events organized
The scope of Programs being organized are in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas related to the topic. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate.
Indian Geotechnical Society Student Chapter, SNS College of Engineering was inaugurated on 07th February 2019 by the Chief Guest Dr.P.D.Arumairaj, Chairman, Indian Geotechnical Society Coimbatore Chapter and Dr.R.Guberan, Professor, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences. The objective of this chapter was to encourage the establishments of various Indian and International Civil Engineering societies, and stressing the importance of student chapters that provides a good platform for the overall improvement of students technical skills.

National/International Conference
- Department of Civil Engineering conducted a National Conference on "Software Development in Highway Department" on 12th March, 2015. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Guests, Er.G.Manuneethi, (Divisional Engineer), National Highways, Coimbatore, Mr.Harish Prathan.G (Managing Director), MaxCADD, Coimbatore and er.Muthukumaran.M (Project Associate), Indian Remote Sensing Centre, Anna University, Chennai.
S. No | Event | Participants |
3 | CODE HUNT | 12 |
4 | DRAFTRIX | 23 |
5 | FIRST LOOK | 4 |
6 | PAPERIZZA | 21 |
7 | PROJECT EXPO | 8 |
8 | TECH-CONNECT | 19 |
9 | TREASURE HUNT | 12 |
S. No | Event | Participants |
6 | BLOC BONDING | 24 |
7 | KODE CRACKING | 47 |
8 | TIPO MAKING | 20 |
9 | TREASURE HUNT | 22 |
10 | SOFTWARE DEMO | 21 |
S. No | Event | Participants |
4 | CUBO CASTING | 12 |
6 | BLOC BONDING | 69 |
7 | KODE CRACKING | 55 |
8 | TIPO MAKING | 41 |
9 | TREASURE HUNT | 87 |
10 | CAD QUEST | 73 |
S. No | Event | Participants |
4 | CUBO CASTING | 10 |
6 | BLOC BONDING | 30 |
7 | KODE CRACKING | 30 |
8 | TIPO MAKING | 25 |
- Organized one day National workshop on "Structural Forms Of Sky Scrapers" by Dr.M.P.Muthuraj,Professor, Coimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatoreon 1st Februaryr, 2018. Around 98 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day National workshop on "Recent Trends in GIS" by Dr.K.Elagovan, Assistant Professor Department Of Civil Engineering,PSG College Of Engineering,Coimbatore,1st Februaryr, 2018. Around 98 members from the student community benefited from the session."
- Organized one day workshop on "Outcome based education - Practices & Procedures" by Dr.R.Sudhakaran, Prof. & Head,Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNSCE and Dr.P.Tamilselvan, Prof. & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNSCT on 22nd June, 2018. Around 50 members from the faculty community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day seminar on "Structural Health Monitoring for Commercial & Residential buildings" by Dr. Thirumaraiselvan, Smart city consultant, Thanjavur. Associated Vice President ( Projects), HAmonShriramCottrel PVT Limited, Mumbai, India, Dr. S Rajendran, Visiting Professor, NIT Trichy, Former Chairman, Technical committee, Builders Association of India, Tamil Nadu, Er. S Vaithiyanathan, Proprietor, M/S Surya Builders, Thanjavur, Chairman, Builder Association of India, Thanjavur and Dr. G Prince Arulraj, Dean & Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore. Around 166 members from the student community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day National workshop on "Soil Investigation methods" by Dr.E.RaviProf. & Head, Dept. of Civil Engineering Vellalar College of Engg. & TechnologyThindal, Erode and Dr.S.KandasamyProf. & Dean , Dept. of Civil Engineering SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27th September, 2017. Around 110 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "Placement and Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering" by Dr.Jacob G Podipara, Associate Professor, CIT Coimbatore on 22nd July, 2016. Around 355 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- Organized one day workshop on "Energy efficient and green building" by Dr.K.P.Subramaniyan, Anna university on 12th August, 2016.Around 250 members from the Student community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day workshop on "Skills for a successful construction project manager" by Er.Shine Chinnan, Chief Structural Engineer on 12th August, 2016. Around 250 members from the student community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day workshop on "Modern Innovative Techniques In Civil Engg. Construction" by Mr.N.Raguraman and Er.Mohanakrishnan on 14th August, 2015. Around 150 members from the student community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day workshop on "Total station" by A.Samson Raj, Director of The Coimbatore Digital Survey, Coimbatore on 28th February, 2015. Around 170 members from the student community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day workshop on "Building Information Modelling Software" by A.K.Vijay, Software Trainer, HSS BIM Solutions, Chennai on 24th March, 2014.Around 50 members from the student community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day workshop on "India’s Biggest Bridge Design" by Mr.Mohammed Younus Shariff,IIT,Bombay on 18th March, 2016. Around 50 members from the student community benefitted from this session.
