department of Computer science and Technology
events organized
The scope of Programs being organized are in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas related to the topic. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate.
ACM Student Chapter at SNS College of Engineering was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 17/10/2018. The program was inaugurated by Dr. N. Suresh Kumar,Principal, SNS College of Engineering in the presence of Guest of Honour Mr. Gururaj HL, Assistant professor, Malnad College of Engineering, Karnataka & Mr. Ranjith Tharail, Head, Agile Technical practices, Solutions IQ, Bangalore, Karnataka. The Student Chapter was meant to enrich and explore the current trends with their practical Knowledge. A session on WLAN security and cyber security in a nutshell was given.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted a PRESENTATION PAPIER – paper presentation event for two days on 31st January and 1st February, 2018 during the National Level Technical Symposium KALINGA’18. Mr.Gowtham and Mr. Levale, Software Engineers from Litz Technologies, Coimbatore were the juries for paper presentation event.
- Paper presentation, Technical Quiz, Code Debugging, Web Designing, Best Photography, Crack the task, Short Film were the events on 31st January, 2018 during the National Level Technical Symposium 2018.
- Paper Presentation, Multimedia Presentation, Poster Designing, Techno Fun, Treasure Hunt, Murdisto were the events conducted on 1st February 2018, during the National Level Technical Symposium 2018.
- Best Photography – The students interested in the art or practice of taking and processing photographs participated in this event. J.INFANT RAJ of Karpagam College of Engineering got First Prize and VIGNESH, HARITHA.K.SANKARI of SNS College of Technology bagged Second Prize during this event.
- Paper Presentation (Day1)– NAMA KARTHIK, V.SATHISH REDDY of Vel Tech University bagged the First Prize and VASUNDHRA of C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology got Second Prize in this event based on the presentation of their theme.
- Paper Presentation (Day2)– JANARTHANAN.I, ASWATHAMAN.G of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College bagged the First Prize and SIVA DHARSHINI.P of Coimbatore Institute of Technology, RAGAVARTHINI.D of RVS College of Technology got Second Prize in this event based on the presentation of their theme.
- Technical Quiz- VIKRAM DHARMA.V of GRD College of Science got First Prize and DEVENDRAN.R, A.AJITH of IFET College of Engineering got Second Prize.
- Code Debugging– This event attained the maximum participants of about 34 members from various colleges. DEVENDRAN.R, A.AJITH of IFET College of Engineering bagged the First Prize. A.KANAGAVEL, R.KISHORE of Sri Eshwar College of Engineering got Second Prize in this event.
- Web Designing- MURALI DHARAN.S, RONISH.C.R of CMS College of Science and Commerce bagged First Prize and SNEHA.P, NIKHILSASIKUMAR of SSM College of Engineering got Second Prize for this event.
- Crack the task- SURYA VIMAL.S.P, of GRD College of Science got First Prize and S.DHANUSS KUMAR of PSG College of Arts and Science got Second Prize through the Product Marketing.
- Short Film –PRAGADEESH .A of PSG College of Arts and Science ,bagged First Prize and RAAM KIRAN .M , NAVEEN KUMAR .K, MANO RANJAN .A of Hindustan college of Arts and Science got Second Prize. The events on 1st February 2018 were Techno Fun, Treasure Hunt, Murdisto, Poster Designing, and Multimedia Presentation during the National Level Technical Symposium 2018.
- Techno Fun– Around 44 Students from various colleges actively participated in this event. D.ABISHEK, B.KISHORE of Sri Krishna College of Technology bagged the First Prize. RATHNA.S, KANIMOZHI.S of Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology bagged the Second Prize.
- Poster Designing– 36 Students from various colleges registered the event and enthusiastically participated. D.MADHAN KUMAR of Sri Krishna Arts and Science got First Prize. DEVENDRAN.R, A.AJITH of IFET College of Engineering got the Second Prize.
- Multimedia Presentation- 27 Students from various colleges registered the event and enthusiastically participated. SURYA KUMAR.V, PRAVEEN KUMAR.C of Sree Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology got First Prize. SURYA PRAKASH.P, V.RAHUL KUMAR of Sree Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology got Second Prize.
- Murdisto- 47 Students from various colleges enthusiastically participated in the event. SURYA KUMAR.V, PRAVEEN KUMAR.C of Sree Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology got First Prize. JANARTHANAN, ASWATHAMAN.G of Sri Ramakrishna College of Engineering got Second Prize.
- Treasure Hunt- 38 Students from various colleges enthusiastically participated in the event V.GOKUL RAJ, K.GOKUL of Info college of Engineering got First Prize. JANARTHANAN, ASWATHAMAN.G of Sri Ramakrishna College of Engineering got Second Prize.
SANUS 2016
An integrated National level technical Symposium SANUS’16 was held between 11th and 12th of August 2016.The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised various sessions such as Paper Presentation, Poster Presentation, Workshops, Mini Project contests. Around 350 Participants benefited from the event.
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted a National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Sciences NCETCS’17 on 18th March, 2017. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Mr. P. Deepan Barathi, Associate Operations Manager from Cognizant Technology Solutions and Mr. P. Gugan Kumar, Managing Director of Manfree Technologies, Coimbatoren.
- Organised a one day International Workshop on “AI and Cloud Computing" was organized by Department of CSE & CST, the cheif guest Mr. Dharma TejaValivarthi from Mpart Technologies, Texas, USA on 09.10.2024.
- Organized one day workshop on "PROGRAMMING IN C" by Mr. Easwaran, Technical Manager of LiveStream Technologies on 27th Feb, 2018. Around 58 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "BUILDING RESPONSIVE WEBSITE WITH BOOTSTRAB 3 FRAMEWORK" by Mr. D. Santhosh, CEO of Bonfring, Coimbatore on 25th Sep, 2017. Around 40 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "PYTHON PROGRAMMING" by Dr. S. Kannimuthu, Associate Professor from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd Sep, 2017. Around 38 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized a two days workshop on " IOT USING RASPBERRY PI" by Mr. S.P. Shanmugam, Embedded Project Engineer from Pantech Proed Pvt Ltd, Chennai on 4th and 5th Aug, 2017. Around 46 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS WITH HADOOP" by Mr. C. Vignesh Manikandan from Matcom Systems Coimbatore on 27th July, 2017. Around 37 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "JOY OF LEARNING THE JAVA PROGRAMMING" by Mr. Sibidharan Nandhakumar, Founder and CEO, Aftertutor Medias Pvt. Ltd. Chennai on 10th July, 2017. Around 50 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized a two days workshop on "BASICS OF OPERATING SYSTEMS AND ANDROID DEVELOPMENT AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS" by Dr. Shriram K Vasudevan, Professor from Amirta University & Mr. Sundaram from Wipro Limited on 5th and 6th of June, 2016. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized a three days workshop on " DISCRETE MATHEMATICS" by Dr. N. Nagaveni, Associate Professor from Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 11th to 13th of April, 2016. Around 40 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "GRID AND CLOUD COMPUTING" by Dr. Shriram K Vasudevan, Professor from School of Computer Science, Amrita University and Mr. V. Karthik, Assistant Professor from Department of Information Technology, M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 27th July, 2016. Around 160 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "HANDS ON TRAINING ON NETWORKING USING PACKET TRACER" by Prof. K. Balaji, AP-CSE from SNSCE along with students Mr. A. Ramprabhu and K. Saravanababu of III B.E CSE on 4th April, 2016. Around 160 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "IOT" by Mr. Elangovan, Senior Software Engineer from V Face Enterprises (pvt) Ltd., Coimbatore on 11th Aug, 2016. Around 23 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "PHP" by Mr. Rangan Devarajan, Vice President from Techno Tree, Coimbatore on 11th Aug, 2016. Around 25 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "2D-GRAPHICS WORKSHOP" by Mr. K. S. Kamalakannan, Graphic Designer from M/s. Personiv on 12th April, 2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "ETHICAL HACKING" by Mr. S. Saravana Babu, Final Year Student of CSE Department from SNS College of Engineering on 12th Aug, 2016. Around 65 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "VIRTUALIZATION, CONTAINERS, DOCKERS" by Mr. Bhaskaradas Kambivelu, Technical Architect and Mr. S Sathish Kumar, Senior Software Engineer from VMware Software India, Bangalore on 19th Aug, 2016. Around 48 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "CORE JAVA" by Mr. N. Dinesh Kumar, Senior Associate from Cognizant Technology Solutions, Coimbatore on 20th Aug, 2016. Around 65 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on ".NET FRAMEWORK WITH VB" by Mr. Mohan Nadesan, Corporate Trainer from Elite360 on 1st Sep, 2016. Around 56 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS" by Dr. N. Nagaveni, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 3rd Sep, 2016. Around 70 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "NETWORK SIMULATOR (NS-2)" by Mr. S. Ilayaraja, Director of Sharp Script Technology Solutions, Coimbatore on 23rd Sep, 2016. Around 65 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "ETHICAL HACKING" by Mr. P. Deepan Bharthi, Senior Security Administrator from CTS on 7th Jan, 2017. Around 40 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) USING RASPBERRY PI" by S. P. Shanmugam, Embedded Project Engineer from Pantech ProEd Pvt Ltd, Chennai on 10th Feb, 2017. Around 56 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized a two days workshop on "PHP AND MYSQL" by Mr.Raja Gopal V, Primary Consultant, Eduseva, Coimbatore on 13th and 14th of Aug, 2015. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "INTERVIEW AND CORPORATE ETIQUETTES" by Mr. R. Anandhraj, CEO of Webslash, Chennai on 13th Aug, 2015. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT" by Mr. S. Sathyanarayana Subhramaniyam, Director of User Group, Coimbatore on 14th Aug, 2015. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "HANDS ON TRAINING ON FREE AND OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE (FOSS)" by Prof.V.Adinarayanan, Independent Consultant, M/s. EduSeva Technologies Private Limited, Coimbatore on 3rd July, 2015. Around 100 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "ETHICAL HACKING" by Mr.S.Ranjith Kumar, Assistant Professor and Mr. K. Saravana Babu, III Year Student from CSE Departemnt, SNSCE on 6th Feb, 2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "BASICS OF NETWORKING" by Mr. Prakash.E.P, AP and Mr. Arun Kumar.K, AP from CSE Department on 4th March, 2016. Around 17 Diplamo students benefited from the session.
National/International Seminars
- A Research Seminar on "Exploiting Small World Problems in a SLoT Environment" by Dr. Anand Paul, Professor in the field of Connected Computing and Media Processing from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea on 27th Aug, 2019. Around 157 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS WITH HADOOP FRAMEWORK" by Mrs.Revathy Padmanaban, Big Data architect and Project Manager, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Singapore on 12th April, 2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "JOYFUL JOURNEY OF PROGRAMMING" by Dr.Ganeshkumar Ponnuswamy, Software Architect, Infence Technologies on 12th April, 2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL TRAINING FOR ENTREPRENEURS" by Mr. P. H. Gokulan, Nira Tech Buzz Founder as well as Software Trainee at KMIT Solutions, Coimbatore on 12th April, 2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR DATA ANALYTICS" by Mr. Surendren Subramanian, Project manager, Nordstrom, USA on 12th April, 2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "THE IMPORTANCE OF GATE" by Mr. N. V. Subrahmanyam, Centre Director, from T.I.M.E on 12th April, 2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER" by Ms.S.Bharathi, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul between 18th to 30th April, 2016. Around 65 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "EMERGING TRENDS IN IT-GLOBAL FOCUS" by Mr.Kailash Anand, Independent HR Consultant on 11th March, 2016. Around 90 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "QOS OF CLOUD COMPUTING" by Stephen Sidney Gill, Academic Head, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus on 15th Feb, 2016. Around 12 members from the Faculty community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS" by Dr.Anand Paul, Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, South Korea on 8th Feb, 2016. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS WITH HADOOP AND MAP REDUCE PROGRAMMING" by Mr.S.Velmurugan, Software Developer, M/s. KALVI Higher Education and Research Institute, Coimbatore on 6th Feb, 2016. Around 70 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "HOW TO APPLY FOR PATENTS AND TO PUBLISH BOOKS THROUGH INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS?" by Dr.Shriram K Vasudevan, Professor, Amirta University, Coimbatore on 17th July, 2015. Around 20 members from the Faculty community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS & OBTAINING GRANTS" by Dr.Shriram K Vasudevan, Professor, Amrita University on 29th Aug, 2015. Around 30 members from the Faculty community benefited from the session.
- A seminar on "HACKING VS SECURITY" by Mr.R.S.Vignesh, Network Engineer, M/s. LiveWire, Coimbatore on 21st July, 2015. Around 48 members from the student community benefited from the session.
