water Supply in Agasthiyarpatti Village Area Using PLC“ is selected as the Best Project under ‘Excellence in Social Impact’ category in stream -Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SSRD Engineering Students Innovation Challenge – 2017, during 28-29 January 2017.
- One DT Project “Moisture Monitoring using IoT” has won 1st prize with amount of Rs.10, 000 in DT Award Ceremony on 13.09.2019.
- V. Pushparani ,J. Jonah Stefilla and R.Anishkrishna of third EEE has participated event AICTE - VISHWAKARMA award upto semi final
- A.Mohan Raj of IV EEE, “Smart Monitoring and Control of Water Supply in Agasthiyarpatti Village Area Using PLC“ is selected as the Best Project under ‘Excellence in Social Impact’ category in stream -Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SSRD Engineering Students Innovation Challenge – 2017, during 28-29 January 2017.
- One DT Project “Moisture Monitoring using IoT” has won 1st prize with amount of Rs.10, 000 in DT Award Ceremony on 13.09.2019.
- S.S. Jayakrishna and P.Amithraj, IV EEE, presented a technical article of their project idea entitled “Recapture Scheme for Fault Power Through Grounding”, and honor for their proposal, they got appreciation through an award entitled “Dr. Kalam Young Achiever Award 2016” by World Federation at Anna University, Chennai on October 15, 2016.
- T.Kavipriya, K. Narayanan, S. Vasantha Kumar and M. Uthaya Surian IV EEE, presented a technical article of their project idea entitled “Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” and honor for their aim, they got an award entitled “Dr. Kalam Young Achiever Award 2016” by World Federation at Anna University, Chennai on October 15, 2016.
- M.Sanjiv Kumar, S. Nivetha, S. Balasubramani and R. Deepesh IV EEE, presented a technical article of their project and entitled “ Power Flow Monitoring and Control using PLC”, and privileges of their special achievement, they got an award entitled “Dr. Kalam Young Achiever Award 2016” by World Federation at Anna University, Chennai on October 15, 2016.
- S.S. Jayakrishna and P.Amithraj of IV B.E., EEE, have presented a Technical article entitled “Recapture Scheme for Fault Power through Grounding”, in International Conference for Trending Research in Engineering Science and Technology, Salem on September 30, 2016 and received Best Paper Award of this year and also they nominated for Young Scientist Award of the year 2017.
- N.Ranjani and T. Padmakumar of II B.E., EEE Students have participated in MUN program and received Honorable Mention Award for Chit passing Chit passing event, organized by Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, India for MUN program during September 15-17, 2016.
- Prasanth and M. Vignesh of IV B.E., EEE have won First Prize in enubula’17, Technical Paper Presentation entitled “Robotics“, enebula’17 held at Maharaja Engineering College, Coimbatore on August 31, 2017.
- R. Sabarinathan of IV B. E., EEE, has won the Second Prize on “RC Boat Challenge”, organized by India’s First Ever International Level Tech Fest Exclusively for Robotics, Robotsavam 2017 and conducted by IEEE Student at Amrita University, Kollam, Kerala during July 28- 30, 2017.
- N. Ranjani and R. Bhuvaneeswari of II EEE won Second Prize for presenting a technical article entitled “Robotics”, in 7th National Level Technical Symposium BARNSTROMZ’2k16), organized by Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on August 31, 2016.
- T. Kavipriya and R. Geethanjali of III B.E., EEE awarded a first prize for the technical article entitled “Digital Wireless Attendance Maintenance system”, at Sasurie Academy of Engineering, Coimbatore, on April 24, 2016.
- T Gokula Deepika and R Nithya Priya of IV EEE won third prize in Paper presentation at SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore on September 30, 2015.
- R.NIRANJANA and P.THARANI of final EEE has won second prize in Creative Thinking event conducted by PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore on04.01.2019 & 05.01.2019
- S.MUGESH KANNAN,S.RUBESH and A.SYED ANAS ARIF of second EEE students won second prize in Tresure Hunr, Auction & Quiz event conducted by PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore on 4.01.2019
- A. Muthukannan of third year EEE has participated the event Entrepreneurship Quiz 2019 – My Govt throuh online on 07.09.2019.
- A. Muthukannan of third year EEE has participated the event Quiz on Moniya Se Mahatama Tak My Govt throuh online on 14.09.2019.
- R.Niranjana of final year EEE has participated the event Speak For India – Tamilnadu Edition,debate competitionconducted by PSG College Of Arts and Science,Coimbatore,on 18.09.2019."
