Department of Civil Engineering
faculty development
To strengthen the horizon of teaching learning process by mutual transformation of thoughts, ideas and experiences and to update teachers about the advancements in teaching-learning process including latest approaches, tools and techniques. Our Faculty members are continuously encouraged to upgrade their skills by taking up online courses or involving faculty development programmes.
NPtel/mooc courses
faculty development programme

- Ms.R.Priya, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Architecting Smart IoT Devices” conducted by EIT Digital through Coursera
- Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Introduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems” conducted by University of California, Irvine through Coursera
- Ms.R.Priya Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “AI for Everyone” conducted by Deep Learning.ai through Coursera
- Ms.V.Priya, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Introduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems” conducted by University of California, Irvine through Coursera
- Mr.N.Shanmugasundaram, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” conducted by University of London through Coursera
- Mr.N.Shanmugasundaram, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and AR Core” conducted by Day Dream through Coursera
- Ms.S.Chitra, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “AI for Everyone” conducted by Deep Learning.ai through Coursera
- Mr.Ganesh Kumar.P, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “AI for Everyone” conducted by Deep Learning.ai through Coursera
- Mr.Ganesh Kumar.P, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Introduction and Programming with IoT Boards” conducted by POSTECH through Coursera
- Ms.T.Subitha, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Introduction to Augmented Reality and AR Core” conducted by Google AR & VR through Coursera
- Ms.T.Subitha, Assistant Professor of Civil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Introduction to Virtual Reality" conducted by University of London through Coursera
- Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Examination Reforms” conducted by All India Council for Technical Education
- Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on “Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers- SDOF System” conducted by Prof.Satyaki Roy from IIT Kanpur.
- Mr.Shanmugasundaram.N, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Advanced Topics in te Science and Technology of Concrete” conducted by Prof.Andrew Thangaraj from IIT Madras.
- Ms.D.Geetha, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course on “Advanced Topics in te Science and Technology of Concrete” conducted by Prof.Andrew Thangaraj from IIT Madras.
- Ms.S.Jenefa, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on “Electronic Waste Management- Issues and Challenges” conducted by Prof.Ardijit Goswami from IIT Karagpur.
- Faculty Developemnt Programme on "Empoweirng Nation Builders" by Dr.D.Vijayalakshmi, Department of Civil Engineering from SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore was conducted from 23rd Nov 2017 to 25th Nov 2017. Around 16 members from the faculty community benefited from the session.
- Faculty Developemnt Programme on "Resaearch opportunities in Environmental Engineering " by Department of Civil Engineering from SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore was conducted from 27th Jan 2018. Around 16 members from the faculty community benefited from the session.
- Faculty Developemnt Programme on "Prestressed Concrete" by Dr.D.Vijayalakshmi, Professor and Head of the Department from SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore was conducted from 16th July 2014 to 18th July 2014. Around 40 members from the faculty community benefited from the session.
- Organized a Faculty Developement Programme on “How to Counsel and mentoring the student?” by Dr. A. Velumani, Prof. & Head of Civil Engineering Department from SNS College of Engineering on 2nd July, 2018.
- Organized Three Days Faculty Developement Programme on “Empowering National Builders” by International Trainers Mr. K. R. Dhamodharan, Mr. P. Mohan and Team from Corporate & Vyakthi Vikas Kendra between 23rd to 25th Nov, 2017.
- Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Effective Online Teaching Methods” organized by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 8th June 2020 to 13th June 2020
- Ms.V.Priya, Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Impact of COVID'19 on Higher Education Institution's Challenges and Responses" Organised by Hindusthan College of Arts and Science from 16th May 2020 to 22nd May 2020
- Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Effective and Instructive Research” organized by SONA College of Technology, Salem from 4th May 2020 to 10th May 2020
- Mr.P.Ganeshkumar, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on "R- Programming " Organised by Indo Global Group of College, Chandigar from 27th April 2020 to 1st May 2020
- Mr.P.Ganeshkumar, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Recent trends in Biomedical Engineering – Research perspective " Organised by RMD College from 11th May 2020 to 12th May 2020
- "Mr.P.Ganeshkumar, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on ""Improving Your Research
- Visibility – Research Impacts and Metrics "" Organised by Vellalar IET, Erode from 11th May 2020 to 13th May 2020"
- Mr.P.Ganeshkumar, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Innovation to academics " Organised by Ramacandra College of Engineering,Andra Pradesh from 11th May 2020 to 16th May 2020
- Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Short Term Training Programme on “Advances in Construction Technology and its Technologies” organized by University of Malaya, Malaysia from 23rd Jan 2020 to 30th Jan 2020.
