DEPARTMENT OF electrical and electronics ENGINEERING
centre for creativity
CFC in Professional Practice is a unique collaboration between leading researchers and academics from all of City. This centre is undertaken interdisciplinary research, teaching and knowledge transfer in creativity and innovation. Its growing focus on enterprise and on leadership in creativity and innovation make SNS a natural new host. The centre also investigates the phenomenon of creativity and how to lead and support it in professional practice. We treat creative leadership and problem solving as critical skills that can be learned and supported with the cutting-edge frameworks, processes techniques and digital tools that are developed by the Centre and underpinned by interdisciplinary theories and models.
Student Industry Projects
google citations
SNS Creative Hub

international relations

Students Achievements
- Mr.K.Alagappan, Mr.R.Rahul and Mr.Karthick.M participated in TRA and obtained Level 4.
- Mr.Ajith, Mr. Abishek, Mr.Anand and Mr.Anbazhagan participated in TRA and obtained Level 4.
- Mr.Raja, Mr. Raahul.R, Ms.Roshinisanawazan and Mr.Priyadharshini participated in TRA and obtained Level 3.
research fund GENERATION
- Ms.S.Jebarani Evangeline is awarded as “Best Researcher “ by Institute of Scholars, 2022.
- Dr.B.Goldvin Sugirtha and Mr.T.Tharankumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Energy harvester for globetrotter and camper" for MSME/ Applied fund of Rs.4,10,000.
- Mr.B.Jagadeesh, Mr.R.Harish and Dr.C.Vivekanadan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Anti-Dengue machine" for MSME/ Applied fund of Rs.4,10,000.
- Mr.R.B.Selvakumar and Dr.C.Vivekanadan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Design & Development of on Board Battery Charger for Plug in Electric Vehicles with Grid Reactive Power Support(V2g)" for CPRI/ Applied fund of Rs.16,39,000.
- Mr.R.B.Selvakumar and Dr.C.Vivekanadan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Electric Vehicle battery charger: Development of on board battery charger for electric vehicle with active and reactive power control strategy" for RPS, AICTE/Applied fund of Rs.25,00,000.
- Mr.R.Venkadesh and Mr.K.Karthickyen from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "MODROBS for Electrical machines" for MODROBS, AICTE/Applied fund of Rs.19,93,000.
- Dr.C.Vivekanadan and Mr.R.Venkadesh from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "MODROBS for Electrical machines" for MODROBS, AICTE/ Applied fund of Rs.17,23,360.
- Dr.C.Vivekanadan and Mr.R.B.Selvakumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Research" for RPS, AICTE/Applied fund.
- Dr.C.Vivekanadan, Dr.M.Maheshwari, and Mr.R.B.Selvakumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Design & Development of on Board Battery Charger for Plug in Electric Vehicles with Grid Reactive Power Support(V2g)" for CPRI/ Applied fund of Rs.12.9 Lakhs.
- Dr.C.Vivekanadan, Mr.P.Gokula Krishnan and Mr.G.Shivaraj from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Agricultural Robot" for MSME/ Applied fund of Rs.7,88,500.
- Dr.M.Maheshwari and Mr.T.Tharankumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Detection of Fault Location in Transmission Lines Through Ultrasound Technique" for SNSCE FUND SCHEME fund of Rs. 82,000.
- Mr.R.B.Selvakumar & Mr.C.K.Gobu from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Design & Development of Multifunctional Hybrid Inverter" for SNSCE FUND SCHEME fund of Rs. 1,64,500.