- Organized one day workshop on "Global Environmental Development" by Er.Balaji Perumal, ARCivate, Coimbatore on 14th August, 2015. Around 150 members from the student community benefitted from this session.
- An one day workshop on "OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION – PRACTICES & PROCEDURES" by Dr.P.Tamilselvan, Prof. & Head and Mr. T Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor from SNSCT on 22nd June, 2018. Around 20 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- An one day workshop on "STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPT)" by Dr. E. Ravi, Prof. & Head of Dept. of Civil Engineering, Vellalar College of Engg. & Technology, Thindal, Dr. S. Kandasamy, Prof. & Dean and Mr. R. T. Arjun Siva Rathan, Assistant Professor from departemnt of Civil Engineering, SNSCT on 27th Sep, 2017. Around 130 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- An one day workshop on "Structural Forms Of Sky Scrapers" by Dr. M. P. Muthuraj, Professor from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 1st Feb, 2018. Around 98 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- An one day workshop on " Recent Trends in GIS" by Dr. K. Elagovan, Assistant Professor from Department Of Civil Engineering, PSG College Of Engineering on 2nd Feb, 2018. Around 98 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- An one day workshop on "India’s Biggest Bridge Design" by Mr. Mohammed Younus Shariff, Tech Fest from IIT, Bombay on 18th March, 2016. Around 50 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- An one day workshop on "Energy Efficient and green Building" by Dr. K. P. Subramaniyan from Anna University on 12th Aug, 2016. Around 250 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- An one day workshop on "Skills for a successful construction project manager" by Er. Shine Chinnan, Chief Structural Engineer on 12th Aug, 2016. Around 250 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Research Seminar on ""Trending Software in Civil Engineering Industry"" by Mr.Ashish Dubey, Relation Manager, Head South Asia, BENTLEY SYSTEMS on 29th Aug, 2017. Around 250 members from the student community benefited from the session."
- A Research Seminar on ""Wisdom for Civil Engineers"" by Er.Sivalingam, Chief Engineer, PWD, Coimbatore on 18th Sep, 2017. Around 250 members from the student community benefited from the session."
- A Research Seminar on ""Global Project Management"" by Mr.Guru Kulandaivel, Principal, Durocon Construction Services on 20th Dec, 2017. Around 200 members from the student community benefited from the session."
