department of electrical and electronics engineering
Student Publications
- Journal Publications
- Patent
Faculty Publications
- Journal Publications
- Patent
- Book Publications
student publications
- M.Murugeshwari, ”Automatic oil packing machine using pneumatic system”, Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, vol 2, issue 6, 2016
- R.Gurubalan,”Automatic oil packing machine using pneumatic system”, Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, vol 2, issue 6, 2016
- M.Christysofi,”Automatic oil packing machine using pneumatic system”, Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, vol 2, issue 6, 2016
- P.Balasubramani,”Automatic oil packing machine using pneumatic system”, Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, vol 2, issue 6, 2016
- S.S.Jayakrishna, P.Amithraj, “Recapture Scheme for Fault Power through Grounding”, International Journal of Advanced Research Methodology in Engineering & Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2016
- K.Shakthi kumar, “Automated broke feeding frame work in paper machine using PLC”, International Journal of future innovative science and engineering research, march- 2017 (Google Scholar)
- G.Gurupreethsingh, “Automated broke feeding frame work in paper machine using PLC”, International Journal of future innovative science and engineering research, march- 2017 (Google Scholar)
- S.Vignesh, “Certain investigation on paper recycling system using automation system”, International journal of research in Electrical Engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- S.Santhosh kumar, “Certain investigation on paper recycling system using automation system”, International journal of research in Electrical Engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- K.Rajasukumar, “Submersible pump control for agriculture irrigation using IOT Techniques”, International journal of research in Electrical Engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- R.Geethanjali, “Submersible pump control for agriculture irrigation using IOT Techniques”, International journal of research in Electrical Engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- R.Gowtham, “Submersible pump control for agriculture irrigation using IOT Techniques”, International journal of research in Electrical Engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- D.Aravinthkumar, “Submersible pump control for agriculture irrigation using IOT Techniques”, International journal of research in Electrical Engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
faculty publications
- Ms.S.Jebarani Evangeline published a paper on “ An Analysis of Denoising Neural Networks for Noise Removal in Images”, Przeglad Electrotechniczny, Issue No. 02, 2023 ( Scopus indexed).
- Mrs.P.Divya Banu published a paper on “ Low power solar tree” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology.
- Mrs.M.Saranya published a paper on “IOT Based Gas Detection System” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology.
- Dr. Jebarani Evangeline has been recognized for the valuable contribution as a reviewer for the International conference on Innovation, Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control (ICIRIAC 2022), Organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 14th October 2022.
- Dr. Jebarani Evangeline published a Research Article on " An Analysis of Denoising Neural Networks for Noise Removal in Images", PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, Issue No. 2, 2023, pp. 27-31.
- Mrs.P.Divya Banu has attented a conference on “Improved speed control of a solsr based BLDC mptor Drive using Luo Converter”.
- Mrs.P.Divya Banu has attented a conference on “Analysis of Converter Topologies for wind Energy Conversion Systems.
- S. Muthu Vijaya Pandian, “Reduced Energy Management on ATMs Air Conditioners using IoT” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue-9, ISSN: 2278-3075
- S. Muthu Vijaya Pandian, “A Novel Strategic Approach to Enhanced High Performance Evaluation of IDVR and IPFC” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 19, Edi : 4, Art; 19.4.48
- S. Muthu Vijaya Pandian, “Secure Data Storage System in Multi Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 13 (2019), pp. 210-214
- M Maheswari, S Thangavel, C.Vivekanandan, “Hardware realization of DVR with 27 level multi carrier PWM based MLI” Journal of Electrical Engineering, 7, 3.29, 1-8, 2018.
- Rasappan Senthil Kumar, Vivekanandan Chenniappan, “ A novel switching strategy for realization of single phase matrix converter as a universal power electronic converter” Journal of Electrical Engineering 19, 3, 32 – 40, 2018.
- Arumugham, K. & Chenniappan, “Least Mobility High Power (LMHP) Dynamic Routing for QoS Development in MANET”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2019 (SCI Journal).
- Sumathi, R. Vidhyapriya, C. Vivekanandan, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, “Enhancing 4G Co-existence with Wi-Fi/IoT using cognitive radio”, Cluster Computing, pp 1–11, 2017.