- Dr.M.Maheshwari and Mr.G.Shivaraj from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "VLSI Based Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Modified Z-Source Inverter Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Ms.S.Vaseela from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Submersible Pump Control for Agriculture Irrigation Using IOT Techniques" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.P.Gokula Krishnan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Hybrid UAV" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.T.Tharankumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Smart Monitoring & Control of Water Supply in Adayakarunkulam Village Areas Using PLC" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.K.Karthikeyan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Hydraulic Hot Press Control Using PLC" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.R.B.Selvakumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Bidirectional Dc to Dc Converter For Energy Storage Systems in Smart Grid" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.R.Venkatesh from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Design & Analysis of Soft Switching Variable Speed Drive by Field Method" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Dr.C.Vivekanandan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "RESEARCH LABORATORY FOR POWER QUALITY ANALYSES AND ENHANCEMENT" for AICTE/RPS Applied and sanctioned fund of Rs. 5,07,000.
- Mr.P.Gokula Krishnan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "ARM BASED SMART POWER UTILIZATION" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Dr.C.Vivekanandan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "POWER THEFT IDENTIFICATION USING SMART GRID TECHNOLOGY & AUTOMATIC TRIPING OF TRANSFORMER USING NO LOAD CONDITION" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.C.Sasikumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "PLC BASED AUTOMATION FOR PACKAGING & BATCH PROCESSING FOR WIRE HARNESSES" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.P.Gokula Krishnan from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "EMBEDDED BASED VIDEO MONITORING " for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Ms.S.Sharmila from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "MULTI INFORMATION & ECONOMY ASSIST INBUILT METER FOR AUTOMOBILE" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.G.SHIVARAJ from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "CABLE SEQUENCE CHECKER FOR WIRE HARNESSING" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Mr.R.B.SELVAKUMAR from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "DESIGN OF BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR FOR SOLAR SUBMERSIBLE WATER PUMPING APPLICATION" for TNSCST/ Applied fund of Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.
- Dr.C.Vivekanandan and Prof.R.B.Selvakumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Development and control of a laboratory-scale DC microgrid" for seed fund of Rs. 118720/- from SNSCE angel investors.
- Prof.B.Sajitha and Prof.T.Tharankumar from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Pre-fault identification and detection in transmission line through ultrasound techniques" for seed fund of Rs.243500/- from SNSCE angel investors.
- Dr.B.Goldvin, Sugirtha Dhas and Prof.V.Preetha from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Renewable energy powered bus stop" for seed fund of Rs.92000/- from SNSCE angel investors.
- Prof.B.Jagadeesh and Prof.R.Harish from EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Power quality improvement" for seed fund of Rs.474000/- from SNSCE angel investors.
- S.Vignesh, S.Venkatesh and M.Raghupathy from III year EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Automatic fault detection in railway track" for seed fund of 27800.
- T. Padma Kumar, N.Ranjani and R.Priya from III year EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Emergency alerting device" for seed fund of Rs.100000.
- S.Prathipa, C. Preethika and V. Tharani, S. Kavya from III year EEE Department submitted a proposal on "Gas cylinder sensor" for seed fund of Rs.72610.
- On Progression
- Established the Texas Instrument Teaching Innovation Laboratory Month of November.
- Ms.B.Sajitha, Mr.B.Jagadeesh and Ms.V.Preetha Assistant Professor are selected and provisionally registered for Ph.D in Anna University, Chennai in the month of april, 2017
- Research seminar was held on 07.01.2017 title of “A Field Programmable Gate Array Based Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) for Power Quality Improvement.” It was presented by Mr. S. Charles, Ph.D. Scholar, Supervised by Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor/EEE and Vice Principal.
- The first DC meeting was conducted with respective DC Members on 06.01.2017 for Ms.V. Preetha, Assistant Professor/EEE and for Mr. B. Jagadeesh, Assistant Professor/EEE, who have registered to pursue their doctoral degree under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor/EEE and Vice Principal.
- The fourth DC meeting was conducted with respective DC Members on 20.01.2017 for Mr. S. Charles, Ph.D. Scholar, Supervised by Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor/EEE and Vice Principal.
- Mr. S. Charles, Ph.D. Scholar, pursuing his Doctoral Degree under the Supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor/EEE and Vice Principal has successfully completed his research work and his Ph.D. Viva-voce examination for was held on February 03, 2017. The title of research work was “A Reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Array Based Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) for Power Quality Improvement”.