- P.Kokilavani and S.Rajeswari of third EEE participated the event Circuit Debugging conducted by Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 22.02.2020
- A. Muthukannan and V.Pushparani of third year EEE has participated the event Circuit Machine Mastro conducted bySNS College of Technology, Coimbatore,14.02.2020
- A. Muthukannan of third year EEE has participated the event PUBG conducted by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore,14.02.2020
- A. Muthukannan and V.Pushparani of third year EEE has participated the event Dream II action conducted bySNS College of Technology, Coimbatore,14.02.2020
- R.Ramkumar and R.Anish Krishna of third year EEE has won second prize in Treasure Hunt event conducted by SRI Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore,27.02.2020
- R.Ramkumar ,S.Praveen babu,R.Mohanraj,K.Ashok kumar and R.Anish Krishna of third year EEE and Aswin kumar of second year EEE has won third prize in Treasure Hunt event Arthashastra 2020 Conducted by MBA Department SNS College of Engineering"
- S.Praveen babu,R.Mohanraj,S.Arjun and K.Ajitkumar of third EEE won first prize in PUBG ,Arthashastra 2020 Conducted by MBA Department SNS College of Engineering
- R.Sabharinathan and M.Ganesan of III EEE won II Prize in Circuit Debugging, organized by Panimalar College of Engineering, Chennai on February 11, 2017.
- Prasanth and M. Vignesh of IV B.E., EEE have won First Prize in enubula’17, Technical Paper Presentation entitled “Robotics“, enebula’17 held at Maharaja Engineering College, Coimbatore on August 31, 2017.
- R. Sabarinathan of IV B. E., EEE, has won the Second Prize on “RC Boat Challenge”, organized by India’s First Ever International Level Tech Fest Exclusively for Robotics, Robotsavam 2017 and conducted by IEEE Student at Amrita University, Kollam, Kerala during July 28- 30, 2017.
- S.Gowsalya of III B.E., EEE won the Second prize in “Auto– Quiz”, held at Kalasalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar Dist., Krishnankoil during July 29-30, 2016.
- P.Sakthyvel of III B.E., EEE won the first prize in “Circuit Debugging”, held at Sasurie Academy of Engineering, Coimbatore, and April 24, 2016.
- M.Sanjiv kumar and K. Ashok of III B.E., EEE won first prize in Brain Game in a Technical Symposium organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on February 24, 2016.
- R.Karthick, Guru Preeth Singh of III B.E., EEE won first prize in Machine Mastro event conducted by Kumaraguru College of Technology during February 12-13, 2016.
- T Gokula Deepika and R Nithya Priya of IV EEE won first prize in Brainstrain and Sherlock Holmes and second prize in Encrypto at SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore on September 30, 2015.
- N. Ranjani and R. Bhuvaneeswari of II EEE won Second Prize for presenting a technical article entitled “Robotics”, in 7th National Level Technical Symposium BARNSTROMZ’2k16), organized by Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on August 31, 2016.
- T. Kavipriya and R. Geethanjali of III B.E., EEE awarded a first prize for the technical article entitled “Digital Wireless Attendance Maintenance system”, at Sasurie Academy of Engineering, Coimbatore, on April 24, 2016.
- T Gokula Deepika and R Nithya Priya of IV EEE won third prize in Paper presentation at SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore on September 30, 2015.
- S.Gowsalya and K. Gayathri of III EEE have won First Prize in “Miming”, one of the cultural events organized as a part of our 10th Annual Day, at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on March 30, 2017.
- G.Priyadharshini, S.Prathipa and C.Preethika of II EEE won III Prize in Sales Militia event organized by INNOWAR 2K17 Technical Symposium, at Coimbatore on February 10, 2017.
- S.Gowsalya and team of II B.E., EEE awarded first Prize and P. Sakthyve, R. Gowtham,M. Mohammed Thoufeek, S. Santhosh Kumar, G. R. Nandha Kumar, K. Kamesh, A. Ashok, N. Mohammed Tharik, R. Karthick and D. Aravid of III B.E., EEE got Second Prizes during College Annual day Celebrations 2016, for Miming competition, on April 2, 2016.
- S Jayakrishna, II EEE won first prize in Photo Contest, Techtrack15, Technical Symposium at Adhiyamaan Collge of Engineering, Hosur on September 07, 2015.
- S.Hariharan, II EEE won second prize in Photo Contest, Techtrack15, Technical Symposium at Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur on September 07, 2015.
- S. Archanadevi, IV EEE won first prize in Poetry competition, Uyirmai Tamil Mandram at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on July 17, 2015.