- A Research Seminar on ""Vedic Mathematics"" by G.Muthukumaran,Scientist,Department of Space, ISRO on 20th Feb, 2018. Around 170 members from the student community benefited from the session"
- A Seminar on "Structural Health Monitoring for Commercial & Residential buildings" by Dr. Thirumaraiselvan, Smart city consultant, Thanjavur, Associated Vice President ( Projects) of Hamon Shriram Cottrel PVT Limited, Dr. S Rajendran, Visiting Professor from NIT (Former Chairman, Technical committee of Builders Association), Er. S Vaithiyanathan, Proprietor from M/S Surya Builders, Chairman of Builder Association of India, Thanjavur and Dr. G Prince Arulraj, Dean & Professor of Civil Engineering from Karunya University on 9th Jan, 2019. Around 166 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Seminar on "DRONES USING GIS & GPS" by Mr.ChaitanyaChandel & Mr.SabareeshRamanan from Varuni Systems, Mumbai on 27th Aug, 2018. Around 80 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Seminar on "Career Guidance in Civil Engineering" by Mr. P. Ganesh Kumar, AP/S&H from SNS College of Engineering on 30th Aug, 2018. Around 80 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Seminar on "Latest Civil Engineering Software Applications & NDT Techniques" by Mr. B. Lawrence, CEO of Aplus+ NDT, Coimbatore on 30th Aug, 2018. Around 60 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Seminar on "Trending software in Civil Engineering Industry" by Mr. Ashish Dubey, Relation Manager of Head South Asia from BENTLEY SYSTEMS on 29th Aug, 2017. Around 250 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Seminar on "Wisdom for Civil Engineers" by Er. Sivalingam, Chief Engineer from PWD, Coimbatore on 18th Sep, 2017. Around 260 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Seminar on "Global Project Management" by Mr. Guru Kulandaivel, Principal of DuroCon Construction Services on 20th Dec, 2017. Around 236 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering" by Er. S. R. SATHISHKUMAR from D.C.E., on 12th Aug, 2019. Around 90 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Power of Positive Thinking" by Dr. A Velumani, HoD of Civil from SNS College of Engineering on 13th Aug, 2019. Around 40 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "The Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering" by Dr. P D Arumairaj, Chairman of Indian Geotechnical Society, Coimbatore Chapter on 7th feb, 2019. Around 89 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Green Concrete" by Er. B. Suresh and Er. G. Veerasankar, Civil Engineergs on 11th July, 2018. Around 160 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Career Objectives in Civil Engineering" by Er. T. Thilak Ranjith, Proprietor & Principal Consultant from TR Associates on 23rd Nov, 2018. Around 188 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Career Guidance Programme" by Dr. T. Maharaja, Director of CMA Shipping Services, India on 11th July, 2018. Around 100 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Fluid kinematics and dynamics" by Mr. Gowtham from Vallavan Academy, Coimbatore on 30th Oct, 2018. Around 59 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "DESIGN OF R.C ELEMENTS" by Dr. S. Ramakrishnan, Professor from Department of Civil Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode on 6th Oct, 2017. Around 105 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "ANALYSIS OF INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES" by Dr. M. P. Muthuraj, Professor from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 5th Oct, 2017. Around 105 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Recent trends in water treatment" by Mr. T. Pradeep, Assistant Professor from Kongu Engineering College on 5th Oct, 2017. Around 105 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Precast Concrete" by Mr. B. Suresh, DGM – Technical services from Chettinad Cement Corporation Ltd. on 11th Jan, 2017. Around 250 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Design of Reinforced Concrete elements" by Dr. M. Arun, Assistant Professor from Bannari amman Institute of Technology on 8th Oct, 2016. Around 127 members from the student community benefited from the session.
- A Guest Lecture on "Structural Analysis – Energy and Consistent deformation method" by Mr. Dhanabal Dhurai, Associate Professor & Head Consulting from RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 30th Sep, 2016. Around 100 members from the student community benefited from the session.
events participated
international/national conferences

international conferences
- K.S.Kishore, V.Muthuvel and K.Gowtham has presented a technical paper entitled “Experimental Investigation of Strength properties of Self Compacting Concrete by partial replacement of Cement with Silica Fume and Coarse aggregate with Coconut shell” in the International Conference on “Emerging trends in design, Architecture and Civil Engineering” at SVS School of Architecture, Coimbatore on 5th March 2020."
- S.Krishnakanth,C.Narmatha and M.Dinesh has presented a technical paper entitled ""Investigation on the shear behavior of vertical joints between precast concrete sandwich wall panels""in the International Conference on “Emerging trends in design, Architecture and Civil Engineering” at SVS School of Architecture, Coimbatore on 5th March 2020.
national conferences
- R.Priya , 2020, ‘Experimental Investigation of Strength properties of Self Compacting Concrete by partial replacement of Cement with Silica Fume and Coarse aggregate with Coconut shell’, Proceedings of First International Conference on Emerging trends in design, Architecture and Civil Engineering at SVS School of Architecture on 05.03.2020 , Coimbatore, Tamilnadu,India"
- "1. V.Priya, 2019, ‘Study of water quality in textile industrial zone using GIS’, Proceedings of the National Conference on River Basin and Flood Risk Management at Dr.NGP College of Technology on 5th & 6th September, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India."