Guest Lectures
- A Guest Lecture on "INFLUENCE OF BIG DATA IN SINGAPORE BANKS" by CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES on 2nd July, 2018. Around 156 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION" by Mr.Mohammed Afshal Shabeeb, Associate Trainer, Focus Academy for Career Enhancement, Coimbatore on 21st July, 2018. Around 156 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "ORACLE CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES" by Mr.Senthil Kumar, Senior Software Engineer from Oracle India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai on 9th Aug, 2018. Around 49 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "ACM INNOVATION CHALLENGE" by Mr. Ranjith Tharatil, Head of Agile Engineering, Mysore on 17th Sep, 2018. Around 156 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES" by Mr.Dilip, Senior Cloud and Dev Ops Engineer from M/s. Bitman, Netherland on 11th Jan, 2016. Around 156 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE" by GAME ENGINE DEVELOPMENT on 08/03/2018. Around 54 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "CLASSICAL OPTIMIZATION THEORY" by Dr. M. Balaji, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07/10/2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "DATA STRUCTURES USING BINOMIAL HEAPS" by Mr.T.Ramraj, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 28/09/2017. Around 49 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "A NEW REVOLUTIONIZED WAY OF EDUCATION: VISUALIZING THE THINGS" by Mr.Sibidharan N, Founder & CEO, Aftertutor Medias Pvt. Ltd, Chennai on 20/09/2017. Around 52 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "DATABASE APPLICATION USING B+ TRE" by Ms.N.Geetha, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 19/09/2017. Around 42 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "CLOUD COMPUTING AND ITS APPLICATIONS" by Dr. Ramesh, M.E.s Ph.D, Technical Head, Capgemini, Bangalore on 24/07/2017. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "GAME ENGINE DEVELOPMENT" by Mr.M.Muthu from GameARC on 20.07.2017. Around 50 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEWING: AN EXCELLENT WAY TO ENHANCE YOUR CAREER SEARCH" by Mr. Sakthivel Murugan, Founder & CEO of Be Positive Institute for Skilling Pvt Ltd on 10.07.2017. Around 50 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "OVERVIEW OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICS" by Dr. N. Nagaveni, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 05.07.2016. Around 61 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "OOAD WITH UML" by Mr. K. Mohan, Professor, Department of Computational and Integrated Science, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 24.08.2016. Around 66 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE" by Dr. M.Akila, Professor, Department of CSE, KPR Institute of Technology, Arasur, Coimbatore on 29.08.2016. Around 50 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "TURING MACHINES" by Dr. K. Umamaheswari, Professor, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.09.2016. Around 66 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "XML AND WEB SERVICES" by Mr.P.H.Gokulan, Software Engineer, KM Info Tech, Coimbatore on 22.09.2016. Around 50 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "APPLICATIONS OF MATLAB" by Mr.S.Karthik, HR Manager and Software Engineer, M/s. Daffodils India Technologies Coimbatore on 28.09.2016. Around 40 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "PHP – HOW TO PROGRAM" by Mrs. Jenifer Roselin, Senior Software Engineer from M/s. Doclick Solutions, Coimbatore on 28-09-2016. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "SOLVABLE AND UNSOLVABLE PROBLEM ON TURING MACHINE" by Ms. A. Padmashree, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Department of CSE, KPR Institute of Technology, Arasur, Coimbatore on 28-09-2016. Around 65 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "ILLUMINATION & INTUITIVE COLOR MODELS" by Mr. M. Saravanan, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) from KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 01-10-2016. Around 34 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "IP SECURITY" by Mr. M. Saravanan, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) from KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 01-10-2016. Around 82 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "WEB SECURITY" by Ms. S. Shymala Gowri, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 06-10-2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "BUILDING SOA BASED APPLICATIONS" by Dr. R. Lokeshkumar, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Department of Information Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode on 07-10-2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "TEXT MINING ON INFORMATION RETRIEVAL" by Mr. T. Gopalakrishnan, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Department of Information Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 13-10-2016. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "NATIVE APP VS MOBILE WEB APP" by Dr.S.Daniel Madan Raja, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 24-02-2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "TESTING ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING" by Mrs. G. Srinitya, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), Department of Information Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 24-02-2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "SYNTAX ANALYSIS" by Ms. J. Angel Ida Chellam, M.E.,(PhD), Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr), Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College , Coimbatore on 28-02-2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "MICRO CONTROLLER INTERFACING AND ITS REAL TIME APPLICATIONS" by Ms. R. DhivyaPraba, Assistant Professor/ECE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 16-03-2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS IN DIGITAL FILTERS" by Dr.B.R.SathishKumar, ASP/ECE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Vattamalaipalayam, Coimbatore on 17.03.2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "SOFTWARE TESTING AUTOMATION" by Ms.R.Umamaheswari, Test Engineer from M/s. Mcwane India Private Limited, Coimbatore on 28.03.2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "IT SUPPORT IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT" by Dr. V. Karpagam, Professor, Department of Information Technology, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 28.03.2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "VMWARE ON LINUX HOST AND GUEST OS" by Mr.Mohan.N, Corporate Trainer, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Coimbatore on 05.04-2017. Around 47 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT CONTEST: Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized the Mobile App Contest- Clash of Apps for the external participants on 7th April 2016.Ms.A.C.Sumathi, ASP/CSE and III B.E CSE students coordinated the app contest. The First prize was won by the students of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. The second prize was won by the students of SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal.
- CODING CONTEST: Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized C++ Programming contest “BEST BRAINS 2016 IT Programming Contest” 25th July 2016. Mr. R. Srinivasaprabhu, from Live Wire, Coimbatore conducted the First Round for 200 young engineers to expose them to the industry standards needed in the current context students for 30 minutes.
events participated
international/national conferences

international conferences
- K. Balaji, Mr. N. Thillaiarasu, E. Arun, S. N. Jai Aswin, A. Jeeva, S. Akash Atithyan, S. Karthick and M. Mathivannan presented a technical paper entitled “Marriage 360 using android Application” in the International Conference on “Innovations in science & Technology (ICIST 2016)” at Sri Guru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 31st March 2016 & 1st April 2016.
- K. Arun Kumar, M. Mynisha Vani, V. Kiruba and R. Banupresented a technical article entitled “Survey on Accident Prevention using Eye blink and Alcohol Sensor” in the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology at Hotel Pratap Plaza, Chennai in association with International Association of Engineering and Technology for Skill Development on 3rd April 2016.
- K. Kalaiselvi, M. Sri Vaishnavy, V. Nithya and P. Radhika, “Exam Hall Seating Allotment System” in the 4th National Conference on “Control, Communication and System Engineering at TamilNadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 5th April 2016.
- Aravindhan. K and Evangeline Prasanna B,“A Cluster Approach in VANET Using Collaborative Learning Automata-Based Routing”, International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering (ICAARS-2016) held on June 23rd and 24th 2016.
- N.Thillaiarasu and Dr.S.Chenthur Pandian “Enforcing Security and Privacy over Multi– loud Framework Using Assessment Techniques”, in the proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO16), DOI: 10.1109/ISCO.2016.7727001,Published in IEEE Explore, 03 November 2016.
- Mrs.N.Shyamambika and Mr.Thillaiarasu,“A Survey on Acquiring Integrity of Shared Data with Effective user Termination in the Cloud” in the proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO16), DOI: 10.1109/ISCO.2016.7726893, Published in IEEE Explore, 03 November 2016.
- Dr.C.Kalaiarasan, S.Kannan, A.Enoch Kingston, M.Gokulram and S.Gowtham, “Automatic cash box monitoring system”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Aravindhan, G.Pavithra, R.Nivetha, T.Sowndarya and D.Sridevi, presented their paper entitled, “Laboratory Management System”, International Conference on Scientific Research of Engineering and Technology, organized by Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore in Association with Academic Industry Meet Scientific Article Research and Publication held on 25th March 2017
- Mr.K.Karthikeyan, A.AswinKumar, R.Benz Rexlin, D.Hemasneka and G.Manoj Kumar, ”News4You”, First International Engineering Science “Summit17”, Corporate Training Centre Sinhgad campus held on 16th March 2017.
- Mr.E.P.Prakash, S.Anutharani, A.Archana Devi, R.Indhupriya and J.Kiruthiga Muthulakshmi,“An efficient technique for prevention of denial of service attack”, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Management, Nandha College of Engineering held on 25th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Balaji, V.Angelin, M.Anusaa, B.Dharani and M.Magitha, “Fingerprint Banking”, First International Engineering Science “Summit17”, Corporate Training Centre Sinhgad Campus held on 16th March 2017
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel, S.Sathish Kumar, R.Mukesh Kannan, S.Mukesh Kumar and S.Tamilselvan, “Smart Home for Real Time Environment”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel, S.Elakkiya, C.Iruthaya Shanthi Merlin and A.Kiruthika, “Multiple hypotheses tracking for detecting and tracking humans”, International Conference on Green, Intelligent Computing and Communication Systems “ICGICCS 17”, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology held on 10th March 2017.
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immauel, “Fuzzy Logic based optimal cluster Head selection in MANET using MATLAB”, Park College of Engineering and Technology, 31st March 2017.\
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu, R.Venkateshan and M.Senthil Nagamani, “Encryption Technique using Multi Keyword Search in Cloud Environment”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu, S.Shiny Fatima, R.Sushma, A.Nivetha and R. Pavithra, “Enforcing Security in Cloud Environment using Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Third Party Auditing”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 17th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Ashok Kumar, S.Poornima, G.Priyanka, R.Rubini and R.Saranya, “Sign Action an Android Application to Hearing and Vocally impaired people”, International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and HealthCare Technologies (IGEHT17) organized by Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Ashok Kumar, M.Rohini, M.Sarangi, M.Suriya Prabha and U.K.Tharani, “Initiation of Crowd Funding System in India”, International Conference on Scientific Research of Engineering and Technology, organized by Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore in Association with Academic Industry Meet Scientific Article Research and Publication held on 17th March 2017.
- Ms.G.Brindha, K.Shyam and K.Sudharsan, “Automated Feedback System on School Infrastructure and Safety”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Ms.G.Brindha and V.C.Praveena, “Web based application for supporting orphans”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.I.Gugan, R.Nelaadevi and S.Prathaini, “Fortifled and Impregnable Learning System for M-Environments”, International Conference on Scientific Research of Engineering and Technology, organized by Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore in Association with Academic Industry Meet Scientific Article Research and Publication held on 17th March 2017.
- Mr.P.Baskaran, E.G.Anurag, A.Eniyavan, M.Karthikeyan and S.Kaviyarasu , “Time slot based data sharing with time slot based password”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.S.Ranjith Kumar, P.Haritha, S.Jeya SelvaMathi, J.Kiruthika and S.Logeshwari, “Efficient Sequential pattern mining algorithm and improved MFWC scheme for discovering complex disease and type-2 diabetes mellitus”, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Management, Nandha College of Engineering held on 25th March 2017.
- Mr.S.Ranjith Kumar, P.Haritha, S.Jeya SelvaMathi, J.Kiruthika and S.Logeshwari, ”Improved MFWC for discovering complex disease and type-2 diabetes mellitus”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIRET-2016), Park College of Engineering and Technology, 31st March 2017.
- Ms.S.Saranya, A.Ramprabhu, D.Ram Kumar, J.Karthik and B.Guruvishnu , “An Application on EC-Signup Extra and Co-curricular Activity Register”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology Thiruchengode on 17th March 2017.
- Ms.Yamuna S, Francisca Dani.J, Divya Prabha.G and Devaki.P and Harisma.K , “Biometric Security System using Hand Dorsal Vein“, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengode on 17th March 2017.
- Ms.S.Yamuna, M.Oviya, M.Priyabharathi, M.Vinothini and V.Subanandhini, “Smart Garbage System for Efficient Waste Management”, International Conference on Green, Intelligent Computing and Communication Systems (ICGICCS’17) organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology held on 9th March 2017.
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila, K.Indhara Kumar,V.Karthika and S.Monisha, “Portable Mobile Java Compiler”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Ramaya. S, “Automatic Accidental data Classification and Severity Estimation using machine Learning process” in the International Conference on Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering, held at Karpagam University on 9th and 10th January 2015.