- Kamatchi, C. Vivekanandan and B. Thilagavathi, “Detection and Correction of Multiple Upsets in Memories Using Modified Decimal Matrix Code”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano Science, American Scientific Publishers, Volume. 14, pp. 1543-1547, 2017. ISSN: 1546-1955.
- Manoharan R.Karthick, R.Harish, Adaptive Fuzzy Based UPFC Controller for Transient Stability Analysis in Autonomous Wind-Diesel Hybrid System”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118, 637-645, 2018.
- K.Gobu, D.Boobathiraja, R.Deepakkaviyaradass, Mr.M.Sanket, Mr.M.Vasanthakumar, “Master follower load sharing system using variable Frequency drive in paper rolling mill”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, 7, 3, 2018. ISSN NO: 2279-543X (UGC Journal).
- CV Pavithra and C Vivekanandan, Bidirectional three port converter for power flow management of PV/Battery-Fed elevator system, Journal of Vibroengineering 20 (1), 732-747, 2018.
- Madhanraj, ” Automatic Baggage Storage using Embedded Systems”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2018.
- Manikandan, “War field robot with landmine detection and radium mapping using Atmega (Arduino) microcontroller” International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2018.
- Gayathri, “Agriculture grain crops drying and handling using embedded and photovoltaic technology” International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2018.
- Boobathiraja, “Master follower load sharing system using variable frequency drive in paper rolling mill” International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2018.
- Anuradha Balasundaram and Vivekanandan Chenniappan, “Reducing Energy Consumption by Code Repositioning For Memory Levels”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, ISSN:2249-7315 (ONLINE), 2250-1665 (PRINT), (IMPACT FACTOR: 0.315 GLOBAL) March 2017.
- Senthil Kumar R and Vivekanandan C, ”Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System With Induction Motor Load Using Fuzzy Logic Controlled Upqc”, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, March 2016 (Annexure- I)
- C.Vivekanandan, Prabakaran.B, “Automatic control of domestic fan using infrared thermometer and a microcontroller”, International Journal of electrical engineering 2016 (Scopused- A-II)
- Senthilkumar R. and Vivekananadan C., “A Comparative Harmonic Analysis of Single Level and Two Level Matrix Converter with Various Load Condition”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, ISSN 2449-7315, Asian Resort Consortium, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 221-237, September 2016. (Annexure- I)
- Vaneetha and C. Vivekanandan, “Efficient Interference Prediction using Bivariate Moment Generating Function in MANET”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, American Scientific Publishers, January 2017. (Scopused- A-II)
- Vaneetha and C. Vivekanandan, “Link Interposition Detection Based Revamped Routing In Manet Based On Buffer Efficient Restore Connectivity”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications , Dec 2016. (Scopused- A-II)
- Senthilkumar R. and Vivekananadan C., “A novel switching strategy for realization of single phase matrix converter with harmonic analysis,”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications , Dec 2016. (Scopused- A-II)
- S.Kamatchi, C.Vivekanandan, “An improved aging-aware reliable vedic multiplier with novel adaptive hold logic circuit”, International Journal of Printing, Packaging and Allied Sciences, Dec 2016 (Annexure- I)
- B.Prabakaran, C.Vivekanandan, “Wireless Charger- A Review”, International Journal of research & scientific innovation, vol III, Issue VI, June 2016.