- "2.R.Muthuminal, 2019, ‘Treatment of textile industrial dye water using natural coagulant in Noyyal river’, Proceedings of the National Conference on River Basin and Flood Risk Management at Dr.NGP College of Technology on 5th & 6th September, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India."
- "3.R.Muthuminal, 2019, ‘Study of surrounding water quality for Mettur taluk in Salem District’, Proceedings of the National Conference on River Basin and Flood Risk Management at Dr.NGP College of Technology on 5th & 6th September, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India."
- S.Dharani, S. Pradeep,R.M. Prasanna and M.Haris Kumar from III YearCivil Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on“Recycling and Industrial Waste management for Sustainable waste management”organized by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology , Coimbatore on 01.08.2019 "
- S.Dharani, S. Pradeep,R.M. Prasanna and R.M. Prasanna from III YearCivil Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on“Recycling and Industrial Waste management for Sustainable waste management”organized by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology , Coimbatore on 01.08.2019 "
- M. Archana, R. Jyothi Kumari,F. Fenibha Aslin,S. Sangavi C. Narmatha ,N. Manikandan S. Subhashini and B.Venkatesh from III Year Civil Engineering Department has attended the Workshop on“Recycling and Industrial Waste management for Sustainable waste management”organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 08.08.2019 and 09.08.2019"
- K. Gowtham Raj,B. Bhuvanesh Bharath and K.S. Kishore from II year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on “Advanced Field Testing Techniques in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering” organized by PSG Institiute of technology and Applied research on 03.10.2019
- C. Narmatha from III year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on “E-Cell Leader”organized by Anna University Regional Campus on 29.08.2019"
- B. Bhuvanesh Bharath and S.T. Manivel from II year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on or "Introduction to CAD”organized by CADD Centre on September2019"
- K. Jegadeesh from III year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on “Regional Mentoring Session for PoC”organized by MHRD on 29.07.2019"
- M. Dushyanth ,M. Dinesh ,Fayas Ahamed and R. Naveen Prasanth from III year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on “Geotextile Reinforced Sustainable Pavements”organized by NIT,Trichy on 08.07.2019
- C. Narmatha and P.M. Powrna from III year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on “Open Soure-Geographical Information System”organized by PSG Institiute of technology and Applied research on 23.12.2019"
- S. Krishnakanth ,R. Vijay Karthikeyan,C. Vinith kumar,M. Dinesh,C. Akashraja,O. Axilin,G. Aswin,S. Dineshkumar,
- G.V. Agashvanan , A.R. Vaishnavie,K.S. Kishore,V. Muthuvel,M. Raviprakash and V. Thamilselvan,from IV,III,II year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on “Advanced construction techniques and testing methods” organized by University of Mallaya, Malaysia on 18.01.2020 to 27.01.2020"
- C.Daniel Issac, P. Balamurugan, N.R.K. Cadir Madhian, S. Dhanush kumar, S. Jeevith, R. Kapilan, M.Vikramapandian,
- S. Dharani, B. Venkatesh, S. Nithin, C.V.Ajin, S. Mohan, M.Dinesh and K.Jegadeesh Kumar from III year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on ""Regional mentoring Program for proof of concept" organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology on 29.07.2019.
