Department of Computer Science and Engineering
certification courses
Completing a certification course demonstrates the dedication, motivation and technical knowledge that one has on a specific domain. Our faculty and student community constantly focuses on upgrading their skill set in their preferred domain.
Department Specific Tools
- Mr.Tharun Kumar.P , from I Year has completed a certification course in Udemy on the topic "Infinite Scroll Project " on 28.04.2019
- Mr.Ramalingam.V , from I Year has completed a certification course in Udemy on the topic "Infinite Scroll Project " on 28.04.2019
- Ms.Niveditaa.K , from II Year has completed a certification course in Udemy on the topic "Machine Learning for Absolute Engineers" on 08.04.2019
- Ms.Niveditaa.K , from II Year has completed a certification course in Udemy on the topic "English Launch - Learn English for free" on 09.04.2019
- Mr.Darwin , from II Year has completed a certification course in Udemy on the topic "Learn Ethical Hacking from Scratch" on 13.05.2019
- Ms.Shanthini.S , from III Year has completed a NPTEL Online Certification course on the topic "Introduction to Internet of Things" on 28.04.2019
- Ms.Annapoorna L.B from III Year has completed Business English Certificate Preliminary on 09.06.2019
- Ms.Monika.A from III Year has passed the Business English Certificate Preliminary on 09.06.2019
- Ms. Harshnee.R from III Year has passed with merit in the Business English Certificate Preliminary on 09.06.2019
- Ms. Shamaladevi. V. , from III Year has completed a NPTEL Online Certification course on the topic “Object Oriented Analysis and Design" on 16.11.2019
- Ms.Tharani.T from IV Year has completed a Online Certification course on the topic “Introduction to Data Studio" on 09.14.2019 by Google Analytics Academy
- Ms.AnusaT from IV Year has completed a Online Certification course on the topic “Introduction to Data Studio" on 09.14.2019 by Google Analytics Academy
club activities
life skills development
We constantly promote life skills in all SNSians through Activities, Sports and Games, which helps our community to stay collaborated and positive.

- Hari Pragadesh and Mr.P.Hariharan of I CSE participated in E-Next 2020 held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore Conducted bt Entrepernerurs Club on February 28th and 29th , 2020.
- V.Shamaladevi of I CSE Won IInd Place in Senthamizh Pennae Event on Femina Fest’20 held on 07th march 2020 at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Tharun Kumar.P,I CSE Organized a Quiz Competition in Math Club on 28th November 2019
- Ms.Annapoorna.L.B, Manoj.E,Sanjay.E, Pricilla Rani.G and Nithish Kumar.R Organized a roady safety Awareness program in UYIR club on 30.09.2019
- Akash Iyer enthusiastically conducted the quiz event and discussed about the latest technologies in Smile Club on 27.11.2019
- Dharshan Prasath.H,Aastha Koushik have proved their excellence in short story creation with pictorial representation in smile club on 29.11.2019