- R.B.Selvakumar, ”Design & development of permanent magnet brushless DC motor for solar water pumping application”, International journal of research in electrical engineering, volume 3, issue 4, 2016 (Google Scholar)
- M.Maheshwari, ”Automatic oil packing machine using pneumatic system”, Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, vol 2, issue 6, 2016 (Google Scholar)
- K.Rajeshkumar, S.Vaseela, ”Automatic home appliance control using GSM & Bluetooth”, International journal of research in electrical engineering, volume 3, issue 2, 2016 (Google Scholar)
- V.Preetha, “Automated broke feeding frame work in paper machine using PLC”, International Journal of future innovative science and engineering research, march- 2017 (Google Scholar)
- V.Preetha, “Certain investigation on paper recycling system using automation system”, International journal of research in electrical engineering, volume 4, issue 2, 2016 (Google Scholar)
- S.Vaseela, “Submersible pump control for agriculture irrigation using IOT Techniques”, International journal of research in Electrical Engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- B.Sajitha, T.Tharan Kumar,“ A non isolated bidirectional PWM active clamped DC-DC converter with soft switching”, International journal of modern trends in Engineering & science, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- B.Sajitha, T.Tharan Kumar,“ Automatic Brick making using PLC”, International journal of modern trends in Engineering & science, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- B.Sajitha, S.Senthil Kumar,“ A non isolated bidirectional PWM DC-DC converter with soft switching”, International journal of research in electrical engineering, volume 4, issue 2, 2016 (Google Scholar)
- B.Jagadeesh, “Detection of defective tiles in manufacturing process using PLC and image processing”, International journal of research in electrical engineering, volume 4, issue 2, 2016 (Google Scholar
- R.Venkatesh, “Field controlled DC drive using MOSFET based chopper control”, International journal of research in electrical engineering, April 2017. (Google Scholar)
- R.Venkatesh, “Single source cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter using three phase transformers for three phase applications”, International journal of research in electrical engineering, April 2017. (Google Scholar)
- S.Sharmila, “Smart power flow monitoring and controlling using Raspberry Pi”, International journal of science technology & engineering, April 2017 (Google Scholar)
- Charles S, Vivekanandan C, “An Efficient FPGA based Real-Time Implementation Shunt Active Power Filter for Current Harmonic Elimination and Reactive Power Compensation” International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, JEET, Vol. 10, Issue 04,pp 1656- 1667, July 2015
- Gunapriya.B, Sabrigiriraj.M, Pavithra.C.V, Vivekanandan. C,” Performance Enhancement of BLDC Drives In Electric Vehicles By Using Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Pi Controller”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 2 (2015) pp. 3993-4006
- G.Karthiga, D.Gokilapriya, “Sleep scheduling and minimizing the energy consumption & latency induty-cycled sensor networks with intelligent hybrid MAC”, International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, June 2015.
- Senthil Kumar R and Vivekanandan C, ”Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System With Induction Motor Load Using Fuzzy Logic Controlled Upqc”, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, March 2016
- Preetha, “Digital wireless attendance maintenance system”, International Journal of advanced research trends in engineering and technology, vol 3 issue 24, April 2016
- Preetha, “ Automatic control of hydraulic machine using PLC”, International Journal of advanced research trends in engineering and technology, vol 3 issue 24, April 2016
- Venkatesh, “ design & analysis of soft switching variable speed drive”, International journal of science technology & engineering, vol 2, issue 10, April 2016
- K.Gobu, “Automatic energy monitoring system”, International journal of engineering research, vol 4, issue 2, April 2016
- Karthikeyan, ”Virtually controlled semi automated smart home”, International journal of science technology & engineering, vol 2, issue 10, April 2016
- Vivekanandan, “Smart power flow monitoring and control”, International journal of science technology & engineering, vol 2, issue 10, April 2016
- Jagadeesh,” Series transformer based solid state fault current limiter”, International journal of research electrical engineering, vol 3, issue 3, May 2016
- Vaseela,”Security system using Rasberry PI model B+”, International journal of research electrical engineering, vol 3, issue 3, May 2016
- Sharmila, “Multi-Information & advanced economy assist inbuilt meter”, International journal of science technology & engineering, vol 2, issue 10, April 2016
- Sajitha, “Application of HOMER software in wind & solar resources integration”, International journal of science technology & engineering, vol 2, issue 10, April 2016