- S.Arockia Vinoth of final EEE has won first prize in Photo walk Event conducted by SNSCE on 12.09.2019
- Students of Electrical and Elctronics Engineering department has participated the event CYCLOTHAN at Racecourse Coimbatore on 15.08.2018
- K. AJITHKUMAR,R. RAMKUMAR,R. VIVEKANANDHA and K. ALAGU RAJA of second EEE students has participated the event MARATHON conducted by BEST ENGINEERING PUMPS on 10.11.2018
- V. PUSHPA RANI of second EEE studentv has participated the event Dance Competition conducted by SNS College of Engineering on05.04.2019
- AJITHKUMAR. K.and SHAIK SHAJAHAN .D of second EEE students won third prize in Anna University Zonal level Volley Ball match at KGISL, Coimbatore on 29.08.2018"
- S. AROCKIA VINOD of third EEE won 3rd Place in National level football Games at Nepal on 30.12.2018 to 01.01.2019
- S. AROCKIA VINOD of third EEE student Played in Tamil Nadu Team 19th National 7-A – Side Football Championship - 2019 at Tirupati Andhra Pradesh on 04.02.2019 to 06.02.2019
- K. AJITH KUMAR of second EEE student has participated the event VOLLEY BALL MATCH in ADITHYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
- T. Arun Kumar of IV B.E., EEE has participated in KPR Trophy ’17 - Basket ball Tournament, at KPR Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during August 9 & 10, 2017.
- T. Arun Kumar of IV B.E., EEE has participated in KICS’17 Sports Tournaments, KCT, Coimbatore on August 16, 2017.
- R. Sabarinathan and T. Arun Kumar of IV B.E., EEE have participated in Anna University Zonal Tournament - 2017 for Basket Ball, at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, during August 29 - 30, 2017.
- R. Gowtham of IV year, B.E., student of Electrical and Electronics Engineer Department have participated in Kabbadi match organized by Anna University, Zonal XI, held at Sree Sakthi College of Engineering, Coimbatore dated on September 20, 2017.
- R. Gowtham of IV year, B.E., student of Electrical and Electronics Engineer Department have participated in Atheletic event, 20000 m, organized by Anna University, Zonal XI, held at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore dated on September 26, 2017
- V. Gokul of IV year, B.E., student of Electrical and Electronics Engineer Department have participated in Badminton match, organized by Anna University, Zonal XI, held at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore during September 24-25, 2017.
- S. Arockia Vinoth of II year, B.E., student of Electrical and Electronics Engineer Department have participated in Football match, organized by Anna University, Zonal XI, held at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore dated on September 12, 2017
- R. Gowtham of IV year, N. Balaprasanth III B.E., EEEand B.E., student of Electrical and Electronics Engineer Department have participated in “Kabadi” PPG Trophy, PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore February 06, 2018.
- S. Arockia Vinoth of II year, B.E., student of Electrical and Electronics Engineer Department have participated in Football match, PPG Trophy, PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore February 06, 2018
- S. Pavithra of III EEE was the Runner of the event Carom during 9th Annual Sports Day at SNSCE on February 12, 2016.
- S.Gowsalya II EEE and team, was the Runner-up in the event Table Tennis and Volley Ball during the 9th Annual Sports Day held at SNSCE on February 12, 2016.
- S.Gowsalya , II EEE and team won the event Throw Ball during the 9th Annual Sports Day held at SNSCE on February 12, 2016.
- R.Sabharinathan of II EEE won the event Basket Ball during the 9th Annual Sports Day held at SNSCE on February 12, 2016.
- R. Gowtham of II EEE won the event Kho-Kho and was Runner-up in Kabbadi during 9th Annual Sports Day held at SNSCE on February 12, 2016.
- Mr.V.Mani attended one week online faculty development programme on the theme of “Indian knowledge systems” from 02.01.2023 to 08.01.2023 organized by in KR Mangalam university in Collaboration with Council for teacher education foundation , Delhi.
- Ms.Jebarani Evangeline attende short term training programme on “ Recent technologies in E-mobility and Battery Management System”from 9.01.2023 to 13.01.2023 organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tripur.
- V.Mani attended workshop on 18.01.2023 by National intellectual property awareness mission organized by Intellectual property office, Ministry of commerce and industry , Govt of India.
- Mr.V.Mani and Mrs. Divya Banu.P attended six days workshop on Emerging trends and opportunities in wireless charging of electric vehicles organized by Electric Vehicle Charging Research Centre , SRM Institute of Science and Technology from 20.02.2023 to 25.02.2023.
- Dr.S.Jebarani Evangeline, Mr.V.Mani, Mrs.P.Divya Banu, Ms.M.Indhumathi, Mrs.M.Saranya and Ms.R.Revathi attended workshop on NBA Accreditation process on 22.02.2023 organized by SNS College of Engineering.