- Mr.N.Shanmugasundaram, Assistant Professor of Civil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Structural Analysis II” organized by PSGiTech, Coimbatore from 24th Nov 2019 to 30th Nov 2019
- Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering " organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem from 18th Nov 2019 to 23rd Nov 2019.
- Ms.Abinaya Rajakumari R, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Programme Monitoring Office- IEDP " organized by Anna university Regional Campus, Coimbatore from 13th Dec 2017 to 15th Dec 2017.
- Dr.A.Velumani, Professor and Head of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Civil and Structural Engg " organized by RMK Engineering College from 21st Dec 2017 to 23rd Dec 2017.
- Ms.Priya.R, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Design and construction of Sustainable pavements " organized by NIT Trichy from 20th Nov 2017 to 24th Nov 2017.
- Mr.B.Keerthi Kumar, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Civil Engineering" organized by Kumaraguru college of Technology, Coimbatore from 16th Dec 2015 to 22nd Dec 2015.
- Ms.K.Saranya, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Civil Engineering " organized by Kumaraguru college of Technology, Coimbatore from 16th Dec 2015 to 22nd Dec 2015.
- Ms.Priya.R, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Prestressed Concrete " organized by SNS College of Engineering from 16th July 2014 to 18th July 2014.
- Ms.P. Vetri Selvi , Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Prestressed Concrete " organized by SNS College of Engineering from 16th July 2014 to 18th July 2014.
- Ms.R.Abinaya Rajakumari, Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Prestressed Concrete " organized by SNS College of Engineering from 16th July 2014 to 18th July 2014.
- Mr.P. Mathevan , Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Prestressed Concrete " organized by SNS College of Engineering from 16th July 2014 to 18th July 2014.
- Ms.P. Vetri Selvi , Assistant Professor of CIvil Department attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Foundation engineering " organized by Centre for faculty development, Anna university from 16th June 2014 to 23rd June 2014.
- A Webinar on "Journal Artcile Preparation" by Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 30-4-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Water Resource Management for Environment" by Ms.V.Priya, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 1-5-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Cement Productions" by Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 7-5-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Clarity in Chaos-'I' 2.0" by Mr.Ganesh Kumar.P, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 7-5-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Green Products in Green Built Environment" by Ms.V.Priya, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 8-5-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Sustainable Cement" by Ms.R.Priya, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 9-5-2020. Around 20 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Construction of Special Structures" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 9-5-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Gearing up for the Future Construction Industry" by Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 15-5-2020. Around 40 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Introduction to IPR" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 15-5-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Prefabricated Structures" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 18-5-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "An Overview of Elevated and Underground Metros" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 20-5-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Campus to Corporate" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, & Mr.P.Ganesh kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 21-5-2020. Around 20 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Design of Liquid Retaining Structures" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 23-5-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Costing System in Organisations" by Ms.V.Priya, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 23-5-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Opening for Civil Engineers" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 25-5-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Quality Assurance in Construction Industry" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, & Mr.P.Ganesh kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 28-5-2020. Around 20 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Construction Sequence of underground MRT Station" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, & Mr.P.Ganesh kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 30-5-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "HOW TO CRACK GATE 2021" by Ms.R.Priya, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 1-6-2020. Around 20 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "DATA ANALYTICS" by Ms.R.Priya, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 4-6-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Scope for historical Construction materials in developing green building Technology" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 5-6-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "What Creates a Career Path" by Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 6-6-2020. Around 35 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "International Construction Procurement Management and Tendering" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 9-6-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Future Scopes with Current trends in Civil and Mechanical Engineering" by Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 11-6-2020. Around 30 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on " Corrosion Behaviour of Ternary Blended Reinforced Cement Concrete" by Mr.P.Selvaraj Kumar, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 12-6-2020. Around 25 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.
- A Webinar on "Linking molecular and continuum mechanics with application to biomimetic nanomaterials and advanced materials" by Ms.R.Muthuminal, Assistant Professor from SNS College of Engineering , Coimbatore was conducted on 19-6-2020. Around 35 members from the faculty and students community benefited from the session.