department of computer science and engineering
student development ACTIVitiES
Various number of student development activities are constantly being practiced in each classrooms, enforced by our Center of Learning and Teaching.

Case Study

Group Discussion

Activity Based Learning
Mind Map
Chart Presentation

Management Games

Role Play

Peer Group Learning
Think Pair Share
demo models
We practice different modes of classroom presentation and demonstration to increase student engagement. Demonstrations helps students' to understand the underlying concepts better. Our faculty community continuously encourages the students to learn and help creating a demo model, which gives them hands on experience and practical learning.
case study
Naturally, students are more inductive than deductive, they learn better from examples than from logic. So, we believe that the use of case studies is a very effective classroom technique. Students will be provided with an industrial case study linked with the concept or subject, where they got to explore how their learning are applied in the real world situations. This helps the students to actively engage in figuring out the principles from the examples.
mini projects
Project-based learning is an instructional approach, which helps the students in developing knowledge and skills by engaging in projects and solving real world challenges/problems.
We practice project based learning by encouraging the students to do minimum two mini project per semester. Students are progressively taking up the tasks and projects to pad up their skill-set.