- Shyamambika and Mr.Thillaiarasu, “A Survey on Attaining Integrity of Shared Data with Effectual Blocking of Misbehaving user in the Cloud” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Poorni and Mr.K.Balaji, “A Personalized E-Learning Recommender System using the Concept of Fuzzy Tree Matching” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Menaka and Mr.E.P.Prakash, “Enhancement of Kernel Discriminative Analysis (KDA) in Face Spoofing Detection Method” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Madhumathi and Ms.S.Sindhuja, “A Survey on Collaborative Contact-Based Selfish Node Detection in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Nisha Ranjani.S and Mr.Karthikeyan.K, “A Survey on Relevance Feature Selection Method for Text Classification” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Shyamambika and Mr.Thillaiarasu, “A Survey on Acquiring Integrity of Shared Data with Effective user Termination in the Cloud” in the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2016) held at Karpagam College of Engineering on 07th and 08th January 2016.
- Nisha Ranjani.S and Mr.Karthikeyan “An efficient feature discovery and term classification for text mining” International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS’16)–IEEE MADRAS SECTION proceeding (ISBN 978-1-4673-8207-6) at Karpagam College of Engineering on 17th and 18th March 2016, Pg.no: 756-760.
- I. Kala, 2019, ‘Lecture Capture and The Need for Scheduling’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Latest Trends in Science – (ICLTSET 2019) at Karpagam College on 23rd March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- K. Karthikeyan, 2019, ‘IOT Based Solid Waste Management’ Proceeding of the International Conference on Latest Trends in Science – (ICLTSET 2019) at Karpagam College on 23rd March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- K. Balaji, 2019, ‘Portable Independent Multi Screen’ Proceeding of the International Conference on Latest Trends in Science – (ICLTSET 2019) at Karpagam College on 22nd March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- K. Aravindhan, ‘Enhancing the Performance Analysis of LWA Protocol Key Agreement in Vehicular Ad hoc Network, Proceeding of the International Conference on Advancement Computing & Communication Systems – (ICACCS 2019) at Sri Eshwar College of Technology on 15th&16th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- I. Kala & Mr. R. Ashok Kumar, 2019, ‘Ultra Low Power Design and Automation Process of Metal Detection in High Security Areas’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Advancement Computing & Communication Systems – (ICACCS 2019) at Sri Eshwar College of Technology on 15th&16th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- I. Kala & Ms. N. Jayanthi, 2019, ‘Vehicle Insurance Calculator using Augmented Reality’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Advancement Computing & Communication Systems – (ICACCS 2019) at Sri Eshwar College of Technology on 15th&16th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- R. Ashok Kumar, 2019, ‘Aero Ambulance – Quad Copter Based Technology for An Emergency Healthcare’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Advancement Computing & Communication Systems – (ICACCS 2019) at Sri Eshwar College of Technology on 15th&16th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- F. Margret Sharmila, 2019, ‘IOT Based Smart Window using Sensor DHT11’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Advancement Computing & Communication Systems – (ICACCS 2019) at Sri Eshwar College of Technology on 15th&16th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- D. Selva Pandian, 2019, ‘Early Warning System for The Threat of Wild Animals using Raspberry Pi’ Proceeding of the International Conference on Innovation in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Engineering-(IEEIC’19) at JCT College of Engineering and Technology, on 15th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- K. Aravindhan, 2019, ‘IOT Based Controlling and Monitoring System on Smart Irrigation’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Recent Explorations in Science, Engineering and Technology – (ICRESET 2019) at KGISL Institute of Technology on 14th&15th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- K. Karthikeyan, 2019, ‘Ensuring Secure Medical Skyline Data Encryption in Clouds’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Recent Explorations in Science, Engineering and Technology – (ICRESET 2019) at KGISL Institute of Technology on 14th&15th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- K. Balaji, 2019, ‘Enrichment Of Sentiment Lexicon Using Random Forest Classifier’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Recent Explorations in Science, Engineering and Technology – (ICRESET 2019) at KGISL Institute of Technology on 14th&15th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- I. Kala, 2019, ‘Smart Vehicle- Parking lot identification’ Proceeding of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Intelligent Informatics-(NCETCII’19) at Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology on 8th March, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- K.Aravindhan, 2019, ‘Design of Novel Scheme for Data Transmission Using Multi – Mediators in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA’19) held on 27th and 28th February at St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Avadi, Chennai.
- I.Kala & Ms.K.Kalaiselvi, 2018, ‘Reduced Geocast Overhead Using Max-Heap Geocast Gateway in MANET’, Proceeding of the in IEEE Xplore with DOI: 10.1109/ICSNS.2018.8573645.
- K.Karthikeyan, 2018, ‘Color Constancy Algorithms for Dark Image using Soft computing Techniques’, Proceeding of the Springer EAI International conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing 14th and 15th Dec 2018.
- K.Aravindhan, 2018, ‘Destination aware context – based routing protocol with hybrid soft computing cluster algorithm for VANET’, Proceeding of the Springer EAI International conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing on 14th and 15th Dec 2018.
- K. Balaji, Mr. N. Thillaiarasu, E. Arun, S. N. Jai Aswin, A. Jeeva, S. Akash Atithyan, S. Karthick and M. Mathivannan presented a technical paper entitled “Marriage 360 using android Application” in the International Conference on “Innovations in science & Technology (ICIST 2016)” at Sri Guru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 31st March 2016 & 1st April 2016.
- K. Arun Kumar, M. Mynisha Vani, V. Kiruba and R. Banupresented a technical article entitled “Survey on Accident Prevention using Eye blink and Alcohol Sensor” in the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology at Hotel Pratap Plaza, Chennai in association with International Association of Engineering and Technology for Skill Development on 3rd April 2016.
- K. Kalaiselvi, M. Sri Vaishnavy, V. Nithya and P. Radhika, “Exam Hall Seating Allotment System” in the 4th National Conference on “Control, Communication and System Engineering at TamilNadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 5th April 2016.
- Aravindhan. K and Evangeline Prasanna B,“A Cluster Approach in VANET Using Collaborative Learning Automata-Based Routing”, International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering (ICAARS-2016) held on June 23rd and 24th 2016.
- N.Thillaiarasu and Dr.S.Chenthur Pandian “Enforcing Security and Privacy over Multi– loud Framework Using Assessment Techniques”, in the proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO16), DOI: 10.1109/ISCO.2016.7727001,Published in IEEE Explore, 03 November 2016.
- Mrs.N.Shyamambika and Mr.Thillaiarasu,“A Survey on Acquiring Integrity of Shared Data with Effective user Termination in the Cloud” in the proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO16), DOI: 10.1109/ISCO.2016.7726893, Published in IEEE Explore, 03 November 2016.
- Dr.C.Kalaiarasan, S.Kannan, A.Enoch Kingston, M.Gokulram and S.Gowtham, “Automatic cash box monitoring system”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Aravindhan, G.Pavithra, R.Nivetha, T.Sowndarya and D.Sridevi, presented their paper entitled, “Laboratory Management System”, International Conference on Scientific Research of Engineering and Technology, organized by Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore in Association with Academic Industry Meet Scientific Article Research and Publication held on 25th March 2017
- Mr.K.Karthikeyan, A.AswinKumar, R.Benz Rexlin, D.Hemasneka and G.Manoj Kumar, ”News4You”, First International Engineering Science “Summit17”, Corporate Training Centre Sinhgad campus held on 16th March 2017.
- Mr.E.P.Prakash, S.Anutharani, A.Archana Devi, R.Indhupriya and J.Kiruthiga Muthulakshmi,“An efficient technique for prevention of denial of service attack”, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Management, Nandha College of Engineering held on 25th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Balaji, V.Angelin, M.Anusaa, B.Dharani and M.Magitha, “Fingerprint Banking”, First International Engineering Science “Summit17”, Corporate Training Centre Sinhgad Campus held on 16th March 2017
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel, S.Sathish Kumar, R.Mukesh Kannan, S.Mukesh Kumar and S.Tamilselvan, “Smart Home for Real Time Environment”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel, S.Elakkiya, C.Iruthaya Shanthi Merlin and A.Kiruthika, “Multiple hypotheses tracking for detecting and tracking humans”, International Conference on Green, Intelligent Computing and Communication Systems “ICGICCS 17”, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology held on 10th March 2017.
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immauel, “Fuzzy Logic based optimal cluster Head selection in MANET using MATLAB”, Park College of Engineering and Technology, 31st March 2017.\
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu, R.Venkateshan and M.Senthil Nagamani, “Encryption Technique using Multi Keyword Search in Cloud Environment”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu, S.Shiny Fatima, R.Sushma, A.Nivetha and R. Pavithra, “Enforcing Security in Cloud Environment using Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Third Party Auditing”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 17th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Ashok Kumar, S.Poornima, G.Priyanka, R.Rubini and R.Saranya, “Sign Action an Android Application to Hearing and Vocally impaired people”, International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and HealthCare Technologies (IGEHT17) organized by Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Ashok Kumar, M.Rohini, M.Sarangi, M.Suriya Prabha and U.K.Tharani, “Initiation of Crowd Funding System in India”, International Conference on Scientific Research of Engineering and Technology, organized by Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore in Association with Academic Industry Meet Scientific Article Research and Publication held on 17th March 2017.
- Ms.G.Brindha, K.Shyam and K.Sudharsan, “Automated Feedback System on School Infrastructure and Safety”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Ms.G.Brindha and V.C.Praveena, “Web based application for supporting orphans”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.I.Gugan, R.Nelaadevi and S.Prathaini, “Fortifled and Impregnable Learning System for M-Environments”, International Conference on Scientific Research of Engineering and Technology, organized by Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore in Association with Academic Industry Meet Scientific Article Research and Publication held on 17th March 2017.
- Mr.P.Baskaran, E.G.Anurag, A.Eniyavan, M.Karthikeyan and S.Kaviyarasu , “Time slot based data sharing with time slot based password”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.S.Ranjith Kumar, P.Haritha, S.Jeya SelvaMathi, J.Kiruthika and S.Logeshwari, “Efficient Sequential pattern mining algorithm and improved MFWC scheme for discovering complex disease and type-2 diabetes mellitus”, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Management, Nandha College of Engineering held on 25th March 2017.
- Mr.S.Ranjith Kumar, P.Haritha, S.Jeya SelvaMathi, J.Kiruthika and S.Logeshwari, ”Improved MFWC for discovering complex disease and type-2 diabetes mellitus”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIRET-2016), Park College of Engineering and Technology, 31st March 2017.
- Ms.S.Saranya, A.Ramprabhu, D.Ram Kumar, J.Karthik and B.Guruvishnu , “An Application on EC-Signup Extra and Co-curricular Activity Register”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology Thiruchengode on 17th March 2017.
- Ms.Yamuna S, Francisca Dani.J, Divya Prabha.G and Devaki.P and Harisma.K , “Biometric Security System using Hand Dorsal Vein“, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengode on 17th March 2017.
- Ms.S.Yamuna, M.Oviya, M.Priyabharathi, M.Vinothini and V.Subanandhini, “Smart Garbage System for Efficient Waste Management”, International Conference on Green, Intelligent Computing and Communication Systems (ICGICCS’17) organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology held on 9th March 2017.
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila, K.Indhara Kumar,V.Karthika and S.Monisha, “Portable Mobile Java Compiler”, IEEE sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS17), Karpagam College of Engineering held on 18th March 2017.
- Mr.K.Arun Kumar and S.Nivedha have presented the paper on “Efficiency Improvement for Automatic Smart Meter using GSM Network” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Mr.E.P.Prakash and C.Deepthi Nivetha has presented the paper entitled “Robust Method to Overcome Compression Loss in Video – Object Steganography” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel and S.Shirly have presented the paper entitled “Optimal Cluster Head Selection Techniques in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET)” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering held at VIT University on 15th December 2015.
- Ms.A.C.Sumathi has won the Best Paper Award for her presentation on the topic “Realization of LBT for Co-Existence of U-LTE with Wi-Fi using Cognitive Radio” in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Electronics Communication and Applications held at IIT-M Research Park, Chennai on 19th December 2015.
- Mr.Thillaiarasu and Dr.ChenthurPandian.S have presented the paper entitled “Enforcing Security and Privacy over Multi –Cloud Framework Using Assessment Techniques” in the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2016) held at Karpagam College of Engineering on 07th and 08th January 2016.
- Mr.Thillaiarasu and Dr.ChenthurPandian.S have presented the paper entitled “Enforcing Security and Privacy over Multi –Cloud Framework Using Assessment Techniques” in the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2016) held at Karpagam College of Engineering on 07th and 08th January 2016.
