department of civil engineering
student development ACTIVitiES
Various number of student development activities are constantly being practiced in each classrooms, enforced by our Center of Learning and Teaching.

Crash Courses

Hindi Coaching

Onsite Teaching
Peer Group Learning
Student Development Programme

Management Games

Industrial Guest Lecture

Group Discussion
Remote Sensing Nodal Centre
SNS Course ware (E-Resource)
demo models
We practice different modes of classroom presentation and demonstration to increase student engagement. Demonstrations helps students' to understand the underlying concepts better. Our faculty community continuously encourages the students to learn and help creating a demo model, which gives them hands on experience and practical learning.
case study
Naturally, students are more inductive than deductive, they learn better from examples than from logic. So, we believe the use of case studies is a very effective classroom technique. Students will be provided with an industrial case study linked with the concept or subject, where the students got to explore how their learning are applied in the real world situations. This helps the students to actively engage in figuring out the principles from the examples.
- Ms.V.Priya , Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and her team provided a solution of SMART SHOES for NLC Pvt Limited. People who are working in mining industry are risking their lives as they work deep under the ground where there are many factors of disasters. We also came across many cases where the people in mining industry are affected. So we took this as our problem statement and came across various ideas. We tried different ideas and in those we finalized an idea in which the miner wears the safety shoe which is installed with GPS and a battery which is rechargeable using piezoelectric cells at various pressure points so it helps to keep battery alive and so tracking them easily. We will create an application which helps to keep track of those workers in a closed environment of their site. We also planned in adding ID feature which will help in the check-in and check-out of the worker inside the site. In this project we took NLC as our primary area for this solution. This Smart Shoes will help enhance the safety of worker and also effeciency of the company.
- Ms.R.Muthuminal , Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and her Team provided a solution of ECA Software for Swarnam and Co Company.Estimation and cost analysis software is created to solve the important problem in managing the material wastage at the construction field. This empathy was identified after researching several construction site of construction companies. Our project mainly deals with the provision of solution to the problem identified. In order reduce this problem and the deviation of material usage which was mentioned before while doing estimation of the ongoing projects at the company. Due to the deviation in the material usage leads to huge loss to the company. In order to reduce this, We have provided a solution in the form of software named ECA. Our project has a facility to manage a database over the material usage at the site with respect day to ay cycle which could be manage and viewed by any person at a company.
- Ms.T.Subitha, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and her team provided a solution of Crack Prevention in Buildings.The prevention of the cracks in the building and effective ventilation of the building the crack was created by the root in the foundation is also prevented without affecting the trees, then with the help of bottles providing the ventilation to the building.Now a days in lot of houses in day time also we are using light this leads to the wastages of electricity due to the lack of ventilation so we try to solve this problem. Cracks in the building are now common in all buildings especially in beam and column joints, stepped stair case, foundation etc., so inorder to fix these defaults some remedial action are to be taken (1)By providing vent holes above the lintel level then gapes are filled with the bottles which gives both ventilation and aesthetic look to the house.
- Mr.N.Shanmugasundaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and his team provided a solution of Re-ternal Material (Re Soul).In an effort to reduce waste and increase recycling, industry leaders, counties, cities and technology companies are rolling out a number of innovative and informative mobile apps. These apps allow users to manage their waste and recycling, find nearby locations for pick-up, discover industry news and insights and increase their knowledge about where items should go to avoid landfill buildup. It’s a user friendly app which can be used for all type of waste materials in construction for recycling process.
- Ms.R.Priya, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and his team provided a solution for water stagnation in road pavements. Rain is one of asphalt's worst enemies. If the asphalt has not been sealed by new construction, or some sort of pavement preservation technique, there are likely cracks in the roadway. As water penetrates the asphalt, water enters the base material under the asphalt. This weakens the asphalt and reduces the load capacity of the underlayer. This causes depressions in the asphalt. As traffic drives over the weakened area, the asphalt begins to crack and a pothole is formed. This continues until the maintenance crews can get out to repair it. Maintenance crews are not likely to go out and repair these areas when it is raining. They want a clean dry surface to place the cold patch of asphalt in to the patch. The asphalt is generally used as a quick fix to fill the pothole. A good repair would be to remove the asphalt from the damaged area and rework the base material and repave it. If this were old material, it is likely that the rain will enter the bad spots.The one of the solution for this problem is to provide geosynthetic road pavement and geosynthetic drainage system.
mini projects
Project-based learning is an instructional approach, which helps the students in developing knowledge and skills by engaging in projects and solving real world challenges/problems. We practice project based learning by encouraging the students to do minimum two mini project per semester. Students are progressively taking up the tasks and projects to pad up their skill-set.