- Mr.V.Mani participated in the “ International Webinar on Advanced Materials for Fifth Generation (5G) Wireless Communication Technology” organized by Centre for Research and Education in Social Integration and HR Development and Indian Ceramic Society, Hyderabad chapter on 25.2.2023.
- Mr.V.Mani attended the National Webinar on “ Research Paradigms” organized by the IQAC in collaboration with the Research Cell on 25.02.2023.
- Ms. M.Indumathi, Mrs Saranya and Ms. Revathi has successfully attended a one day workshop on “ Overviewing of Indian Patenting Process” on 18.3.2023 organized by GS Mandal's Marathwada Institute of Technology.
- Mrs. Saranya attended workshop on “ Design thinking and microprocessor” organized by Annapoorna engineering college on 7.3.2023.
- Ms. M.Indumathi has participated in the “Webinar on global applications using IOT in digital marketing “ on 24.03.2023 organized by Chalapathi institute of Engineering and Technology.
- Mr.V.Mani has participated in webinar on “ Advanced materials for fifth generation wireless communication technology” organized by Centre for research and education in social integration and HR development and Indian ceramic society Hyderabad chapter on 25.2.23.
- Mrs. Saranya has completed “ Recent advances on Data science, Data analytics and cyber security” Organized by Sri Vishnu engineering college for women on 1.3.2023 to 5.03.2023.
- Mrs. Saranya has completed “ Art of writing research paper” organized by Rajiv Gandhi college of management studies on 18.03.2023.
- Ms.Revathi R has attended Astamangala meditation program organized by foundation of India &RFI-Care on 16.03.2023
- V.Mani attended workshop on 18.01.2023 by National intellectual property awareness mission organized by Intellectual property office, Ministry of commerce and industry , Govt of India.
- Mr.V.Mani, Mrs.M.Saranya, Ms. R.Revathi attended an one day workshop on “Innovative Pedagogies for Teaching and an Overview of Intellectual Property Rights” organized by SNS College of Technology, on 21st October 2022.
- Ms.Indhumathi attended National Online workshop on “Research Ethics and Identifying Predatory and Cloned Journals in Publications” Organized on 25.11.2022 by Indian institute of Management and Commerce.
- Mr.V.Mani attended a workshop on “ Digital Skills for educators and E - Content Development” on 29.11.22 organized by Gurushala and K.R.Mangalam University.
- Mr.V.Mani attended one week online faculty development programme on the theme of “Indian knowledge systems” from 02.01.2023 to 08.01.2023 organized by in KR Mangalam university in Collaboration with Council for teacher education foundation , Delhi.
- Ms.Jebarani Evangeline attende short term training programme on “ Recent technologies in E-mobility and Battery Management System”from 9.01.2023 to 13.01.2023 organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tripur.
- Ms.Indhumathi attended 8 days faculty development program on “Research, Publication and Patent in Humanities and Sciences ” from 22-08-2022 to 30-08-2022 organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
- Mrs.Divya Banu.P attended 5 days faculty development program on “Green Engineering and Sustainable Technology” (GEST’2K22), from 29.08.2022 to 02.09.2022 organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Coimbatore.
- Mrs.M.Saranya and Ms.R.Revathi attended 5 days faculty development program on “Cryptocurrency, Block chain and cyber security” from 12-09-2022 to 16-09-2022 organized by KMM college of arts and science.
- Mrs.P.Divya Banu participated in FIVE DAYS short term training program on “Design of Experiments for Engineers and Researchers” organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College from 17th to 21st October 2022.
- Mrs.M.Saranya participated in IP Awareness / Training Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mision on 19th Oct 2022.
- Mr.V.Mani, Mrs.Divya Banu.P, and Ms.Revathi attended five days faculty development programme on “Universal Human Values” organized by AICTE.
- Mrs.P.Divya Banu. Mr.V.Mani, Mrs.M.Saranya, Ms.M.Indhumathi and Ms.Revathi attended one day national online faculty development programme on “Impressive social Etiquette” held on 4.11.2022.
- Mrs.M.Saranya,Ms.Indhumathi attended one day national online faculty development programme on “ Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber security.
- Ms.R.Revathi attended a training programme on “ Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct for Teachers” Organized on 10.11.2022 in collaboration with council for teachers Education Foundation, Delhi.
- Mr.Mani attended training program on “Professional ethics and code of conduct of teachers organized on 10th November 2022, in collaboration with council of Teacher Education Foundation (CTEF), Delhi NCR Chapter.
- Ms. Revathi, Mr.V.Mani attended a faculty development program on Pedagogical Techniques for quality Higher Education from 1st december to 7th december 2022 organized by K.R.Mangalam University..
- Mr.V.Mani attended a faculty development program on Innovation in Recent Trends in Computing from 28.11.22 to 2.12.22 organized by JIS University