- 12.M.Dinesh and C. Narmathafrom III year Civil Engineering Department has attended the workshop on ""E-Leader" organized by Anna University Regional Campus , Coimbatore on 29.08.2019 & 30.08.2019"
- "1.N.Shanmugasundaram,Ramya Krishnan and T.Subitha from Civil Engineering Department has attended the Seminar on “Green Building”organized by COCENA, Coimbatore on 18.09.2019
- 2.R.Muthuminal has attended the Short term training program on “Advances in Construction Technology and its Technologies” organized by University of Malaya, Malaysia on 18.01.2020 -27.01.2020"
- "3.V.Priya from Civil Engineering Department has attended the International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industrial Hazardous Waste Management and Bioengineering on "
Technical Events
- M.Dinesh from Civil Department secured III prize in paper presentation organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 17.11.2019.
- Nithyanantham S from Civil Department secured Special Appreciation Award in CONCAST 360 degree organized by ACCE(I), Coimbatore on 15.09.2018.
- Rahul C S from Civil Department secured Special Appreciation Award in CONCAST 360 degree organized by ACCE(I), Coimbatore on 15.09.2018.
- Ajithmon J S from Civil Department secured Special Appreciation Award in CONCAST 360 degree organized by ACCE(I), Coimbatore on 15.09.2018.
- Vignesh S from Civil Department secured Special Appreciation Award in CONCAST 360 degree organized by ACCE(I), Coimbatore on 15.09.2018.
- Ajmal Mohammed M J from Civil Department secured Special Appreciation Award in CONCAST 360 degree organized by ACCE(I), Coimbatore on 15.09.2018.
- S. Krishnakant from Iv year Civil Engineering department have participated in the event IEI organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 16.09.2019"
- A. Sangeetha, P.M.Powrna, R.M.Prasanna, S. Pradeep, M. Rajkumar, M. Nithish, J. Ramkumar, A.R. Vaishnavie, R. Vishnu, S. NeethuP.Santhiya from III year Civil Engineering department have participated in the event "Design Thinking Boot Camp" organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 01.7.2019 to 06.07.2019.
- S. Krishna Kanth, P. Santhiya and M. Dinesh from III year Civil Engineering department have participated in the event ""Indian Society for Technical Education ""organized by PSG Institute of technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore on 18.12.2019
- R. M. Prasanna, S.Pradeep, K. S. Kishore, V. Muthuvel,K.Gowthamraj,M.Dushyanth,V. Muthuvel,M.Dushyanth, S. Vijaykumar and M.Logeshfrom III year Civil Engineering department have participated in the event "Survey Hunt""organized by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology , Coimbatore on 07.02.2020.
- Sheena Catherine R and Sruthi.S from Civil Department secured I prize in paper presentation organized by Dream Zone on 15.09.2017.
- K. Aravinda Raj and E.Gnanasekar from Civil Department secured I prize in paper presentation organized by IIT – Madras on 5.01.2018.
- Ashok Kumar N.R from Civil Department secured I prize in paper presentation organized by SVS College of Engineering on 9.03.2018.
- Chandrunath N and Siddharthan R from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by SVS College of Engineering on 9.03.2018.
- P.M.Gokul nath,K.Aravinda Raj and E.Gnanasekar from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by SNS College of Engineering on 14.03.2018.
- P.M.Gokul nath,K.Aravinda Raj and E.Gnanasekar from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by SNS College of Engineering on 14.03.2018.
- A.Gunasheela and C.Abinaya from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology on 21.03.2018.
- V.Karthik and S.Nithyanantham from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology on 21.03.2018.
- Pandi R from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by SNS College of Technology,Coimbatore on 15.03.2018.
- R.Pagalavan and R.Pandi from Civil Department secured I prize in paper presentation organized by Paavai College of Technology on 02.09.2016.
- R.Pandi from Civil Department secured I prize in paper presentation organized by Coimbatore institute of Technology on 24.09.2016.
- B.V.Samuel Melbon and R.Pandi from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology on 07.03.2016.
- G.Kaviya and N.S.Anaswara from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by Karpagam Academy Of Higher Education on 17.02.2016.
- N.Chandrunath from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by Adiparasakthi Engineering College on 23.02.2015.
- D.Madhuvanthi from Civil Department secured II prize in paper presentation organized by Gnanamani College Of Engineering on 23.08.2015.