- Ms.A.C.Sumathi, Shayestha. Vinothini, M.Umira have presented the paper entitled “Health Monitoring System for Pregnant Women” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Mr.K.Karthikeyan, J.Harish, R.J.Lenin Raja and M.kannan have presented the paper entitled “Optimizing Email And Newsletter Subscription” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Mr.K.Aravindhan, N.Nandhini, S.Pavithra and E.Sangavi have presented the paper entitled “Online Bus Pass Renewal System using Web Application” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.K.Kalaiselvi, P.Rengashree, K.Soniya and Zeenath Jasmine Abbas Ali have presented the paper entitled ”Movie Recommendation System Based on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICETSET) at Nandha College of Technology on 4th and 5th March 2016.
- Mr.Jebakumar Immanuel.D, Rajani.G, Nandhini.V, Shanmugha priya.R , have presented the paper entitled “The Effectiveness of Security images in Internet Banking” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Mr.K.Ashok Kumar, R.Pon Vishnu Kumar, P.Prakash and E.Siddharth have presented the paper entitled “Vendors Market using Android Application” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Mr.Ashok kumar, T.Gowthami and R.Hemapriya have presented the paper entitled “Parking system using Intelligent Allotment” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Mr.I.Gugan, K.Atchaya, P.Kalaivani and B.Kavivaishnavi have presented the paper entitled “A Survey paper on Developing a web portal for placement Management System” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Mr.P.Baskaran, R.Roshan Farzana, V.Sri Vithya and R.Tamilselvi have presented the paper entitled “Municipal Solid Waste Management System” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Mr.S.Ranjithkumar, Sunilkumar Reddy.Asam, S.Vignesh and Priyadharsan.S have presented the paper entitled “Do-Link Web Application” in the 8th NATIONAL CONFERENCE on “EMERGING TRENDS IN INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS-2016” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 29th March 2016.
- Ms.S.Saranya, R.Logapriya, K.Kavipriya and P.Kaleeshwari have presented the paper entitled “Student development Lifecycle”in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.S.Saranya, R.Parthiban, Ram Prabhu.A and Sathish Kumar.A have presented the paper entitled “Research in Data Erasing Technologies on Plastic Memory” in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICEECE) at Vivekanandha College of Engineering on 22nd and 23rd March 2016.
- Ms.P.Ilakiya, M.Divyaa, B.Anushya and G.Aishwarya have presented the paper entitled “Paper evaluation process using Bar-code Scanning” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.P.Ilakiya, S.Anushya,B.Devishri and G.Aishwarya have presented the paper entitled “Automatic Generation of result Analysis” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, M.Gowri and R.Abinaya have presented the paper entitled “Co-Extracting Opinion Mining for Product Rating” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, P.R.Surya Prabha, P.Nivetha Nayendra and M.Thilagam have presented the paper entitled “M-Learning Android Application for Autistic Children using AAC” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- MS.S.Yamuna, M.Gayathri and S.Divya have presented the paper entitled “An Adaptive Mobile Platform for License Monitoring using Android Application” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.S.Yamuna, R.Saranya, M.C.Murshidha and K.Savitha have presented the paper entitled “Voice Control Mobile Application using CMUSphinx” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.Kanimozhi, T.Karthika, P.Muthulakshmi, A.Deepika have presented the paper entitled “Occasion Planner for hiring goods in a proficient Manner” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.G.Brindha, B.Perumal, C.Punith Kumar and M.Sathiyamoorthy have presented the paper entitled “IOT based Automatic Railway Gate Control” ” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila, S.Divya and S.Gayathri have presented the paper entitled “Survey on Differential Fault Analysis on Obfuscated Detection” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila, S.Sabitha Sri, S.Shaganaa and A.S.Vidhya have presented the paper entitled “Book Nest an Android Application” in the International Conference on Exploration and Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) in association with Seventh Sense Research Group at Hindusthan Institute of Technology on 18th and 19th March 2016.
national conferences
- Vedhashree, M.Priya, K.Pavithra meena and N.Priyanka have participated in the National Conference on Simulation and Computing Technologies in “NCSACT 17” held on 16th February 2017 organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem.
- Manivannan and R.Raghul Prarsath have participated in the National Level Conference “NATIONAL CYBER SAFETY AND SECURITY STANDARDS SUMMIT 17” held on 17th& 18th February 2017 organized by BITS Pilani , Hyderabad Campus.
- E. P. Prakash, 2019, ‘Automated Self Navigated Dustbin Dispensary Systems in Smart Cities’ Proceeding of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Intelligent Informatics – (NCETCII’19) at Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology on 8th March 2019, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- AR. Sivakumaran , 2019, ‘Medical Gas Monitoring System’ Proceeding of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Intelligent Informatics -(NCETCII’19) at Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology on 8th March 2019, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- D. Jebakumar Immanuel, 2019, ‘Automatic Driver Drowsy Detection and Alert System’ Proceeding of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Intelligent Informatics – (NCETCII’19) at Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology on 8th March 2019, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Dr.B.Chellaprabha, P.H.Gokulan, D. Alagudurai and A.Gowtham have won the Best Paper Award for their presentation on the topic “Techniques to Increase Aerial Internet connectivity – A survey” in the 8thNational Conference on “Emerging Trends in Instrumentation systems – NCETIS’16” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 29th March 2016.
- Dr.B.Chellaprabha, S.DhilipKumar, S.Giridhar, P.Ajesh have presented the paper entitled “Fingerprint Based Attendance Management System using GSM” in the 5thNational Conference on “Covergence of computing Bigdata Analytics and Networking Technologies and their impacts on Real world Environment – COCODANTR’16” at Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2016.
- Mr.K.Aravindhan, V.Harish, Gokulakannan and Gokulakrishnan have won the Best Paper Award for their presentation on the topic “Bus Pursuit Supervision System using RFID and WIFI in the 8thNational Conference on “Emerging Trends in Instrumentation systems – NCETIS’16” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 29th March 2016.
- Mr.E.P.Prakash, R.Kevin, E.Francis and K.Aravind have presented the paper entitled “Automatic switching of Mobile Profile Based on the Location using GPS” in the 5thNational Conference on “Covergence of computing Bigdata Analytics and Networking Technologies and their impacts on Real world Environment – COCODANTR’16” at Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2016.
- Mr.E.P.Prakash and Kishore Ravichandran have presented the paper entitled “Experimental Survey on RFID applications Technology and Adaptable Specification for Emerging Applications” in the 5thNational Conference on “Covergence of computing Bigdata Analytics and Networking Technologies and their impacts on Real world Environment – COCODANTR’16” at Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2016.
- Mr.P.Baskaran, P.Gunasekaran and S.Inbarasan have presented the paper entitled “Online T-Shirt printed designer system” in the 8thNational Conference on “Emerging Trends in Instrumentation systems – NCETIS’16” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 29th March 2016.
- Mr.S.Ranjith Kumar, R.Balaji, S.Arun Prakash and R.Anishwar have presented the paper entitled “Do Link- Mobile Application” in the 5thNational Conference on “Covergence of computing Bigdata Analytics and Networking Technologies and their impacts on Real world Environment – COCODANTR’16” at Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2016.
workshops/seminars by students
The aim of the journal is to help them better understand each other’s role in the overall process of education and how they may support each other. To enhance individual learning as well as to achieve widespread education and expect the technology to blend with their individual approach to instruction.
- Naveen.V, Shasrma.P from II Year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on The Hitchhikers Guide to Open Source by Fedora organized by Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22.02.2018 to 24.02.2018
- Sandra Chandran,Sofia.A,Immanuel Jeo Sherin.V.J from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Agile Scrum organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 23.02.2018
- Varshini.S, Manimegalai.M from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Andriod App Development organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25.02.2018
- Sara Ruth John, Manivannan .K, Vijayasangavi.V, Atchaya devi. R, Divya lakshmi.V, Keerthana. B, Keerthana. V, Sara Ruth John, Kavya. J, Gokul. from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on International Workshop on Color Filter Array Demosaickling Methods in Spatial and Frequency organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2018
- Pavithra. P, Pavithra.P, Kamal kumar. N, Anu krishna K. B from III-year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on International Workshop on Color Filter Array Demosaickling Methods in Spatial and Frequency organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2018
- Manivannan.K, Sunantha P.S, Ullas benny, Sherin P Stanley, Ashif.A, Sadhana.N, Kaviya , Dharshini.M from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on International Workshop on Color Filter Array Demosaickling Methods in Spatial and Frequency organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2018
- Deeksha. K, Thendral. A, Yamini. L, Ilakiya.C, Vaishnavi. S, Saranayadevi.S from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on International Workshop on Text Clustering for Social Media Mining organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2018
- Satheesh kumar.K, Sarankumar.S, Soniya.S, Swetha.B from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on International Workshop on Text Clustering for Social Media Mining organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2018
- Manivannan.k, Ashif.A, Ullasbenny from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on International Workshop on Text Clustering for Social Media Mining organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2018
- Naveen.V, Sharma.P from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Cloud Computing organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 03.02.2018 & 04.02.2018
- Sujetha.S, Sivasankari.P, Suganya.N from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Hackathon organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 03.02.2018
- Sarankumar.S, Satheesh Kumar.K from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Workshop on Andriod App Development Using MIT App Inventor organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.01.2018
- Sujetha.S Siva Sankari.P Reshma Begum.N from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Workshop on Andriod App Development Using MIT App Inventor organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.01.2018
- Raguram.J, Naveen.V from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Hacktech’18 organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 05.01.2018
- Kaviyadharshini.M, Vijaya Sangavi.V from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Tamil Mandaran-Yaal Workshop on organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 24.01.2018
- M.Vignesh, K.Santhosh, M.Praveen Kumar from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence organized by Anna Centenary Library, The Timber, Chennai on 23.09.2017
- A.Sukra K.Manivananan R.Raghul Prasath J.Gokul from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence organized by Anna Centenary Library, The Timber, Chennai on 23.09.2017
- A.Lakshmi Priya from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Laughing Mirrors of Java organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 23.09.2017 & 24.09.2017
- E.Saragan P.Shama from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things and its Applications in Electrical Power Industry organized by P.A.College of Engineering and Technology, Pollaci on 21.09.2017 & 22.09.2017
- C.Poojashree M.Aarthi S.Saranya Devi S.Siva Sangari from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Oracle organized by Sri Krishna I-Tech and Management Solutions Private Limited, Coimbatore on 17.09.2017
- V.Kishan R. Rahul from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical hacking organized by Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University, Thirchy on 16.09.2017
- C.Poojashree M.Aarthi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Open Stack organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 07.09.2017 to 09.09.2017
- S.Varshini, M.Kaviya Dharshini from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Security Forensics organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 02.09.2017
- T.Tharani, V.Naveen, T.Narmadha, T.S.Anusa from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Security Forensics organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 02.09.2017
- S.Kousika K.R.Pooja C.Pooja from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.08.2017
- Aishwarya Mary.J, Kalaiyarasi. G, Durga Devi.G ,Anish.R from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.08.2017
- Divyabharathi. V Naveed Ahmed.J Vaishnavi.S Thendral.A from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.08.2017
- Soniya.S, Swetha.B, Shona.K, Sarayanadevi. S, from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.08.2017
- Aswini.K Ilakya.C from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.08.2017
- Naveed Ahmed.J Anish.R Gowthaman.V Chandra Mohan.C from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Combating Cyber organized by Crimes Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 23.08.2017 & 24.08.2017
- Sarankumar.S Narayanasamy. K Vignesh.B Lezhilarasan.S from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Arduino with IoT organized by K.S.R College of Technology, on 18.08.2017
- Pooja. K.R, Yamini.R, Deeksha.K, Kousika.S from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Dismantling And Assembling of IC Engines organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 18.08.2017
- Harisma.K Atchaya Devi.R from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android App Development organized by Mother Terasa College of Engineering and Technology on 11.08.2017
- Naga Muthu Selvan.M, Raghul.A, Harish.R, Abilash.J from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- Suriya Narayanan.M, Roshan R Awasthe, Sakthivel.V Saravana Kumar.K from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- Harini.K.V, Harshini.S, Pavithra Meena.K from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- Naga Muthu Selvan.M, Raghul.A, Harish.R, Abilash.J from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- Priyanka.N, Keerthana.O.N, Keerthana.R, Monika.G from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- Loordhu Mary.B, Divya.A, Devaki.P, Divya Prabha.G from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- Durga.M, Priya Darshini.M, Francisca Dani.J, Jayasri.L from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- Akshaya.D.R, RamKumar.C, Varun Gopal, Santhiya.M, Sibin.R.V from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on LeDeGAM organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.08.2017
- K.Manivannan and R.Ragul Prasath from II Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop Cyber Safety and security standards summit’17 organized by Birla Institute of Technology, Hyderabad Campuson on 17.02.2017 & 18.02.2017.