- The DC meeting was conducted with respective DC Members on February 07, 2017 for Prof. B. Anuradha, HoD/IT, SNSCE, Ph.D. Scholar, and Supervised by Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor/EEE and Vice Principal.
- The Ph.D. Scholar Mr. R. Senthilkumar presented a seminar on his research work on 13-02-2017.
- Synopsis approval DC meeting was held on February 16, 2017 for Mr. R. Senthilkumar, Ph.D. scholar supervised by Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor/EEE and Vice Principal. The DC Member attended the meeting are Dr. V. Manikandan, Professor, EEE. CIT and Dr. Sureshkumar, Professor, EEE, NGP Institute of Technology.
- The confirmation of provisional admission into Doctoral Degree program in Anna University of Mr. R. B. Selvakumar, AP/EEE, Research Scholar, pursing his research under the supervision of Dr. C.Vivekanandan, Vice-Principal, SNSCE, was received from Centre for Research, Anna University, Chennai on 03.04.2017.
- Ms. Vaneetha Kumar, research scholar, has successfully submitted her thesis after incorporating all the corrections mentioned in her scrutiny report from Anna University in the month of April, 2017
- Mr. R. Senthilkumar has successfully submitted his thesis to Anna University in the month of April, 2017
- Doctoral Committee for Prof. B. Anuradha, Research Scholar, was convened by her supervisor Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & Head /EEE on June 28, 2019 in which her synopsis entitled “A Comparative Study on the Performance Improvement of Certain Memory Hierarchies using Code Repositioning Strategy”, was approved by the DC members Dr. R. Neelaveni and Dr. P. T. Vanathi, Processors, PSG College of Technology. Subsequently she submitted her thesis to University on June 30, 2017.
- V. Vaneetha, Ph.D. Scholar, pursuing his Doctoral Degree under the Supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & Head /EEE and Vice Principal has successfully completed her research work and her Ph.D. Viva-voce examination for was held on 21.09.2017. The title of research work was “Certain Investigations on Enhancing the Interference Prediction using Link Interposition Detection Based Revamped Routing in MANET”.
- Synopsis submitted by two research scholars, Ms. B. Anuradha and Ms. S. Kamatchi, pursuing their doctoral degree under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & Head/EEE were accepted and they were permitted to submit their thesis.
- Comments, from both Indian and Foreign Examiners, on the thesis submitted by Mr. R. Senthilkumar, Ph.D. Scholar, pursuing his doctoral degree under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & Head/EEE has been received and public viva-voce examination for him will be conducted shortly.
- S. Bharahi and Ms. Nithya Subramanium have applied to Anna University for Ph.D. program under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & Head/EEE.
- R. Senthilkumar, Ph.D. Scholar, pursuing his Doctoral Degree under the Supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & Head /EEE and Vice Principal has successfully completed her research work and his Ph.D. Viva-voce examination for was held on 28.03.2018. The title of research work was “Certain Investigation on Harmonic Analysis of FACTS Devices, Matrix Converter as Universal Converter, and Multilevel Converter”.
- Research thesis submitted by Ms. B. Anuradha, HoD, IT, who is pursuing Doctoral Degree under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor & Head/EEE, has been evaluated by both Indian and Foreign examiners and awarded the highest, Highly Commendable, by both the examiners.
- Anna University has formed the panel for conducting oral Viva-voce examination for Ms. B. Anuradha, Research Scholar, pursuing her Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor and Head/EEE and her viva-voce examination is tentatively scheduled on July 16, 2018.
- The thesis submitted by Ms. S. Kamatchi, Research Scholar pursuing her Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr.C.Vivekanandan, Professor and Head/EEE has been approved by both Indian and foreign examiners with Highly Commendable and Commendable comments respectively.
- C. V. Pavithra, Research Scholar pursuing her doctoral degree under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor and Head/EEE has submitted her thesis successfully.