- R.Geethapriya and V.Shanmughapriya from Civil Department secured I prize in paper presentation organized by Info College Of Technology on 02.09.2015.
- J.Sanjay Kumar and V.R.Navashree from Civil Department secured I prize in paper presentation organized by M.Kumarasamy College Of Engineering on 30.08.2015.
- K.S.Kishore, V.Muthuvel participated in Paper Presentation on " Optimum oil palm shell content as coarse aggregate in concrete based on mechanical and durability properties" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 07.02.2020.
- K.S.Kishore, V.Muthuvel participated in Paper Presentation on " Energy Emission Building" in Technical Symposium organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 29.02.2020.
- G.Aswin,O. Axilin participated in Paper Presentation on " Sustainable materials in construction" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 07.02.2020.
- V. Balakrishnan, R. Aswinraj participated in Paper Presentation on " Green building" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 07.02.2020.
- G.V. Agashvanan, K. Jegadeesh Kumar participated in Paper Presentation on " Green building" in Technical Symposium organized by Info Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.02.2020.
- G.V. Agashvanan, K. Jegadeesh Kumar participated in Paper Presentation on " Green building" in Technical Symposium organized by Info Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.02.2020.
- M.Dinesh participated in Paper Presentation on " Recent trends in Civil Engineering" in Technical Symposium organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 14.02.2020.
- Dharshini.T participated in Paper Presentation on " Replacement of Fine Aggregate" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on December,2018.
- Sangeetha.A participated in Paper Presentation on " Replacement of Fine Aggregate" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on December,2018.
- Krishnakanth.S participated in Paper Presentation on " Water Retention Polyglycol concrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Dr.N.G.P institutions, Coimbatore on February,2019.
- Vijaykarthikeyan.R participated in Paper Presentation on " Water Retention Polyglycol concrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Dr.N.G.P institutions, Coimbatore on February,2019.
- Dinesh M. participated in Paper Presentation on " Water Retention Polyglycol concrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Dr.N.G.P institutions, Coimbatore on February,2019.
- Sangeetha.A participated in Paper Presentation on " Light weight brick" in Technical Symposium organized by Dr.N.G.P institutions, Coimbatore on February,2019.
- Dharshini.T participated in Paper Presentation on " Light weight brick" in Technical Symposium organized by Dr.N.G.P institutions, Coimbatore on February,2019.
- Powrna P.M. participated in Paper Presentation on " Fly ash brick Construction" in Technical Symposium organized by Dr.N.G.P institutions, Coimbatore on February,2019.
- Narmatha.C participated in Paper Presentation on " Fly ash brick Construction" in Technical Symposium organized by Dr.N.G.P institutions, Coimbatore on February,2019.
- K.B.Mythili,R.Nagaraj and Priyadharshini participated in Paper Presentation on " Textile wastewater treatment usng nanoparticles – Ideathon Talent Trap" in Technical Symposium organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 29.12.2017
- P.Sabareeswaran,P.Paramaguru and M.Suryaprakash participated in Paper Presentation on " WOLLASTONITE Concrete – Ideathon Talent Trap" in Technical Symposium organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 29.12.2017
- K.B.Mythili,R.Nagaraj and Priyadharshini participated in Paper Presentation on " Textile wastewater treatment usng nanoparticles" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 19.01.2018
- P.Sabareeswaran,P.Paramaguru and M.Suryaprakash participated in Paper Presentation on " WOLLASTONITE Concrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 19.01.2018
- P.Sabareeswaran,P.Paramaguru and M.Suryaprakash participated in Paper Presentation on " Distribution of unshuffled water distribution network" in Technical Symposium organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on 16.02.2018
- R.Abarnaa, T.Tharani participated in Paper Presentation on " Bubble Deck Technology" in Technical Symposium organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 21.02.2018
- P.Sabareeswaran,P.Paramaguru and M.Suryaprakash participated in Paper Presentation on " WOLLASTONITE Concrete " in Technical Symposium organized by Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22.02.2018