- S.Harihara Sudhan from II Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on 3D Drone Mapping organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur from 02.09.2016 to 04.09.2016.
- A.Sukra, M.Praveen Kumar, S.Parthasarathi and R.Rahul from II Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on Game Development Using VRorganized by National Institute of Technology, Puducherry from 24.02.2017 to 26.02.2017.
- S. Kannan, N. Guruprasath and K. Saravanababu from III Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on Home Automation organized by BMS College of Engineering, Karnataka on 24.01.2016.
- P.S.Sunantha from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Social Network Hacking organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 22.03.2017
- P.Sivasankari, N.Suganya, S.Varshini from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Cyber Crime and Malware Analysis organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 04.03.2017
- S.Narendra Kumar N.Guruprasath K.Gokulan D.Infant Jose from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by IIT-Madras on 04.03.2017 & 05.03.2017
- M.Abishek S.Amsarathinam V.J.Immanuel Jeo Sherin from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Game Development organized by Anna University Regional Center, Coimbatore on 03.03.2017 & 04.03.2017
- S.Narendra Kumar N.Guruprasath K.Gokulan D.Infant Jose from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java for Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- S.Narendra Kumar N.Guruprasath K.Gokulan D.Infant Jose from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java for Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- C.M.Janani A.Kanthamani from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java for Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- T.Sharmila M.Soundharya from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java for Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- D.R.Aksshaya N.Sankavi from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java for Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- D.Shayalini G.Adhithya from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java for Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- M.Santhiya Sherin P Stanley P.S. Sunantha Sara Ruth John from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java for Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- M.Vinothini B.Keerthana V.Divya Lakshmi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Apps Development LansA Informatics Pvt Ltd organized by Coimbatore College of Technology, Coimbatore Coimbatore on 26.02.2017
- K.Harisma N.Kamal Kumar J.Kavya V.Keerthana from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Apps Development LansA Informatics Pvt Ltd organized by Coimbatore College of Technology, Coimbatore on 26.02.2017
- S.Sujetha N.Reshma Begum from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Networking and Web Development organized by Institute of Applied Electronics and Informatics and Information Systems on 25.02.2017
- R.Keerthi N.Sadhana R.Atchya Devi P.Pavithra from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Interactive Web Applications using AngularJS and REST API’s organized by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 24.02.2017 & 25.02.2017
- M.Vinothini V.Dhivyalakshimi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Robokart in Association with Innovation Cell UMIC, Bombay in Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai on 17.02.2017 & 18.02.2017
- M.Vinothini V.Dhivyalakshimi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on IoT- Home Automation and Cloud Botics organized by Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai on 17.02.2017
- V.Anushya J.Karthik M.Akshaya B.Yogitha R.Keerthana O.N.Keerthana from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Development organized by PSG College of Technology and Applied Research , Coimbatore on 17.02.2017
- Sara Ruth John P.S.Sunantha from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Cloud Computing is Not Internet: Much More!!! organized by LiveWire for Live Careers on 12.02.2017
- M.Adhithya K.V.Harini from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Google Firebase and Android organized by Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai on 10.02.2017 & 11.02.2017
- M.Priyadharshini from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Developing Lean SaaS using Python organized by Kumarakuru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.02.2017
- P.Surya Ganesh from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Development organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 01.02.2017
- V.J.Immanuel Jeo Sherin from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Development organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 01.02.2017
- J.Karthik from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Front End Website Development organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 22.01. 2017
- P.Arul Selvan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Front End Website Development organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 22.01. 2017
- J.Gokul S.Gokul from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Front End Website Development organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 22.01. 2017
- A.Sukra M.Vignesh from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Front End Website Development organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 22.01. 2017
- J.Karthik from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Machine Learning organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 20.01.2017 to 22.01. 2017
- P.Arul Selvan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Machine Learning organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 20.01.2017 to 22.01. 2017
- J.Gokul S.Gokul from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Machine Learning organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 20.01.2017 to 22.01. 2017
- A.Sukra M.Vignesh from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Machine Learning organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 20.01.2017 to 22.01. 2017
- S.Hariharasudan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Netherlands in Disec organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on date 13.01.2017 to 15.01. 2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Smart City Challenge organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on 02.01 2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Development organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on 01.01.2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on TCS Poster Presentation organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on 31.12.2016
- J.Karthik from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Big Data-Spark Hadoop organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 30.09.2016
- P.Sharmila M.Soundharya from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Python and R-Programming organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.09.2016 & 16.09.2016
- G.Divya Prabha L.Jayasri J.Francisca Dani from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Light Weight Application for IOS &Android organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 09.09.2016
- J.Immanuuel Jeo Sherin from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android organized by UNIQ Technologies, Coimbatore on 05.09.2016
- J.Karthik from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on 3D Animation organized by VIT University, Vellore on 03.09.2016
- R.Kuppusmay K.Manivannan M.Praveen Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on 3D Animation organized by VIT University, Vellore on 03.09.2016
- P.Arul Selvan S.Gokul R.Ragul Prasath from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on 3D Animation organized by VIT University, Vellore on 03.09.2016
- P.Arul Selvan K.Manivannan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by VIT University, Vellore on 04.09.2016
- J.Karthik from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by VIT University, Vellore on 04.09.2016
- K.B Anu Krishna Sandra Chandran from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Technology organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology on 31.08.2016
- S.Parthasarathi S.Amsarathinam V.J Immanuel Jeo Sherin from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Photoshop organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 29.08.2016
- P.S.Sunantha Sara Ruth John Sandra Chandran from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Technology organized by Sri Kara Institute, Vidhya Complex, PN Pudur on 28.08.2016
- P.S Sunantha Sara Ruth John from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on PHP Web Frameworks organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 26.08.2016
- P.Tharun Kumar T.Sharmilla from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Python Programming organized by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 30.07.2016
- M.Nitya S.Rakshana from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Python Programming organized by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 30.07.2016
- B.Selva Vishnu R.Keerthana from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Python Programming organized by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 30.07.2016
- P.Devika A.Divya from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Python Programming organized by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 30.07.2016
- P.Pavithra from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on PHP Web Frame works organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Pollachi on 29.07.2016
- M.Kaviyadharshini from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on PHP Web Frame works organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Pollachi on 29.07.2016
- M.Manimegalai S.Parthasarathi S.Amsarathinam from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on PHP Web Frame works organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Pollachi on 29.07.2016
- P.Guru Vishnu from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Networking and NS2 Simulator Tool organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 22.07.2016 & 23.07.2016
- J. Karthik and D. Infant Jose from II Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on Wed Development organized by Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore on 17.03.2016.
- S. Ragevendran and R. Parthiban from II Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on Wed Development organized by Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on 02.04.2016.
- M. Nagamuthu Selvan and R. Harish from year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by MITE, Mangalore on 04.03.2016 & 05.03.2016.
- G. Divya Prabha J. Francisca Dani from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Programming in Python organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai on 04.03.2016 & 05.03.2016
- V. Sakthivel from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by College of Guindy, Chennai on 13.03.2016
- M. Priya T. Sharmila from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 17.03.2016
- M. Gokul Ram K. Dhinesh Kumar M. Kaviyarasan G. Manoj Kumar S. Kannan from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Java Programming & Application organized by Saveetha School of Engineering,Chennai on 016.03.2016 & 17.03.2016
- D. Sridevi V. C. Praveena from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Development organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 17.03.2016
- R. Nelaadevi S. Poornima M. Rohini M. Suriya Prabha K. Tharanya from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Strategic Leadership for Young manager organized by Cavalier India on 12.03.2016 & 13 .03.2016
- M. Srinidhi M. Sarangi R. Nivetha G. Pavithra from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Salsa, Lit-Myth-Art, Bluff, Blender organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai on 04.02.2016 to 07.02.2016
- P. Guruvishnu K. Sudharsan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Salsa, Lit-Myth-Art, Bluff, Blender organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai on 04.02.2016 to 07.02.2016
- R. M. Benitha Shierly from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Applications Using Linuxorganized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.02.2016
- R. Saranya M. Anusaa B. Dharani from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Applications Using Linux organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.02.2016
- V. Sakthivel R.Deepika N. Suvathi S. Preethi N. Sankavi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android App Development organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02.2016
- K. Saravanababu from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Cisco Networking & Implementation organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.02.2016
- M. Santhiya D. R. Akshaya from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Embedded Robotics with Arduino organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.02.2016
- G. R. Sharma R. Sanjay from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Sensorics organized by PSG College of Technology,Coimbatore on 13.02.2016
- S. Logeshwari from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Embedded System organized by Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai on 12.02.2016 & 13.02.2016
- U. K. Tharani R. Sushma from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Adobe Flash organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 19.02.2016
- R. Shanmuga Sundar Rajan N. Guruprasath S. Narendra Kumar J. Karthik G. Adhithya from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Next Generation Mobile Networks organized by MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai on 19.02.2016 & 20.02.2016
- K. Gokulan D. Infant Jose from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Spring 3.X Framework organized by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering & Technology, Pollachi on 20.02.2016
- S. Jayaselvamathi J. Kiruthika from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Cyber Warfare & Security organized by National Institute of Technology, Trichy on 25.02.2016 & 26.02.2016
- R. Nelaadevi S. Prathaini from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Leadership Global Conclave organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 04.02.2016 to 06.02.2016
- S. Prathaini R. Saranya R. Sushma K. Saravana Babu from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Development & Version Control organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli on 29.01.2016 to 31.01.2016
- S. Poornima G. Priyanka R. Parthiban from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Development & Version Control organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli on 29.01.2016 to 31.01.2016
- M. Naga Muthu Selvan D. Shayalini M. Durga from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Development & Version Control organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli on 29.01.2016 to 31.01.2016
- R. Neeladevi G. Pavithra S. Raghavendhar from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on IBM Bluemix organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai on 23.01.2016 to 25.01.2016
- P. Haritha R. Pavithra from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Big data, Robotics & Satellite organized by International Science & Research Organization, Chennai on 26.01.2016
- G. Pavithra from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Network Security organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai on 23.01.2016 to 25.01.2016
- R. Kevin J. Gabriel rajan E. Francis S. Giridhar from IV year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Animation organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.09.2015 & 04.09.2015
- B. Yogitha S. Narendra Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.09.2015
- B. Yogitha S. Narendra Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Photoshop & Coding organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 18.09.2015
- U. K. Tharani R. Sushma from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Corporate Etiquette organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 20.09.2015
- S. Logeswari from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Multimedia organized by Top Engineers – ICSA on 26.09.2015 2014-2015
- Asam Sunil Kumar Reddy, S.Karthik and A.Sunil kumar reddy from III Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on Game Development Using HTML5 & CSS3 organized by Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata on 17.01.2015.
- Enoch Kingston.A from II Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on ROBOFACE organized by Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram on 11.10.2014.
- B.Perumal from III Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the Workshop on ROBOFACE organized by Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram on 11.10.2014.