- Anna University has provisionally admitted Ms. S. Bharathi, AP/EEE, SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul to pursue her research under the guidance of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor and Head/EEE.
- B. Anuradha, Research Scholar, pursuing her Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr. C.Vivekanandan, Professor and Head/EEE and her Viva-Voce Examination of her Ph.D. Thesis Entitled “A Comparative Study on the Performance Improvements of Certain Memory Hierarchies Using Code Repositioning Strategy” was conducted on 16.07.2018 at 10:00 AM in the MBA seminar hall.
- S. Kamatchi, Research Scholar, pursuing her research work entitled “Development of Efficient Aging-Aware Reliable Multipliers for the Application of Error Detection and Correction in FIR Filter“, under the supervision of Dr. C. Vivekanandan, Professor and Head/EEE, had her Viva-Voce Examination on 03.09.2018 at 10:00 AM in the MBA seminar hall.
- A.Mohan Raj of IV EEE, “Smart Monitoring and Control of Water Supply in Agasthiyarpatti Village Area Using PLC“ is selected as the Best Project under ‘Excellence in Social Impact’ category in stream -Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SSRD Engineering Students Innovation Challenge – 2017, during 28-29 January 2017.
- One DT Project “Moisture Monitoring using IoT” has won 1st prize with amount of Rs.10, 000 in DT Award Ceremony on 13.09.2019.
- Dr.C.Vivekanandan from EEE Department submitted a project proposal on "RESEARCH LABORATORY FOR POWER QUALITY ANALYSES AND ENHANCEMENT" for AICTE/RPS Applied and sanctioned fund of Rs. 5,07,000.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Introduction to Tikz: Build Your Diagram in LaTex" by Dr.B.Goldvin Sugirtha Dhas, Assistant Professor from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SNSCE on 17.09.2018. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Power Semiconductors for Power Electronic Converters" by Mr.R.B.Selvakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SNSCE on 30.07.2018. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Measuring the Research Impact: Impact Factor, Citation Analysis, And Other Metrics" by Dr.B.GOLDVIN SUGIRTHA DHAS, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SNSCE on 07.07.2018. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "EPLAN Software: Power for Electrical Planning And Engineering" by Mr,K.Hariharan, Technical Engineer, ARK Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd, Pune on 27.06.2018. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Certain Investigations on Enhancing The Interference Prediction Using Link Interposition Detection Based Revamped Routing In Manet" by Ms.V.Vaneetha, Part-Time Research Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SNSCE on 19.09.2017. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Real Time Simulation for Power Electronics Application" by Mr.R.B.Selvakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SNSCE on 04.08.2017. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "A Comparative Study on The Performance Improvement Of Certain Memory Hierarchies Using Code Repositioning Strategy" by Mrs.B.Anuradha, Part-Time Research Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SNSCE on 27.06.2017. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Review of Battery Charger Plug On Electric Vehicles" by Mr.R.B.Selvakumar, Assistant Professor of EEE, SNSCE on 18.03.2017. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Performance Enhancement of Grid Connected Distributed Generators" by Mr.G.Shivaraj, Assistant Professor of EEE, SNSCE on 04.03.2017. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "An Overview of Intellectual Property Rights" by Mr.T.Tharan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE on 19.11.2016. Around 10 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "A Hybrid Based Harmonic Mitigation for Three Phase Four Wire System" by Mr.B.Jagadeesh, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, SNSCE on 27.10.2016. Around 10 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Research Funding Proposal to Cpri-Rsop Scheme" by Mr.R.B. Selva kumar, Assistant Professor, EEE Department, SNSCE on 24.09.2016. Around 14 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Introduction to sliding mode control-a research perspective" by Dr.C.Vivekanandan, Professor-EEE & Vice Principal, SNSCE on 20.08.2016. Around 10 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day Seminar on "Energy Efficient Control of Three Phase Induction Motor" by Mr.R.Venkatesh, Assistant Professor, EEE Department, SNSCE on 16.07.2016. Around 14 members from the student community benefited from the session.