centre for creativity
CFC in Professional Practice is a unique collaboration between leading researchers and academics from all of City. This centre is undertaken interdisciplinary research, teaching and knowledge transfer in creativity and innovation. Its growing focus on enterprise and on leadership in creativity and innovation make SNS a natural new host. The centre also investigates the phenomenon of creativity and how to lead and support it in professional practice. We treat creative leadership and problem solving as critical skills that can be learned and supported with the cutting-edge frameworks, processes techniques and digital tools that are developed by the Centre and underpinned by interdisciplinary theories and models.
Student Industry Projects
google citations
SNS Creative Hub
research fund GENERATION
- A Seed Money of Rs.7000/- sanctioned by SNS Institutions for development Mobile App on EC_Signup – Records Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities at SNSCE.
- Mr.I.Gugan and Mr.N.Thillaiarasu, Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science and Engineering submitted Workshop Proposal on “Artificial Intelligence” to Center for Faculty Development, Anna University, Chennai.
- Dr.C.Kalaiarasan and Mr.S.Ranjithkumar, Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science and Engineering submitted Workshop Proposal on “Design and analysis of Algorithm” to Center for Faculty Development Anna University, Chennai.
- Dr.C.Kalaiarasan, Mr.N.Thillaiarasu, Mr.R.Ashok Kumar, Mr.S.Ranjith Kumar, Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science and Engineering submitted a Seminar Proposal on Data Science in the Cognitive Era to ISRO agency during the month of March 2017.
- Mr.K.Aravindhan, Mr.N.Thillaiarasu, Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Project Proposal on Bio-Inspired clustering optimization in Big Data to SERB funding agency during the Month of March 2017.
- Mr.D.Jebakumar Immanuel, Mr.P.Baskaran, Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science and Engineering submitted a National Seminar on Big Data and Analytics in Emergency Management to SERB funding agency during the month of March 2017.
- Dr.C.Kalaiarasan , Dean-CSE and Mr.K.Arun Kumar, AP-CSE, submitted a proposal for A National Level Technical Symposium on E-Wastage Management to the Government of India, Ministry of Earth Sciences during the month of April 2017.
- Dr.C.Kalaiarasan , Dean-CSE and Mr.K.Arun Kumar, AP-CSE, submitted a proposal for National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing Science (NCETCS’18) to the Indian Council of Social Science Research, Hydrebad during the month of April 2017.
- Mr.N.Thillaiarasu and Mr.I.Gugan, AP-CSE, submitted a Seminar Proposal on Data Science in Cognitive Era to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi during the month of April 2017.
product development
- Dharnesh. B from II cse developed a product " Stack Verification " With the guidance of prof. F. Margret Sharmila SNSCE during 2.07.2019 to 14.12.2019
- Ms.F.Margret Sharmila, AP-CSE, R.Jagan and M.Karthikesh of IV B.E CSE designed and deployed the website for Student’s Feedback on Theory subjects for Department of Computer Science and Engineering during the month of November 2016.
- Mr.M.Kaviyarasan, IV B.E CSE project abstract was shortlisted among 2000 abstracts for Young Scientist Innovation conducted by India International Science Festival (IISF), New Delhi and presented a poster presentation on “Go Bus” under the theme of Digital India on 09th December 2016.
- L.B.Annapoorna from III CSE engage in a industry project on “Mobile Application Development For Healthcare Using Kivy Python Framework” in association with M/S. Dhanvi Info Tech, by industry mentor Mr.D.Gautham Charavathy, during the time period from 05.12.2019 to 21.12.2019.
- Anusa TS from IV CSE engage in a industry project on “Enterprise E-Commerce Application Building Using Java” in association with M/S. Dhanvi Info Tech, by industry mentor Mr.D.Gautham Charavathy, during the time period from 05.12.2019 to 21.12.2019.
- Ms.T.S.Anusa received the award “Dr APJ ABDUL KALAM BEST STUDENT AWARD” for Computer Science and Engineering organized by Bose Science Society, Pudukkottai at 9th National Conference on Natural Sciences & Award Presentation Ceremony on 24th August 2019 (Saturday) at Pushkaram College of Agriculture Sciences, Pudukkottai.
- Mr.K.Aravindhan AP/CSE, and Ms.M.Bhagavathi Priya AP/ECE mentored 7 Students from III B.E., CSE of SNSCE and participated in Technoxian’19, World Robotic Championship on Fast Line Follower Robot Events held at Thiyagaraj Indoor Stadium in New Delhi on 23rd to 25th September 2019.
- Ms.K.Kalaiselvi, AP/CSE and Mr.E.P.Prakash, AP/CSE had presented a research proposal on “Efficient Oil Spill Removal Using Non-Oleophilic Skimmer Method in Marine Water” at Life Science Incubator – IKP Knowledge Park Genome Valley Hyderabad during 6th and 7th March 2018 and awaiting results for fund sanction to develop the minimal viable prototype.
- K.Aravindhan AP/CSE received the award “Dr APJ ABDUL KALAM BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD” for Computer Science and Engineering organized by Bose Science Society, Pudukkottai at 9th National Conference on Natural Sciences & Award Presentation Ceremony on 24th August 2019 (Saturday) at Pushkaram College of Agriculture Sciences, Pudukkottai.
- Ms. N.Jayanthi, ASP/CSE, worked for a consultancy project for 6 months and created a website for Adhieswaran Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Erode. As a part of consultancy, they received Rs. 10000 for the website creation.