- Vivekanandan,Prabakaran.B, “A novel method for regulation of wind speed of wind turbines”, International Journal of applied engineering research 2015
- Kalpana, Prabakaran.B, C.Vivekanandan, “High voltage gain boost converter for battery charging using PV panels”, International Journal of applied engineering research 2015
- Vivekanandan,Prabakaran.B, “Automatic control of domestic fan using infrared thermometer and a microcontroller”, International Journal of electrical engineering 2016
- Maheswari, S.Thangavel, R.Suresh kumar and C.Vivekanandan ,”Power Quality Improvement Using Multilevel Inverter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer with PI Controller”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Gokulapriya and S.Barvin Banu ,”MTTP Measurement of Photovoltaic System Under Partial Shading Condition Using DPSO Algorithm”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- V.Karthikeyan, S.Thangavel, Sreedendu and R.Sasikala ,”Design and Analysis of Three Phase Four Wire Shunt Active Filter with Neural Network Controller for Different Loading Conditions”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Maheswari, S.Thangavel, C.Vivekandan ,”Multilevel Inverter Based DVR using Multi Carrier Sinusoidl Pulse Width Modulation Technique with Fuzzy Logic Controller”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2014
- Charles Siluvaimuthu and Vivekanandan Chenniyappan ,”A Low Cost Reconfigurable Field-programmable Gate Array Based Three-phase Shunt Active Power Filter for Current Harmonic Elimination and Power Factor Constraints”, Electric Power Components and systems, 2014
- Sekar Kannuppaiyan and Vivekanandan Chenniappan ,”Numerical Inverse Definite Minimum Time Overcurrent Relay for Microgrid Power Sysytem Protection”, IEEE Transaction on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2014
- Maruthu Pandiyan.R, Prabakaran.B and C.Vivekanandan ,”Nine Level Inverter with Boost Converter from Renewable Energy Source”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2015
- Pratheba, V.Kanimozhi , ”Vehicle Speed Violation Control & Tracki8ng using GSM”, International Journal of Research in Information Technology, 2014
- Greeshma Govind, R.S.Kumar, M.Maheswari ,”Performance Assessment of Photovoltaic Predicted Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Nidhin Antony and K.Karthikeyan, ”Multiple Winding Linear Transformer for Interleaved Step-up ZVT converter ”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Tinu Francis and P.Gokulakrishnan ,”Embedded Based PFC Converter for an Air Conditioner with BLDC Motor”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Aysha and P.Selvakumar, ”Photovoltaic Power System Application Using Energy Stored Quasi Z Source Inverter”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Jaiganesh and S.Sharmila,”Hybrid Power System Based Load Sharing and Maintaining the DC Voltage in UPS System”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Sumith Suredran and R.B.Selvakumar ,”Cascaded Dual Buck Inverter with Sensor less Current Control Method for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems”, Lecturer Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014
- Saranya, C.K.Gobu,”An automated multiple Indian currency denomination recognizer & counter “,International journal of applied engineering research, vol 10, feb 2015
- Mukil, C.K.Gobu, “Detection & enhancement of the MR images using fuzzy K means algorithm “,International journal of advanced research trends in engineering & technology, Feb. 2015
- Mukil, C.K.Gobu,”Detection & area calculation of the tumor cells in MR images using fuzzy K means algorithm“,International journal of applied engineering research, vol 10, feb 2015
- V, G.Shivaraj,”VLSI realization of reversible data hiding scheme based on two dimensional difference histogram modification”, International journal of applied engineering research, vol 10, feb 2015
- S.Sachin and R.B.Selvakumar, “Digital Control Strategy for Four Quadrant Operation of Three Phase Brushless DC Motor with Different Load Torque”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 12, pp.10880-10884, April 2015. ISSN 0973-4562.?
- Mahalakshmi.S, Sasikumar.S, ”Implementation of home lighting system using pulse width modulation technique and analysis of load priority”, International Journal of Emerging technology & innovative engineering, march 2015.
- Sajitha.B, “Integrating Renewable Energy Based Power Balancing System for Grid Tied Applications”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(IJAREEIE) Vol. 4, Issue 3, March2015.
- B. Jagadeesh, Dr. P. Prakasam and Dr. C. Vivekanandan “Electric Power Transmission and Distribution – A Teacher’s Guide”, Krish Publishers, 2018.
- Dr. K. V. Shri Ram Vasudevan, Dr.C. Vivekanandan, Dr. D. P. Kothari and Dr. Priyanka “Getting Yourself Interview Ready – ECE”, IK International Publishers, 2016.
- Gokilapriya, B.Jagadeesh, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”, Bonfring Publications 2014, ISBN No.:978-93-84743.
- R.B.Selvakumar, “Basics of Power Electronics”, Bonfring Publications 2014, ISBN No.:978-93-84743.
- Dr.K.A.Palaniswamy, “Basics of Electrical Engineering”, Pratheba Publishers.