- R. Nelaadevi J. Jeffry Rajan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Carte Blanche organized by Madras Institute Of Technology, Chennai on 28.02.2015
- S. Kaviyarasu M. Karthikesh.from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Carte Blanche organized by Madras Institute Of Technology, Chennai on 28.02.2015
- M. Manokaran K. Indria kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Carte Blanche organized by Madras Institute Of Technology, Chennai on 28.02.2015
- G. Manoj Kumar S. Poornima from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Carte Blanche organized by Madras Institute Of Technology, Chennai on 28.02.2015
- T. Sowndarya A. Nivetha from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Carte Blanche organized by Madras Institute Of Technology, Chennai on 28.02.2015
- S. Gayathri S. Divya S. Dhivya M. Gayathri from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Whatshack organized by National Institute Of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 26.02.2015
- M. Oviya S. Parthaini R. Rubini M. Priya Bharathi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Technology Development organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore on 25.02.2015 & 26.02.2015
- M. Kannan S. Arun prakash R. Anishwar R. Balaji from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 24.02.2015 & 25.02.2015
- P. Shayestha R. Pushpanjali C. PunithKumar R. Pon Vishnu kumar B. Permal from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Hands-on Training in PHP & MySQL organized by Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 21.02.2015
- K. Abinaya M. Gowri K. Atchaya R. Banu from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by Park College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- M. Karthikeyan S. Ashish Singh R. Harish from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on IBM Big Data Analytics organized by College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai on 20.02.2015
- A. Aswinkumar A. Sathyamoorthy K. Saravana Babu from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on IBM Big Data Analytics organized by College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai on 20.02.2015
- V. Suba Nandhini A. S. Puranisry S. Samseena D. Sridevi S. Shiny Fatima from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Computer Vision & Image Processing Techniques & Data Analytics organized by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore on 18.02.2015 to 20.02 .2015
- R. Shanmuga Priya P. Rengashree G. Ranjini V. Nandhini from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Boost Your Soft Skills, YUGAM .2015, organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.02 .2015
- N. GokulRam S. Ashish Singh M. Karthikeyan S. Kaviarasu from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Boost Your Soft Skills, YUGAM .2015, organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.02 .2015
- S. Gowtham A. Sunil Kumar Reddy S. Karthik K. Soniya M. Vigneshwari M. Thilagam P. Nivetha Nayendra R. P. Suryaprabha from III year Computer Science and ngineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12.02 2015
- A.Jeeva from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12.02 2015
- S.Karthick from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of things organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12.02 2015
- S.Karthick from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on 3D-Printing organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02 2015
- P.Ishwarya Kiruthiga muthulakshmi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of things organized by Sri Shakthi institute of engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02 .2015
- Hemapriya B.Devishri T.Gowthami.T S.Anusuya.S from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of things organized by Sri Shakthi institute of engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02 .2015
- A.Deepika G.Aishwarya T.Karthika P.Muthulakshmi from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02.2015
- G.Monajkumar A.Eniyavan J.Jeffry Rajan R.Jagan M.Karthikesh K.Dineshkumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Internet of Things organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02.2015
- A.Archana Devi V.Angelin A.Ram prabhu S.Mukesh kumar M.Senthil Nagamani J.Vignesh M.Kaviyarasan M.Marnadu from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Cloud security Information Science & Technology Association College of Engineering, organized by National Institute of Technology on 07.02.2015
- M.Mynisha Vani V.Kiruba from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Network Security organized by IIT Bombay on 05.02.2015 & 06.02.2015
- A.Sunil kumar reddy P.Muthulakshmi from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ideation to Execution organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 28.01.2015
- M.Senthil Nagamani D.Sri Devi M.Surya prabha from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ideation to Execution organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 28.01.2015
- M.Sri Vaishnavy S.Shaganaa E.Siddharth E.Sangavi from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ideation to Execution organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 28.01.2015
- M.Karthikesh K.Dinesh kumar S.Logeshwari Kiruthiga J.Muthulakshmi A.Archana Devi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ideation to Execution organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 28.01.2015
- R.Sushma R.Saranya from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Apps Fluxus .2015 – National &roid Apps Championship organized by Sri Guru Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 23.01.2015 & 24.01.2015
- K.Saravana babu from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking & Information Security organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 20.01.2015
- S.Logeshwari M.Anusaa from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Hack Track organized by Karpagam University,Coimbatore on 20.01.2015
- M.Rohini M.Sarangi K.Nivesha from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Python Psychological Communication Skills organized by Indian Institute of Technology,Madras on 05.01.2015
- M.Karthikesh G.Manoj Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android App Development organized by Indian Institute of Technology,Madras on 05.01.2015
- M.Karthikesh G.Manoj Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Astronomical Data Analysis organized by Indian Institute of Technology,Madras on 06.01.2015
- V.Angelin M.Priya Bharathi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Development organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore on 03.01.2015
- P.Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Phython &Google Application organized by Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore on 26.09.2014 & 28.09.2014
- P.Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on 3D-Animation organized by Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore on 26.09.2014 & 28.09.2014
- P.Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Web Commerce organized by Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore on 26.09.2014 & 28.09.2014
- P.Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Mozilla Firefox organized by Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore on 26.09.2014 & 28.09.2014
- P.Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Image Processing organized by Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore on 26.09.2014 & 28.09.2014
- V.Nithya P.Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Idea Challenge organized by Karpagam College Of Engineering,Coimbatore on 20.09.2014
- M.Srinidhi K.Shyam I.Vignesh from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by SNS College Of Engineering,Coimbatore on 20.09. 2014
- A.Sathish Kumar M.Surya Praba K.Nivesha A.S.Puranisry M.Sarangi from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by SNS College Of Engineering,Coimbatore on 20.09. 2014
- M.Mynisha Vani T.Karthika from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by Kongu Engineering College,Erode on 18.09.2014 & 19.09.2014
- Gokul Krishanan from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 14.09.2014
- J.Jeffry Rajan R.Jaganfrom II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by Arjun College Of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.09.2014
- P.Iswarya from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 09.09.2014
- T.Karthika A.Deepika B.Anushya G.Aishwarya K.Kavipriya S.Anusuya from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by LansA Infomatics Pvt.Ltd Coimbatore on 30.08. 2014
- P.Muthulakshmi Rohini B.Perumal R.Pon Vishnu Kumar R.Roshan Farzana from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Android Application Development organized by LansA Infomatics Pvt.Ltd Coimbatore on 30.08. 2014
- R.Indhu Priya S.Anu tharani A.Enoch Kingston from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by R.V.S College Of Engineering &Technology,Coimbatore on 22.08.2014 & 23.08. 2014
- B.Perumal R.Pon Vishnu Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Microsoft Cloud Computing organized by Mazenet IT Training &Certification, Coimbatore on 22.07.2014
- P.Iswarya D.SriDevi A.Ram Prabhu R.Saranya S.Poornima from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 17.07.2014
- G.Priyanga M.Priya Bharathi R.Nivedha V.Subanandhini A.S.Puranisry from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 17.07.2014
- K.Magitha S.Elakkiya R.Nelaadevi M.Rohni K.Nivesha R.Sushma from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 17.07.2014
- M.Sarangi G.Pavithra K.Sudharsan R.IndhuPriya K.Dinesh Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 17.07.2014
- S.Anu Tharani U.K.Tharani K.Tharanya A.NivethaJ.Kiruthiga Muthulakshmi M.Kaviarasan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 17.07.2014
- A.Archana Devi S.Logeshwari R.Pavithra S.Monisha K.Shyam from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 17.07.2014
- M.Srinidhi J.Jeffry Rajan K.Deepa R.Jagan from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Ethical Hacking organized by Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore on 17.07.2014
- B.Perumal Pon Vishnu Kumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Microsoft Cloud Computing organized by Mazenet Private Limited, Coimbatore on 22.07. 2014
- R.Logapriya B.Perumal from III year Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on Redhat organized by Mazenet Private Limited, Coimbatore on 15.07.2014
- Dr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel AP CSE from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the training programme on Train the Trainer at Automation Anywhere Software Private Limit, Bangalore from 18.11.19 to 22.11.19
- Mr.K.Aravindhan, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended 6 days Faculty Development Programme on Data Analytics using Python Programming by at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathayamangalam, Erode from 04.06.2018 to 09.06.2018.
- Mr.E.P.Prakash, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended 7 days Faculty Development and Training Programme on Data Analytics at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore from 18.06.2018 to 24.06.2018.
- Mr.K.Balaji and Mr. Jebakumar Immanuel.D, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended 3 days workshop on Artificial Intelligence at Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Andhra Pradesh from 21.06.2018 to 23.06.2018.
- Mr.K.Balaji, Ms.G.Brindha and Ms.S.Saranya, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended the 7 days Faculty Development Training Programme on Problem Solving and Python Programming at Anna University, Regional Campus, Coimbatore from 30.05.2018 to 05.06.2018.
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended 7 days Faculty Development Training Programme on Problem Solving and Python Programming at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, from 04.06.2018 to 10.06.2018.
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended 7 days Faculty Development Training Programme on Problem Solving and Python Programming at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, from 04.06.2018 to 10.06.2018.
- Mr.R.Ashok Kumar and Mr.E.P.Prakash Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended an Industrial Training at Impiger Technologies Private Limited Coimbatore, from 12.11.2018 to 12.12.2018.
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended FDP-Entrepreneurship at Kongu College of Technology, Erode from 13.11.2017 to 25.11.2017.
- Mr.K.Arun Kumar, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended FDP-Teaching and Learning Enhancement through outcome based education at Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai from 07.12.2017 to 08.12.2017.
- Mr.P.Baskaran, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended FDP-Teaching and Learning Enhancement through outcome based education at Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai from 07.12.2017 to 08.12.2017.
- Ms.S.Saranya Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended FDP- Problem Solving and Python Programming at RVS College of Engineering and Technology from 05.08.2017 to 12.08.2017
- Ms.P.Poovizhi Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended FDP- IT Essential at KSR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode from 28.08.2017 to 28.08.2017.
- Ms.G.Brindha Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended FDP- Graph Theory and Applications at Info Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore from 05.06.2017 to 11.06.2017.
- Mr.K.Aravindhan Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Workshop – Mobile App development using Open Source for Cyber Secure Application at Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering, Pollachi from 06.10.2017 to 07.10.2017.
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Workshop – Python Programming at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 28.08.2017 to 29.08.2017.
- Ms.S.Saranya Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Web Application Framework Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 12.08.2017.
- Ms.S.Saranya Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Data Mining Tools Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 03.02.2018.
- Ms.P.Poovizhi Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Worshop – Python Programming at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 28.08.2017 to 29.08.2017.
- Ms.S.Yamuna, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Web Application Framework Kongu Engineering College, Erode 12.08.2017.
- Ms.G.Brindha, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Web Application Framework Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 12.08.2017.
- Ms.G.Brindha Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Data Mining Tools Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 03.02.2018.
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Workshop – Python Programming at Coimbatore Institute of Technology from 28.08.2017 to 29.08.2017.
- Dr.C.Kalaiarasan, Dean from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop on Realization of IoT using Rasberry Pi at National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 09.12.2016 to 10.12.2016.
- Mr. K.Aravindhan Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop on Realization of IoT using Rasberry Pi at National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 09.12.2016 to 10.12.2016.
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Programme on Grid and Cloud Computing at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai from 23.05.2016 to 29.05.2016.
- Ms.S.Saranya, Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Programme on Internet of Things at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 02.06.2016 to 04.06.2016
- Ms.P.Poovizhi, Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Programme on Internet of Things at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 02.06.2016 to 04.06.2016
- Ms.S.Yamuna, Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Programme on Internet of Things at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 02.06.2016 to 04.06.2016
- Ms.G.Brindha, Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Programme on Internet of Things at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 02.06.2016 to 04.06.2016
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Programme on Internet of Things at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 02.06.2016 to 04.06.2016
- Ms.A.C.Sumathi Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop on NBA SAR Filling Preparedness for Assessment at Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad from 13.11.2016 to 14.11.2016
- Mr.K.Aravindhan, Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop on Simulation and Emulation of Self organizing Networks at Kongu Engineering College, Erode 01.09.2016 to 03.09.2016
- Mr.K.Karthikeyan Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop on Image Processing Using MATLAB at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology from16.09.2016 to 17.09.2016
- Mr.K.Balaji Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop Ethical Hacking at Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore from 02.09.2016 to 03.09.2016
- Mr.S.RanjithKumar, Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop on Impact of Python Programming on Data Science and Embedded System at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore from 24.03.2017 to 25.0532017.
- Mr.S.Saranya, Assistant Professor from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended workshop on Big Data Sparks Hadoop at PSG College of Technology from 02.06.2016 to 04.06.2016.
- S.Saranya Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Big Data, Robotics Satellite and orcad at International Science and Research Organization, Erode on 26.01.2016.
- P.Poovizhi Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Big Data, Robotics Satellite and orcad at International Science and Research Organization, Erode on 26.01.2016.
- S.Yamuna Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Big Data, Robotics Satellite and orcad at International Science and Research Organization, Erode on 26.01.2016.
- S.Yamuna Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Art of writing and Publishing Effective Research Paper In Journals and Conferences at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 25.07.2015.
- I.Gugan, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Collaborative Research and Funding Opportunities of Engineering Institutions at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 19.06.2015 to 20.06.2015.
- K.Balaji, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Collaborative Research and Funding Opportunities of Engineering Institutions at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 19.06.2015 to 20.06.2015.
- D.Jebakumar Immanuel , Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Workshop – Internet of Things at National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 13.11.2015 to 14.11.2015.
- A.C.Sumathi, Associate Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Workshop – Internet of Things at College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai from 26.11.2015 to 27.11.2015.
- R.Ashok Kumar, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Training Programme FDP- Mobile Application using Android at SRR Engineering College, Chennai from 30.10.2015 to 31.10.2015.
- E.P.Prakash, Assistant Professor, from Computer Science and Engineering Department has attended Faculty Development Programme on Mobile Application using Android at SRR Engineering College, Chennai from 30.10.2015 to 31.10.2015.
technical events by students
The aim of the journal is to help them better understand each other’s role in the overall process of education and how they may support each other. To enhance individual learning as well as to achieve widespread education and expect the technology to blend with their individual approach to instruction.