- R.Nagaraj and J.Santhosh participated in Paper Presentation on " Precast " in Technical Symposium organized by Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22.02.2018
- D.Siva,A.Sanjeev Kumar and R.Sreedhar participated in Paper Presentation on " Earthquake Resistance Building " in Technical Symposium organized by Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22.02.2018
- P.M.Gokul nath and K.Aravinda Raj participated in Paper Presentation on " Nanotechnology in wastewater treatment" in Technical Symposium organized by Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22.02.2018 - 24.02.2018
- P.M.Gokul nath,K.Aravinda Raj,R.Akshay,E.Gnanasekar and T.Jagathesh participated in Paper Presentation on " Green canvas – linking of rivers" in Technical Symposium organized by IIT – Kharagpur, on 09.03.2018 - 11.03.2018
- A.Gunasheela and C.Abinaya participated in Paper Presentation on " Mat foundation by finite element method" in Technical Symposium organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 16.03.2018
- A.Gunasheela and C.Abinaya participated in Paper Presentation on " Mat foundation by finite element method" in Technical Symposium organized by Srikrishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 17.03.2018
- T.Rajalakshmi and M.S.Dilna participated in Paper Presentation on " Steel Reinforcement replacement into Bamboo reinforcement" in Technical Symposium organized by Kalasalingam University, Coimbatore on 29.7.2016 - 30.7.2016
- R.Karthiga and B.Karthika participated in Paper Presentation on " Steel Structures" in Technical Symposium organized by Kalasalingam University, Coimbatore on 29.7.2016 - 30.7.2016
- R.Akila and R.Kaviyasindhu participated in Paper Presentation on " Green Concrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Kalasalingam University, Coimbatore on 29.7.2016 - 30.7.2016
- Vedhan. B. K and Mahendran. R participated in Paper Presentation on " Shotcrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Park College of Technology, Coimbatore on 31.8.2016 - 1.9.2016
- Vignesh. C and Venkat Krishna. H participated in Paper Presentation on " Smart City" in Technical Symposium organized by Park College of Technology, Coimbatore on 31.8.2016 - 1.9.2016
- Preetha. E and Sakthi Mythreyi. K participated in Paper Presentation on " Construction Site Safety" in Technical Symposium organized by Park College of Technology, Coimbatore on 31.8.2016 - 1.9.2016
- Rathika. R.M and Susmitha. R participated in Paper Presentation on " Concrete Technology" in Technical Symposium organized by Ramco Insititute of Technology on 19.8.2016
- R.Pandi participated in Paper Presentation on " Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Granite Waste" in Technical Symposium organized by Coimbatore institute of Technology on 24.9.2016
- R.Ranjith and Mohammed Yousuff participated in Paper Presentation on " An experimental study on partial replacement of Coarse aggregate by Granite waste" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 16.03.2016
- A.Priyanka and L.Mohanabharathi participated in Paper Presentation on " Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of RCC Structure" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 16.03.2016
- P.Sivanandhini participated in Paper Presentation on " Reuse Of Demolished Concrete In The Construction Of Village Roads" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 16.03.2016
- G.Vidhyasagar,R.Nandhakumar and H.Parthipan participated in Paper Presentation on " Breathing Concrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 16.03.2016
- R.Vignesh and A.Saravana Perumal participated in Paper Presentation on " Partial Replacement Of Egg Shell And Fly Ash As Fine Aggregate In Concrete" in Technical Symposium organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College on 16.03.2016
- B.V.Samuel Melbon and R.Pandi participated in Paper Presentation on " Steel Reinforcement Replacement Into Bamboo Reinforcement" in Technical Symposium organized by Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology on 07.03.2016
- R.Sathiyaraj and B.S.Vikkaram participated in Paper Presentation on " Remote Sensing And Gis Applications In Civil Engineeringt" in Technical Symposium organized by Kumaraguru College Of Technology on 11.02.2016
- M.Hari Priya and A.Juliet Asha participated in Paper Presentation on " Experimental Study On Partial Replacement of C.A By Granite Waste" in Technical Symposium organized by Kongu Engineering College on 05.03.2016