- Sunantha.P.S from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Technowiz organized by Sasurie Academy of Engineering, Coimbatore on 26.02.2018
- B.Gowtham, S.Sarankumar, B.Vignesh from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Bond 007- Short Film Test organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.09.2017
- M.Vignesh, K.Santhosh, M.Praveen Kumar from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Indian Youth Conclave organized by The Climber, Chennai on 24.09.2017
- A.Sukra, K.Manivananan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Indian Youth Conclave organized by The Climber, Chennai on 24.09.2017
- R.Raghul Prasath, J.Gokul from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Indian Youth Conclave organized by The Climber, Chennai on 24.09.2017
- M.Manimegalai, N.Suganya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Code-A-Thon organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 22.09.2017
- S. Bharath from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Business Quiz Competition organized by National Institute of Personal Management, Madras on 14.09.2017
- S.Harihara Sudhan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event MUN- Representing Republic of China organized by SRM Ramapuram Model United Nations, Chennai on 01.09.2017 to 03.09.2017
- N.Reshma Begum from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Internet of Things organized by PA College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 30.01.2018
- M.Manimegalai , N.Suganya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event IoT Agriculture organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 22.09.2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Icon of IQ organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Tech Wizard organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Brain Digger organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Designolah organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2017
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Creative Eye organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2017
- S.Harihara Sudhan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event MUN- Youth Leader Global Conclave organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 17.03.2017 to 19.03.2017
- C.M.Janani, A.Kanthamani, D.R.Aksshaya from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Techmagus organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- N.Sankavi, D.Shayalini, R.Vaishnavi, M.Santhiya from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Techmagus organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- B.Loordumary, G.Monika from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Bug Strom organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 24.02.2017
- S.Gokul, P.Arul Selvan, M.Kaviyadharshini, P.Pavithra from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Tamilanda organized by K S R Institute for Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengodu on 17.02.2017
- S.Gokul, P.Arul Selvan, M.Kaviyadharshini, P.Pavithra from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Minute to Win organized by K S R Institute for Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengodu on 17.02.2017
- S.Gokul, P.Arul Selvan, M.Kaviyadharshini, P.Pavithra from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Best Kalaai organized by K S R Institute for Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengodu on 17.02.2017
- D.Infant Jose from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Technical Quiz organized by Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02.2017
- D.Infant Jose from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code Debugging organized by Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02.2017
- M.Priyadharshini from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Debugging, Code Optimization, TechnoFun organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.02.2017
- P.Surya Ganesh, V.J.Immanuel Jeo Sherin from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Crash Your Codes organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 01.02.2017
- P.Kuppusamy from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Best Brains Quotient 2016 organized by LiveWire Technologies, Coimbatore on 14.10.2016
- R.Neeladevi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Marathon organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 29.09.2016 & 30.09.2016
- K.Pavithra Meena from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Technical Fun organized by Angel College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruppur on 27.08.2016
- K.Pavithra Meena from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code Debugging organized by Angel College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruppur on 27.08.2016
- K.Priya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Web Crack organized by Angel College of Engineering and Technology, on 27.08.2016
- K.Priya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Technical Fun organized by Angel College of Engineering and Technology, on 27.08.2016
- K.Priya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code Debugging organized by Angel College of Engineering and Technology, on 27.08.2016
- S.Harihara Sudhan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Model Union Nations- China in UNGA DISEC organized by SRM University, Chennai on 21.08.2016
- S.Harihara Sudhan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event ICT YOUTH TALK 2016 organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 13.08.2016
- S.Bharath from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Brain Computer Interface organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2017
- M.Vinothini from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event 5G Technology organized by United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.03.2017
- V.Keerthana , B.Keerthana from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Overview of Networking and its Application organized by United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.03.2017
- J.Kavya, K.Harisma from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Virtual Reality organized by United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.03.2017
- D.R.Aksshaya, M.Santhiya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Virtual Shopping organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- D.Shayalini from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Virtual Shopping organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- C.M.Janani, A.Kanthamani, N.Sankavi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Eyes Technology organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- G.Adhithya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Wireless Adhoc Networks organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- R.Vaishnavi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Power Generation using Speed Braker based on IoT organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 03.03.2017
- B.Loordu Mary from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Digital Door Locking System Based on IoT organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 24.02.2017
- G.Monika, R.Kuppusamy from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Augmented Reality organized by SONA College of Technology, Salem on 23.02.2017
- K.Manivannan, M.Santhiya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Virtual Shopping organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 20.02.2017
- D.Shayalini, D.R.Akshaya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Gas Leakage Detector organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 20.02.2017
- S.Harshini , S.Gokul from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event 5G Technology organized by K S R Institute for Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengodu on 17.02.2017
- P.Arul Selvan, M.Kaviyadharshini, P.Pavithra from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Online voting System organized by K S R Institute for Engineering and Technology, Thiruchengodu on 17.02.2017
- S.Sowmiya, M.Vedha Shree from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Mind Reading Computer organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem on 16.02.2017
- M.Priya, N.Priyanka from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cybrog organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem on 16.02.2017
- K.Pavithra Meena from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Red Tacton organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem on 16.02.2017
- D.Infant Jose from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event 3D Browser organized by Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.02.2017
- V.Suvaathi, S.Preethi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain Technology organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 03.02.2017
- R.Deepika, B.Yogitha from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Eye Technology organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 03.02.2017
- R.Neeladevi from IV year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Performance prediction using Data analytics organized by Paavai engineering collage, Namakkal on 29.09.2016, 30.09.2016
- A.Nikhila from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Sixth sense Technology organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Coimbatore on 09.09.2016
- S.Sowmiya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Sixth sense Technology organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Coimbatore on 09.09.2016
- S.Suryapathi, K.Saravana Kumar from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Vehicular Networking organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Coimbatore on 09.09.2016
- R.Keerthana, M.Akshaya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Honeypot organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Coimbatore on 09.09.2016
- K.Pavithra Meena , M.Vedhashree from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Eyes Technology organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Coimbatore on 09.09.2016
- M. Kaviyarasan, A.RamPrabhu from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event “Code in India”- 24 hours Non-Stop Coding Contest 2016 organized by KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 01.04.2016 & 02.04.2016
- K. Nivesha, R. Nelaadevi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event PIXELOMATC organized by K.S.R College of Engineering, Namakkal on 10.03.2016
- M. Gokul Ram, K. Dinesh kumar, S. Kannan, G. Manoj kumar, S. Kannan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Project Expo organized by Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai on 16.03.2016
- P. Iswarya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event PAPYRUS EXPEUSTO organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 19.02.2016
- B. Loordu Mary from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Bug Mania organized by Info Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore on 07.09.2015
- S. Monisha from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.09.2015
- V. Karthika from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.09.2015
- B. Yogitha, S. Rakshana from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Android System Security organized by Sree Sakthi Engineering College,Coimbatore on 07.04.2016
- U. K. Tharani, K. Tharanya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain organized by Shree Venkateshwara Hitech Engineering College on 04.03.2016
- S. Samseena, A. S. Puranisri from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Security analysis using ATM organized by Shree Venkateshwara Hitech Engineering College on 04.03.2016
- M. Suriya Narayanan, R. Roshan, D. Hemasneka from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Virtual Reality organized by Kalasalingam University, Madurai on 04.03.2016 & 05.03.2016
- C. Iruthaya Shanthi Merlin from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Haptic Technology organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 05.03.2016
- V. Karthika, S. Monisha from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Eye Technology organized by Nandha College of Engineering on 09.03.2016
- A. Archana Devi, V. Angelin from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Internet of Things organized by Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 12.03.2016
- K. Nivesha, R. Nelaadevi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Survey on Artificial Intelligence organized by K.S.R College of Engineering on 10.03.2016
- S. Kaviyarasu from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Android Development organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 17.03.2016
- A. Enoch Kingston, R. Harish, S. Gowtham from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Internet of Things organized by United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 19.03.2016
- M. Karthikesh, M. Gokulram from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event LIFI organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 31.03.2016
- R. Harish, S. Kaviyarasu from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event FOG Computing organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 31.03.2016
- J. Jeffry Rajan, A. Aswin kumar from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Human Computer Interaction organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2016
- J. Jagan, S. Ashish Singh from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2016
- J. Kiruthiga, S. Anu Thami from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Future Polling System Using Cloud Computing with Smart Client Technology organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2016
- M. Anusaa, B. Dharani from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2016
- V. Angelin, A. Archana Devi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Internet of Things organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2016
- A. Satish kumar, R.Parthiban from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Plastic Memory organized by Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15.02.2016
- S. Elakkiya, A. Kiruthika from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Iris Code Secured Mobile in Cloud Computing organized by Selvam College of Technology,Namakkal on 18.02.2016
- P. Iswarya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Net Neutrality organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 19.02.2016
- M. Senthil Nagamani, R. Ragul from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Robotic Arm organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 19.02.2016
- A. Eniyavan, M. Marnadu from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 19.02.2016
- A. Ram prabhu, A. Satish kumar from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Security & Privacy organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 10.09.2015
- S. Logeswari from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Agriculture Robotics organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.09.2015
- R. Nelaadevi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Mobile Computing organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 04.09.2015
- M. Mynisha vani, V. Kiruba from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Nano Technology organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2015
- R. P. Surya Prabha, K. Soniya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Nano Robotics organized by Kongu Engineering College,Erode on 12.03.2015
- T. Gowthami, B. Devishri from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Automatic Car control during car Accident organized by Kongu Engineering College,Erode on 12.03.2015
- S. Anusuya, R. Hemapriya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green IT through Virtualization organized by Kongu Engineering College,Erode on 12.03.2015
- V. Nithya, P. Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Webcam based Virtual Keyboard organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 06.03.2015
- P. Rengashree, V. Nandhini from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Wireless Brain Mapping organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 06.03.2015
- A. Nivetha, R. Neeladevi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Image Processing organized by Valliammal Engineering College, Chennai on 28.02.2015
- B. Anushya, A. Deepika from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green Computing organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 27.02.2015
- T. Karthika from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Artificial Intelligence organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 27.02.2015
- J. Kiruthiga Muthulakshmi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Image Processing organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 26.02.2015
- S. Logeshwari from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Pricking The Digital Locking System organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 26.02.2015
- K. Gokula Krishnan, P.H.Gokulan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Pricking the Digital Locking System organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 26.02.2015
- A. Kiruthika, S. Elakkiya from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Haptic Technology organized by SCAD Engineering College, Tirupur on 24.02.2015
- S. Mehrunnisa, K. Niveda from IV year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Angel College of Engineering & Technology, Tirupur on 20.02.2015
- K. Kavipriya, R. Logapriya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Safe-In- Flight Mobile Communication organized by EASA College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- J. Kiruthika, S. Jeyaselvamathi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Greendriod organized by EASA College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- S. Shaganaa, M. Sri Vaishnavy from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Nano Robotics organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- A. S. Vidhya, S. Sabitha Sri from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- P. H. Gokulan, K. Gokulakrishnan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain Technology organized by Sree Sakthi Engineering College, Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- S. Anu Tharani, V. Angelin, A. Archana devi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Karpagam University, Coimbatore on 17.02.2015 & 18.02.2015
- S. Vignesh, S. Priyadharshan, A. Sunil Kumar Reddy, S. Ranjeth from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event E-Ball Technology organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 07.02.2015
- S. Dhivya, M. Gayathri, S. Divya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing & public sector organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 07.02.2015
- P. Rathiga, V. Nithya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Electronic Eye For Visually Impaired organized by N.S.N College of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 07.02.2015
- Kannan Srininvasan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Wireless Brain Mapping organized by Easwari Engineering College & SRM University on 05.02.2015
- J. Harish, V. Harish, R. Kishore from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain Technology organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 05.02.2015
- R. Kishore, V. Harish, J. Harish from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain Tehnology organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.01.2015 & 14.01.2015
- K. Tharanya, U. K. Tharani from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Marketing & Word Hunt organized by KG College of Arts & Science College, Coimbatore on 10.01.2015
- M. Umira, L. Sujipriya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green Computing organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 11.10.2014
- K. Soniya, R. P. Suryaprabha from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Wireless Brain Technology organized by SVS College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 26.09.2014
- R. Indhupriyaa, S. Anutharani from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event ATM Credit in Fraud Attacks organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 24.09.2014
- M. Kaviyarasan, G. Manojkumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by AVS Engineering College,Salem on 24.09.2014
- A. Eniyavan, R. Jagan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Network Security organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 24.09.2014
- Roshan Farzana, S. Shaganaa from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event SOS TRANSMISSION organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- B. Perumal, R. Ponvishnukumar from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- S. Vinothini, M. Srivaishnavi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Bluer Intercom organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- B. Indhupriya, S. Anutharani from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event ATM Credits in Fraud Attacks organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- R. P. Surya Prabha from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Artificial Intelligence organized by JKKN College of Engineering & Technology, Kumarabapalayam on 13.09.2014
- R. Ponvishnu Kumar, B. Perumal from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Eye Mobiles organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 12.09.2014
- S. Kannan, K. Dineshkumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green Computing organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 23.08.2014
- J. JeffryRajan, M. Kaviyarasan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 23.08.2014
- M. Mynisha vani, V. Kiruba from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Nano Technology organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2015
- R. P. Surya Prabha, K. Soniya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Nano Robotics organized by Kongu Engineering College,Erode on 12.03.2015
- T. Gowthami, B. Devishri from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Automatic Car control during car Accident organized by Kongu Engineering College,Erode on 12.03.2015
- S. Anusuya, R. Hemapriya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green IT through Virtualization organized by Kongu Engineering College,Erode on 12.03.2015
- V. Nithya, P. Rathiga from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Webcam based Virtual Keyboard organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 06.03.2015
- P. Rengashree, V. Nandhini from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Wireless Brain Mapping organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 06.03.2015
- A. Nivetha, R. Neeladevi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Image Processing organized by Valliammal Engineering College, Chennai on 28.02.2015
- B. Anushya, A. Deepika from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green Computing organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 27.02.2015
- T. Karthika from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Artificial Intelligence organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 27.02.2015
- J. Kiruthiga Muthulakshmi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Image Processing organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 26.02.2015
- S. Logeshwari from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Pricking The Digital Locking System organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 26.02.2015
- K. Gokula Krishnan, P.H.Gokulan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Pricking the Digital Locking System organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 26.02.2015
- A. Kiruthika, S. Elakkiya from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Haptic Technology organized by SCAD Engineering College, Tirupur on 24.02.2015
- S. Mehrunnisa, K. Niveda from IV year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Angel College of Engineering & Technology, Tirupur on 20.02.2015
- K. Kavipriya, R. Logapriya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Safe-In- Flight Mobile Communication organized by EASA College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- J. Kiruthika, S. Jeyaselvamathi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Greendriod organized by EASA College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- S. Shaganaa, M. Sri Vaishnavy from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Nano Robotics organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- A. S. Vidhya, S. Sabitha Sri from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology,Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- P. H. Gokulan, K. Gokulakrishnan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain Technology organized by Sree Sakthi Engineering College, Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- S. Anu Tharani, V. Angelin, A. Archana devi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Karpagam University, Coimbatore on 17.02.2015 & 18.02.2015
- S. Vignesh, S. Priyadharshan, A. Sunil Kumar Reddy, S. Ranjeth from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event E-Ball Technology organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 07.02.2015
- S. Dhivya, M. Gayathri, S. Divya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing & public sector organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 07.02.2015
- P. Rathiga, V. Nithya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Electronic Eye For Visually Impaired organized by N.S.N College of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 07.02.2015
- Kannan Srininvasan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Wireless Brain Mapping organized by Easwari Engineering College & SRM University on 05.02.2015
- J. Harish, V. Harish, R. Kishore from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain Technology organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 05.02.2015
- R. Kishore, V. Harish, J. Harish from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Blue Brain Tehnology organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.01.2015 & 14.01.2015
- K. Tharanya, U. K. Tharani from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Marketing & Word Hunt organized by KG College of Arts & Science College, Coimbatore on 10.01.2015
- M. Umira, L. Sujipriya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green Computing organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 11.10.2014
- K. Soniya, R. P. Suryaprabha from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Wireless Brain Technology organized by SVS College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 26.09.2014
- R. Indhupriyaa, S. Anutharani from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event ATM Credit in Fraud Attacks organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 24.09.2014
- M. Kaviyarasan, G. Manojkumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by AVS Engineering College,Salem on 24.09.2014
- A. Eniyavan, R. Jagan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Network Security organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 24.09.2014
- Roshan Farzana, S. Shaganaa from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event SOS TRANSMISSION organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- B. Perumal, R. Ponvishnukumar from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- S. Vinothini, M. Srivaishnavi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Bluer Intercom organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- B. Indhupriya, S. Anutharani from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event ATM Credits in Fraud Attacks organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 19.09.2014 & 20.09.2014
- R. P. Surya Prabha from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Artificial Intelligence organized by JKKN College of Engineering & Technology, Kumarabapalayam on 13.09.2014
- R. Ponvishnu Kumar, B. Perumal from III year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Eye Mobiles organized by KGiSL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 12.09.2014
- S. Kannan, K. Dineshkumar from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Green Computing organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Coimbatore on 23.08.2014
- J. JeffryRajan, M. Kaviyarasan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department have participated in the event Cloud Computing organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 23.08.2014
- M.Mynisha vani & V.Kiruba from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Google Quest organized by Sri Krishna college of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 27.03.2015.
- S.Gowtham from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Web Designing organized by National Institute of Technology, Tirchy on 16.03.2014 & 17.03.2015.
- B.Devishri from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Last Stand organized by Kongu Engineering college, Erode on 12.03.2015.
- Zeenath Jasmine Abbasali from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Technowars by Kongu Engineering college, Erode on 12 .03 .2015
- P.Nivetha nayendra from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Technowars by Kongu Engineering college, Erode on 12 .03 .2015
- K.Soniya, R.P.Surya Prabha, P,Nivetha nayendra & M.Thilagam from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event KWIZON organized by Kongu Engineering college, Erode on 12.03 .2015.
- M.Thilagam from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Techno wars organized by Kongu Engineering college, Erode on 12.03.2015.
- P.Rengrashree & V.Nandhini from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Debugging organized by Sri Ramakrishna engineering college, Coimbatore on 06.03.2015.
- A.Kiruthika & S.Elakkiya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Debugging, Quiz, Paper presentation organized by Sasurie academy of engineering, Coimbatore on 25.02.2015
- M.Umira, R.Saranya & K.Shanthi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Debugging,Quiz organized by Sasurie academy of engineering, Coimbatore 25.02.2015.
- M.Priya Bharathi, R.Rubini, S.Prathaini & M.Oviya from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Management Fest organized by Karunya university, Coimbatore on 25.02.2015 to 27.02.2015
- Savitha, R.Tamilselvi & K.Reshma from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Management Fest organized by Karunya university, Coimbatore on 25.02.2015 to 27.02.2015
- Rohini, Suji priya & S.Vinothini from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Management Fest organized by Karunya university, Coimbatore on 25.02.2015 to 27.02.2015
- V.Srividhya & B.praveena from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Management Fest organized by Karunya university, Coimbatore on 25.02.2015 to 27.02.2015
- U.Ranjith Kumar, K.Vignesh, S.Prakash, Sunil kumar reddy asam, S.Ranjith, M.Sivakumar, M.Sathyamoorthy, S.Vignesh, E.Vijayakumar & P.Prakash from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Gamolition, funky junk, bug hunt, web master, google –I, pot pouri organized by Anna University, Chennai on 26.02.2015 & 27.02.2015.
- T.Karthika & K.Gokula Krishnan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code Debugging organized by Hindustan college of Engineering & Technology, , Coimbatore on 26.02.2015.
- S.Priyadharsan, S.Ranjeth, S.Vignesh & Sunil Kumar Reddy A from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Technical Quiz organized by Easa college of engineering & technology, , Coimbatore on 20.02.2015.
- K.Gokula Krishnan & Gokulan P.H from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Hot Spurt & BL URB organized by Sree Sakthi Engineering College,Coimbatore on 20.02.2015.
- S.Giridhar, R.J.Lenin raja, B.Perumal, S.Inbarasan, R.Kevin N.Nandhini & S.Pavithra from year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Debugging organized by Government College of Engineering , Salem on date.
- M.Sri Vaishnavy & S.Shaganaa from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Jornal Juntar organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, , Coimbatore on 20.02.2015
- V.Harish from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code Sense organized by PSG college of technology on 15.02.2015.
- V.Subanandhini from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Trichy Techy, Media slice organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, , Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- A.Jeeva from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Forensic,tech hunt, geek in organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, , Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- R.Rubini, S.Poornima & G.Priyanka from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code mash, Kaviarangam organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015
- S.Priyadhasan, V.C.Praveena, S.Ranjeth, G.Ranjani, V.Nandhini & S.Vignesh from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code mash, geek in, Brain war, Media slice, trichy techy, business Quiz organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015 date.
- S.Karthick, P.Rangashree K.Deepa & T.Gowthami from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Android app development, Geek in app Development, Mediaslice, Trichy techy, Brain war organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- B.Devishri from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Tricky Techy, Media slice, Forensic , App development organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- M.Srinithi from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Brain war, Media slice, Trichy Techy organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- S.Anushya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event India Quiz, Tricky Techy, Forensic , App development organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- R.Nivetha from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Tricky Techy, Brain war organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- K.Tharanya from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Tricky Techy, Media slice organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- R.Hemapriya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Tricky Techy, Media slice, Forensic , app development organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- Sunil kumar Reddy asam from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Business Quiz, Media slice, Trichy techy organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- S.Shiny Fatima from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Kaviarangam, Codemash organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- V.Harish from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz, India Forensics, App development organized by by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- K.Gokula kannan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Geek in, Kaviarangam,Tech hunt, Code mash organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- B.Anushya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event IndiaQuiz, App development, Forensics organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- T.Karthika from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Kaviarangam, Techhunt, Best Manager organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12-02.2015 to 14.02.2015.
- P.Rathiga & V.Nithya from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Multimedia organized by NSN college of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 07.02.2015.
- Sunilkumar Reddy asam S.Priyadharasan, S.Vignesh & S.Ranjeth from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Gamings, connections, exterminators, idea arena, cerebrum test, surprise event organized by Karpagam College Of Engineering, Coimbatore on 07.02.2015.
- J.Kiruthiga muthulakshmi & S.Logeshwari from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Gamings, connections, exterminators, idea arena, cerebrum test, surprise event organized by Karpagam College Of Engineering, Coimbatore on 07.02.2015.
- S.Kannan, M.Rohini & M.Sarangi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Connuxion organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 05.02.2015.
- V.Harish from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Black Trek organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 24.01.2015
- V.Harish from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Code Race organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 24.01.2015
- K.Gokula krishannan & P.H.Gokulan from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Face of 2, Need for speed, Tatona organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 24.01.2015.
- K.Tharanya & U.K.Tharani from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Word maestro organized by KG college of Arts & Science, Coimbatore on 10.01.2015.
- L.Suji priya & M.Umira from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Web designing, code crack, matrixano organized by Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Kancheepuram on 11.10.2014.
- E.Manoj kumar & N.Kaviarasan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Multimedia presentation organized by AVS Engineering college, Namakkal on 24.09.2014.
- P.H.Gokulan & V.Harish from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Reverse coding organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore on 26 & 28.09.2014
- K.Tharanya & A.Archana devi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- U.K.Tharani & A.Kiruthika from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- S.Elakkiya & V.Karthika from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- M.Rohini & M.Sarangi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- V.Partiban & D.Sridevi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- R.Jagen & E.Monisha from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- E.G.Anu rag & A.Enoch Kingston from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- K.T.Guru raj & S.Kannan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- R. Tamilselvi, M.Kanagaraj, G.Manoj kumar & S.Shiny Fatima from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- M.Oviya, K.Sham, P.Iswarya & M.Anusaa from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- A.Ram Prabhu, K.Magitha, D.Hema snegha, J.Kiruthiga muthulakshmi from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- R.Sushma, R.P.Surya Prabha, S.Vinothini, R.Jagen & A.Enivayan from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- R.Roshan Farzana from III year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Quiz organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2014.
- P.Iswarya, R.Saranya, from II year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Presenting a Talk organized by ICTACT 2014 on 0508.2014 to 06.08.2014
- N.Sangamithra, K.Sakthi Tharshini & N.Shamyutha from IV year Computer Science and Engineering department has participated in the event Presenting a Talk organized by ICTACT 2014 on 0508.2014 to 06.08.2014